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題名 霍布斯與洛克的神學政治觀
Theological Politics of Hobbes and Locke
作者 鍾立文
Chung, Li Wen
貢獻者 郭承天
Chung, Li Wen
關鍵詞 霍布斯
日期 2009
上傳時間 9-五月-2016 13:24:16 (UTC+8)
摘要 本文檢閱霍布斯與洛克兩人政治理論的政治與宗教背景,以幫助理解他們的政治理論與神學教義之間的相互影響。在當時的智識脈絡中,兩人各自擁有對於自然狀態和自然法的不同看法。對於自然法的看法與盟約神學結合,影響到兩位的盟約論或契約論。本文的核心則是這些神學議題如何影響他們對於主權者或是政府的看法。最後,討論兩人所密切關懷的宗教容忍議題,以及往後學者所延伸出的現代性議題。
This paper reviews the political and religious background of theory introduced by Thomas Hobbes and Locke, to realize the interplay between their political theory and theological doctrine. They hold distinct viewpoints upon state of nature and natural law in the intellectual context at that time, and the combinations of natural law concepts and covenant theology influenced their covenant theory and contract theory. The focus of this paper is how these theological issues influenced their viewpoints about sovereign or the government. At last, this paper discusses the issue of religious tolerance they both concern closely, and the issue of modernity extended by the successive scholars.
      As a devout Anglican, Thomas Hobbes supplements and clarifies his political theory by the Bible and theological doctrine. He cites the story about Cain in the Bible to explain the state of nature. Rather than intellectualism, the theoretical basis of Hobbes’ natural law follows that of conventional voluntarism, which implies that the state of nature and natural law are widely distinct from the concept of nature in Greek philosophy. In addition, voluntarism proposes that natural right comes from the command of God, i.e.,natural law. Voluntarism and covenant theology together constitute Hobbes’ conceptualization of sovereign. Since the sovereign possesses “body politic”, he is the “mediator” of the world and the representative of state will. Hobbes emphasizes the unum necessarium (sole necessity) of salvation is to believe in that “Jesus is the Christ”, but also that “the kingdom of Christ is not of this world.” The sovereign serves as the head both of church and state in order to avoid the threat against peace due to theological controversy.
      As a Puritan, Locke intends to develop a political theory apologized by popular sovereignty and right of revolution, which forms his unique viewpoint of theological politics. He firstly illustrates the inborn political right of human beings through the natural law theory, and to avoid the extremes of voluntarism or intellectualism, he adopts the hybrid Thomism with compromise. In addition, the concept of covenant theology and mystical body introduced by Locke emphasizes the “consent” of the people that sets the basis for body politic. Locke considers that the law and grace of the God are equivalently important, accordingly, he suggests that the law of body politic concretizes the contract shaping the body politic as well. Furthermore, the concept of religious tolerance and theory of relationship between religion and politics support the inborn political right of the people.
      Hobbes and Locke demonstrate: How to independently reflect on “Bible”, and simultaneously actualize the beautiful life of worldliness and spiritualism by the discourse of theological politics. Everyone has to think of the political identity, and the meaning of life in religions as well. When the two parts combine harmoniously, one can truly gain sense of peace and happiness. The viewpoints of theological politics done by Hobbes and Locke are worth to be referred.
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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095252016
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 郭承天zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) 鍾立文zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Chung, Li Wenen_US
dc.creator (作者) 鍾立文zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chung, Li Wenen_US
dc.date (日期) 2009en_US
dc.date.accessioned 9-五月-2016 13:24:16 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 9-五月-2016 13:24:16 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 9-五月-2016 13:24:16 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0095252016en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/94904-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 政治學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 95252016zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本文檢閱霍布斯與洛克兩人政治理論的政治與宗教背景,以幫助理解他們的政治理論與神學教義之間的相互影響。在當時的智識脈絡中,兩人各自擁有對於自然狀態和自然法的不同看法。對於自然法的看法與盟約神學結合,影響到兩位的盟約論或契約論。本文的核心則是這些神學議題如何影響他們對於主權者或是政府的看法。最後,討論兩人所密切關懷的宗教容忍議題,以及往後學者所延伸出的現代性議題。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This paper reviews the political and religious background of theory introduced by Thomas Hobbes and Locke, to realize the interplay between their political theory and theological doctrine. They hold distinct viewpoints upon state of nature and natural law in the intellectual context at that time, and the combinations of natural law concepts and covenant theology influenced their covenant theory and contract theory. The focus of this paper is how these theological issues influenced their viewpoints about sovereign or the government. At last, this paper discusses the issue of religious tolerance they both concern closely, and the issue of modernity extended by the successive scholars.
      As a devout Anglican, Thomas Hobbes supplements and clarifies his political theory by the Bible and theological doctrine. He cites the story about Cain in the Bible to explain the state of nature. Rather than intellectualism, the theoretical basis of Hobbes’ natural law follows that of conventional voluntarism, which implies that the state of nature and natural law are widely distinct from the concept of nature in Greek philosophy. In addition, voluntarism proposes that natural right comes from the command of God, i.e.,natural law. Voluntarism and covenant theology together constitute Hobbes’ conceptualization of sovereign. Since the sovereign possesses “body politic”, he is the “mediator” of the world and the representative of state will. Hobbes emphasizes the unum necessarium (sole necessity) of salvation is to believe in that “Jesus is the Christ”, but also that “the kingdom of Christ is not of this world.” The sovereign serves as the head both of church and state in order to avoid the threat against peace due to theological controversy.
      As a Puritan, Locke intends to develop a political theory apologized by popular sovereignty and right of revolution, which forms his unique viewpoint of theological politics. He firstly illustrates the inborn political right of human beings through the natural law theory, and to avoid the extremes of voluntarism or intellectualism, he adopts the hybrid Thomism with compromise. In addition, the concept of covenant theology and mystical body introduced by Locke emphasizes the “consent” of the people that sets the basis for body politic. Locke considers that the law and grace of the God are equivalently important, accordingly, he suggests that the law of body politic concretizes the contract shaping the body politic as well. Furthermore, the concept of religious tolerance and theory of relationship between religion and politics support the inborn political right of the people.
      Hobbes and Locke demonstrate: How to independently reflect on “Bible”, and simultaneously actualize the beautiful life of worldliness and spiritualism by the discourse of theological politics. Everyone has to think of the political identity, and the meaning of life in religions as well. When the two parts combine harmoniously, one can truly gain sense of peace and happiness. The viewpoints of theological politics done by Hobbes and Locke are worth to be referred.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 導論…1
      第一節 研究動機…1
      第二節 問題意識…2
      第三節 研究方法…9
      第四節 文獻回顧…10
     第二章 霍布斯與洛克的政治宗教背景…20
      第一節 英國國教…21
      第二節 改革宗、長老教會與清教徒…28
      第三節 三十年戰爭、理性主義與自然神論…39
      第四節 小結…43
     第三章 霍布斯的主權神授說…45
      第一節 自然狀態與自然法…45
      第二節 自然權利…54
      第三節 盟約論…57
      第四節 主權者…66
      第五節 政教合一…75
      第六節 小結…83
     第四章 洛克的天賦人權說…85
      第一節 自然狀態與自然法…86
      第二節 自然權利…97
      第三節 契約論…103
      第四節 合法政府…109
      第五節 政教分立…115
      第六節 小結…122
     第五章 霍布斯與洛克的比較…124
      第一節 《聖經》詮釋方法…124
      第二節 自然法…128
      第三節 主權者和政府…130
      第四節 宗教寬容…137
      第五節 小結…139
     第六章 結論…141
      第一節 霍布斯與洛克的神學政治觀…141
      第二節 「現代性」的起源…142
      第三節 未來研究的方向…144
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095252016en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 霍布斯zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 洛克zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 神學zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 聖經zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Hobbesen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Lockeen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Theologyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Bibleen_US
dc.title (題名) 霍布斯與洛克的神學政治觀zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Theological Politics of Hobbes and Lockeen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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