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題名 新推個案房價指數分析—產品趨勢、異常點與結構轉變
An Analysis of HPI of New Housing Projects: Product Trends, Outliers and Price Structural Changes
作者 袁淑湄
貢獻者 張金鶚
關鍵詞 特徵價格法
日期 2016
上傳時間 2-九月-2016 00:50:17 (UTC+8)
摘要 新推個案住宅的價格波動受到社會各方關注。新推個案住宅是國人購屋的管道之一,為國內重要的住宅次市場;以及預售屋價格影響中古屋價格波動,預售住宅價格為領先指標,提前一季反映出中古屋市場的價格變化。新推個案住宅因具備上述特色,因此如何編制具有穩健性的房價指數為重要議題。本文主要研究內容依循指數編制的三大步驟展開,依序分成三大主題,分別為:典型住宅的變遷、異常點分析、房價結構。期能更瞭解新推個案住宅市場特色、家戶的消費行為,並在指數編制技術上進行改善與調整,尋找適合新推個案住宅市場之房價指數編制方式。
研究主題二為異常點分析,比較不同參數校估方式的模型表現,並分析異常點特性。從指數編制的步驟而言,研究本主題的意義為緩和指數公式的住宅屬性價格受到市場推案活潑之影響。實證結果顯示,經比較使用OLS模型、DFFITS技術和穩健迴歸中的「再加權最小平方法(Re-weighted Least Squares, RLS)」模型,以RLS模型表現較佳。台北都會區新推住宅個案異常點特色可歸納為三:推案基地周圍及所在行政區生活機能便利,但距離市中心較遠且發展落後的地區;推案基地周圍小環境較差的地區;非典型的住宅產品,包括豪宅產品、類套房產品和景觀住宅產品。
參考文獻 一、中文文獻
陳彥仲和Anas, A.,1994,「住宅及商業租金聯合均衡模型及交通政策影響分析—紐約都會區之實證研究」,『都市與計劃』,21(2):129-148。
Aizcorbe, A.M., 2014, A practical guide to price index and hedonic techniques, UK: Oxford University Press.
Alonso, W., 1964, Location and Land Use, Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Andersen, R., 2008, Modern Methods for Robust Regression, California: Sage Publications.
Belsley, D.A., Kuh, E., and Welsch, R.E., 1980, Regression Diagnostics: Identifying Influential Data and Sources of Collinearity, New York: John Wiley.
Bagley, M.N., Mokhtarian, P.L., 2002, “The Impact of Residential Neighborhood Type on Travel Behavior: A Structural Equations Modeling Approach”, The Annals of Regional Science, 36: 279-297.
Black, R.T., M. Wolverton, J.T. Warden, and R.H. Pittman, 1997, “Manufacturing versus Distribution: Implicit Pricing of Real Property Characteristics by Submarket”, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 15(3): 271-285.
Ben-Gal, I., 2010, Outlier Detection,in O. Maimon and L. RokachEds. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook2nd ed., New York: Springer Science+Business Media.
Cervero, R., Radisch, C., 1996, “Pedestrian versus Automobile Oriented Neighborhoods”, Transportation Policy, 3: 127-141.
Chen, T., 2016, “Changing Tastes: Estimating Changing Attribute Prices in Hedonic and Repeat Sales Models”, Jounral of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 52(2): 141-175.
Clapham, D., 2005, The Meaning of Housing, Bristol: Policy Press.
Czembrowski, P. and Kronenberg, J, 2016, “Hedonic Pricing and Different Urban Green Space Types and Sizes: Insights into the Discussion on Valuing Ecosystem Services”, Landscape and Urban Planning, 146:11-19.
Daniael, P.J., 1984, “Robust Methods of Building Regression Model-An Application to the Housing Sec”, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 2(1): 10-20.
Diewert, W.E., 1978, “Superlative Index Numbers and Consistency in Aggregation”, Econometrica , 46: 883-900.
Diewert, W.E., 2008, Index Numbers, In The NewPalgrave Dictionary of Economics, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Fernandez-Cornejo, J. and Jans, S., 1995, “Quality-adjusted price and quality indices for pesticides”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 77(3): 645-659.
Finger, R. and Hediger, W., 2008, “The Application of Robust Regression to a Production Function Comparison”, The Open Agriculture Journal, 2: 90-98.
Griliches, Z., 1971, Hedonic Price Indexes for Automobiles: An Econometric Analysis of Quality Change, In The Price Statistics of the Federal Government, Report of the Prices Statistics Review Committee.
Hansen, B.E., 2001, “The New Econometric of Structural Change: Dating Breaks in U.S. Labor Productivity”, Journal of Economic Perspectives,154: 117-128.
Haurin, D.R. and Hendershott, P.H., 1991, “House Price Indexes: Issues and Results”, AREUEA Journal, 193: 259-269.
Hui, E.C.M., Liang, C., Ip, W.C. and Ho, D.K.M., 2013, “Examing Structural Changes in Asian Office Markets”, Land Use Policy, 32: 375-380.
Hui, E.C.M., Yu, C.K.W. and Ip, W.C., 2009, “Jump Point Detection for Real Estate Investment Success”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,389: 1055-1064.
Jansen, S.J.T., de Vries, P., Coolen, H.C.C.H., Lamain, C.J.M. and Boelhouwer, P.J., 2007, “Developing a House Price Index for The Netherlands: A Practical Application of Weighted Repeat Sales”, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 37: 163-186.
Karato, K. and Movshuk, O., 2015, “Semiparametric Model of Hedonic Housing Prices in Japan”, Asian Economic Journal, 29(4): 325-345.
Khattak, A.J., and Rodriguez, D., 2005, “Travel Behavior in Neo-Traditional Neighborhood Developments: A Case study in USA”, Transportation Part A, 39: 481-500.
Kitamura, R., Mokhtarian, P.L. and Laidet, L., 1997, “A Micro-Analysis of Land Use and Travel in Five Neighborhoods in The San Francisco Bay Area”,Transportation , 24: 125-158.
Krizek, K.J., 2003, “Residential Relocation and Vhanges in Urban Travel: Does Neighborhood-Scale Urban Form Matter?”, Journal of the American Planning Association, 69: 125-158.
Lancaster, K.J., 1966, “A New Approach to Consumer Theory”, Journal of Political Economy, 74: 132-157.
Lin, C.C., 1993, “The Relationship between Rents and Prices of Owner-Occupied Housing in Taiwan”, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 6: 25-54.
Mills, E. S. and B. W. Hamilton, 1994, Urban Economics 5th ed., New York: HarperCollins College Publishers.
Muth, R., 1969, Cities and Housing, Cambridge: Havard University Press.
Prasad, N. and Richards, A., 2008, “Improving Median Housing Price Indexes through Stratification”, The Journal of Real Estate Research, 301: 45-71.
Rosen, S., 1974, “Hedonic Prices and Implicit Markets: Product Differentiation in Pure Competition”, Journal of Political Economy, 821: 34-55.
Rousseeuw, P.J., 1984, Least Median of Squares Regression, Journal of American Statistic Association, 79: 871-880.
Rousseeuw, P.J. and Leroy, A.M., 2003, Robust Regression and Outlier Detection, New York: Wiley-Interscience.
Triplett, J., 2004, Handbook on Hedonic Indexes and Quality Adjustments in Price Indexes: Special Application to Information Technology Products¸ OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Papers, OECD Publishing.
Wallace, N.E., 1996, “Hedonic-Based Price Indexes for Housing: Theory, Estimation and Index Construction”, Economic Review: 34-48.
Zaman, A., 1996, Statistical Foundations for Econometric Techniques, New York: Academic Press.
Zaman, A., Rousseeuw, P.J. and Orhan, M., 2001, “Econometric Applications of High-Breakdown Robust Regression Techniques”, Economics Letter,71: 1-8.
描述 博士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096257502
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 張金鶚zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) 袁淑湄zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 袁淑湄zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 2016en_US
dc.date.accessioned 2-九月-2016 00:50:17 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 2-九月-2016 00:50:17 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 2-九月-2016 00:50:17 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0096257502en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/101167-
dc.description (描述) 博士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 地政學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 96257502zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 新推個案住宅的價格波動受到社會各方關注。新推個案住宅是國人購屋的管道之一,為國內重要的住宅次市場;以及預售屋價格影響中古屋價格波動,預售住宅價格為領先指標,提前一季反映出中古屋市場的價格變化。新推個案住宅因具備上述特色,因此如何編制具有穩健性的房價指數為重要議題。本文主要研究內容依循指數編制的三大步驟展開,依序分成三大主題,分別為:典型住宅的變遷、異常點分析、房價結構。期能更瞭解新推個案住宅市場特色、家戶的消費行為,並在指數編制技術上進行改善與調整,尋找適合新推個案住宅市場之房價指數編制方式。
研究主題二為異常點分析,比較不同參數校估方式的模型表現,並分析異常點特性。從指數編制的步驟而言,研究本主題的意義為緩和指數公式的住宅屬性價格受到市場推案活潑之影響。實證結果顯示,經比較使用OLS模型、DFFITS技術和穩健迴歸中的「再加權最小平方法(Re-weighted Least Squares, RLS)」模型,以RLS模型表現較佳。台北都會區新推住宅個案異常點特色可歸納為三:推案基地周圍及所在行政區生活機能便利,但距離市中心較遠且發展落後的地區;推案基地周圍小環境較差的地區;非典型的住宅產品,包括豪宅產品、類套房產品和景觀住宅產品。
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究範圍與內容 4
第三節 研究方法與資料來源 6
第四節 研究架構與流程 8
第二章 文獻回顧 9
第一節 房價理論 9
第二節 以特徵價格函數編制房價指數 16
第三節 房價指數相關研究 22
第三章 典型住宅的變遷 25
第一節 住宅消費量的概念 25
第二節 住宅消費量改變的經濟分析 30
第三節 資料來源與實證模型 34
第四節 實證結果及分析 41
第五節 小結 51
第四章 住宅市場中的黑羊 54
第一節 異常點的影響 54
第二節 異常點之判定方法 56
第三節 實證結果及分析 60
第四節 小結 71
第五章 價格的結構轉變 73
第一節 費氏公式與置換基期的指數比較 73
第二節 結構性轉變分析 80
第三節 實證結果及分析 84
第四節 小結 89
第六章 結論與建議 91
第一節 結論 91
第二節 建議 94
附錄一、台北市各季原始樣本敘述統計 附1
附錄二、新北市各季原始樣本敘述統計 附3
附錄三、住宅消費量指數的特徵價格模型表現 附5
dc.format.extent 1942771 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096257502en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 特徵價格法zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 房價指數zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 顯示性偏好zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 住宅消費量指數zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 最小消去平方法zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 再加權最小平方法zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 穩健迴歸zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 結構轉變zh_TW
dc.title (題名) 新推個案房價指數分析—產品趨勢、異常點與結構轉變zh_TW
dc.title (題名) An Analysis of HPI of New Housing Projects: Product Trends, Outliers and Price Structural Changesen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、中文文獻
陳彥仲和Anas, A.,1994,「住宅及商業租金聯合均衡模型及交通政策影響分析—紐約都會區之實證研究」,『都市與計劃』,21(2):129-148。
Aizcorbe, A.M., 2014, A practical guide to price index and hedonic techniques, UK: Oxford University Press.
Alonso, W., 1964, Location and Land Use, Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Andersen, R., 2008, Modern Methods for Robust Regression, California: Sage Publications.
Belsley, D.A., Kuh, E., and Welsch, R.E., 1980, Regression Diagnostics: Identifying Influential Data and Sources of Collinearity, New York: John Wiley.
Bagley, M.N., Mokhtarian, P.L., 2002, “The Impact of Residential Neighborhood Type on Travel Behavior: A Structural Equations Modeling Approach”, The Annals of Regional Science, 36: 279-297.
Black, R.T., M. Wolverton, J.T. Warden, and R.H. Pittman, 1997, “Manufacturing versus Distribution: Implicit Pricing of Real Property Characteristics by Submarket”, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 15(3): 271-285.
Ben-Gal, I., 2010, Outlier Detection,in O. Maimon and L. RokachEds. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook2nd ed., New York: Springer Science+Business Media.
Cervero, R., Radisch, C., 1996, “Pedestrian versus Automobile Oriented Neighborhoods”, Transportation Policy, 3: 127-141.
Chen, T., 2016, “Changing Tastes: Estimating Changing Attribute Prices in Hedonic and Repeat Sales Models”, Jounral of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 52(2): 141-175.
Clapham, D., 2005, The Meaning of Housing, Bristol: Policy Press.
Czembrowski, P. and Kronenberg, J, 2016, “Hedonic Pricing and Different Urban Green Space Types and Sizes: Insights into the Discussion on Valuing Ecosystem Services”, Landscape and Urban Planning, 146:11-19.
Daniael, P.J., 1984, “Robust Methods of Building Regression Model-An Application to the Housing Sec”, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 2(1): 10-20.
Diewert, W.E., 1978, “Superlative Index Numbers and Consistency in Aggregation”, Econometrica , 46: 883-900.
Diewert, W.E., 2008, Index Numbers, In The NewPalgrave Dictionary of Economics, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Fernandez-Cornejo, J. and Jans, S., 1995, “Quality-adjusted price and quality indices for pesticides”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 77(3): 645-659.
Finger, R. and Hediger, W., 2008, “The Application of Robust Regression to a Production Function Comparison”, The Open Agriculture Journal, 2: 90-98.
Griliches, Z., 1971, Hedonic Price Indexes for Automobiles: An Econometric Analysis of Quality Change, In The Price Statistics of the Federal Government, Report of the Prices Statistics Review Committee.
Hansen, B.E., 2001, “The New Econometric of Structural Change: Dating Breaks in U.S. Labor Productivity”, Journal of Economic Perspectives,154: 117-128.
Haurin, D.R. and Hendershott, P.H., 1991, “House Price Indexes: Issues and Results”, AREUEA Journal, 193: 259-269.
Hui, E.C.M., Liang, C., Ip, W.C. and Ho, D.K.M., 2013, “Examing Structural Changes in Asian Office Markets”, Land Use Policy, 32: 375-380.
Hui, E.C.M., Yu, C.K.W. and Ip, W.C., 2009, “Jump Point Detection for Real Estate Investment Success”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,389: 1055-1064.
Jansen, S.J.T., de Vries, P., Coolen, H.C.C.H., Lamain, C.J.M. and Boelhouwer, P.J., 2007, “Developing a House Price Index for The Netherlands: A Practical Application of Weighted Repeat Sales”, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 37: 163-186.
Karato, K. and Movshuk, O., 2015, “Semiparametric Model of Hedonic Housing Prices in Japan”, Asian Economic Journal, 29(4): 325-345.
Khattak, A.J., and Rodriguez, D., 2005, “Travel Behavior in Neo-Traditional Neighborhood Developments: A Case study in USA”, Transportation Part A, 39: 481-500.
Kitamura, R., Mokhtarian, P.L. and Laidet, L., 1997, “A Micro-Analysis of Land Use and Travel in Five Neighborhoods in The San Francisco Bay Area”,Transportation , 24: 125-158.
Krizek, K.J., 2003, “Residential Relocation and Vhanges in Urban Travel: Does Neighborhood-Scale Urban Form Matter?”, Journal of the American Planning Association, 69: 125-158.
Lancaster, K.J., 1966, “A New Approach to Consumer Theory”, Journal of Political Economy, 74: 132-157.
Lin, C.C., 1993, “The Relationship between Rents and Prices of Owner-Occupied Housing in Taiwan”, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 6: 25-54.
Mills, E. S. and B. W. Hamilton, 1994, Urban Economics 5th ed., New York: HarperCollins College Publishers.
Muth, R., 1969, Cities and Housing, Cambridge: Havard University Press.
Prasad, N. and Richards, A., 2008, “Improving Median Housing Price Indexes through Stratification”, The Journal of Real Estate Research, 301: 45-71.
Rosen, S., 1974, “Hedonic Prices and Implicit Markets: Product Differentiation in Pure Competition”, Journal of Political Economy, 821: 34-55.
Rousseeuw, P.J., 1984, Least Median of Squares Regression, Journal of American Statistic Association, 79: 871-880.
Rousseeuw, P.J. and Leroy, A.M., 2003, Robust Regression and Outlier Detection, New York: Wiley-Interscience.
Triplett, J., 2004, Handbook on Hedonic Indexes and Quality Adjustments in Price Indexes: Special Application to Information Technology Products¸ OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Papers, OECD Publishing.
Wallace, N.E., 1996, “Hedonic-Based Price Indexes for Housing: Theory, Estimation and Index Construction”, Economic Review: 34-48.
Zaman, A., 1996, Statistical Foundations for Econometric Techniques, New York: Academic Press.
Zaman, A., Rousseeuw, P.J. and Orhan, M., 2001, “Econometric Applications of High-Breakdown Robust Regression Techniques”, Economics Letter,71: 1-8.