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題名 恰達耶夫「哲學書簡」在俄國文化史上的地位和意義
其他題名 The Significance of Peter Chadaev`s "Philosophical Letters" in Russian Cultural History
作者 王兆徽
Wang, Chao-Hui
關鍵詞 十二月黨人; 東正教; 西歐派; 斯拉夫派; 哲學書簡; 拜占庭主義; 赫爾岑; 普希金; 謝林; 羅馬正教; 民粹運動; 國民精神論; 烏瓦洛夫三原則
Chaadaev`s close friend ; a great Russian poet A. Pushkin ; who also knew him very well ; has written a poem called For Chaadaev`s Portrait
日期 2001-01
上傳時間 30-八月-2016 14:25:08 (UTC+8)
摘要 恰達耶夫的摯友,對他知之甚深的俄國大詩人普希金,在一篇『題恰達耶夫畫像』詩中所寫的幾句話寓意頗深
恰達耶夫「書簡」是俄國民族意識覺醒過程中的產物,恰達耶夫本人及其「哲學書簡」對於俄國文化的意義,並不在於它的內容和觀點,最重要的是展示了俄國人有了自省的意識、批判精神和思辯傳統。他提出了思考俄羅斯未來的命運及俄國發展該走的道路,這一歷史哲學的嚴肅問題的提出(постановка историко-филосовской проблемы)使恰達耶夫在俄國文化史上占有不可動搖的地位,而當年俄羅斯斯拉夫派和西歐派的思想論爭正是以他爲中心而展開的。
Chaadaev’s close friend, a great Russian poet A. Pushkin, who also knew him very well, has written a poem called “For Chaadaev’s Portrait”. Peter Chaadaev was a famous Russian thinker, as well as a Westernizer. After he was graduated from Moscow University, he joined the Russo-French War in 1812 and went to Paris with the Russian army. He retired from military service in 1821. From 1823 to 1826, he traveled throughout Europe and befriended Shelling, who greatly influenced him. After returning from Europe, Chaadaev worried about corruption in Russia; therefore he wrote the “Philosophical Letters”(8 letters included). The first letter was published in 1836 and garnered a lot of attentions in Russia. Chaadaev was accused of being “the traitor of Russia”; the czar even denounced him as a “madman” and forbid him from publishing any articles. As the Russian great thinker A. Herzan said, that the “Philosophical Letters” is the product of the awakening self-conscience of Russian nationalism. The meaning of Chaadaev himself and his “Philosophical Letters” to Russian culture, does not lie in its content and viewpoints, rather it reveals the Russian self-conscience, criticism and tradition of thinking. Chaadaev considered Russia`s destiny and offered a way to develop Russia. The raising of these issues in historical philosophy has given Chaadaev an important status in Russia`s cultural history; in fact, the debate between Westernizer and Slovophilolism was stirred up by his viewpoints.
關聯 俄羅斯學報, 1, 1-10
Journal of Russian studies
Vestnik instituta rossii
資料類型 article
dc.creator (作者) 王兆徽zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Wang, Chao-Hui
dc.date (日期) 2001-01
dc.date.accessioned 30-八月-2016 14:25:08 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 30-八月-2016 14:25:08 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 30-八月-2016 14:25:08 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/100867-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 恰達耶夫的摯友,對他知之甚深的俄國大詩人普希金,在一篇『題恰達耶夫畫像』詩中所寫的幾句話寓意頗深
恰達耶夫「書簡」是俄國民族意識覺醒過程中的產物,恰達耶夫本人及其「哲學書簡」對於俄國文化的意義,並不在於它的內容和觀點,最重要的是展示了俄國人有了自省的意識、批判精神和思辯傳統。他提出了思考俄羅斯未來的命運及俄國發展該走的道路,這一歷史哲學的嚴肅問題的提出(постановка историко-филосовской проблемы)使恰達耶夫在俄國文化史上占有不可動搖的地位,而當年俄羅斯斯拉夫派和西歐派的思想論爭正是以他爲中心而展開的。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Chaadaev’s close friend, a great Russian poet A. Pushkin, who also knew him very well, has written a poem called “For Chaadaev’s Portrait”. Peter Chaadaev was a famous Russian thinker, as well as a Westernizer. After he was graduated from Moscow University, he joined the Russo-French War in 1812 and went to Paris with the Russian army. He retired from military service in 1821. From 1823 to 1826, he traveled throughout Europe and befriended Shelling, who greatly influenced him. After returning from Europe, Chaadaev worried about corruption in Russia; therefore he wrote the “Philosophical Letters”(8 letters included). The first letter was published in 1836 and garnered a lot of attentions in Russia. Chaadaev was accused of being “the traitor of Russia”; the czar even denounced him as a “madman” and forbid him from publishing any articles. As the Russian great thinker A. Herzan said, that the “Philosophical Letters” is the product of the awakening self-conscience of Russian nationalism. The meaning of Chaadaev himself and his “Philosophical Letters” to Russian culture, does not lie in its content and viewpoints, rather it reveals the Russian self-conscience, criticism and tradition of thinking. Chaadaev considered Russia`s destiny and offered a way to develop Russia. The raising of these issues in historical philosophy has given Chaadaev an important status in Russia`s cultural history; in fact, the debate between Westernizer and Slovophilolism was stirred up by his viewpoints.
dc.format.extent 688878 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 俄羅斯學報, 1, 1-10
dc.relation (關聯) Journal of Russian studies
dc.relation (關聯) Vestnik instituta rossii
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 十二月黨人; 東正教; 西歐派; 斯拉夫派; 哲學書簡; 拜占庭主義; 赫爾岑; 普希金; 謝林; 羅馬正教; 民粹運動; 國民精神論; 烏瓦洛夫三原則
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Chaadaev`s close friend ; a great Russian poet A. Pushkin ; who also knew him very well ; has written a poem called For Chaadaev`s Portrait
dc.title (題名) 恰達耶夫「哲學書簡」在俄國文化史上的地位和意義zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) The Significance of Peter Chadaev`s "Philosophical Letters" in Russian Cultural History
dc.type (資料類型) article