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題名 論潘重規先生之治學方法與特色
其他題名 The Person Transcription and Research the Dunhuang Grotto Classics-Research Mr. Chong-Guei Pan`s Research Methods and the Characteristics
作者 盧柏勳
Lu, Po-Hsun
貢獻者 中文系
關鍵詞 潘重規; 治學方法; 治學特色; 敦煌學; 紅學; Chung-Guei Pan; research methods; research characteristics; the research of Dunhuang; the research of the story of the stone
日期 2013-06
上傳時間 29-六月-2016 17:04:35 (UTC+8)
摘要 潘重規(1908-2003)先生,原名崇奎,小名夢祥,是近代著名的學者,學術承繼章太炎、黃侃兩位國學大家,研究領域甚廣,舉凡小學、詩經、龍學、文選學、敦煌學、紅學等皆有涉獵,尤以敦煌學及紅學最受學術界推崇。本文主要針對潘重規先生的治學特色與方法進行研究,發現其治學特色帶有細密嚴謹、民族意識、新舊並重等特色;而其治學方法則嫡傳章、黃學派,以文字為基礎,目錄為門徑,又特別著重於考徵文獻,強調善用資料,加以能獨立思考,並提出我見,才能有如此的學術成就,潘重規先生的治學方法與特色,實是值得後學效法與學習。
Mr. Chung-Guei Pan (1908-2003), formerly known as chong-kui the nickname meng- xiang is a famous modern scholars, academic successors of Zhang tai yan, Huang Kan two China academic expert, wide research areas covered primary, the Book of Songs, Long, literary selections study, Dunhuang Studies, A Dream of Red Mansions, and have covered, especially in the Dunhuang Studies and A Dream of Red Mansions most academia respected. Through this paper found Mr. Chung-Guei Pan its scholarly characteristics with meticulous, rigorous, national consciousness, the old and new both and other characteristics; its research methods lineal from Zhang tai yan and Huang Kan, to punctuate transcription based to word for the Path, has been particularly focused in the test literature material, emphasizing the use of information, be able to think independently and proposed self-views, in order to have such academic achievements. Mr. Chung-Guei Pan`s Research Methods and characteristics, in fact, is worth learning model and learning.
關聯 有鳳初鳴年刊, No.9, pp.128-152
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 中文系
dc.creator (作者) 盧柏勳zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lu, Po-Hsun
dc.date (日期) 2013-06
dc.date.accessioned 29-六月-2016 17:04:35 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 29-六月-2016 17:04:35 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 29-六月-2016 17:04:35 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/98503-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 潘重規(1908-2003)先生,原名崇奎,小名夢祥,是近代著名的學者,學術承繼章太炎、黃侃兩位國學大家,研究領域甚廣,舉凡小學、詩經、龍學、文選學、敦煌學、紅學等皆有涉獵,尤以敦煌學及紅學最受學術界推崇。本文主要針對潘重規先生的治學特色與方法進行研究,發現其治學特色帶有細密嚴謹、民族意識、新舊並重等特色;而其治學方法則嫡傳章、黃學派,以文字為基礎,目錄為門徑,又特別著重於考徵文獻,強調善用資料,加以能獨立思考,並提出我見,才能有如此的學術成就,潘重規先生的治學方法與特色,實是值得後學效法與學習。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Mr. Chung-Guei Pan (1908-2003), formerly known as chong-kui the nickname meng- xiang is a famous modern scholars, academic successors of Zhang tai yan, Huang Kan two China academic expert, wide research areas covered primary, the Book of Songs, Long, literary selections study, Dunhuang Studies, A Dream of Red Mansions, and have covered, especially in the Dunhuang Studies and A Dream of Red Mansions most academia respected. Through this paper found Mr. Chung-Guei Pan its scholarly characteristics with meticulous, rigorous, national consciousness, the old and new both and other characteristics; its research methods lineal from Zhang tai yan and Huang Kan, to punctuate transcription based to word for the Path, has been particularly focused in the test literature material, emphasizing the use of information, be able to think independently and proposed self-views, in order to have such academic achievements. Mr. Chung-Guei Pan`s Research Methods and characteristics, in fact, is worth learning model and learning.
dc.format.extent 2574030 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 有鳳初鳴年刊, No.9, pp.128-152
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 潘重規; 治學方法; 治學特色; 敦煌學; 紅學; Chung-Guei Pan; research methods; research characteristics; the research of Dunhuang; the research of the story of the stone
dc.title (題名) 論潘重規先生之治學方法與特色zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) The Person Transcription and Research the Dunhuang Grotto Classics-Research Mr. Chong-Guei Pan`s Research Methods and the Characteristics
dc.type (資料類型) article