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題名 後冷戰時期中美軟權力之較勁
The Post-Cold War US-China Competitions from the Perspective of Soft Power
作者 李興華
Lee, Hsing Hua
貢獻者 李國雄<br>鄧中堅
Lee, Kuo Shiung<br>Teng, Chung Chian
Lee, Hsing Hua
關鍵詞 Post-Cold War
soft power
China`s threat
Wang Dao
harmonious world
日期 2008
上傳時間 9-May-2016 13:28:40 (UTC+8)
摘要 The United States lost its prime opponent, the Soviet Union, since Post-Cold War. To assure its hegemonic status, Joseph Nye initiated the strategy of soft power to former President Bush and Clinton’s administration, and which had influenced People’s Republic of China (as known as a potential enemy to U.S.) profoundly.
     Soft power is such a wonderful elementary factor that made a dictatorial state like China a huge change both in its polity and image of the world. Moreover, China had been activated by American strategy of soft power, and eventually developed its own ‘Chinese character’ soft power, which had attracted at least by its peripheral states.
      Commensurate with its rapid economic and diplomatic development, China used to be considered as “China’s threat”, then due to China’s soft power strategy in terms of “Confucianism” and “Wang Dao”(benign) thought had been well responded by the world. As a dominated state, maybe it is time for the United States to think about trying not to conduct the soft power as a diplomatic tool only, but to seek a new strategy of soft power that combined tolerance and respect toward the others. Anyway, by the engagement of soft power among international relations, and the interdependency of regional economy, the author has an optimistic view for a harmonious world in the future.
     Key words: Post-Cold War, soft power, China’s threat, Wang Dao, harmonious world.
The United States lost its prime opponent, the Soviet Union, since Post-Cold War. To assure its hegemonic status, Joseph Nye initiated the strategy of soft power to former President Bush and Clinton’s administration, and which had influenced People’s Republic of China (as known as a potential enemy to U.S.) profoundly.
     Soft power is such a wonderful elementary factor that made a dictatorial state like China a huge change both in its polity and image of the world. Moreover, China had been activated by American strategy of soft power, and eventually developed its own ‘Chinese character’ soft power, which had attracted at least by its peripheral states.
      Commensurate with its rapid economic and diplomatic development, China used to be considered as “China’s threat”, then due to China’s soft power strategy in terms of “Confucianism” and “Wang Dao”(benign) thought had been well responded by the world. As a dominated state, maybe it is time for the United States to think about trying not to conduct the soft power as a diplomatic tool only, but to seek a new strategy of soft power that combined tolerance and respect toward the others. Anyway, by the engagement of soft power among international relations, and the interdependency of regional economy, the author has an optimistic view for a harmonious world in the future.
     Key words: Post-Cold War, soft power, China’s threat, Wang Dao, harmonious world.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 李國雄<br>鄧中堅zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Lee, Kuo Shiung<br>Teng, Chung Chianen_US (Authors) 李興華zh_TW (Authors) Lee, Hsing Huaen_US
dc.creator (作者) 李興華zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lee, Hsing Huaen_US (日期) 2008en_US 9-May-2016 13:28:40 (UTC+8)- 9-May-2016 13:28:40 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 9-May-2016 13:28:40 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0094925005en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 中國大陸研究英語碩士學程(IMCS)zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 94925005zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The United States lost its prime opponent, the Soviet Union, since Post-Cold War. To assure its hegemonic status, Joseph Nye initiated the strategy of soft power to former President Bush and Clinton’s administration, and which had influenced People’s Republic of China (as known as a potential enemy to U.S.) profoundly.
     Soft power is such a wonderful elementary factor that made a dictatorial state like China a huge change both in its polity and image of the world. Moreover, China had been activated by American strategy of soft power, and eventually developed its own ‘Chinese character’ soft power, which had attracted at least by its peripheral states.
      Commensurate with its rapid economic and diplomatic development, China used to be considered as “China’s threat”, then due to China’s soft power strategy in terms of “Confucianism” and “Wang Dao”(benign) thought had been well responded by the world. As a dominated state, maybe it is time for the United States to think about trying not to conduct the soft power as a diplomatic tool only, but to seek a new strategy of soft power that combined tolerance and respect toward the others. Anyway, by the engagement of soft power among international relations, and the interdependency of regional economy, the author has an optimistic view for a harmonious world in the future.
     Key words: Post-Cold War, soft power, China’s threat, Wang Dao, harmonious world.
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The United States lost its prime opponent, the Soviet Union, since Post-Cold War. To assure its hegemonic status, Joseph Nye initiated the strategy of soft power to former President Bush and Clinton’s administration, and which had influenced People’s Republic of China (as known as a potential enemy to U.S.) profoundly.
     Soft power is such a wonderful elementary factor that made a dictatorial state like China a huge change both in its polity and image of the world. Moreover, China had been activated by American strategy of soft power, and eventually developed its own ‘Chinese character’ soft power, which had attracted at least by its peripheral states.
      Commensurate with its rapid economic and diplomatic development, China used to be considered as “China’s threat”, then due to China’s soft power strategy in terms of “Confucianism” and “Wang Dao”(benign) thought had been well responded by the world. As a dominated state, maybe it is time for the United States to think about trying not to conduct the soft power as a diplomatic tool only, but to seek a new strategy of soft power that combined tolerance and respect toward the others. Anyway, by the engagement of soft power among international relations, and the interdependency of regional economy, the author has an optimistic view for a harmonious world in the future.
     Key words: Post-Cold War, soft power, China’s threat, Wang Dao, harmonious world.
dc.description.tableofcontents Chapter One Instruction………………………………………………….1
     Chapter Two The Evolution of the Concept of power…………………..25
     Chapter Three The American Soft Power Strategy Toward China…..…41
     Chapter Four China’s Respondse-‘Soft Power for Soft Power’………..70
     Chapter Five Conclusion………………………………………………107
     Table 1-Chinese scholars’ definitions in soft power p.28
     Table-2 Three Types of Power p.29
     Table-3 Alan Isaak’s 5 Types of Power p.30
     Table-4 The Hegemonies and the Main Resource of Powers p.31
     Table-5 Table-5 The Resource of Most Competitive Powers in1990 p.31
     Table-6 Estimated total direct-programmed hours per week of some
     external radio broadcasters(1950-1996) p.50
     Table-7 China’s self- recognition in the international role and relative
     strategies since 1949 p.55
     Table-8 China’s relationships with the Big Countries p.56
     Table-9 China’s attitudes and functions in international institutions p.58
     Table-10 An Overview of The U.S.-China National Defense Conferences p.60
     Table-11 Relative Military Burden, 1989-1999 p.61
     Table-12 Comparison between the U.S. and P.R.C. in human rights p.63
     Table-13 Gallup’s 3 Polls to China’s peripheral states 2007 p.80
     Table-14 Summary of Vetoes in the Security Council 1946-2002 p.84
     Table 15. Absolute expenditures(2004-2005) p.86
     Table 16. Relative expenditures (as percentage of GDP) p.86
     Table-17 Largest Military Expenditures, 2006 p.88
     Table-18 Machine-Tool Export Rankings, 2006-2007 p.89
     Table-19 “2007Country Brand Ranking” p.92
     Table-20 Chinese students and scholars in the U.S. from1979 to 2000 p.94
     Table-21 The Situation of China’ Education (1990-2005) p.95
     Table-22 Acquired most of Doctor of Philosophy Degree from U.S. p.96
     Table-23 Number of Oversea Visitor Arrivals by Country/Region p.97
     Table-24 The Confucius Institutes in United States 2004-2008 p.101
     Chart 1- Spectrum of Power p.27
     Chart2-Relation of Powers p.32
     Chart-3 Thesis of “Civilizational Clash” p.45
     Chart-4 Decades diplomatic relations commenced with the P.R.C. p.57
     Chart-5 The Multiple Realization of International Culture p.75
     Chart-6 Character of China’s Partnership p.78
     Chart-7 China’s Exported in I.C.T. Products p.90
     Chart-8 China’s Gold Medals in Olympic Games (1988-2004) p.91
     Chart-9 The largest numbers of international students in China p.96
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Post-Cold Waren_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) soft poweren_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) China`s threaten_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Wang Daoen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) harmonious worlden_US
dc.title (題名) 後冷戰時期中美軟權力之較勁zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The Post-Cold War US-China Competitions from the Perspective of Soft Poweren_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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