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題名 建立愛情關係中伴侶間人際行為測量工具之研究
其他題名 To Develop the Measurement of Couples’Interpersonal Behaviors in Romantic Relationships
作者 孫頌賢
關鍵詞 人際方格技術;伴侶間人際行為;社會行為結構分析;愛情關係;關係衡鑑
interpersonal grid;couples’ interpersonal behavior;structure analysis of social behavior;dating;relational assessment
日期 2015-03
上傳時間 9-八月-2016 17:11:27 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究依據社會行為結構分析模式,測量愛情關係中知覺自己與知覺伴侶人際行為內涵。研究目的為設計自陳式伴侶間人際行為量表與人際方格技術等工具,並檢驗信、效度與兩類工具的關聯性。自陳式量表招募戀愛中的大學生322人,方格技術則另招募107對約會情侶。研究結果:一、自陳式量表修正後四因素命名為關愛呵護、攻擊漠視、自主肯定、干涉控制;該量表在因素分析、二維空間效度、內部一致性上,獲得良好信、效度表現,該因素命名反應出愛情中人際行為知覺的特色。二、人際方格技術在二維空間效度、再測信度上,也獲得良好表現。三、兩套工具在相關係數與二維空間上具有相似性、但不相同。最後說明在研究與實務中評估愛情關係時的方法與建議。
Using the model of Structure Analysis of Social Behavior, this study investigates to assess the perception of self and partner’s interpersonal behaviors in romantic relationships. The research purposes were to establish the self-report scale of Couples’ interpersonal behavior and the interpersonal grid, then to test the relevance of these tools. We tested 322 subjects who are in stable romantic dating relationships for more than 3 months at the self-report scale. The interpersonal grid analysis consisted of 107 pairs (214 subjects) unmarried couples. Main results: There are four factors for Couples’ Interpersonal Perception Scale, and they are autonomy-affirmation, affiliation-caring, attacks-ignore and control. The factor analysis in two-dimensional space validity and reliability has good performance. The results reflect Chinese culture in romantic relationship. The interpersonal grid also has good performance for two-dimensional space validity and re-tests reliability. Two kinds of tools are similar in two-dimensional space validity and Pearson’s correlation, but not identical. Finally, we illustrate the assessment methods in love research and practice.
關聯 教育與心理研究, 38(1),93-124
Journal of Education & Psychology
資料類型 article
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.3966/102498852015033801004
dc.creator (作者) 孫頌賢zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 2015-03
dc.date.accessioned 9-八月-2016 17:11:27 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 9-八月-2016 17:11:27 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 9-八月-2016 17:11:27 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/99944-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究依據社會行為結構分析模式,測量愛情關係中知覺自己與知覺伴侶人際行為內涵。研究目的為設計自陳式伴侶間人際行為量表與人際方格技術等工具,並檢驗信、效度與兩類工具的關聯性。自陳式量表招募戀愛中的大學生322人,方格技術則另招募107對約會情侶。研究結果:一、自陳式量表修正後四因素命名為關愛呵護、攻擊漠視、自主肯定、干涉控制;該量表在因素分析、二維空間效度、內部一致性上,獲得良好信、效度表現,該因素命名反應出愛情中人際行為知覺的特色。二、人際方格技術在二維空間效度、再測信度上,也獲得良好表現。三、兩套工具在相關係數與二維空間上具有相似性、但不相同。最後說明在研究與實務中評估愛情關係時的方法與建議。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Using the model of Structure Analysis of Social Behavior, this study investigates to assess the perception of self and partner’s interpersonal behaviors in romantic relationships. The research purposes were to establish the self-report scale of Couples’ interpersonal behavior and the interpersonal grid, then to test the relevance of these tools. We tested 322 subjects who are in stable romantic dating relationships for more than 3 months at the self-report scale. The interpersonal grid analysis consisted of 107 pairs (214 subjects) unmarried couples. Main results: There are four factors for Couples’ Interpersonal Perception Scale, and they are autonomy-affirmation, affiliation-caring, attacks-ignore and control. The factor analysis in two-dimensional space validity and reliability has good performance. The results reflect Chinese culture in romantic relationship. The interpersonal grid also has good performance for two-dimensional space validity and re-tests reliability. Two kinds of tools are similar in two-dimensional space validity and Pearson’s correlation, but not identical. Finally, we illustrate the assessment methods in love research and practice.
dc.format.extent 13401633 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 教育與心理研究, 38(1),93-124
dc.relation (關聯) Journal of Education & Psychology
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 人際方格技術;伴侶間人際行為;社會行為結構分析;愛情關係;關係衡鑑
dc.subject (關鍵詞) interpersonal grid;couples’ interpersonal behavior;structure analysis of social behavior;dating;relational assessment
dc.title (題名) 建立愛情關係中伴侶間人際行為測量工具之研究zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) To Develop the Measurement of Couples’Interpersonal Behaviors in Romantic Relationships
dc.type (資料類型) article
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.3966/102498852015033801004
dc.doi.uri (DOI) http://dx.doi.org/10.3966/102498852015033801004