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題名 電視頻道忠誠度之研究
作者 黃新華
貢獻者 陳世敏
日期 1987
上傳時間 5-五月-2016 13:38:28 (UTC+8)
摘要 論文提要
參考文獻 參考書目

1. Atkin, David and Barry Litman (1986). "Network TV programming : economics, audiences and the ratings game, 1971~1986." Journal of Communication. 36, 3: 32-50.
2. Babbe, Earl R.(1973). Survey Research Methods. California: Wadsworth Publishing Compamy Inc.
3. Barwise, T.P.,A.S.C. Ehrenberg and G.J. Goodhardt (1982), "Glued to the box?: patterns of TV repeat-viewing." Journal of Communication. 32, 4: 22-29.
4. Barwise, T.P. and A.S.C. Ehrenberg(1984). "The reach of TV channels," International Journal of Research in Marketing. 1: 37-49.
5. Barwise, T.P.(1986)."Repeat-viewing of prime-time TV series." Journal of Advertising Research (Aug/Sept): 9-14.
6. Banks, S. and A.D. Kirsch (1962). "Program types defined by factor analysis." Journal of advertising Research. 2: 29-31.
7. Bauer, R.(1964). "The obstinate audience: the influence process from the point of view of social communication. "reprinted in Wilbur Schramm and Donald Roberts(eds). The Process and Effects of Mass Communication. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
8. Blumler, J.G.(1979). "The role of theory in uses and gratifications studies." Communication Research. 6: 9-36.
9. Bowman, G. M. and J. Farley (1972), "TV viewing: application of a formal choice model, " Applied Economics, 4: 245-259.
10. Bruno, Albert W. (1973), "The network factor in TV viewing," Journal of Advertising Research, 13: 33-39.
11. Darmon. R. (1976). "Determinants of TV viewing." Journal of Advertising Research, 16: 17-20.
12. Epstein, Edward Jay (1973), News from Nowhere, N.Y.: Vintage Books.
13. Frank, Ronald E., James C. Becknell and James D. Clokey (1971), "Television program types." Journal of Marketing Research. 8: 204-211.
14. Gensch, Dennis and Paul Shaman (1980), "Models of competitive television ratings." Journal of Marketing Research, 17: .307-315.
15. Gerbner, George and Larry Gross (1976), "Living with television: the violence profile." Journal of Communication. 26: 173-199.
16. Goodhardt, G.J. and A.S.C. Ehrenberg (1969). "Duplication of television viewing Between and within channels." Journal of Marketing Research. 6: 169-178.
17. Goodhardt, G.J., A.S.C. Ehrenberg and M.A. Collins (1975), The Television Audience : Patterns of Viewing. London: Saxon House.
18. Headen, Robert S., Jay E. Klompmaker and Roland T. Rust (1979). "The duplication of viewing law and television media schedule evaluation." Journal of Marketing Research. 16: 333-340.
19. Henrikson, Frank (1985), "A new model of the duplication of television viewing: a behaviorist approach, " Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. 29: 135-145.
2O. Horen, J. H. (1980), "Scheduling of network television programs," Management Science, 26, 4: 354-370.
21. Katz, E., J.G. Blumler and M. Gurevitch (1974), "Utilization of mass communication by the individual." in J.G. Blumler and E. Katz (eds.). The Uses of Mass Communication. Beverly, CA: Sage.
22. Lehwann, Donald R. (1971). "Television show preference: application of a choice model," Journal of Marketing Research, 18: 47-55.
23. Levy, Mark R. and Edward L. Fink (1984), "Home video recorders and the transience of television broadcasts," Journal of Communication. 34, 2: 56-70.
24. Lin, Nan (1976), Foundations of Social Research. New York: Mcgraw-Hill Inc.
25. Mcquail, Danis (1983). Mass Communication Theory. London: Sage.
26. Owen, Bruce M., Jack H. Beebe and Willard Manning (1974), Television Economics. Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath.
27. Pai, Ya-Long (1976), An Examination of Television Audience Measurement Method in the United States and the Republic of China. Master thesis of University of Texas at Austin.
28. Rao, Vithala R. (1975), "Taxonomy of television programs based on viewing behavior." Journal of Marketing Research, 12: 355-358.
29. Robinson, John P. (1977), How Americans Use Time. New York: Praeger.
30. Robinson, John P. (1981), "Television and leisure time: A new scenario," Journal of Communication, 31, 1: 120-131.
31. Shuchman, A. (1968), "Are there laws of consumer behavior?" Journal of Advertising Research. 8: 19-28.
32. Signorielli, Nancy (1986). "Selective television viewing: a limited possibility." Journal of Communication, 36, 3: 64-76.
33. Swanson, D. L. (1979), "The continuing Evolution of the uses and gratification approach." Communication Research, 6: 3-7.
34. Tiedge, James T. and Kenneth J. Ksobiech (1986). "The lead-in strategy for prime-time TV: Does it increase the audience?" Journal of Communication. 36, 3: 51-63.
35. Traub, James (1985), "The world according to Nielson: who watches television—and why," Channels (January /February): 26–71.
36. Wakshlag, Jacob J., Donald E. Agostino, Herbert A. Terry, Paul Driscoll and Bruce Ramsey (1983). "Television news viewing and network affilition changes." Journal of Broadcasting, 27: 53-68.
37. Wakshlag, Jacob and William Jenson Adams (1985), "Trends in program variety and the Prime time access rule." Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 29: 23-34.
38. Webster, James G. and Jacob J. Wakshlag (1982), "The impact of group viewing on patterns of television program choice." Journal of Broadcasting. 26: 445-455.
39. Webster, James G. and Jacob J. Wakshlag (1983), "A theory of television program choice." Communication Research. 10, 4: 430-446.
40. Webster, James G. (1985), "Program audience duplication: a study of television inheritance effects." Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 29, 2: 121-133.
41. Wober, J. M. (1980), Chance and Choice: Changes in the Distribution of Viewing Across Programme Types, When their Availability is Altered. London: IBA Special Report.
42. Wober, J.M. (1982), Programme Type and Audience Size: Resisting the Pull of Peaktime and Pointing Towards Ways in which Greater Choice May be used. London: IBA Special Reprot.
43. Wober, J. Mallory and Barrie Gunter (1986), "Television audience research at Britain`s Independent Broadcasting Authority, 1974-1984," Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 30, 1: 15-31.
描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002006256
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 陳世敏zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) 黃新華zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 黃新華zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 1987en_US
dc.date.accessioned 5-五月-2016 13:38:28 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 5-五月-2016 13:38:28 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 5-五月-2016 13:38:28 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) B2002006256en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/91172-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 新聞學系zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 論文提要zh_TW
dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄
第一章 緒論………1
第一節 研究動機與研究目的………1
第二節 文獻探討及研究問題………6
第二章 研究方法及步驟………17
第一節 資料蒐集過程………17
第二節 研究架構與變項測量………21
第三章 結果與分析………27
第一節 電視頻道忠誠度與相關變項之分析………27
第二節 電視節目牽引效果與相關變項之分析………56
第三節 閱聽人重複收視行為與相關變項之分析………61
第四章 結論與建議………66
第一節 結論………66
第二節 檢討與建議………72

表2-1 當前各收視率調查公司所使用的調查方法………17
表2-2 聯廣公司抽樣地區區隔表………20
表2-3 聯廣公司抽樣戶數分佈………20
表2-4 收視者基本資料分配………25
表3-1 台視週一節目的收視者在週二繼續收看的重疊率………28
表3-2 中親週一節目的收視者在週二繼續收看的重疊率………29
表3-3 華視週一節目的收現者在週二繼續收看的重疊率………30
表3-4 重疊率預測值與實際重疊率之比較(台視) ………33
表3-5 重疊率預測值與實際重疊率之比較(中視) ………34
表3-6 重疊率預測值與實際重疊率之比較(華親) ………35
表3-7 台視週一節目的收視者在週三繼續收看的重疊率………38
表3-8 中視週一節目的收視者在週三繼續收看的重疊率………39
表3-9 華視週一節目的收視者在週三繼續收看的重疊率………40
表3-10 台視週一節目的收視者在隔週週一繼續收看的重疊率………41
表3-11 中視週一節目的收視者在隔週週一繼續收看的重疊率………42
表3-12 華視週一節目的收視者在隔週週一繼續收看的重疊率………43
表3-13 台視週五節目的收視者繼續收看週日節目的重疊率………45
表3-14 中視週五節目的收視者繼續收看週日節目的重疊率………46
表3-15 華視週五節目的收視者繼續收看週日節目的重疊率………47
表3-16 台視→中視:週一台視觀眾收看週二中視節目的傾向………49
表3-17 台視→華視:週一台視觀眾收看週二華視節目的傾向………51
表3-18 中視→台視:週一中視觀眾收看週二台視節目的傾向………52
去3-19 中視→華視:週一中視觀眾收看週二華視節目的傾向………53
去3-20 華視→台視:週一華視觀眾收看週二台視節目的傾向………54
表3-21 華視→中親:週一華視觀眾收看週二中視節目的傾向………55
表3-22 台視同一天頻道收視者重疊率的觀察值與預測值之比較………58
去3-23 中視同一天頻道收視者重疊率的觀察值與預測值之比較………59
支3-24 收看台視一週節目的觀眾次數分配比例………63
表3-25 收看中視一週節目的觀眾次數分配比例………63
表3-26 收看華視一週節目的觀眾次數分配比例………64
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002006256en_US
dc.title (題名) 電視頻道忠誠度之研究zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 參考書目

1. Atkin, David and Barry Litman (1986). "Network TV programming : economics, audiences and the ratings game, 1971~1986." Journal of Communication. 36, 3: 32-50.
2. Babbe, Earl R.(1973). Survey Research Methods. California: Wadsworth Publishing Compamy Inc.
3. Barwise, T.P.,A.S.C. Ehrenberg and G.J. Goodhardt (1982), "Glued to the box?: patterns of TV repeat-viewing." Journal of Communication. 32, 4: 22-29.
4. Barwise, T.P. and A.S.C. Ehrenberg(1984). "The reach of TV channels," International Journal of Research in Marketing. 1: 37-49.
5. Barwise, T.P.(1986)."Repeat-viewing of prime-time TV series." Journal of Advertising Research (Aug/Sept): 9-14.
6. Banks, S. and A.D. Kirsch (1962). "Program types defined by factor analysis." Journal of advertising Research. 2: 29-31.
7. Bauer, R.(1964). "The obstinate audience: the influence process from the point of view of social communication. "reprinted in Wilbur Schramm and Donald Roberts(eds). The Process and Effects of Mass Communication. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
8. Blumler, J.G.(1979). "The role of theory in uses and gratifications studies." Communication Research. 6: 9-36.
9. Bowman, G. M. and J. Farley (1972), "TV viewing: application of a formal choice model, " Applied Economics, 4: 245-259.
10. Bruno, Albert W. (1973), "The network factor in TV viewing," Journal of Advertising Research, 13: 33-39.
11. Darmon. R. (1976). "Determinants of TV viewing." Journal of Advertising Research, 16: 17-20.
12. Epstein, Edward Jay (1973), News from Nowhere, N.Y.: Vintage Books.
13. Frank, Ronald E., James C. Becknell and James D. Clokey (1971), "Television program types." Journal of Marketing Research. 8: 204-211.
14. Gensch, Dennis and Paul Shaman (1980), "Models of competitive television ratings." Journal of Marketing Research, 17: .307-315.
15. Gerbner, George and Larry Gross (1976), "Living with television: the violence profile." Journal of Communication. 26: 173-199.
16. Goodhardt, G.J. and A.S.C. Ehrenberg (1969). "Duplication of television viewing Between and within channels." Journal of Marketing Research. 6: 169-178.
17. Goodhardt, G.J., A.S.C. Ehrenberg and M.A. Collins (1975), The Television Audience : Patterns of Viewing. London: Saxon House.
18. Headen, Robert S., Jay E. Klompmaker and Roland T. Rust (1979). "The duplication of viewing law and television media schedule evaluation." Journal of Marketing Research. 16: 333-340.
19. Henrikson, Frank (1985), "A new model of the duplication of television viewing: a behaviorist approach, " Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. 29: 135-145.
2O. Horen, J. H. (1980), "Scheduling of network television programs," Management Science, 26, 4: 354-370.
21. Katz, E., J.G. Blumler and M. Gurevitch (1974), "Utilization of mass communication by the individual." in J.G. Blumler and E. Katz (eds.). The Uses of Mass Communication. Beverly, CA: Sage.
22. Lehwann, Donald R. (1971). "Television show preference: application of a choice model," Journal of Marketing Research, 18: 47-55.
23. Levy, Mark R. and Edward L. Fink (1984), "Home video recorders and the transience of television broadcasts," Journal of Communication. 34, 2: 56-70.
24. Lin, Nan (1976), Foundations of Social Research. New York: Mcgraw-Hill Inc.
25. Mcquail, Danis (1983). Mass Communication Theory. London: Sage.
26. Owen, Bruce M., Jack H. Beebe and Willard Manning (1974), Television Economics. Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath.
27. Pai, Ya-Long (1976), An Examination of Television Audience Measurement Method in the United States and the Republic of China. Master thesis of University of Texas at Austin.
28. Rao, Vithala R. (1975), "Taxonomy of television programs based on viewing behavior." Journal of Marketing Research, 12: 355-358.
29. Robinson, John P. (1977), How Americans Use Time. New York: Praeger.
30. Robinson, John P. (1981), "Television and leisure time: A new scenario," Journal of Communication, 31, 1: 120-131.
31. Shuchman, A. (1968), "Are there laws of consumer behavior?" Journal of Advertising Research. 8: 19-28.
32. Signorielli, Nancy (1986). "Selective television viewing: a limited possibility." Journal of Communication, 36, 3: 64-76.
33. Swanson, D. L. (1979), "The continuing Evolution of the uses and gratification approach." Communication Research, 6: 3-7.
34. Tiedge, James T. and Kenneth J. Ksobiech (1986). "The lead-in strategy for prime-time TV: Does it increase the audience?" Journal of Communication. 36, 3: 51-63.
35. Traub, James (1985), "The world according to Nielson: who watches television—and why," Channels (January /February): 26–71.
36. Wakshlag, Jacob J., Donald E. Agostino, Herbert A. Terry, Paul Driscoll and Bruce Ramsey (1983). "Television news viewing and network affilition changes." Journal of Broadcasting, 27: 53-68.
37. Wakshlag, Jacob and William Jenson Adams (1985), "Trends in program variety and the Prime time access rule." Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 29: 23-34.
38. Webster, James G. and Jacob J. Wakshlag (1982), "The impact of group viewing on patterns of television program choice." Journal of Broadcasting. 26: 445-455.
39. Webster, James G. and Jacob J. Wakshlag (1983), "A theory of television program choice." Communication Research. 10, 4: 430-446.
40. Webster, James G. (1985), "Program audience duplication: a study of television inheritance effects." Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 29, 2: 121-133.
41. Wober, J. M. (1980), Chance and Choice: Changes in the Distribution of Viewing Across Programme Types, When their Availability is Altered. London: IBA Special Report.
42. Wober, J.M. (1982), Programme Type and Audience Size: Resisting the Pull of Peaktime and Pointing Towards Ways in which Greater Choice May be used. London: IBA Special Reprot.
43. Wober, J. Mallory and Barrie Gunter (1986), "Television audience research at Britain`s Independent Broadcasting Authority, 1974-1984," Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 30, 1: 15-31.