題名 不動產證卷市場效率之研究 : 由房地產重大訊息與股價報酬率觀點探討 作者 王靖 貢獻者 林元興
王靖日期 1999 上傳時間 2016-05-11 參考文獻 一、中文部份1.王健安, 1995 ,"房地產景氣與總體經濟景氣關條之研究" 國立政治大學地政研究所碩士論文。2. 江明宜, 1987 ,"營建類股價及其影響因素波動關係之研究━誤差修正模型之應用",國立政治大學地政研究所碩士論文。3. 林炯垚, “財務管理━━━理論與實務,華泰書局,民國七十九年二月初版。4. 廖咸興、李阿乙、梅建平, 1995 , "不動產投資概論"華泰書局總經銷。5. 劉維琪等, 1995 ,“台灣股市投資行為與績效"中華民國管理科學學會出版。6. 羅國南, 1991 ,"台灣房地產景氣與股價關條性之研究"國立中興大學企業管理研究所碩士論文。7. 林秋瑾、彭建文, 1998 ,“台灣住宅與股票市場間區隔驗詮之研究"亞太地區國家環境規劃、土地開發與管理國際學術研討會論文集。8. 吳定,“公共行政論叢"天一圖書公司,民國七十七年一月,三版。9. 張金穗,“房地產投資與決策分析━理論與實務" 華泰書局,民國八十五年。10. 翁霓,劉維琪,陳隆麒,“投資績效分析:低股價效果及小股本效果之實證研究"管理科學學報,第十二卷,第三期,民國八十四年十一月,pp.335-359 。11.林菁菁, 1997 , "泡沫現象、貸款成數及抵押貸款需求"國立政治大學經濟研究所伯博士論文。1 1.鐘玉美, 1996 ,“房地價格及房地市場效率之研究━━━以台北市住宅用房地為例" 國立政治大學地政研究所碩士論文。12. 林英彥, “土地經濟學通論"文笙書局印行,民國八十年六月,四版。13. 陸民仁,“個體經濟理論"三民書局股份有限公司,民國七十六年九月,三版。14. 許文昌, “土地經濟學新論"文笙書局,民國七十八年元月,二版。15. 蕭錚,“平均地權之理論體系"中國地政研究所印行,民國七十八年六月,三.版。16. 來璋, “平均地權理論與實踐" 中國地政研究所印行,民國七十四年元月,初版。17. 張齡松、羅俊著, “股票操作學" ,證券出版社股份有限公司,民國76 年10 月,六版。18. 中國信託投資公司、台灣經濟研究院合辨,“台灣區各產業79 年度景氣趨勢調查報告"民國78 年12 月15 日編印。二、英文部份1.Ambrose ` B. ` E. Ancel and M. Griffiths, " The Fractal Structure of Real EstateInvestment trust returns : A Search for Evidence of Market Segmentation andNonlinear Dependency", Journal of AREUEA 20(1) ,1992 ` pp.25-54.2.Arrow ,K.1.` "Risk Perception In Psychology and Economics " , EconomicInquiry 20, January 1982,pp.1-9.3.Blume ` Marshall e. ` A. Craig Mackinlay and BruceTerker` "Order Imbalancesand Stock Price movements on October 19 and 20,1987 " , Journal of Finance`September 1989 ` pp.827-848。4. Brennan `Michael1. and Thomas E. Copeland, "Stock Splits` Stock Prices`and Transaction Costs" , Journal of Financial Economics` Vol. 22 ` No 1 ` 1988 `pp.83-101.5. Colwell, P. F. & Park H. Y., "Seasonality and Size Effect: The Case ofReal-Estate-Related Investment", Journal of Real Estate Finance andEconomics, 3, 1990, pp.251-259.6. Copeland, Thomas E. and J. Fred Weston` "Financial Theory and CorporatePolicy " , 2nd ` 1983 ` by Addison Wesley Publishing Company.7. Cuthbertson , Keith, "Quantitative Financial Economics-Stocks , Bonds andForeign Exchange", 1996,John Wiley & Sons Ltd.8.Damodar N. Gujarati , "Basic Econometrics" ,3rd, 1995 , Mcgraw-Hill, Inc .9.Darrat , A.F. and Glascock , 1.L. "Real Estate Returns , Money and FiscalDeficits: Is the Real Estate Market Efficient ?" Journal of Real Estate Financeand Economics 2, September 1989 , pp.197-208.10.Darrat , A.F. and Glascock, J.L. , "On the Real Estate Market Efficiency",Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 7, 1993,pp.55-72 .II.David Blake, 1990, " Financial Market Analysis" ,Mcgraw-Hill. Book Co.12.Debondt, W. F. M , and R.H. Thaler. "Does the Stock Market Overreact?" ,Journal of Finance , 40 , July1985 , pp.793-805.13 .Debondt, W. F. M., and R. H. Thaler., "Further Evidence on InvestorOverreaction and Stock Market Seasonality ", Journal of Finance, July 1987 ,pp.557-580.14. Dezhbakhsh , Hashem and Asli , Demirguc-Kunt, " On the Presence ofSpeculative Bubbles in Stock Prices", Journal of Financial and QuantitativeAnalysis, Vol. 25, No.1, March 1990 , pp. 101-125.15.Diba, Behzad T. and Herschel I. Grossman ," On the Inception ofRational Bubbles ", The Quarterly Journal of Economics ,August 1987,pp.697-701.16. Diba, Behzad T. & Hershel 1. Grossman, "Explosive Rational Bubbles InStock Prices ?",American Economic Review, Vol. 78, No. 3, June1988, pp. 520-530.17.Fabozzi `Frank J. and Jack Clear Francis` "Stability Tests ForAlphas and Betas Over Bull and Bear Market Condi tions ", Journal ofFinance` September1977 ` pp.1093-1020 0I8.Fama. Eugene F., "Efficient Capital Markets : A Review of Theory andEmpirical Work" Journal of Finance 25, May 1970, pp.383-417.19.Fama Eugene F., " Efficient Capital Markets: II " , Journal of Finance. 50December 1991 , pp.1575-1617 .20.French ` Kenneth R. and Richard Roll` "Stock Return Variances: The Arrivalof Information and the Reaction of Traders " ,Journal of Financial Econonlics17 ` 1986 ` pp.7-26.21. Gatzlaff ,Dean H. and Dogan Tirtiroglu , "Real Estate MarketEfficiency : Issues and Evidence ", Journal of Real Estate Li terature,3, 1995, pp. 157-189.22. Jensen` M.C. ` "Some Anomalous Evidence Regarding Market Efficiency "Journal of Financial Economics 6 ` 1978 ` pp.95-10I.23.Jensen ` M.C. and R. S. Ruback, "The Market for Corporate Control: TheScientific Evidence " , Journal of Financial Economics 11, 1983,pp.5-50.24. Jensen` M.C. and lB. Warner` "The Distribution of Power among CorporateManagers` Shareholders` Directors ", Journal of Financial Economics 20 ` 1988 `pp.3-24.25.Kleidon ` A.W.` "Variance Bounds Tests and Stock Price Valuation Models" , Journal of Political Economy` Vo1. 94 ` 1986 ` pp.953-1001.26. LeRoy` S.F.` "Efficient Capital Markets and Martingales`" Journal ofEconomic Literature ` Vol. 27, dec. 1989 `pp.1583-1621.27.LeRoy , S.P. and Parke` W.R.` "Stock Market Volatility: Tests Based onthe Geometric Random Walk" , American Economic Review `Vol. 82 ` NO.4 `1992 ` pp.981-992.28. Levy, Haim & Marshall Samat, 1994," Capital Investment & FinancialDecisions ", Fifth Edition ,Prentice Hall International (UK) Ltd.29.Liu` C.H. ,D. Hartzell, D.W. Greig and T.Y. Grissom` 1990, "The Integrationof the Real Estate Market and the Stock Market: Some Preliminary Evidence "Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 3(3) : pp.261-282.30.Maddala `G.S., "Introduction to Econometrics " , 2nd ed. ` 1992,by Prentice-Hall` Inc.31.Mcintosh` Willard and Glenn Y. Henderson` "Efficiency of The Office PropertiesMarket" , Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics,2,1989,pp.61-70 .32.McQueen` Grant and Thorley` Steven` "Bubbles` Stuck Returns` and DurationDependence`" Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis` Yol. 29, NO.3 `Septen1ber 1994, pp. 379-401.33.Miles ` M. ` R. Cole and Guikey D., "A Different Look At Commercial RealEstate Turns" ,Journal of AREUEA 18(4) , 1990 , pp.403-430.34.Nancy L Jacob and R . Richardson Pettit, " Investments " ,1st, Shun TaPublishing Co. , Taiwan.35.Neil Cam,Joseph Rabianski,Ronald Racster & Maury Seldin,"Real Estate MarketAnalysis Techniques and Applications" ,1988,by Prentice-Hall,Inc.36.0hlson ` 1. A. and Penman`S. H.` "Yariance Increases Subsequent to StockSplits: An Empirical Aberration " , Working Paper` Graduate School ofBusiness` Columbia University, September` 1983 037. Sanford 1. Grossman , " Dynami c Asset Allocation and the InfonnationalEfficiency of Markets" , Journal of Finance ,3 , July 1995 , pp.773-787 .38. Scott, Louis 0., "Do Prices Ref lect Market Fundamentals in Real EstateMarkets?" , Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 3, March 1990,pp5-23.39.Shiller` Robert J. ,1981, "Do Stock Prices Move too Much to be Justified bySubsequent Change in Dividends? ", American Economic Review` Vol. 71 `pp.421-436.40.Sununers, Lawrence H., Does the Stock Market Rationally Reflect FundamentalValues? ", Journal of Finance ,Vol.XLI,No.3 , July 1986, pp. 591-602.4 1. Sunder S.," Relationship between Accounting Changes and Stock Prices:Problems of Measuren1ent and Some Empirical Evidence" , EmpiricalResearch in accounting: selected studies, 1973, pp. 1-45.42. West, Kenneth D., "Bubbles, Fads and Stock Price Volatility Tests : A PartialEvaluation", Journal of Finance ,July 1988,pp.639-660. 描述 博士
地政學系資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G91NCCV9522012 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 林元興 zh_TW dc.contributor.author (作者) 王靖 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) 王靖 zh_TW dc.date (日期) 1999 en_US dc.date.accessioned 2016-05-11 - dc.date.available 2016-05-11 - dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 2016-05-11 - dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G91NCCV9522012 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/96423 - dc.description (描述) 博士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 地政學系 zh_TW dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章緒論..........1第一節研究動機與問題第二節研究目的第三節研究範圍第四節論文架構與研究流程第二章相關理論與文獻..........11第一節平均地權與土地相關政策第二節土地使用與管制措施第三節效率市場與市場效率假說第四節不動產證券股價報酬率與市場效率關係第五節市場效率相關理論第六節文獻回顧第三章理論架構與研究方法..........42第一節理論架構第二節研究假說第三節房地產業重大訊息之操作性定義第四節不動產證券市場利多與利空影響評估原則第五節研究方法及影響區隔設計第四章房地產業政策訊息與不動產證券市場關係探討..........57第一節房地產業氣循環與政策關係第二節房地產業政策對不動產供需影響分析第三節房地產業政策訊息分析第四節房地產業政策訊息與不動產證券市場關係分析第五章不動產證券市場效率實證分析..........76第一節不動產證券相關與共整合分析第二節不動產證券市場利空與利多訊息影響實證分析第三節房地產業政策分類訊息對不動產證券市場效率之影響第四節房地產業政策事件分析第五節房地產需求面政策影響分析第六節房地產供給面政策影響分析第六章結論與建議..........110第一節結論第二節建議 zh_TW dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G91NCCV9522012 en_US dc.title (題名) 不動產證卷市場效率之研究 : 由房地產重大訊息與股價報酬率觀點探討 zh_TW dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、中文部份1.王健安, 1995 ,"房地產景氣與總體經濟景氣關條之研究" 國立政治大學地政研究所碩士論文。2. 江明宜, 1987 ,"營建類股價及其影響因素波動關係之研究━誤差修正模型之應用",國立政治大學地政研究所碩士論文。3. 林炯垚, “財務管理━━━理論與實務,華泰書局,民國七十九年二月初版。4. 廖咸興、李阿乙、梅建平, 1995 , "不動產投資概論"華泰書局總經銷。5. 劉維琪等, 1995 ,“台灣股市投資行為與績效"中華民國管理科學學會出版。6. 羅國南, 1991 ,"台灣房地產景氣與股價關條性之研究"國立中興大學企業管理研究所碩士論文。7. 林秋瑾、彭建文, 1998 ,“台灣住宅與股票市場間區隔驗詮之研究"亞太地區國家環境規劃、土地開發與管理國際學術研討會論文集。8. 吳定,“公共行政論叢"天一圖書公司,民國七十七年一月,三版。9. 張金穗,“房地產投資與決策分析━理論與實務" 華泰書局,民國八十五年。10. 翁霓,劉維琪,陳隆麒,“投資績效分析:低股價效果及小股本效果之實證研究"管理科學學報,第十二卷,第三期,民國八十四年十一月,pp.335-359 。11.林菁菁, 1997 , "泡沫現象、貸款成數及抵押貸款需求"國立政治大學經濟研究所伯博士論文。1 1.鐘玉美, 1996 ,“房地價格及房地市場效率之研究━━━以台北市住宅用房地為例" 國立政治大學地政研究所碩士論文。12. 林英彥, “土地經濟學通論"文笙書局印行,民國八十年六月,四版。13. 陸民仁,“個體經濟理論"三民書局股份有限公司,民國七十六年九月,三版。14. 許文昌, “土地經濟學新論"文笙書局,民國七十八年元月,二版。15. 蕭錚,“平均地權之理論體系"中國地政研究所印行,民國七十八年六月,三.版。16. 來璋, “平均地權理論與實踐" 中國地政研究所印行,民國七十四年元月,初版。17. 張齡松、羅俊著, “股票操作學" ,證券出版社股份有限公司,民國76 年10 月,六版。18. 中國信託投資公司、台灣經濟研究院合辨,“台灣區各產業79 年度景氣趨勢調查報告"民國78 年12 月15 日編印。二、英文部份1.Ambrose ` B. ` E. Ancel and M. Griffiths, " The Fractal Structure of Real EstateInvestment trust returns : A Search for Evidence of Market Segmentation andNonlinear Dependency", Journal of AREUEA 20(1) ,1992 ` pp.25-54.2.Arrow ,K.1.` "Risk Perception In Psychology and Economics " , EconomicInquiry 20, January 1982,pp.1-9.3.Blume ` Marshall e. ` A. Craig Mackinlay and BruceTerker` "Order Imbalancesand Stock Price movements on October 19 and 20,1987 " , Journal of Finance`September 1989 ` pp.827-848。4. Brennan `Michael1. and Thomas E. Copeland, "Stock Splits` Stock Prices`and Transaction Costs" , Journal of Financial Economics` Vol. 22 ` No 1 ` 1988 `pp.83-101.5. Colwell, P. F. & Park H. Y., "Seasonality and Size Effect: The Case ofReal-Estate-Related Investment", Journal of Real Estate Finance andEconomics, 3, 1990, pp.251-259.6. Copeland, Thomas E. and J. Fred Weston` "Financial Theory and CorporatePolicy " , 2nd ` 1983 ` by Addison Wesley Publishing Company.7. Cuthbertson , Keith, "Quantitative Financial Economics-Stocks , Bonds andForeign Exchange", 1996,John Wiley & Sons Ltd.8.Damodar N. Gujarati , "Basic Econometrics" ,3rd, 1995 , Mcgraw-Hill, Inc .9.Darrat , A.F. and Glascock , 1.L. "Real Estate Returns , Money and FiscalDeficits: Is the Real Estate Market Efficient ?" Journal of Real Estate Financeand Economics 2, September 1989 , pp.197-208.10.Darrat , A.F. and Glascock, J.L. , "On the Real Estate Market Efficiency",Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 7, 1993,pp.55-72 .II.David Blake, 1990, " Financial Market Analysis" ,Mcgraw-Hill. Book Co.12.Debondt, W. F. M , and R.H. Thaler. "Does the Stock Market Overreact?" ,Journal of Finance , 40 , July1985 , pp.793-805.13 .Debondt, W. F. M., and R. H. Thaler., "Further Evidence on InvestorOverreaction and Stock Market Seasonality ", Journal of Finance, July 1987 ,pp.557-580.14. Dezhbakhsh , Hashem and Asli , Demirguc-Kunt, " On the Presence ofSpeculative Bubbles in Stock Prices", Journal of Financial and QuantitativeAnalysis, Vol. 25, No.1, March 1990 , pp. 101-125.15.Diba, Behzad T. and Herschel I. Grossman ," On the Inception ofRational Bubbles ", The Quarterly Journal of Economics ,August 1987,pp.697-701.16. Diba, Behzad T. & Hershel 1. Grossman, "Explosive Rational Bubbles InStock Prices ?",American Economic Review, Vol. 78, No. 3, June1988, pp. 520-530.17.Fabozzi `Frank J. and Jack Clear Francis` "Stability Tests ForAlphas and Betas Over Bull and Bear Market Condi tions ", Journal ofFinance` September1977 ` pp.1093-1020 0I8.Fama. Eugene F., "Efficient Capital Markets : A Review of Theory andEmpirical Work" Journal of Finance 25, May 1970, pp.383-417.19.Fama Eugene F., " Efficient Capital Markets: II " , Journal of Finance. 50December 1991 , pp.1575-1617 .20.French ` Kenneth R. and Richard Roll` "Stock Return Variances: The Arrivalof Information and the Reaction of Traders " ,Journal of Financial Econonlics17 ` 1986 ` pp.7-26.21. Gatzlaff ,Dean H. and Dogan Tirtiroglu , "Real Estate MarketEfficiency : Issues and Evidence ", Journal of Real Estate Li terature,3, 1995, pp. 157-189.22. Jensen` M.C. ` "Some Anomalous Evidence Regarding Market Efficiency "Journal of Financial Economics 6 ` 1978 ` pp.95-10I.23.Jensen ` M.C. and R. S. Ruback, "The Market for Corporate Control: TheScientific Evidence " , Journal of Financial Economics 11, 1983,pp.5-50.24. Jensen` M.C. and lB. Warner` "The Distribution of Power among CorporateManagers` Shareholders` Directors ", Journal of Financial Economics 20 ` 1988 `pp.3-24.25.Kleidon ` A.W.` "Variance Bounds Tests and Stock Price Valuation Models" , Journal of Political Economy` Vo1. 94 ` 1986 ` pp.953-1001.26. LeRoy` S.F.` "Efficient Capital Markets and Martingales`" Journal ofEconomic Literature ` Vol. 27, dec. 1989 `pp.1583-1621.27.LeRoy , S.P. and Parke` W.R.` "Stock Market Volatility: Tests Based onthe Geometric Random Walk" , American Economic Review `Vol. 82 ` NO.4 `1992 ` pp.981-992.28. Levy, Haim & Marshall Samat, 1994," Capital Investment & FinancialDecisions ", Fifth Edition ,Prentice Hall International (UK) Ltd.29.Liu` C.H. ,D. Hartzell, D.W. Greig and T.Y. Grissom` 1990, "The Integrationof the Real Estate Market and the Stock Market: Some Preliminary Evidence "Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 3(3) : pp.261-282.30.Maddala `G.S., "Introduction to Econometrics " , 2nd ed. ` 1992,by Prentice-Hall` Inc.31.Mcintosh` Willard and Glenn Y. Henderson` "Efficiency of The Office PropertiesMarket" , Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics,2,1989,pp.61-70 .32.McQueen` Grant and Thorley` Steven` "Bubbles` Stuck Returns` and DurationDependence`" Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis` Yol. 29, NO.3 `Septen1ber 1994, pp. 379-401.33.Miles ` M. ` R. Cole and Guikey D., "A Different Look At Commercial RealEstate Turns" ,Journal of AREUEA 18(4) , 1990 , pp.403-430.34.Nancy L Jacob and R . Richardson Pettit, " Investments " ,1st, Shun TaPublishing Co. , Taiwan.35.Neil Cam,Joseph Rabianski,Ronald Racster & Maury Seldin,"Real Estate MarketAnalysis Techniques and Applications" ,1988,by Prentice-Hall,Inc.36.0hlson ` 1. A. and Penman`S. H.` "Yariance Increases Subsequent to StockSplits: An Empirical Aberration " , Working Paper` Graduate School ofBusiness` Columbia University, September` 1983 037. Sanford 1. Grossman , " Dynami c Asset Allocation and the InfonnationalEfficiency of Markets" , Journal of Finance ,3 , July 1995 , pp.773-787 .38. Scott, Louis 0., "Do Prices Ref lect Market Fundamentals in Real EstateMarkets?" , Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 3, March 1990,pp5-23.39.Shiller` Robert J. ,1981, "Do Stock Prices Move too Much to be Justified bySubsequent Change in Dividends? ", American Economic Review` Vol. 71 `pp.421-436.40.Sununers, Lawrence H., Does the Stock Market Rationally Reflect FundamentalValues? ", Journal of Finance ,Vol.XLI,No.3 , July 1986, pp. 591-602.4 1. Sunder S.," Relationship between Accounting Changes and Stock Prices:Problems of Measuren1ent and Some Empirical Evidence" , EmpiricalResearch in accounting: selected studies, 1973, pp. 1-45.42. West, Kenneth D., "Bubbles, Fads and Stock Price Volatility Tests : A PartialEvaluation", Journal of Finance ,July 1988,pp.639-660. zh_TW