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題名 多角化與國際化策略之探討-以南僑公司為例
A Study on diversification and internationalization strategy
作者 汪時渭
貢獻者 林宛瑩
關鍵詞 多角化
business strategy
日期 2009
上傳時間 9-五月-2016 15:19:57 (UTC+8)
摘要 南僑自1952年成立,見證了台灣經濟發展的過程,也經歷了每個大時代環境變動的考驗。在其五十七年的發展過程中,由單純之製造日用品走向多角化而國際化,對其新創事業或既有事業的經營模式,所採之邏輯與策略為何?如何追求企業的永續發展與基業長青?即為本研究分析與探討之重點。
Since its establishment in 1952, NamChow has witnessed great economic development in Taiwan and has withstood the test of time. In the past fifty-seven years, NamChow has evolved from a simple detergent goods producer to a diversified and multinational enterprise. This paper addresses the philosophy and strategies of the NamChow business model and offers insight into future directions for existing and new ventures. In addition, the thesis addresses the question of how an enterprise sustains and advances long-term development.
     NamChow began actively working towards a multi-faceted business model in the 1970s. Fundamental to the NamChow philosophy was a belief that expansion to related fields, rather than unfamiliar fields, would encourage the accumulation of management knowledge, expertise and experience with existing manpower and resources. NamChow started out as a basic soap manufacturer, and later expanded into oils and fats, cookies, frozen doughs, ice creams, instant noodles, snacks, frozen noodles and gourmet food. Central to all of these seemly unrelated products, however, are four major factors: materials, technology, distribution and culture. By expanding into adjacent industries vertically and horizontally, NamChow greatly reduced its transition risks.
     NamChow’s globalization can be divided into three phases. First, through collaboration with a major multi-national manufacturer, a new joint venture was created. This joint venture was authorized to use NamChow’s trademarks in Taiwan so as to form a strategic alliance. Through these actions, NamChow prepared itself to be an international enterprise and speed up its globalization process. It learned from its foreign partners in the areas of technology, management and marketing. It shortened its research and development cycles and learned how to run the plant. Second, NamChow selected Thailand as its first overseas market. There it learned how to run a trans-national, cross-cultural operation by adapting the local marketing strategies. Third, NamChow entered, and invested in, China. This allowed it to operate from a global perspective and further strengthen its financial standing and competiveness among conglomerates.
     For any enterprise to sustain itself and become prosperous, it must be guided by certain core values. During each phase of transformation, NamChow paid close attention to the underlying changes in the environment in which it operated, and developed its direction and focus for the next phase. It is rooted in its corporate culture, firmly trunked with the four major factors, branched out with five strategies,
     and ultimately flourishing as a conglomerate. Its experiences can shed light on the traditional enterprises that are facing similar transformations. This case study shows that one of the secrets to pursuing long-lasting success is to identify niches and opportunities that take advantage of its strengths and fields of expertise, based on logical analysis and strategic thinking.
第一章 緒 論 1
     第二章 文獻探討 4
     第三章 研究方法 15
     第四章 個案公司研究分析 18
     第五章 結論與建議 67
     參考文獻 73
     表 目 錄
     表2-1策略定義彙總表 4
     表2-2策略層次與管理構面之策略矩陣與研究範圍 7
     表3-1訪談人數與時間 16
     表4-1南僑公司沿革 18
     表4-2南僑事業版圖與產業分類彙總表 22
     表4-3南僑公司股本形成表 25
     表4-4南僑公司股利政策表 26
     表4-5南僑公司董監經理人及大股東持股表 27
     表4-6簡明損益表 28
     表4-7每季獲利能力比較表 28
     表4-8簡明資產負債表 29
     表4-9事業部經營績效比較表 29
     表4-10說明南僑選擇新創事業時考量的應該與不應該 33
     表4-11南僑餐飲事業品牌 52
     表4-12製造事業部主要相關原料對照表 57
     表4-13製造事業部主要通路對照表 58
     表4-14南僑歷年重要國際合作對象 64
     圖 目 錄
     圖1-1本研究之基本架構 3
     圖2-1 Poter之競爭策略矩陣 6
     圖2-2 Ramanujam & Varadarajan多角化分類模式 10
     圖3-1本研究流程 17
     圖4-1南僑集團投資控股架構圖 23
     圖4-2南僑公司組織圖 24
     圖4-3南僑公司籌碼分佈圖 27
     圖4-4南僑公司股價走勢圖 30
     圖4-5近三年來各事業部營收佔比圖 38
     圖4-6近三年各事業部稅後純益比較圖 38
     圖4-7南僑在冰淇淋市場的雙品牌 52
     圖4-8南僑事業版圖多角化的發展 56
     圖4-9近三年各地區營收佔比圖 58
     圖4-10近三年各地區獲利趨勢比較圖 59
     圖4-11創新管理策略地圖 66
     圖5-1南僑策略樹圖 70
參考文獻 一、中文文獻
     于卓民(2005), 國際企業環境與管理,華泰文化。
     司徒達賢(2001), 策略管理新論,智勝文化。
     石賜亮(1999), 台灣傳統集團企業多角化與國際化成長策略之研究,國立臺灣大學國際企業研究所未出版的碩士論文。
     別蓮蒂、黃國峰(2009), 贏在中國,知識流出版社。
     吳思華(2000), 策略九說,台北臉譜文化。
     李誠、周慧如(2007), 愛變才會贏,天下遠見文化。
     林郁綺(2003), 台灣機電業企業多角化績效研究--東元,復盛個案研究,東海大學企業管理研究所未出版的碩士論文。
     洪榮昭、周翠如(2002), 傳承中的創新,時報文化。
     許士軍(2006), 中小企業座談會,工商時報,A16版。
     彭智強(2002), 多角化與國際化策略配合對企業經營績效關係之研究-以技術生命週期觀點分析之,中原大學企業管理研究所未出版的碩士論文。
     溫金豐(2007), 組織理論與管理,學貫行銷。
     齊若蘭(2002), 從A到A+,遠流出版社, Collins Jim, Good to Great。
     齊若蘭(2007), 基業長青, 遠流出版社, Collins Jim and Porras Jerry I., Built to Last。
     Amit, Raphael and Livnat Joshua (1988), A Concept of Conglomerate Diversification, Journal of Management, 14/4, pp. 593- 604.
     Ansoff, H. I. (1965), Corporate Strategy, McGraw-Hill Book Company.
     Berry, Charles H. (1975), Corporate Growth and Diversification, Princeton, Princeton Unversity Press.
     Booz Allen and Hamilton (1985), Diversification: A Survey of European Chief Exectives, New York: Booz, Allen and Hamilton, Inc.
     Chandler, Alfred D. jr. (1962), Strategy and structure: Chapters in the History of the American Industrial Enterprise, Cambridge, MA, M. I. T. Press.
     Dunning, John H. (1993), The Globalization of Business, New York: Routledge.
     Gort, A. (1962), Diversification and Integration in American Industry, Princeton: National Bureau of Economic Research.
     Hill, Charles W. L. and Hoskisson Robert E. (1987), Strategy and Structure in the Multiproduct Firm, Academy of Management Review, 12/2 : pp. 331-341
     Hofer, Charles W. and Schendel, Dan (1978), Strategy Formulation: Analytical Concepts, West Publishing Company.
     Kamien M. I. And Schwartz N. L. (1975), Market Structure and Innovation: A Survey, Journal of Economic Literature, 13: pp. 1 - 37.
     Kaplan, R. S. and Norton, D. ( 2003), Strategy Maps: Converting Intangible Assets Into Tangible Outcomes, Boston, Harvard Business School Press.
     Levitt, T. (1983), The Globalization of Markets, Harvard Business Review, May-June, pp. 92 - 102.
     Miles, R. E. and Snow, C. C. (1978), Organization Strategy Structure and Process, New York: McGraw-Hill.
     Pitts, R. A. and Hopkins, D. H. (1982), Firm Diversity: Conceptualization and Measurement, Academy of Management Journal, 7: pp. 620 - 629.
     Porter, M.E., (1980) Competitive Strategy, Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors, New York: Free Press.
     Punnett, J. B. and Ricks D. A. (1992), International Business, PWS-Kent Publishing Company.
     Ramanujam, V. and Varadarajan P. (1989), Research on Corporate Diversification: A Hypothesis, Strategic Management Journal, 10/6, pp. 523 - 551.
     Robock, S. H. and Simmonds K. (1983), International Business and Multinational Enterprise, 3rd ed., Irwin, Homewood, IL.
     Root, F. R., (1987), Entry Strategies for International Markets, Lexington, MA: Lexington, Books.
     Vernon & Raymond (1966), International investment and international trade in the product cycle, Quarterly Journal of Economics.
     Welch, L. and Luostarinen R. (1988), Internationalization; Evolution of a Corporate, Journal of General Management, 14/2 , pp.34-55。
描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096932048
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 林宛瑩zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) 汪時渭zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 汪時渭zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 2009en_US
dc.date.accessioned 9-五月-2016 15:19:57 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 9-五月-2016 15:19:57 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 9-五月-2016 15:19:57 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0096932048en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/95198-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA)zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 96932048zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 南僑自1952年成立,見證了台灣經濟發展的過程,也經歷了每個大時代環境變動的考驗。在其五十七年的發展過程中,由單純之製造日用品走向多角化而國際化,對其新創事業或既有事業的經營模式,所採之邏輯與策略為何?如何追求企業的永續發展與基業長青?即為本研究分析與探討之重點。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Since its establishment in 1952, NamChow has witnessed great economic development in Taiwan and has withstood the test of time. In the past fifty-seven years, NamChow has evolved from a simple detergent goods producer to a diversified and multinational enterprise. This paper addresses the philosophy and strategies of the NamChow business model and offers insight into future directions for existing and new ventures. In addition, the thesis addresses the question of how an enterprise sustains and advances long-term development.
     NamChow began actively working towards a multi-faceted business model in the 1970s. Fundamental to the NamChow philosophy was a belief that expansion to related fields, rather than unfamiliar fields, would encourage the accumulation of management knowledge, expertise and experience with existing manpower and resources. NamChow started out as a basic soap manufacturer, and later expanded into oils and fats, cookies, frozen doughs, ice creams, instant noodles, snacks, frozen noodles and gourmet food. Central to all of these seemly unrelated products, however, are four major factors: materials, technology, distribution and culture. By expanding into adjacent industries vertically and horizontally, NamChow greatly reduced its transition risks.
     NamChow’s globalization can be divided into three phases. First, through collaboration with a major multi-national manufacturer, a new joint venture was created. This joint venture was authorized to use NamChow’s trademarks in Taiwan so as to form a strategic alliance. Through these actions, NamChow prepared itself to be an international enterprise and speed up its globalization process. It learned from its foreign partners in the areas of technology, management and marketing. It shortened its research and development cycles and learned how to run the plant. Second, NamChow selected Thailand as its first overseas market. There it learned how to run a trans-national, cross-cultural operation by adapting the local marketing strategies. Third, NamChow entered, and invested in, China. This allowed it to operate from a global perspective and further strengthen its financial standing and competiveness among conglomerates.
     For any enterprise to sustain itself and become prosperous, it must be guided by certain core values. During each phase of transformation, NamChow paid close attention to the underlying changes in the environment in which it operated, and developed its direction and focus for the next phase. It is rooted in its corporate culture, firmly trunked with the four major factors, branched out with five strategies,
     and ultimately flourishing as a conglomerate. Its experiences can shed light on the traditional enterprises that are facing similar transformations. This case study shows that one of the secrets to pursuing long-lasting success is to identify niches and opportunities that take advantage of its strengths and fields of expertise, based on logical analysis and strategic thinking.
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 第一章 緒 論 1
     第二章 文獻探討 4
     第三章 研究方法 15
     第四章 個案公司研究分析 18
     第五章 結論與建議 67
     參考文獻 73
     表 目 錄
     表2-1策略定義彙總表 4
     表2-2策略層次與管理構面之策略矩陣與研究範圍 7
     表3-1訪談人數與時間 16
     表4-1南僑公司沿革 18
     表4-2南僑事業版圖與產業分類彙總表 22
     表4-3南僑公司股本形成表 25
     表4-4南僑公司股利政策表 26
     表4-5南僑公司董監經理人及大股東持股表 27
     表4-6簡明損益表 28
     表4-7每季獲利能力比較表 28
     表4-8簡明資產負債表 29
     表4-9事業部經營績效比較表 29
     表4-10說明南僑選擇新創事業時考量的應該與不應該 33
     表4-11南僑餐飲事業品牌 52
     表4-12製造事業部主要相關原料對照表 57
     表4-13製造事業部主要通路對照表 58
     表4-14南僑歷年重要國際合作對象 64
     圖 目 錄
     圖1-1本研究之基本架構 3
     圖2-1 Poter之競爭策略矩陣 6
     圖2-2 Ramanujam & Varadarajan多角化分類模式 10
     圖3-1本研究流程 17
     圖4-1南僑集團投資控股架構圖 23
     圖4-2南僑公司組織圖 24
     圖4-3南僑公司籌碼分佈圖 27
     圖4-4南僑公司股價走勢圖 30
     圖4-5近三年來各事業部營收佔比圖 38
     圖4-6近三年各事業部稅後純益比較圖 38
     圖4-7南僑在冰淇淋市場的雙品牌 52
     圖4-8南僑事業版圖多角化的發展 56
     圖4-9近三年各地區營收佔比圖 58
     圖4-10近三年各地區獲利趨勢比較圖 59
     圖4-11創新管理策略地圖 66
     圖5-1南僑策略樹圖 70
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒 論 1
     第二章 文獻探討 4
     第三章 研究方法 15
     第四章 個案公司研究分析 18
     第五章 結論與建議 67
     參考文獻 73
     表 目 錄
     表2-1策略定義彙總表 4
     表2-2策略層次與管理構面之策略矩陣與研究範圍 7
     表3-1訪談人數與時間 16
     表4-1南僑公司沿革 18
     表4-2南僑事業版圖與產業分類彙總表 22
     表4-3南僑公司股本形成表 25
     表4-4南僑公司股利政策表 26
     表4-5南僑公司董監經理人及大股東持股表 27
     表4-6簡明損益表 28
     表4-7每季獲利能力比較表 28
     表4-8簡明資產負債表 29
     表4-9事業部經營績效比較表 29
     表4-10說明南僑選擇新創事業時考量的應該與不應該 33
     表4-11南僑餐飲事業品牌 52
     表4-12製造事業部主要相關原料對照表 57
     表4-13製造事業部主要通路對照表 58
     表4-14南僑歷年重要國際合作對象 64
     圖 目 錄
     圖1-1本研究之基本架構 3
     圖2-1 Poter之競爭策略矩陣 6
     圖2-2 Ramanujam & Varadarajan多角化分類模式 10
     圖3-1本研究流程 17
     圖4-1南僑集團投資控股架構圖 23
     圖4-2南僑公司組織圖 24
     圖4-3南僑公司籌碼分佈圖 27
     圖4-4南僑公司股價走勢圖 30
     圖4-5近三年來各事業部營收佔比圖 38
     圖4-6近三年各事業部稅後純益比較圖 38
     圖4-7南僑在冰淇淋市場的雙品牌 52
     圖4-8南僑事業版圖多角化的發展 56
     圖4-9近三年各地區營收佔比圖 58
     圖4-10近三年各地區獲利趨勢比較圖 59
     圖4-11創新管理策略地圖 66
     圖5-1南僑策略樹圖 70
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096932048en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 多角化zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 國際化zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 集團企業zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 經營策略zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) diversificationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) globalizationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) conglomerateen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) business strategyen_US
dc.title (題名) 多角化與國際化策略之探討-以南僑公司為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A Study on diversification and internationalization strategyen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、中文文獻
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     別蓮蒂、黃國峰(2009), 贏在中國,知識流出版社。
     吳思華(2000), 策略九說,台北臉譜文化。
     李誠、周慧如(2007), 愛變才會贏,天下遠見文化。
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     許士軍(2006), 中小企業座談會,工商時報,A16版。
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