題名 政治反對 : 菲律賓個例之研究 作者 周柏雅 貢獻者 江炳倫
周柏雅日期 1986 上傳時間 5-五月-2016 16:31:20 (UTC+8) 參考文獻 參考資料 甲、中文部份 1王健壯,「消逝的黃色民主颶風?」(中國時報,民國七十五年二月十七日,第二版);「馬可仕的一念之間」(中國時報,民國七十五年二月十八日,第二版)。 2石佛,「菲律賓軍法政府面臨挑戰」,憲政思潮,(五十二期,民國六十九年十二月)。 3江炳倫,「政治失序的夢魘」,參與、開放、互信(台北:時報文化出版事業,民國七十四年三月卅日)。 4江炳倫,「艾奎諾永遠活在菲人的心中」,參與、開放、互信(同上)。 5江炳倫,政治發展的理論,(台北:商務印書館,民國六十八年六月,四版)。 6江炳倫,「談政黨與政治發展」,政治學論叢,(台北:華欣學術叢書,民國六十四年三月版)。 7江炳倫,「菲律賓的政治文化」手稿。 8江炳倫,「從菲國歷史文化看菲國政局」(中國時報,民國七十五年二月廿五日,第二版)。 9江炳倫,「菲國政局將如何善後」(中國時報,民國七十五年二月廿六日,第二版)。 10江炳倫,「馬可仕二十年的功過」(聯合報,民國七十五年二月廿七日,第三版)。 11江炳倫,「從菲律賓大選看新興國家實行民主的困厄」(中國時報,民國七十五年二月六日,第二版)。 12江炳倫、張世賢、陳鴻瑜合譯,轉變中社會的政治秩序,(台北:黎明文化事業,民國七0年六月版)。 13朱堅章主譯,柯麗卿、趙知廉合譯,民主政治,第九章:「在野黨」,(台北:幼獅文化事業公司,民國六十七年一月版)。 14李國雄,「馬可仕專擅統治與菲律賓政治危機」(中國時報,民國七十五年二月廿五日,第三版)。 15李國雄,「菲國新政府動向蠡測」(中國時報,民國七十五年二月廿六日,第二版)。 16呂亞力,「菲律賓民主失敗的教訓」(聯合報,民國七十五年二月廿四日,第二版)。 17何曉東編著,菲律賓古代近代史,(台北:三民書局,民國六十五年初版)。 18許倬雲,「從馬可仕下台說起」(聯合報,民國七十五年三月十六日,第二版)。 19陳烈甫,馬可仕治下的菲律賓,(台北:商務印書館,民國七十二年十二月初版)。 20陳烈甫,菲律賓與中菲關係,(香港:南洋研究出版社,民國四十四年一月初版)。 21陳烈甫,菲律賓民治制度的理論與實際,(台北:正中書局,民國五十八年八月台初版)。 22陳烈甫,虎克騷亂與社會改革,(台北:正中書局,民國六0年九月台初版)。 23陳鴻瑜,菲律賓的政治發展,(台北:商務印書館,民國六十九年十二月初版)。 24陳鴻瑜,政治發展理論,(台北:桂冠圖書公司,民國七十一年十月版)。 25陳鴻瑜,「馬可仕續掌菲律賓國政」,問題與研究,(第二十卷,第十期,民國七0年七月)。 26陳鴻瑜,「馬可仕政權面臨艱苦挑戰」,時報雜誌,(第二0一期,民國七十二年十月五日~十二日)。 27恩格爾等著,張明貴譯,意識型態與現代政治,(台北:桂冠圖書公司,民國七0年三月版)。 28黃昭弘,「尼布爾政治思想中權力觀念的分析」,載於政治學論叢,(台北:聯經,民國六十九年一月初版)。 乙、英文部份 1 Asian almanac, 1981 . 2 Asia And South Pacific Current Affairs Imformation Service about Philippinen. 3 Asiaweek, Feb. 10, 1978; April 21, 1978 ; April 28, 1978 April 21, 1978 ; January 25, 1980 September 12, 1980; June 27, 1980 April 17, 1981 ; May 15, 1981; May 7, 1982; May 21, 1982; March 12, 1982 ; July 8, 1983 ; March 25, 1983 February 10, 1984 ; March 16, 1984 April 13, 1984 ; December 6, 1985 ; January 12, 1986 ; January 26. 1986 February 2, 1986 ; February 23, 1986 March 2, 1986. 4 Jose Veloso Abueva and Raul P。 de Guzman (eds), Foundations and Dynamics of Filipino Govement and Politics (Manila: The Bookmark, Inc., 1969). 5 Jose Veloso Abueva, Ramon Magsaysay, A Political Biography ( Manila : Solidaridad Publishing House, 1971 ). 6 Eufronio M, ALip, Political and Cultural Hitory of the Philippines I. ( Manila : ALip & Sons, Inc, 1967 ) . 7 David E. Apter," Some Reflection on the Role of a Political Opposition in New Nations "in David E. Apter, Some Conceptural Approaches to the Study of Modernization, ( Englewood Cliff, N.J.:Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1968 ). 8 Belinda A. Aquino, "The Philippines Under Marcos" Current History , ( April, 1982 ) . 9 Uldarico S. Baclagon, Philippine Campaigns ( Manila: Craphic House, 1952 ). 10 Arther S. Banks and William Overstreet ( eds.) , Political Handbook of the World," Philippines",(Mcgraw-Hill Book Company, 1983 ), P.388. 11 Rodney Barker(ed.), Studies in Opposition, ( London: Macmillan Press, 1971 ) . 12 Ian Buruma, " Bishops in open defiance " FE ER, Feb. 27, 1986. Onofer D. Corpuz, The Philippines (Englewood Cliffs: New Jersey,Prentice-Hill,Inc. 1965) . 13 Hans Daalder, " Government and Opposition in the New States " Government and Opposittion ( Vol. 1, No.2, February, 1966 ). 14 Robert A. Dahl, " Reflections on Opposition in Western Democracies "in Government and Opposition (Vol. 1, No. 1, November, 1965). 15 Robert A. Dahl (ed. ) , Political Opposition in Western Democracies, ( New Havern: Yale University Press, 1966 ) . 16 Robert A. Dahl, Polyarchy: Participation and Opposition, (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1971 ). 17 Robert A. Dahl ( ed. ) , Regimes and Oppositions, (New Haven and London: Yale University Press , 1973 ) . 18 David Easton, The Political System, ( New York :Alfred A. Knopf , 1968 ) . 19 Facts on File, March 2, 1984 ; May 25 ,1984 February 7. 1986. 20 FBIS, February 25 ,1986; January 23,1986; January 30 , 1986 ; February 21 , 1986. 21 Jose Galang," The credibility problem" FEER, February 9, 1984. 22 Justin J. Green," Why Marcos announced the end of martial law? " Asian Though and Society : A International Review (Vol. VI, No. 16, April 1981). 23 Jean Grossholtz, Politics in the Philippines, (Boston : Little, Brown and Co. 1964 ) . 24 Carolina G. Hernandez," Constitutional Authoritarianism and the Prospects of Democracy in the Philippines" Journal of International Affairs, (Vol. 38, No.2, Winter 1985 ). 25 Chita Ionescu and Isabel de Madariga, Opposition: Past and Present of Political Institution ( C. A. Watts & Co. Ltd. 1968 ). 26 Richard J. Kessler, "Politics Philippine Style, Circa 1984" Asian Survey, (December, 1984 ). 27 Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, "Democratic Elections and Democratic Govermrent " , World Affairs, (Vol .147, No. 2 , Fa1l, 1984) . 28 Jutus M. van der Kroef, " The Philippines The Cost of Phasing Out Marcos" in Asian Thought and Society : An International Review, ( Vol. IX, No. 25, March, 1984 ) . 29 Carl H. Lande and All an J Cigler, " Competition and Turnover in Philippine Congressional Elections 1907~1969" Asian Survey, (October, 1979). 30 Carl H. Lande, " Philippine Prospects After Martia1 Law" Foreign Affairs, ( Sumber, 1981) . 31 Carl H. Lande," Kinship and Politics in pre-Modern and Non-Western Societies" ,in John T. McAlister Jr.(ed. ), Southeast Asia :The Politics of National Integration, ( New York: Random House, Inc., 1973) . 32 Dapen Liang, Philippines Parties and Politics, A Historical Study of National Experience in Democracy ( The Gladstone Company, San Francisco, 2rd Printing, 1971 ) . 33 Leslie Lipson, The Great Issues of Politics (Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Prentice-Hall, Inc. Sixth edition, 1981) . 34 Kit G. Machado," The Philippines in 1978 Authoritarian Consolidation Continues " Asian Survey.(Feb. 1979) 35 Robert A. Manning," The Philippines in Crisis" Foreign Affairs (Winter 1984 / 1985). 36 Fedinand E. Marcos, Today`s Revolution: Democracy(Manila, 1971). 37 Fedinand E. Marcos, The Democratic Revolution in the Philippines (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall International, 1974). 38 Barbara N. Mcleman (ed. ), Political Opposition and Dissent,( London: Dunellen Publishing Company, 1973). 39 Martin Meadows, " Philippine Political Parties and 1961 E1ection " Pacific Affairs ( Vo1. 35, No. 3, Fall, 1962). 40 Richard Nations, " Giving peace a chance " FEER, January 16, 1981. 41 Clark Neher, "The Philippines in 1979:Cracks in the Fortress "Asian Survey, (Feb. 1980). 42 Clark D. Neher," The Philippines in 1980: The Gathering Storm" Asian Survey (Feb. 1981). 43 Francisco Nemenzo & R. J. May (eds.), The Philippines After Marcos ( London & Sydney : Croom Helm, 1985). 44 Francisco Nemenzo, " The Left and the Traditional Opposition" in The Philippines After Marcos, op. cit., 45 Lela Garner Noble, "Emergency Politics in the Philippines " Asian Survey, ( Apri1, 1978 ) . 46 Sheilah Ocampo, " Dining and Whining " FEER, September 14, 1979. 47 Sheilah Ocampo, " Seeking freedom with honour " FEER, Jounary 25,1980. 48 Sheilah Ocampo, " The Veteran`s Covenant" FEER, September 5,1980. 49 Sheilah Ocampo, "The dissenters` voice" FEER, April 17, 1981. 50 Sheilah Ocampo, " Election without fever " FEER, June 5, 1981. 51 Sheilah Ocampo, "Two late Starters" FEER, January 1, 1981. 52 Sheilah Ocampo, " Going it together "FEER, February 26, 1982. 53 Sheilah Ocampo," Renewed opposition" FEER, May 7. 1982. 54 Sheilah Ocampo," ??????and the village voice "FEER, May 21. 1982. 55 Sheilah Ocampo, " Trouble at the forum." FEER, December 17, 1982. 56 Sheilah Ocampo-Kalfors, "The rot of the writ" FEER, June 2, 1983. 57 Sheilah Ocampo-Kalfors, " No more Irans " FEER, July 21,1983. 58 Lucian W. Pye, Aspects of Political Development,( Boston: Little & Brown, 1966 ) . 59 David A. Rosenberg (ed.), Marcos and Martial Law in the Philippines ( Ithaca and London: Cornell university Press, 1979). 60 Jaimes R. Rush, "The Philippine Church, Part. I." UFSI ( 1984, No.3.) 61 Guy Sacerdoti, " True cost of defeat" FEER, February 6, 1986. 62 Guy Sacerdoti, " Law of the juggle " FEER , Auguest 27, 1983. 63 Guy Sacerdoti, " A time of reckoning "FEER, September 29, 1983. 64 Guy Sacerdoti, " Cosmetic surgery "FEER, October 27,1983 . 65 Guy Sacerdoti, " The Search for Unity " FEER, February 2, 1984. 66 Guy Sacerdoti. "United they falter "FEER, January 24 , 1985. 67 Guy Sacerdoti, " One more time??????" FEER, March 21, 1985. 68 Guy Sacerdoti, "Immoderate alternative "FEER, November 28, 1985. 69 Guy Sacerdoti, " The red menace card "FEER, January 23, 1986. 70 Giovanni Sartori, "Opposition and Control : Problems and Prospects " in Rodney Barker ( ed. ) , op. cit., 71 Leonard Schapiro (ed.), Political Opposition in One-Party States (New York: John Willey & Co. 1972 ). 72 Leonard Schapiro, " Foreword " , Government and Opposition, (Vol. 1, No. 1, November, 1965 ) . 73 Edward Shills, "Opposition in the New States of Asia and Africa" in Rodney Barker (ed. ), op. cit., 74 G Sidney Silliman, " The Philippines in 1983 : Authoritarianism Beleguered "Asian Survey. (Feb, 1984). 75 David Joel Steinberg. The Philippines : A Singular and Plural Place, (Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press,l982). 76 Rodney Tasker. "The President`s new clothes " FEER. October. 17, 1980. 77 Rodney Tasker. " The Left reaches cut to the moderate opposition "FEER, April 4, 1985. 78 Rodney Tasker," Opposition chiefs vie for frontrunner Status" FEER,April 4, 1985. 79 Rodney Tasker. " Opposition rejects the rules " Far Eastern Econormic Review ( FEER )2 (Feb. 10. 1978 ). 80 Rodney Tasker. "Marcos Plays a Foreign Card " FEER , March 7 , 1978. 81 Rodney Tasker," A Political Star is reborn " FEER, March 24 ,1978. 82 Rodney Tasker, " Marcos Ends A Fleeting Taste of Freedom " FEER, April 21, 1978. 83 " Critics make the most of it" FEER, April 14 ,1978. 84 Alex Turpin, "New Society`s Challenge in the Philippines" Conflict Studies, ( No. 122, September, 1980) . 85 Wi1frido V. Villacorta, " Contending Political Forces in the Philippines Today: The Political Elite and the Legal Opposition" Coetemporary Southeast Asia ( 1983 ). 86 Bernardo M. Villegas, " The Philippines in 1985: Rolling with the Political Punches" Asian Survey,( Vol, XXVI, No.2 , February 1986 ) . 87 Richard Vokey, " Anxiety over the army`s role " FEER, January 30, 1981. 88 Robert L. Youngblood , "The Philippines in 1981: From New Society to New Republic " Asian Survey,( Feb. 1982 ) . 89 Robert L. Youngblood, "The Philippines in 1982: Marcos Get Though With Domestic Critics " Asian Survey, (Feb. 1983). 90 Robert L. Youngblood, " Government-Media Relations in the Philippines " Asian Survey (July, 1981), 91 Robert L. Youngblood," Church Opposition to Martial Law in the Philippines " Asian Survey, (May, 1978) . 92 Gregorie F. Zaide, Philippine Political and Cultural History, Vol. I, II (Manila: Philippine Education Company, 1957). 93 The Ninoy Aquino Phenomenon : It`s Significance to the National Search for Peace with Justice (the Professors World Peace Academy of the Philippines, 24 March, 1984). 94 "The opposition`s opposition" The Economist (March 3, 1984). 95 Keesing`s Contemporary Archives, November 3,1978; December 12,1978; April 11,1980; July 11,1980; October 16, 1981 ;June, 1984; April 1985. 描述 碩士
政治學系資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002006841 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 江炳倫 zh_TW dc.contributor.author (作者) 周柏雅 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) 周柏雅 zh_TW dc.date (日期) 1986 en_US dc.date.accessioned 5-五月-2016 16:31:20 (UTC+8) - dc.date.available 5-五月-2016 16:31:20 (UTC+8) - dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 5-五月-2016 16:31:20 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) B2002006841 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/91830 - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 政治學系 zh_TW dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄 第一章 緒論………1 第二章 政治反對之概念分析 第一節 政治反對的意義………9 第二節 政治反對的研究………12 第三節 政治反對的本性………14 第四節 政治反對的功能………16 第五節 政治反對的條件………18 第六節 政治反對的型式………22 第七節 政治反對的困境………25 第三章 政治運作之歷史經驗 第一節 高壓剝削下的抗議運動………35 第二節 一黨獨霸下的脆弱反對………45 第三節 兩黨爭逐下的寡頭民主………57 第四章 政治反對之運作發展 第一節 戒嚴下的政治反對………76 一 一九七八年臨時國民議會議員選舉………77 二 一九八0年地方選舉後的反對運動………85 第二節 解嚴後的政治反對………97 一 一九八一年的修憲複決與總統選舉………98 二 一九八二年反對黨的組織及其目標………104 三 一九八三年艾奎諾現象政治符號化………114 四 一九八四年正式國民議會議員選舉………121 五 一九八六年提早選舉與馬可仕垮台………131 第五章 結論………173 參考資料………184 附錄:參議員艾奎諾回國聲明(Senator Benigno S. Aquino`s Arrival Statement) ………199 zh_TW dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002006841 en_US dc.title (題名) 政治反對 : 菲律賓個例之研究 zh_TW dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 參考資料 甲、中文部份 1王健壯,「消逝的黃色民主颶風?」(中國時報,民國七十五年二月十七日,第二版);「馬可仕的一念之間」(中國時報,民國七十五年二月十八日,第二版)。 2石佛,「菲律賓軍法政府面臨挑戰」,憲政思潮,(五十二期,民國六十九年十二月)。 3江炳倫,「政治失序的夢魘」,參與、開放、互信(台北:時報文化出版事業,民國七十四年三月卅日)。 4江炳倫,「艾奎諾永遠活在菲人的心中」,參與、開放、互信(同上)。 5江炳倫,政治發展的理論,(台北:商務印書館,民國六十八年六月,四版)。 6江炳倫,「談政黨與政治發展」,政治學論叢,(台北:華欣學術叢書,民國六十四年三月版)。 7江炳倫,「菲律賓的政治文化」手稿。 8江炳倫,「從菲國歷史文化看菲國政局」(中國時報,民國七十五年二月廿五日,第二版)。 9江炳倫,「菲國政局將如何善後」(中國時報,民國七十五年二月廿六日,第二版)。 10江炳倫,「馬可仕二十年的功過」(聯合報,民國七十五年二月廿七日,第三版)。 11江炳倫,「從菲律賓大選看新興國家實行民主的困厄」(中國時報,民國七十五年二月六日,第二版)。 12江炳倫、張世賢、陳鴻瑜合譯,轉變中社會的政治秩序,(台北:黎明文化事業,民國七0年六月版)。 13朱堅章主譯,柯麗卿、趙知廉合譯,民主政治,第九章:「在野黨」,(台北:幼獅文化事業公司,民國六十七年一月版)。 14李國雄,「馬可仕專擅統治與菲律賓政治危機」(中國時報,民國七十五年二月廿五日,第三版)。 15李國雄,「菲國新政府動向蠡測」(中國時報,民國七十五年二月廿六日,第二版)。 16呂亞力,「菲律賓民主失敗的教訓」(聯合報,民國七十五年二月廿四日,第二版)。 17何曉東編著,菲律賓古代近代史,(台北:三民書局,民國六十五年初版)。 18許倬雲,「從馬可仕下台說起」(聯合報,民國七十五年三月十六日,第二版)。 19陳烈甫,馬可仕治下的菲律賓,(台北:商務印書館,民國七十二年十二月初版)。 20陳烈甫,菲律賓與中菲關係,(香港:南洋研究出版社,民國四十四年一月初版)。 21陳烈甫,菲律賓民治制度的理論與實際,(台北:正中書局,民國五十八年八月台初版)。 22陳烈甫,虎克騷亂與社會改革,(台北:正中書局,民國六0年九月台初版)。 23陳鴻瑜,菲律賓的政治發展,(台北:商務印書館,民國六十九年十二月初版)。 24陳鴻瑜,政治發展理論,(台北:桂冠圖書公司,民國七十一年十月版)。 25陳鴻瑜,「馬可仕續掌菲律賓國政」,問題與研究,(第二十卷,第十期,民國七0年七月)。 26陳鴻瑜,「馬可仕政權面臨艱苦挑戰」,時報雜誌,(第二0一期,民國七十二年十月五日~十二日)。 27恩格爾等著,張明貴譯,意識型態與現代政治,(台北:桂冠圖書公司,民國七0年三月版)。 28黃昭弘,「尼布爾政治思想中權力觀念的分析」,載於政治學論叢,(台北:聯經,民國六十九年一月初版)。 乙、英文部份 1 Asian almanac, 1981 . 2 Asia And South Pacific Current Affairs Imformation Service about Philippinen. 3 Asiaweek, Feb. 10, 1978; April 21, 1978 ; April 28, 1978 April 21, 1978 ; January 25, 1980 September 12, 1980; June 27, 1980 April 17, 1981 ; May 15, 1981; May 7, 1982; May 21, 1982; March 12, 1982 ; July 8, 1983 ; March 25, 1983 February 10, 1984 ; March 16, 1984 April 13, 1984 ; December 6, 1985 ; January 12, 1986 ; January 26. 1986 February 2, 1986 ; February 23, 1986 March 2, 1986. 4 Jose Veloso Abueva and Raul P。 de Guzman (eds), Foundations and Dynamics of Filipino Govement and Politics (Manila: The Bookmark, Inc., 1969). 5 Jose Veloso Abueva, Ramon Magsaysay, A Political Biography ( Manila : Solidaridad Publishing House, 1971 ). 6 Eufronio M, ALip, Political and Cultural Hitory of the Philippines I. ( Manila : ALip & Sons, Inc, 1967 ) . 7 David E. Apter," Some Reflection on the Role of a Political Opposition in New Nations "in David E. Apter, Some Conceptural Approaches to the Study of Modernization, ( Englewood Cliff, N.J.:Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1968 ). 8 Belinda A. Aquino, "The Philippines Under Marcos" Current History , ( April, 1982 ) . 9 Uldarico S. Baclagon, Philippine Campaigns ( Manila: Craphic House, 1952 ). 10 Arther S. Banks and William Overstreet ( eds.) , Political Handbook of the World," Philippines",(Mcgraw-Hill Book Company, 1983 ), P.388. 11 Rodney Barker(ed.), Studies in Opposition, ( London: Macmillan Press, 1971 ) . 12 Ian Buruma, " Bishops in open defiance " FE ER, Feb. 27, 1986. Onofer D. Corpuz, The Philippines (Englewood Cliffs: New Jersey,Prentice-Hill,Inc. 1965) . 13 Hans Daalder, " Government and Opposition in the New States " Government and Opposittion ( Vol. 1, No.2, February, 1966 ). 14 Robert A. Dahl, " Reflections on Opposition in Western Democracies "in Government and Opposition (Vol. 1, No. 1, November, 1965). 15 Robert A. Dahl (ed. ) , Political Opposition in Western Democracies, ( New Havern: Yale University Press, 1966 ) . 16 Robert A. Dahl, Polyarchy: Participation and Opposition, (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1971 ). 17 Robert A. Dahl ( ed. ) , Regimes and Oppositions, (New Haven and London: Yale University Press , 1973 ) . 18 David Easton, The Political System, ( New York :Alfred A. Knopf , 1968 ) . 19 Facts on File, March 2, 1984 ; May 25 ,1984 February 7. 1986. 20 FBIS, February 25 ,1986; January 23,1986; January 30 , 1986 ; February 21 , 1986. 21 Jose Galang," The credibility problem" FEER, February 9, 1984. 22 Justin J. Green," Why Marcos announced the end of martial law? " Asian Though and Society : A International Review (Vol. VI, No. 16, April 1981). 23 Jean Grossholtz, Politics in the Philippines, (Boston : Little, Brown and Co. 1964 ) . 24 Carolina G. Hernandez," Constitutional Authoritarianism and the Prospects of Democracy in the Philippines" Journal of International Affairs, (Vol. 38, No.2, Winter 1985 ). 25 Chita Ionescu and Isabel de Madariga, Opposition: Past and Present of Political Institution ( C. A. Watts & Co. Ltd. 1968 ). 26 Richard J. Kessler, "Politics Philippine Style, Circa 1984" Asian Survey, (December, 1984 ). 27 Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, "Democratic Elections and Democratic Govermrent " , World Affairs, (Vol .147, No. 2 , Fa1l, 1984) . 28 Jutus M. van der Kroef, " The Philippines The Cost of Phasing Out Marcos" in Asian Thought and Society : An International Review, ( Vol. IX, No. 25, March, 1984 ) . 29 Carl H. Lande and All an J Cigler, " Competition and Turnover in Philippine Congressional Elections 1907~1969" Asian Survey, (October, 1979). 30 Carl H. Lande, " Philippine Prospects After Martia1 Law" Foreign Affairs, ( Sumber, 1981) . 31 Carl H. Lande," Kinship and Politics in pre-Modern and Non-Western Societies" ,in John T. McAlister Jr.(ed. ), Southeast Asia :The Politics of National Integration, ( New York: Random House, Inc., 1973) . 32 Dapen Liang, Philippines Parties and Politics, A Historical Study of National Experience in Democracy ( The Gladstone Company, San Francisco, 2rd Printing, 1971 ) . 33 Leslie Lipson, The Great Issues of Politics (Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Prentice-Hall, Inc. Sixth edition, 1981) . 34 Kit G. Machado," The Philippines in 1978 Authoritarian Consolidation Continues " Asian Survey.(Feb. 1979) 35 Robert A. Manning," The Philippines in Crisis" Foreign Affairs (Winter 1984 / 1985). 36 Fedinand E. Marcos, Today`s Revolution: Democracy(Manila, 1971). 37 Fedinand E. Marcos, The Democratic Revolution in the Philippines (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall International, 1974). 38 Barbara N. Mcleman (ed. ), Political Opposition and Dissent,( London: Dunellen Publishing Company, 1973). 39 Martin Meadows, " Philippine Political Parties and 1961 E1ection " Pacific Affairs ( Vo1. 35, No. 3, Fall, 1962). 40 Richard Nations, " Giving peace a chance " FEER, January 16, 1981. 41 Clark Neher, "The Philippines in 1979:Cracks in the Fortress "Asian Survey, (Feb. 1980). 42 Clark D. Neher," The Philippines in 1980: The Gathering Storm" Asian Survey (Feb. 1981). 43 Francisco Nemenzo & R. J. May (eds.), The Philippines After Marcos ( London & Sydney : Croom Helm, 1985). 44 Francisco Nemenzo, " The Left and the Traditional Opposition" in The Philippines After Marcos, op. cit., 45 Lela Garner Noble, "Emergency Politics in the Philippines " Asian Survey, ( Apri1, 1978 ) . 46 Sheilah Ocampo, " Dining and Whining " FEER, September 14, 1979. 47 Sheilah Ocampo, " Seeking freedom with honour " FEER, Jounary 25,1980. 48 Sheilah Ocampo, " The Veteran`s Covenant" FEER, September 5,1980. 49 Sheilah Ocampo, "The dissenters` voice" FEER, April 17, 1981. 50 Sheilah Ocampo, " Election without fever " FEER, June 5, 1981. 51 Sheilah Ocampo, "Two late Starters" FEER, January 1, 1981. 52 Sheilah Ocampo, " Going it together "FEER, February 26, 1982. 53 Sheilah Ocampo," Renewed opposition" FEER, May 7. 1982. 54 Sheilah Ocampo," ??????and the village voice "FEER, May 21. 1982. 55 Sheilah Ocampo, " Trouble at the forum." FEER, December 17, 1982. 56 Sheilah Ocampo-Kalfors, "The rot of the writ" FEER, June 2, 1983. 57 Sheilah Ocampo-Kalfors, " No more Irans " FEER, July 21,1983. 58 Lucian W. Pye, Aspects of Political Development,( Boston: Little & Brown, 1966 ) . 59 David A. Rosenberg (ed.), Marcos and Martial Law in the Philippines ( Ithaca and London: Cornell university Press, 1979). 60 Jaimes R. Rush, "The Philippine Church, Part. I." UFSI ( 1984, No.3.) 61 Guy Sacerdoti, " True cost of defeat" FEER, February 6, 1986. 62 Guy Sacerdoti, " Law of the juggle " FEER , Auguest 27, 1983. 63 Guy Sacerdoti, " A time of reckoning "FEER, September 29, 1983. 64 Guy Sacerdoti, " Cosmetic surgery "FEER, October 27,1983 . 65 Guy Sacerdoti, " The Search for Unity " FEER, February 2, 1984. 66 Guy Sacerdoti. "United they falter "FEER, January 24 , 1985. 67 Guy Sacerdoti, " One more time??????" FEER, March 21, 1985. 68 Guy Sacerdoti, "Immoderate alternative "FEER, November 28, 1985. 69 Guy Sacerdoti, " The red menace card "FEER, January 23, 1986. 70 Giovanni Sartori, "Opposition and Control : Problems and Prospects " in Rodney Barker ( ed. ) , op. cit., 71 Leonard Schapiro (ed.), Political Opposition in One-Party States (New York: John Willey & Co. 1972 ). 72 Leonard Schapiro, " Foreword " , Government and Opposition, (Vol. 1, No. 1, November, 1965 ) . 73 Edward Shills, "Opposition in the New States of Asia and Africa" in Rodney Barker (ed. ), op. cit., 74 G Sidney Silliman, " The Philippines in 1983 : Authoritarianism Beleguered "Asian Survey. (Feb, 1984). 75 David Joel Steinberg. The Philippines : A Singular and Plural Place, (Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press,l982). 76 Rodney Tasker. "The President`s new clothes " FEER. October. 17, 1980. 77 Rodney Tasker. " The Left reaches cut to the moderate opposition "FEER, April 4, 1985. 78 Rodney Tasker," Opposition chiefs vie for frontrunner Status" FEER,April 4, 1985. 79 Rodney Tasker. " Opposition rejects the rules " Far Eastern Econormic Review ( FEER )2 (Feb. 10. 1978 ). 80 Rodney Tasker. "Marcos Plays a Foreign Card " FEER , March 7 , 1978. 81 Rodney Tasker," A Political Star is reborn " FEER, March 24 ,1978. 82 Rodney Tasker, " Marcos Ends A Fleeting Taste of Freedom " FEER, April 21, 1978. 83 " Critics make the most of it" FEER, April 14 ,1978. 84 Alex Turpin, "New Society`s Challenge in the Philippines" Conflict Studies, ( No. 122, September, 1980) . 85 Wi1frido V. Villacorta, " Contending Political Forces in the Philippines Today: The Political Elite and the Legal Opposition" Coetemporary Southeast Asia ( 1983 ). 86 Bernardo M. Villegas, " The Philippines in 1985: Rolling with the Political Punches" Asian Survey,( Vol, XXVI, No.2 , February 1986 ) . 87 Richard Vokey, " Anxiety over the army`s role " FEER, January 30, 1981. 88 Robert L. Youngblood , "The Philippines in 1981: From New Society to New Republic " Asian Survey,( Feb. 1982 ) . 89 Robert L. Youngblood, "The Philippines in 1982: Marcos Get Though With Domestic Critics " Asian Survey, (Feb. 1983). 90 Robert L. Youngblood, " Government-Media Relations in the Philippines " Asian Survey (July, 1981), 91 Robert L. Youngblood," Church Opposition to Martial Law in the Philippines " Asian Survey, (May, 1978) . 92 Gregorie F. Zaide, Philippine Political and Cultural History, Vol. I, II (Manila: Philippine Education Company, 1957). 93 The Ninoy Aquino Phenomenon : It`s Significance to the National Search for Peace with Justice (the Professors World Peace Academy of the Philippines, 24 March, 1984). 94 "The opposition`s opposition" The Economist (March 3, 1984). 95 Keesing`s Contemporary Archives, November 3,1978; December 12,1978; April 11,1980; July 11,1980; October 16, 1981 ;June, 1984; April 1985. zh_TW