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題名 都會區綠地變遷趨勢及其驅動因素之探討--以台北都會區為例
作者 劉小蘭;沈育生;蔡杰廷
貢獻者 地政系
關鍵詞 綠地變遷趨勢;土地利用移轉矩陣;景觀生態指數;影響因素;二元羅吉斯迴歸
Green space change trend;Land use transition matrix;Landscape metrics;Driving factors;Binary logistic regression
日期 2015-12
上傳時間 13-七月-2016 11:23:12 (UTC+8)
摘要 都會區範圍內的綠地,因具有環境、生態、景觀、社會文化、健康、防災等機能,故其發展與規劃,是解決範圍內都市成長擴張所衍生各項環境衝擊,以及實踐永續發展目標的重要方式。然而為極大化綠地規劃的效果,在規劃前須瞭解綠地的變遷趨勢,並釐清影響該變遷之關鍵影響因素,因此,本文以此為探討主題,並以臺北都會區作為實證案例,透過空間分析技術與景觀生態指數的分析,瞭解臺北都會區與其各次分區中綠地空間結構與變遷狀態,更藉由二元羅吉斯迴歸模型的實證,釐清影響綠地變遷的關鍵影響因素。本文實證結果顯示,1995~2010 年間,臺北都會區減少1.19%的綠地面積,但仍有 93.19% 的綠地維持原用,而都會中心外圍區因都市發展所需,其綠地多遭開發或轉用,而愈往都市邊緣地區的綠地則多維持原用,但因有自水體及裸露地增加綠地面積,故綠地尚能維持其原有功能。另外,在 1995~2010 年的景觀生態指數分析結果中,綠地景觀面積百分比雖有微減,但綠地在整體景觀格局中仍佔很大比重(約80%),具主領地位。在各次分區中,僅都會中心外圍區與都會郊區微降,但其主導性仍未動搖;各區大面積綠地因自然增加或造林等措施,使其連接度、面積、空間聚集性皆提升,且形狀更趨複雜,而小面積綠地的連接度與面積則趨減少。在綠地變遷影響因素之實證結果中,顯示自然環境面向中的「與河川距離」、「高程」、「坡度」,社會經濟面向中的「與道路距離」、「與建物距離」、「地價指數」,以及計畫環境面向中的「與都市計畫區距離」皆為關鍵的影響因素。其中,除「與河川距離」、「高程」、「地價指數」與綠地變遷呈正向關係外,其餘皆呈反向關係。
The concept of sustainable development has been applied in cities. Urban green space is essential for enhancing the sustainability of the city among environment, ecology, landscape and society aspects. However, rapid urbanization has rapidly decreased green space in cities. Environmental impact resulting from land use change has increased from individual impacts to global impacts. However, no studies have investigated interactions between green space and other land-use change trend, nor difference of change on different areas. Thus, GIS and landscape metrics were used to investigate the green space change trend and interactions among different land use types in the Taipei metropolitan area from 1995 to 2010. Furthermore, the possible cases of green space change were also analyzed through logistic regression. According to the results of green space change trend from 1995 to 2010, the area of green space decreased 1.19%, and mostly decreased in the central of the metropolitan. Moreover, the green space was still the major landscape, occupying 80% of Taipei Metropolitan Area. Binary logistic regression analysis showed that the natural environment, socioeconomic and government planning do influences green space change in Taipei metropolitan area.
關聯 都市與計畫, 43(2), 189-227
資料類型 article
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.6128/CP.43.2.189
dc.contributor 地政系-
dc.creator (作者) 劉小蘭;沈育生;蔡杰廷-
dc.date (日期) 2015-12-
dc.date.accessioned 13-七月-2016 11:23:12 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 13-七月-2016 11:23:12 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 13-七月-2016 11:23:12 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/98986-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 都會區範圍內的綠地,因具有環境、生態、景觀、社會文化、健康、防災等機能,故其發展與規劃,是解決範圍內都市成長擴張所衍生各項環境衝擊,以及實踐永續發展目標的重要方式。然而為極大化綠地規劃的效果,在規劃前須瞭解綠地的變遷趨勢,並釐清影響該變遷之關鍵影響因素,因此,本文以此為探討主題,並以臺北都會區作為實證案例,透過空間分析技術與景觀生態指數的分析,瞭解臺北都會區與其各次分區中綠地空間結構與變遷狀態,更藉由二元羅吉斯迴歸模型的實證,釐清影響綠地變遷的關鍵影響因素。本文實證結果顯示,1995~2010 年間,臺北都會區減少1.19%的綠地面積,但仍有 93.19% 的綠地維持原用,而都會中心外圍區因都市發展所需,其綠地多遭開發或轉用,而愈往都市邊緣地區的綠地則多維持原用,但因有自水體及裸露地增加綠地面積,故綠地尚能維持其原有功能。另外,在 1995~2010 年的景觀生態指數分析結果中,綠地景觀面積百分比雖有微減,但綠地在整體景觀格局中仍佔很大比重(約80%),具主領地位。在各次分區中,僅都會中心外圍區與都會郊區微降,但其主導性仍未動搖;各區大面積綠地因自然增加或造林等措施,使其連接度、面積、空間聚集性皆提升,且形狀更趨複雜,而小面積綠地的連接度與面積則趨減少。在綠地變遷影響因素之實證結果中,顯示自然環境面向中的「與河川距離」、「高程」、「坡度」,社會經濟面向中的「與道路距離」、「與建物距離」、「地價指數」,以及計畫環境面向中的「與都市計畫區距離」皆為關鍵的影響因素。其中,除「與河川距離」、「高程」、「地價指數」與綠地變遷呈正向關係外,其餘皆呈反向關係。-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The concept of sustainable development has been applied in cities. Urban green space is essential for enhancing the sustainability of the city among environment, ecology, landscape and society aspects. However, rapid urbanization has rapidly decreased green space in cities. Environmental impact resulting from land use change has increased from individual impacts to global impacts. However, no studies have investigated interactions between green space and other land-use change trend, nor difference of change on different areas. Thus, GIS and landscape metrics were used to investigate the green space change trend and interactions among different land use types in the Taipei metropolitan area from 1995 to 2010. Furthermore, the possible cases of green space change were also analyzed through logistic regression. According to the results of green space change trend from 1995 to 2010, the area of green space decreased 1.19%, and mostly decreased in the central of the metropolitan. Moreover, the green space was still the major landscape, occupying 80% of Taipei Metropolitan Area. Binary logistic regression analysis showed that the natural environment, socioeconomic and government planning do influences green space change in Taipei metropolitan area.-
dc.format.extent 2144267 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 都市與計畫, 43(2), 189-227-
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 綠地變遷趨勢;土地利用移轉矩陣;景觀生態指數;影響因素;二元羅吉斯迴歸-
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Green space change trend;Land use transition matrix;Landscape metrics;Driving factors;Binary logistic regression-
dc.title (題名) 都會區綠地變遷趨勢及其驅動因素之探討--以台北都會區為例-
dc.type (資料類型) article-
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6128/CP.43.2.189-
dc.doi.uri (DOI) http://dx.doi.org/10.6128/CP.43.2.189-