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題名 中華文化的全球化:獨白與對話
其他題名 The Globalization of Chinese Culture: Monologism and Dialogism
作者 楊志誠
Yang, Chih-cheng
關鍵詞 獨白;對話;文化共生;全球地方化
日期 2011-03
上傳時間 18-八月-2016 17:31:58 (UTC+8)
摘要 本論文將採取結構功能主義 (structural-functionalism) 及文化研究的途徑,探討未來西方文明在極度發展後導致文化焦慮及危機的進化過程中,中國應該推動的文化轉型及其在世界文明的新角色。戰術上,其首要任務將是,如何讓轉型後的新中華文化取得全球世人的價值認同 (construction of globally accepted Neo-Chinese culture),以擁有高效性影響潛能的「軟權力」;其次則是透過量子化組織的全球化機能建構,具體發揮中國「公共外交」的政策行為,調和西方物慾本質的全球化機制。檢視這一個世紀的情勢發展,文化帝國主義在未來世局將失去正當性,因此也將沒有可行性。既然西方文明或美國價值為內涵的文化帝國主義無法得逞,那麼想要建構以東方文明或中國價值為內涵的文化帝國主義,也不可能被接受;其關鍵因素乃在於,未來不能逆轉的全球化機能具有強烈「去中心化」的體制力 (institutional constraints);未來全球化體系的文化現象將是各地方文化透過碰撞、對話而共生的「全球地方化」(glocalization) 文化體系。\\r 未來立基於東方精神文明的全球化體系,期待是一種能與「他者」文化相容、共生的新中華文化體系,有賴於文化、產業及空間的全球性規劃來完成。具體來說,全球性的擴張必須靠高效能的載體,包括華人、媒體和商品,載運著普世性精神價值的文化,穿透各國國家主權的藩籬,在全球各「地方」注入文化的空間氣息,發揮人文空間的擴張性及品德修養的內斂性,進而重塑其空間顯像;那就是「華人文化創意園區」的全球佈局。\\r 果若這是一個「可期待」的願景,那麼傳統的中華文化就必須透過「獨白」,自我超越,才能夠在新時代的新形勢下與時俱進,發揮包容性及孔子的仁德精神,與他者文化「對話」,進而達成「以中華文化為主軸」的「文化共生體系」。
Given the situation, cultural imperialism has been inclining toward loosing its legitimacy and will ultimately face the negation of practicability. Now that even the cultural imperialism which has long pride itself of its Western tradition and American value system no longer holds, the attempt to construct one with Oriental culture and Chinese principles is therefore unfeasible. The major factor for this alteration comes from institutional constraints of decentralization that so characterize the ongoing globalization. As a consequence of the collision and dialogism between different cultures, future globalization will help bring about a cultural phenomenon that centers instead on glocalization. Future globalization of the Eastern culture demands a new body of Chinese culture that is compatible and symbiotic with cultures of the “other.” This objective will be attained through a plan that deploys globally and strategically on cultural, industrial and spatial developments. Specifically speaking, cultural influences with global expansion require highly efficient mediums, including people, media and commodities, which are capable of bridging the gap between varying national sovereignties. Such globalization, with its outward expansion in cultural space and inward cultivation of characters, helps refine the spatial representation and put out an infrastructure for the global expansion of the “Creative Chinese cultural space.”\
If such prospect is plausible, traditional Chinese culture ought to transcend itself by having interior “monologism,” and with it becomes more in tune with the state of the new age; meanwhile, it will be capable of establishing “dialogisms” with other cultures. As a result, out of this altered Chinese cultural influence, a “cultural symbiotic system” will be born. The paper aims to utilize an approach of structural-functionalism and culture study in order to tackle with the issue at hand. Regarding the advancement of cultural anxiety and the crisis caused by the extreme development of Western culture, one major concern should be how would China initiate the change that are required of it by its new assigned role in world civilization. Tactically, for the purpose of acquiring a potentially highly influential “soft power”, the construction of a globally accepted Neo-Chinese culture should be preferably prioritized. Secondly, a quantum organization with global scope would not only substantially bring the Chinese policy of the “public diplomacy” into full play, but also harmonize the global mechanism that is subject to the essentially materialistic Western culture.
關聯 文化越界,1(5),1-39
Cross-cultural Studies
資料類型 article
dc.creator (作者) 楊志誠zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Yang, Chih-cheng
dc.date (日期) 2011-03
dc.date.accessioned 18-八月-2016 17:31:58 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 18-八月-2016 17:31:58 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 18-八月-2016 17:31:58 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/100430-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本論文將採取結構功能主義 (structural-functionalism) 及文化研究的途徑,探討未來西方文明在極度發展後導致文化焦慮及危機的進化過程中,中國應該推動的文化轉型及其在世界文明的新角色。戰術上,其首要任務將是,如何讓轉型後的新中華文化取得全球世人的價值認同 (construction of globally accepted Neo-Chinese culture),以擁有高效性影響潛能的「軟權力」;其次則是透過量子化組織的全球化機能建構,具體發揮中國「公共外交」的政策行為,調和西方物慾本質的全球化機制。檢視這一個世紀的情勢發展,文化帝國主義在未來世局將失去正當性,因此也將沒有可行性。既然西方文明或美國價值為內涵的文化帝國主義無法得逞,那麼想要建構以東方文明或中國價值為內涵的文化帝國主義,也不可能被接受;其關鍵因素乃在於,未來不能逆轉的全球化機能具有強烈「去中心化」的體制力 (institutional constraints);未來全球化體系的文化現象將是各地方文化透過碰撞、對話而共生的「全球地方化」(glocalization) 文化體系。\\r 未來立基於東方精神文明的全球化體系,期待是一種能與「他者」文化相容、共生的新中華文化體系,有賴於文化、產業及空間的全球性規劃來完成。具體來說,全球性的擴張必須靠高效能的載體,包括華人、媒體和商品,載運著普世性精神價值的文化,穿透各國國家主權的藩籬,在全球各「地方」注入文化的空間氣息,發揮人文空間的擴張性及品德修養的內斂性,進而重塑其空間顯像;那就是「華人文化創意園區」的全球佈局。\\r 果若這是一個「可期待」的願景,那麼傳統的中華文化就必須透過「獨白」,自我超越,才能夠在新時代的新形勢下與時俱進,發揮包容性及孔子的仁德精神,與他者文化「對話」,進而達成「以中華文化為主軸」的「文化共生體系」。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Given the situation, cultural imperialism has been inclining toward loosing its legitimacy and will ultimately face the negation of practicability. Now that even the cultural imperialism which has long pride itself of its Western tradition and American value system no longer holds, the attempt to construct one with Oriental culture and Chinese principles is therefore unfeasible. The major factor for this alteration comes from institutional constraints of decentralization that so characterize the ongoing globalization. As a consequence of the collision and dialogism between different cultures, future globalization will help bring about a cultural phenomenon that centers instead on glocalization. Future globalization of the Eastern culture demands a new body of Chinese culture that is compatible and symbiotic with cultures of the “other.” This objective will be attained through a plan that deploys globally and strategically on cultural, industrial and spatial developments. Specifically speaking, cultural influences with global expansion require highly efficient mediums, including people, media and commodities, which are capable of bridging the gap between varying national sovereignties. Such globalization, with its outward expansion in cultural space and inward cultivation of characters, helps refine the spatial representation and put out an infrastructure for the global expansion of the “Creative Chinese cultural space.”\
If such prospect is plausible, traditional Chinese culture ought to transcend itself by having interior “monologism,” and with it becomes more in tune with the state of the new age; meanwhile, it will be capable of establishing “dialogisms” with other cultures. As a result, out of this altered Chinese cultural influence, a “cultural symbiotic system” will be born. The paper aims to utilize an approach of structural-functionalism and culture study in order to tackle with the issue at hand. Regarding the advancement of cultural anxiety and the crisis caused by the extreme development of Western culture, one major concern should be how would China initiate the change that are required of it by its new assigned role in world civilization. Tactically, for the purpose of acquiring a potentially highly influential “soft power”, the construction of a globally accepted Neo-Chinese culture should be preferably prioritized. Secondly, a quantum organization with global scope would not only substantially bring the Chinese policy of the “public diplomacy” into full play, but also harmonize the global mechanism that is subject to the essentially materialistic Western culture.
dc.format.extent 616167 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 文化越界,1(5),1-39
dc.relation (關聯) Cross-cultural Studies
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 獨白;對話;文化共生;全球地方化
dc.title (題名) 中華文化的全球化:獨白與對話zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) The Globalization of Chinese Culture: Monologism and Dialogism
dc.type (資料類型) article