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題名 應用開放原始碼GIS於遺產數位保存之研究─以Arches為例
Application of Open Source GIS in Digital Conservation of Heritage ─ a Case Study of Arches
作者 毛皖馨
Mao, Wan Hsin
貢獻者 詹進發
Jan, Jihn Fa
Mao, Wan Hsin
關鍵詞 社區資源
community resources
local heritage
spatial database
Arches v3.0
digital conservation
日期 2016
上傳時間 9-八月-2016 11:51:34 (UTC+8)
摘要 近年來,以社區為主的「在地的力量」變得愈來愈重要。由過去經驗和學者研究可知,透過在地社區的努力、資源的投入,以及適當的環境管理,才是最有效能達到真正永續發展的途徑,也因此「永續社區」也漸漸成為地方性行動及全球永續發展脈絡延伸的基礎單位。另外,從世界遺產保存的發展脈絡來看,「在地社區」逐漸的轉變成了保護各地遺產之在地夥伴的角色。然而,若要能夠永續經營,社區資源調查是很重要的基礎工作。
In recent years, community-oriented "local empowerment" is becoming increasingly important. The past experiences and researches show that, through investments in community efforts, resources, and appropriate environmental management, it is the most effective way to achieve sustainable development. Therefore, "sustainable community" has gradually become the base unit of local action, and an extension of the context of global sustainable development. In addition, judging from the context of world heritage preservation development, "local community" has gradually turned into a role as local partner in protecting heritage worldwide. However, for sustainable management, community resources investigation is a very important fundamental work.
Community resources can be classified into five categories─people, culture, place, products, and landscape. In addition, it can also be the heritage that records collective narration and historical memories of the community from the past to the present. Based on the concept that community resource is a type of local heritage, this research uses Arches (a new open source software system for managing heritage catalogues at different scale, including states, regions, cities, and places) to develop a system for managing the community resources database of the Niu-Li Community Association in Hualien. Moreover, the LizardQ system was used to acquire panoramic images of important sites in the community such that we can achieve the goal of collecting digital archives of various resources in the community. With the development of resources database and management system, we hope to provide the curator with effective tools for planning and managing community resources, in order to develop sustainable community and preserve valuable heritage resources of local communities.
參考文獻 一、 中文參考文獻
沈哲緯、謝寶珊、冀樹勇、高憲彰、陳建忠,2011,「山坡地社區環境地質災害 GIS 查詢、展示系統建立」,『建築學報』,(78_S):45-60。
社團法人花蓮縣牛犁社區交流協會,2006,2006 年客庄文化資源普查。
洪堅仁,2010,「環景技術在休閒產業應用之實作」,『台灣國家政策學刊』,(4): 30-38。
張育銓,2012,「遺產做為一種空間識別: 花蓮豐田社區的遺產論述」,『民俗曲藝』,(176):193-231。
章小平、任嘯,2015,『世界遺產旅遊可持續發展研究─以九寨溝為例』,臺北市: 元華文創。
陳惠貞,2013,『HTML 5&CSS 3網頁程式設計(適用HTML5/4、CSS3/2)』,臺北市:碁峰資訊股份有限公司。
二、 英文參考文獻
Beatley, T., and Manning, K.,1997, The ecology of place: Planning for environment, economy, and community: Island Press.
Bob, M., Roman, L. M., Herbert, P., and Katharina, W., 2014, “Virtual Space: Exploring the Freedom of “Reality” in the Framework of Digital Heritage”, Blucher Design Proceedings, 1(8): 457-460.
Bold, J., and Thornes, R., 1999, “Core Data Standard for Archaeological Sites and Monuments” pp. 33-44 in Documenting the cultural heritage: Getty Research Institute for the History of Art and the Humanities.
Carlisle, P. K., I. Avramides, A. Dalgity, and D. Myers. 2014. “The Arches Heritage Inventory and Management System: A Standards-Based Approach to the Management of Cultural Heritage Information.” Paper presented at the CIDOC (International Committee for Documentation of the International Council of Museums) Conference: Access and Understanding – Networking in the Digital Era, Dresden, Germany, 6-11 September 2014.
Dauzon, S., 2014, Django Essentials: Packt Publishing Ltd.
Güting, R. H., 1994, “An introduction to spatial database systems”, The VLDB Journal—The International Journal on Very Large Data Bases, 3(4): 357-399.
Gormley, C., and Tong, Z., 2015, Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide: O`Reilly Media, Inc.
Holovaty, A., and Kaplan-Moss, J., 2009, The definitive guide to Django: Web development done right: Apress.
Iemma, R., Morando, F., and Osella, M. (2014). Breaking Public Administrations` Data Silos. eJournal of eDemocracy & Open Government, 6(2), 112-122. Retrieved November 26, 2015, from eJournal of eDemocracy & Open Government, on the World Wide Web: http://www.jedem.org/
Jaiswal, S., and Kumar, R., 2015, Learning Django Web Development: Packt Publishing Ltd.
Lawson, B., and Sharp, R., 2011, Introducing html5: New Riders.
Loulanski, T., 2006, “Revising the concept for cultural heritage: the argument for a functional approach”, International Journal of Cultural Property, 13(2): 207.
Martens, B., and Peter, H., 2011, The Destroyed Synagogues of Vienna: Virtual City Walks: LIT Verlag Münster.
Molloy, J. C., 2011, “The Open Knowledge Foundation: open data means better science”, PLoS Biol, 9(12),( e1001195. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1001195)
Myers, D., Dalgity, A., Avramides, I., and Wuthrich, D., 2012, “Arches: an open source GIS for the inventory and management of immovable cultural heritage” pp. 817-824 in Progress in Cultural Heritage Preservation: Springer.
Obe, R. O., and Hsu, L. S., 2014, PostgreSQL: Up and Running: A Practical Introduction to the Advanced Open Source Database: O`Reilly Media, Inc.
Obe, R. O., and Hsu, L. S., 2015, PostGIS in action: Manning Publications Co.
Quint, A., 2003, “Scalable vector graphics”, IEEE MultiMedia, (3): 99-102.
Rössler, M., 2012, “Partners in site management. A shift in focus: heritage and community involvement”, World Guide to Library Schools and Training Courses in Documentation, 31: 27-31.
Riggs, S., Ciolli, G., Krosing, H., and Bartolini, G., 2015, PostgreSQL 9 administration cookbook: Packt Publishing Ltd.
Robbins, J. N., 2012, Learning web design: A beginner`s guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and web graphics: O`Reilly Media, Inc.
Rodriguez, A., 2008, “Restful web services: The basics”, IBM developerWorks.
Shein, E., 2015, “Python for beginners”, Communications of the ACM, 58(3): 19-21.
Simion, B., 2015, Analyzing and Improving the Performance of Spatial Database Processing, Doctoral dissertation, Department of Computer Science ,University of Toronto, Canada.
Steiniger, S., and Hunter, A. J., 2012, “Free and open source GIS software for building a spatial data infrastructure” pp. 247-261 in Geospatial free and open source software in the 21st century: Springer.
UNESCO World Heritage Centre, 2008, “World Heritage Information Kit”, http://whc.unesco.org/documents/publi_infokit_en.pdf (Date visited: November 25, 2015).
Wilton, P., and Colby, J., 2005, Beginning SQL: John Wiley & Sons.
三、 網頁參考文獻
Arches (2013). Project Background、Graphs、Standards and Interoperability、Downloads、Installation and User Guides、Fact Sheet. Retrieved October 30, 2015 from Arches on the World Wide Web: http://archesproject.org/project-background/
Arches HIP (2015). Arches HIP Docs. Retrived December 1, 2015 from Arches HIP on the World Wide Web: http://arches-hip.readthedocs.org/en/latest/overview/
Beautiful Soup (2015). Beautiful Soup Documentation. Retrived May 18, 2016 from Beautiful Soup on the World Wide Web: https://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/doc/
Cane River Heritage Inventory & Map (2015). MAP. Retrived November 16, 2015 from Cane River Heritage Inventory & Map on the World Wide Web: http://crhim.canerivernha.org/map
CIDOC CRM (2015). Definition of the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model. Retrived April 25, 2016 from CIDOC on the World Wide Web: http://new.cidoc-crm.org/Version/version-6.2
CKAN (2015). CKAN Demo。Retrived November 18, 2015 from CKAN on the World Wide Web: http://demo.ckan.org/
Elasticsearch (2016). Use Cases. Retrived May 14, 2016 from Elasticsearch on the World Wide Web: https://www.elastic.co/use-cases
ENGAGE (2014). ENGAGE. Retrived November 18, 2015 from ENGAGE on the World Wide Web: http://www.engagedata.eu/
GCI (2015). GCI. Retrived November 30, 2015 from GCI on the World Wide Web: http://www.getty.edu/conservation/about/
HistoricPlacesLA (2015). MAP。Retrived November 16, 2015 from HistoricPlacesLA on the World Wide Web: http://historicplacesla.org/
ICOM (1999). International Core Data Standard for Archaeological Sites and Monuments. Retrieved November 2, 2015 from ICOM on the World Wide Web: http://archives.icom.museum/object-id/heritage/int.html
ISO (1998). ISO 21127:2014. Retrieved November 2, 2015 from ISO on the World Wide Web: http://www.iso.org/iso/catalogue_detail?csnumber=57832
LizardQ (2015). LizardQ. Retrived November 23, 2015 from LizardQ on the World Wide Web: http://www.lizardq.com/en/
MEGA-Jordan (2010). Map. Retrieved November 2, 2015 from MEGA-Jordan on the World Wide Web: http://megajordan.org/Map
Open Definition (2015). Open Definition 2.1. Retrived November 17, 2015 from Open Definition on the World Wide Web: http://opendefinition.org/od/2.1/en/
Psycopg (2015). Psycopg – PostgreSQL database adapter for Python. Retrived May 18, 2016 from Psycopg on the World Wide Web: http://initd.org/psycopg/docs/
Python (2016). What is Python? Executive Summary. Retrived May 17, 2016 from Python on the World Wide Web: https://www.python.org/doc/essays/blurb/
Ricoh Theta S (2015). Ricoh Theta S. Retrived November 30, 2015 from Ricoh Theta S on the World Wide Web: https://theta360.com/ct/
Tim Berners-Lee (2010). Is your Linked Open Data 5 Star?. Retrived November 17, 2015 from W3C on the World Wide Web: http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/LinkedData.html
TUTORIAL REPUBLIC (2016). Bootstrap Introduction. Retrived May 22, 2016 from Beautiful Soup on the World Wide Web: http://www.tutorialrepublic.com/twitter-bootstrap-tutorial/bootstrap-introduction.php
UNESCO (2015). 2005 Operational Guidelines. Retrived April 6, 2016 from UNESCO on the World Wide Web: http://whc.unesco.org/en/guidelines/
W3School (2016). SQL Tutorial. Retrived May 17, 2016 from W3School on the World Wide Web: http://www.w3schools.com/sql/
描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103257005
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 詹進發zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Jan, Jihn Faen_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 毛皖馨zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Mao, Wan Hsinen_US
dc.creator (作者) 毛皖馨zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Mao, Wan Hsinen_US
dc.date (日期) 2016en_US
dc.date.accessioned 9-八月-2016 11:51:34 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 9-八月-2016 11:51:34 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 9-八月-2016 11:51:34 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0103257005en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/99825-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 地政學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 103257005zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 近年來,以社區為主的「在地的力量」變得愈來愈重要。由過去經驗和學者研究可知,透過在地社區的努力、資源的投入,以及適當的環境管理,才是最有效能達到真正永續發展的途徑,也因此「永續社區」也漸漸成為地方性行動及全球永續發展脈絡延伸的基礎單位。另外,從世界遺產保存的發展脈絡來看,「在地社區」逐漸的轉變成了保護各地遺產之在地夥伴的角色。然而,若要能夠永續經營,社區資源調查是很重要的基礎工作。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) In recent years, community-oriented "local empowerment" is becoming increasingly important. The past experiences and researches show that, through investments in community efforts, resources, and appropriate environmental management, it is the most effective way to achieve sustainable development. Therefore, "sustainable community" has gradually become the base unit of local action, and an extension of the context of global sustainable development. In addition, judging from the context of world heritage preservation development, "local community" has gradually turned into a role as local partner in protecting heritage worldwide. However, for sustainable management, community resources investigation is a very important fundamental work.
Community resources can be classified into five categories─people, culture, place, products, and landscape. In addition, it can also be the heritage that records collective narration and historical memories of the community from the past to the present. Based on the concept that community resource is a type of local heritage, this research uses Arches (a new open source software system for managing heritage catalogues at different scale, including states, regions, cities, and places) to develop a system for managing the community resources database of the Niu-Li Community Association in Hualien. Moreover, the LizardQ system was used to acquire panoramic images of important sites in the community such that we can achieve the goal of collecting digital archives of various resources in the community. With the development of resources database and management system, we hope to provide the curator with effective tools for planning and managing community resources, in order to develop sustainable community and preserve valuable heritage resources of local communities.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 6
第三節 論文架構 7
第二章 文獻回顧 9
第一節 社區資源與空間資料庫 9
一、 何謂社區資源 9
二、 空間資料庫於社區之應用 13
第二節 開放原始碼軟體─ARCHES 17
一、 GCI 17
二、 Arches的源起 18
三、 CDS與CRM國際標準 20
四、 Arches HIP與圖形資料結構 23
五、 小結 27
六、 Arches的應用實例 28
第三節 開放資料 31
一、 何謂開放資料 31
二、 開放資料平台 33
三、 開放資料之網路服務 37
第四節 全景(環景)技術的應用 40
第三章 研究方法 45
第一節 研究區域 45
一、 花蓮牛犁社區 45
第二節 研究工具 50
一、 Arches 51
二、 LizardQ 53
三、 Python 55
四、 Django 56
五、 PostgreSQL與PostGIS 58
六、 SQL與Psycopg2 59
七、 Elasticsearch 60
八、 Requests與Beautiful Soup 4 61
九、 SVG與Pygal 63
十、 Bootstrap與HTML、CSS和JavaScript 64
第三節 研究方法與材料 66
一、 獲取資料 66
二、 資料處理 69
三、 社區資源空間資料庫與系統平台建置 71
第四章 研究成果 79
第一節 社區資源全景影像拍攝 79
第二節 社區資源系統平台 81
一、 前端展示平台 81
二、 後端管理介面 94
第三節 檢視社區資源間的關係 100
第五章 結論與建議 105
第一節 結論 105
第二節 建議 108
參考文獻 111
dc.format.extent 7890607 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103257005en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 社區資源zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 在地遺產zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 空間資料庫zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Archeszh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 數位保存zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) community resourcesen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) local heritageen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) spatial databaseen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Arches v3.0en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) digital conservationen_US
dc.title (題名) 應用開放原始碼GIS於遺產數位保存之研究─以Arches為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Application of Open Source GIS in Digital Conservation of Heritage ─ a Case Study of Archesen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、 中文參考文獻
沈哲緯、謝寶珊、冀樹勇、高憲彰、陳建忠,2011,「山坡地社區環境地質災害 GIS 查詢、展示系統建立」,『建築學報』,(78_S):45-60。
社團法人花蓮縣牛犁社區交流協會,2006,2006 年客庄文化資源普查。
洪堅仁,2010,「環景技術在休閒產業應用之實作」,『台灣國家政策學刊』,(4): 30-38。
張育銓,2012,「遺產做為一種空間識別: 花蓮豐田社區的遺產論述」,『民俗曲藝』,(176):193-231。
章小平、任嘯,2015,『世界遺產旅遊可持續發展研究─以九寨溝為例』,臺北市: 元華文創。
陳惠貞,2013,『HTML 5&CSS 3網頁程式設計(適用HTML5/4、CSS3/2)』,臺北市:碁峰資訊股份有限公司。
二、 英文參考文獻
Beatley, T., and Manning, K.,1997, The ecology of place: Planning for environment, economy, and community: Island Press.
Bob, M., Roman, L. M., Herbert, P., and Katharina, W., 2014, “Virtual Space: Exploring the Freedom of “Reality” in the Framework of Digital Heritage”, Blucher Design Proceedings, 1(8): 457-460.
Bold, J., and Thornes, R., 1999, “Core Data Standard for Archaeological Sites and Monuments” pp. 33-44 in Documenting the cultural heritage: Getty Research Institute for the History of Art and the Humanities.
Carlisle, P. K., I. Avramides, A. Dalgity, and D. Myers. 2014. “The Arches Heritage Inventory and Management System: A Standards-Based Approach to the Management of Cultural Heritage Information.” Paper presented at the CIDOC (International Committee for Documentation of the International Council of Museums) Conference: Access and Understanding – Networking in the Digital Era, Dresden, Germany, 6-11 September 2014.
Dauzon, S., 2014, Django Essentials: Packt Publishing Ltd.
Güting, R. H., 1994, “An introduction to spatial database systems”, The VLDB Journal—The International Journal on Very Large Data Bases, 3(4): 357-399.
Gormley, C., and Tong, Z., 2015, Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide: O`Reilly Media, Inc.
Holovaty, A., and Kaplan-Moss, J., 2009, The definitive guide to Django: Web development done right: Apress.
Iemma, R., Morando, F., and Osella, M. (2014). Breaking Public Administrations` Data Silos. eJournal of eDemocracy & Open Government, 6(2), 112-122. Retrieved November 26, 2015, from eJournal of eDemocracy & Open Government, on the World Wide Web: http://www.jedem.org/
Jaiswal, S., and Kumar, R., 2015, Learning Django Web Development: Packt Publishing Ltd.
Lawson, B., and Sharp, R., 2011, Introducing html5: New Riders.
Loulanski, T., 2006, “Revising the concept for cultural heritage: the argument for a functional approach”, International Journal of Cultural Property, 13(2): 207.
Martens, B., and Peter, H., 2011, The Destroyed Synagogues of Vienna: Virtual City Walks: LIT Verlag Münster.
Molloy, J. C., 2011, “The Open Knowledge Foundation: open data means better science”, PLoS Biol, 9(12),( e1001195. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1001195)
Myers, D., Dalgity, A., Avramides, I., and Wuthrich, D., 2012, “Arches: an open source GIS for the inventory and management of immovable cultural heritage” pp. 817-824 in Progress in Cultural Heritage Preservation: Springer.
Obe, R. O., and Hsu, L. S., 2014, PostgreSQL: Up and Running: A Practical Introduction to the Advanced Open Source Database: O`Reilly Media, Inc.
Obe, R. O., and Hsu, L. S., 2015, PostGIS in action: Manning Publications Co.
Quint, A., 2003, “Scalable vector graphics”, IEEE MultiMedia, (3): 99-102.
Rössler, M., 2012, “Partners in site management. A shift in focus: heritage and community involvement”, World Guide to Library Schools and Training Courses in Documentation, 31: 27-31.
Riggs, S., Ciolli, G., Krosing, H., and Bartolini, G., 2015, PostgreSQL 9 administration cookbook: Packt Publishing Ltd.
Robbins, J. N., 2012, Learning web design: A beginner`s guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and web graphics: O`Reilly Media, Inc.
Rodriguez, A., 2008, “Restful web services: The basics”, IBM developerWorks.
Shein, E., 2015, “Python for beginners”, Communications of the ACM, 58(3): 19-21.
Simion, B., 2015, Analyzing and Improving the Performance of Spatial Database Processing, Doctoral dissertation, Department of Computer Science ,University of Toronto, Canada.
Steiniger, S., and Hunter, A. J., 2012, “Free and open source GIS software for building a spatial data infrastructure” pp. 247-261 in Geospatial free and open source software in the 21st century: Springer.
UNESCO World Heritage Centre, 2008, “World Heritage Information Kit”, http://whc.unesco.org/documents/publi_infokit_en.pdf (Date visited: November 25, 2015).
Wilton, P., and Colby, J., 2005, Beginning SQL: John Wiley & Sons.
三、 網頁參考文獻
Arches (2013). Project Background、Graphs、Standards and Interoperability、Downloads、Installation and User Guides、Fact Sheet. Retrieved October 30, 2015 from Arches on the World Wide Web: http://archesproject.org/project-background/
Arches HIP (2015). Arches HIP Docs. Retrived December 1, 2015 from Arches HIP on the World Wide Web: http://arches-hip.readthedocs.org/en/latest/overview/
Beautiful Soup (2015). Beautiful Soup Documentation. Retrived May 18, 2016 from Beautiful Soup on the World Wide Web: https://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/doc/
Cane River Heritage Inventory & Map (2015). MAP. Retrived November 16, 2015 from Cane River Heritage Inventory & Map on the World Wide Web: http://crhim.canerivernha.org/map
CIDOC CRM (2015). Definition of the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model. Retrived April 25, 2016 from CIDOC on the World Wide Web: http://new.cidoc-crm.org/Version/version-6.2
CKAN (2015). CKAN Demo。Retrived November 18, 2015 from CKAN on the World Wide Web: http://demo.ckan.org/
Elasticsearch (2016). Use Cases. Retrived May 14, 2016 from Elasticsearch on the World Wide Web: https://www.elastic.co/use-cases
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HistoricPlacesLA (2015). MAP。Retrived November 16, 2015 from HistoricPlacesLA on the World Wide Web: http://historicplacesla.org/
ICOM (1999). International Core Data Standard for Archaeological Sites and Monuments. Retrieved November 2, 2015 from ICOM on the World Wide Web: http://archives.icom.museum/object-id/heritage/int.html
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Psycopg (2015). Psycopg – PostgreSQL database adapter for Python. Retrived May 18, 2016 from Psycopg on the World Wide Web: http://initd.org/psycopg/docs/
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Tim Berners-Lee (2010). Is your Linked Open Data 5 Star?. Retrived November 17, 2015 from W3C on the World Wide Web: http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/LinkedData.html
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