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題名 孫文的民族論述分析
其他題名 The Analysis of Sun Wen’s National Discourse
作者 蕭亞譚
Hsiao, Ya-Tan
關鍵詞 孫文; 梁啟超; 民族想像; 排滿鬥爭; 五族共和; 中國民族
Sun Wen; Liang Qi-chao; national imagination; struggle with the Ching dynasty; five clan republicanism; the Chinese nation
日期 2007-06
上傳時間 8-Jun-2016 11:47:30 (UTC+8)
摘要 民族想像的形成並不僅是藉由論述,民族想像的形成同時也是綜合政治力與社會力的實踐過程,這也是本文擇定孫文作為研究對象的緣故。本文主要探究孫文如何理解民族與民族主義?在不同階段,孫文的民族論述是否產生轉折或斷裂?筆者希望透過這篇論文,能對於孫文的民族論述進行理論性的重建。由眾多符號堆砌建構的中國民族並非是個同質的統一體,這與晚清時期知識菁英的主觀期待有著極大落差。回首過去,中國民族想像的形成乃是一個充滿游移與對抗的論辯過程,筆者將這個過程定性為民族大辯論。筆者發現孫文的民族論述可區分為三階段,分別為1894年至1911年的排滿鬥爭論、1912年至1918年的五族共和論、1919年至1925年的中國民族論。孫文並於1924年寫成民族主義六講。他企圖透過這六講將其民族論述系統化,這也可視為孫文理解中國民族問題的最後定論。
The forming of “national imagination” is not completed only by discourse, but is also formed by comprehensive practical process of political power and social power. For the reasons I choose Sun Wen as the subject of my research, specifically his apprehension of nation and nationalism. At different stages does Sun Wen’s national discourse oscillate or fracture? I hope that this thesis can reconstruct an abstract view point on Sun Wen’s national discourse. The Chinese nation is not a homogenized unity of abundant symbols. This has been shown to be a great failure by the subjective expectations of the intellectual elites of the Ching Dynasty. As we look to the past, the imagined Chinese nation is the process of replete with conflicting vacillations. I orientate the process as the great debate of nationality. I have summarized Sun Wen’s national discourse into three stages: the theory of struggle with the Ching dynasty (1894-1911), the theory of five clan republicanism (1912-1918), and the theory of the Chinese nation (1919-1925). Sun Wen combined and wrote Six Chapters of Nationalism in 1924. He plans to systematize nationalism by writing the six chapters. This is also viewed as Sun Wen’s conclusive understanding of the Chinese nationality issues.
關聯 中山人文社會期刊, 15(1),121-136
Dr. Sun Yat-sen Graduate Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies
資料類型 article
dc.creator (作者) 蕭亞譚zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Hsiao, Ya-Tan (日期) 2007-06 8-Jun-2016 11:47:30 (UTC+8)- 8-Jun-2016 11:47:30 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 8-Jun-2016 11:47:30 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 民族想像的形成並不僅是藉由論述,民族想像的形成同時也是綜合政治力與社會力的實踐過程,這也是本文擇定孫文作為研究對象的緣故。本文主要探究孫文如何理解民族與民族主義?在不同階段,孫文的民族論述是否產生轉折或斷裂?筆者希望透過這篇論文,能對於孫文的民族論述進行理論性的重建。由眾多符號堆砌建構的中國民族並非是個同質的統一體,這與晚清時期知識菁英的主觀期待有著極大落差。回首過去,中國民族想像的形成乃是一個充滿游移與對抗的論辯過程,筆者將這個過程定性為民族大辯論。筆者發現孫文的民族論述可區分為三階段,分別為1894年至1911年的排滿鬥爭論、1912年至1918年的五族共和論、1919年至1925年的中國民族論。孫文並於1924年寫成民族主義六講。他企圖透過這六講將其民族論述系統化,這也可視為孫文理解中國民族問題的最後定論。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The forming of “national imagination” is not completed only by discourse, but is also formed by comprehensive practical process of political power and social power. For the reasons I choose Sun Wen as the subject of my research, specifically his apprehension of nation and nationalism. At different stages does Sun Wen’s national discourse oscillate or fracture? I hope that this thesis can reconstruct an abstract view point on Sun Wen’s national discourse. The Chinese nation is not a homogenized unity of abundant symbols. This has been shown to be a great failure by the subjective expectations of the intellectual elites of the Ching Dynasty. As we look to the past, the imagined Chinese nation is the process of replete with conflicting vacillations. I orientate the process as the great debate of nationality. I have summarized Sun Wen’s national discourse into three stages: the theory of struggle with the Ching dynasty (1894-1911), the theory of five clan republicanism (1912-1918), and the theory of the Chinese nation (1919-1925). Sun Wen combined and wrote Six Chapters of Nationalism in 1924. He plans to systematize nationalism by writing the six chapters. This is also viewed as Sun Wen’s conclusive understanding of the Chinese nationality issues.
dc.format.extent 342045 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 中山人文社會期刊, 15(1),121-136
dc.relation (關聯) Dr. Sun Yat-sen Graduate Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 孫文; 梁啟超; 民族想像; 排滿鬥爭; 五族共和; 中國民族
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Sun Wen; Liang Qi-chao; national imagination; struggle with the Ching dynasty; five clan republicanism; the Chinese nation
dc.title (題名) 孫文的民族論述分析zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) The Analysis of Sun Wen’s National Discourse
dc.type (資料類型) article