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題名 雙胞胎或連體嬰:論安全研究與和平研究之關聯性
其他題名 Twins or Siamese Twins? On the Relationship Between the Security Study and Peace Study
作者 蔡育岱;譚偉恩
Tsai, Yu-Tai;Tan, Wei-En
關鍵詞 安全研究; 和平研究; 非傳統安全; 衝突與暴力
Security study; Peace study; Conflict and Violence; Non-traditional Security
日期 2008-01
上傳時間 20-六月-2016 16:36:12 (UTC+8)
摘要 安全研究是國際關係領域的主要核心研究之一,它與國際關係理論的發展有密切關聯性,同時具有跨學科的性質,不僅包括歷史、經濟、文化和心理等方面內涵,還囊括軍事、政治、法律等層面之內容。而和平研究則作為國際關係的另一領域,一方面汲取其他領域的研究成果並與之有所重疊,例如法學、哲學、心理學、人類學、政治學等;一方面與其他學科在和平與衝突議題上,又有著迥異的差別,強調國家間合作之重要性。\\r本文主要探討安全研究與和平研究兩者間的關聯性,透過檢視兩者在發展歷程上的演變、定義的界說、保障安全與達到和平之方式,指出安全研究與和平研究之間的關係時而如同雙胞胎,時而如同連體嬰;本文經由研究發現,安全研究與和平研究兩者間的關聯性在早期與現代是有區別。從僅是本質相似但仍各自有別的雙胞胎關係,發展到目前難以斷然分割的連體嬰關係,同時彼此還「共享」與「共有」許多研究基礎和分析成果。鑒於安全受到破壞則和平將無以維繫,安全研究乃為和平研究發展之基礎,本文主張將和平研究置於安全研究之中,讓兩者間的關聯性判定為是連體嬰。
The study of security is central to the study of international relations; it has deep relations with the development of international relations theory. Being Inter-disciplinary in nature, security study not only encompasses the historical, economic, cultural, and psychological dimensions, but includes the military, political, legal, and technological components. Contrasting with peace studies, it overlappes with or draws inspiration from a varied fields of study, such as jurisprudence, philosophy, psychology, anthropology, politics, but was distinguished from them by its central emphasis with the issue of peace and conflict. The main purpose of this article is to explore the relationship between the security studies and peace studies. The authors argue that the connection between the security studies and peace studies is like siamese twins during certain times and just like fraternal twins during other times. The authors analyze the evolution of security studies and peace studies, the concepts of security and peace, the meanings of security and peace, the strong interrelationship and suggest a framework for achieving security and peace. Pointing out the distinguishable twin-like features that the security and peace studies were thought to have, the authors argue the emergence of a new era in research where the two fields exhibit the embedded relationship and common destiny features of Siamese Twins. In the new thinking, the authors argue, Security Studies encompasses peace studies and security without peace or vice versa is futile.
關聯 國際關係學報, 25, 77-118
Journal of international relations
資料類型 article
dc.creator (作者) 蔡育岱;譚偉恩zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Tsai, Yu-Tai;Tan, Wei-En
dc.date (日期) 2008-01
dc.date.accessioned 20-六月-2016 16:36:12 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 20-六月-2016 16:36:12 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 20-六月-2016 16:36:12 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/98098-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 安全研究是國際關係領域的主要核心研究之一,它與國際關係理論的發展有密切關聯性,同時具有跨學科的性質,不僅包括歷史、經濟、文化和心理等方面內涵,還囊括軍事、政治、法律等層面之內容。而和平研究則作為國際關係的另一領域,一方面汲取其他領域的研究成果並與之有所重疊,例如法學、哲學、心理學、人類學、政治學等;一方面與其他學科在和平與衝突議題上,又有著迥異的差別,強調國家間合作之重要性。\\r本文主要探討安全研究與和平研究兩者間的關聯性,透過檢視兩者在發展歷程上的演變、定義的界說、保障安全與達到和平之方式,指出安全研究與和平研究之間的關係時而如同雙胞胎,時而如同連體嬰;本文經由研究發現,安全研究與和平研究兩者間的關聯性在早期與現代是有區別。從僅是本質相似但仍各自有別的雙胞胎關係,發展到目前難以斷然分割的連體嬰關係,同時彼此還「共享」與「共有」許多研究基礎和分析成果。鑒於安全受到破壞則和平將無以維繫,安全研究乃為和平研究發展之基礎,本文主張將和平研究置於安全研究之中,讓兩者間的關聯性判定為是連體嬰。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The study of security is central to the study of international relations; it has deep relations with the development of international relations theory. Being Inter-disciplinary in nature, security study not only encompasses the historical, economic, cultural, and psychological dimensions, but includes the military, political, legal, and technological components. Contrasting with peace studies, it overlappes with or draws inspiration from a varied fields of study, such as jurisprudence, philosophy, psychology, anthropology, politics, but was distinguished from them by its central emphasis with the issue of peace and conflict. The main purpose of this article is to explore the relationship between the security studies and peace studies. The authors argue that the connection between the security studies and peace studies is like siamese twins during certain times and just like fraternal twins during other times. The authors analyze the evolution of security studies and peace studies, the concepts of security and peace, the meanings of security and peace, the strong interrelationship and suggest a framework for achieving security and peace. Pointing out the distinguishable twin-like features that the security and peace studies were thought to have, the authors argue the emergence of a new era in research where the two fields exhibit the embedded relationship and common destiny features of Siamese Twins. In the new thinking, the authors argue, Security Studies encompasses peace studies and security without peace or vice versa is futile.
dc.format.extent 562673 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 國際關係學報, 25, 77-118
dc.relation (關聯) Journal of international relations
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 安全研究; 和平研究; 非傳統安全; 衝突與暴力
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Security study; Peace study; Conflict and Violence; Non-traditional Security
dc.title (題名) 雙胞胎或連體嬰:論安全研究與和平研究之關聯性zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) Twins or Siamese Twins? On the Relationship Between the Security Study and Peace Study
dc.type (資料類型) article