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題名 二戰後台灣高爾夫躍上國際的推手–衣復恩
其他題名 The Driving Force Behind of the Internationalization of Taiwan Golf After the War II: General Fu-En Yi
作者 雷小娟
Lei, Hsiao-Chuan
關鍵詞 老淡水球場; 衣復恩; 周至柔; 呂良煥; 謝敏男
Taiwan golf country club;Fu-En Yi;Chih-Jou Chou;Liang-Huan Lu;Min-Nan Hsieh
日期 2013-10
上傳時間 7-六月-2016 14:44:07 (UTC+8)
摘要 戰後台灣的高爾夫運動,在愛好高球運動之軍、政高層支持下,得以順利推廣發展。尤其當「美軍顧問團」進駐老淡水球場後,更強化軍方推行高球外交的動力,高爾夫運動成為台美軍方交流的工具之一,軍方因而協助整修老淡水球場,恢復它原本18洞之設計,之後更新建「台北高爾夫俱樂部」。\\r在上述歷史背景下,部分軍中將領倡議成立「中華民國高爾夫協會」,以健全高球發展環境及培育高球選手。在軍方高階將領中,以「衣復恩」先生最具代表性,堪稱是台灣高球進軍國際的推手。當時台灣知名的球員如呂良煥、郭吉雄、謝敏男、呂西鈞等人,都受過衣復恩的協助與指導,是將台灣高爾夫運動推向世界舞台的重要人物。本文透過資料收集、歸納分析,結果發現其對高爾夫推廣之用心,可謂不畏艱難、不問報酬與不計代價,甚至冒著被軍、政單位懲處的風險,私下指派軍機外送球員到國外參賽;衣先生退役後擔任亞化公司董事長一職時,亦不時出資贊助國內職業高爾夫球賽,甚至派專人協助辦理職業賽事,當時旅外征戰球員能有如此佳績,博得「亞洲高爾夫王國」之美譽,衣先生的付出,功不可沒。
Taiwan Golf after the war was developed well because of the assistances of the military and government. Especially, after Military Assistance Advisory Group took over old Tamsui golf course, they pushed the military to regard golf as a diplomatic strategy so that golf became one of the communications between Taiwan and USA. The military, therefore, helped old Tamsui golf course to recover the design of 18-hole golf course and then built Taipei Golf Club. Under the historical background mentioned above, some of the military leaders suggested to set up ROC Golf Club in order to help the well-developed environment of golf and to train golf players. Among all the military leaders, Fu-En Yi is an outstanding representative, and he is even seen as the backstage driving force of pushing Taiwan golf to the world. The well-known golfers, such as Liang-Huan Lu, Ji-Xiong Guo, Min-Nan Hsieh and Hsi-Chuen Lu, are supported and trained by Fu-En Yi. He indeed is an important figure to push Taiwan golf into the world. This paper, through data collection and analysis, finds that Fu-En Yi put a lot of efforts to Taiwan golf no matter how hard the time was or how much money he paid. Fu-En Yi even took the risk of punishment by the military and the government to send golfers to the aboard for competitions by commanding the military airplanes in private. Mr. Yi took the job of the president of Ya Hua Company after he retired, but he still kept sponsoring the golf competitions in Taiwan. He even assigned the work of professional competitions to a full-time employee. The reasons why the golfers played well abroad and why Taiwan won the reputation of the King of Golf in Asia are due to Mr. Yi`s effort and contribution.
關聯 政大體育研究,22,19-30
資料類型 article
dc.creator (作者) 雷小娟zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lei, Hsiao-Chuan
dc.date (日期) 2013-10
dc.date.accessioned 7-六月-2016 14:44:07 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 7-六月-2016 14:44:07 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 7-六月-2016 14:44:07 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/97718-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 戰後台灣的高爾夫運動,在愛好高球運動之軍、政高層支持下,得以順利推廣發展。尤其當「美軍顧問團」進駐老淡水球場後,更強化軍方推行高球外交的動力,高爾夫運動成為台美軍方交流的工具之一,軍方因而協助整修老淡水球場,恢復它原本18洞之設計,之後更新建「台北高爾夫俱樂部」。\\r在上述歷史背景下,部分軍中將領倡議成立「中華民國高爾夫協會」,以健全高球發展環境及培育高球選手。在軍方高階將領中,以「衣復恩」先生最具代表性,堪稱是台灣高球進軍國際的推手。當時台灣知名的球員如呂良煥、郭吉雄、謝敏男、呂西鈞等人,都受過衣復恩的協助與指導,是將台灣高爾夫運動推向世界舞台的重要人物。本文透過資料收集、歸納分析,結果發現其對高爾夫推廣之用心,可謂不畏艱難、不問報酬與不計代價,甚至冒著被軍、政單位懲處的風險,私下指派軍機外送球員到國外參賽;衣先生退役後擔任亞化公司董事長一職時,亦不時出資贊助國內職業高爾夫球賽,甚至派專人協助辦理職業賽事,當時旅外征戰球員能有如此佳績,博得「亞洲高爾夫王國」之美譽,衣先生的付出,功不可沒。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Taiwan Golf after the war was developed well because of the assistances of the military and government. Especially, after Military Assistance Advisory Group took over old Tamsui golf course, they pushed the military to regard golf as a diplomatic strategy so that golf became one of the communications between Taiwan and USA. The military, therefore, helped old Tamsui golf course to recover the design of 18-hole golf course and then built Taipei Golf Club. Under the historical background mentioned above, some of the military leaders suggested to set up ROC Golf Club in order to help the well-developed environment of golf and to train golf players. Among all the military leaders, Fu-En Yi is an outstanding representative, and he is even seen as the backstage driving force of pushing Taiwan golf to the world. The well-known golfers, such as Liang-Huan Lu, Ji-Xiong Guo, Min-Nan Hsieh and Hsi-Chuen Lu, are supported and trained by Fu-En Yi. He indeed is an important figure to push Taiwan golf into the world. This paper, through data collection and analysis, finds that Fu-En Yi put a lot of efforts to Taiwan golf no matter how hard the time was or how much money he paid. Fu-En Yi even took the risk of punishment by the military and the government to send golfers to the aboard for competitions by commanding the military airplanes in private. Mr. Yi took the job of the president of Ya Hua Company after he retired, but he still kept sponsoring the golf competitions in Taiwan. He even assigned the work of professional competitions to a full-time employee. The reasons why the golfers played well abroad and why Taiwan won the reputation of the King of Golf in Asia are due to Mr. Yi`s effort and contribution.
dc.format.extent 494375 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 政大體育研究,22,19-30
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 老淡水球場; 衣復恩; 周至柔; 呂良煥; 謝敏男
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Taiwan golf country club;Fu-En Yi;Chih-Jou Chou;Liang-Huan Lu;Min-Nan Hsieh
dc.title (題名) 二戰後台灣高爾夫躍上國際的推手–衣復恩zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) The Driving Force Behind of the Internationalization of Taiwan Golf After the War II: General Fu-En Yi
dc.type (資料類型) article