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題名 臺北市公共自行車場站對鄰近住宅價格之影響
The Impact of Public Bike Station on Residential Housing Values Nearby in Taipei City
作者 莊喻婷
貢獻者 張金鶚<br>江穎慧
關鍵詞 公共自行車系統
public bike system
housing price
spatial econometrics
quantile regression
日期 2016
上傳時間 2-九月-2016 01:02:10 (UTC+8)
摘要 基於全球暖化、能源短缺等問題日益明顯,臺灣的公共自行車文化也在這幾年逐漸成形,目前臺北市已建置超過200個站點、累積4000萬以上的使用人次,而公共自行車系統除具有對環境友善的綠色交通特性外,亦提供了通勤、轉乘功能,不僅提升大眾運輸服務範圍的及戶性與生活便利度,尚具有休閒、觀光等功能,促進站點周圍景點及熱門商圈的發展。過去國內外文獻大多支持便利的交通設施將透過資本化效果對周圍不動產帶來正向影響,本文試圖釐清公共自行車系統對於周圍地區不動產價格之影響效果。
Due to global warming, energy shortage as well as other environmental issues, the culture of bike sharing in Taiwan has taken shape gradually in recent years. There are over 200 stations of bike sharing system in Taipei with over 40 million citizens that have used it. Such green transportation facility is environmentally friendly and provides the ease of short-distance transit. Not only does it expand the service area of mass rapid transit system, but also promotes the development of locations or shopping areas near bike stations. Many reports reveal that the ease of transport communication would bring positive effects to the real estate around. Therefore, this paper focuses on the influence of bike sharing system on property values.
The real estate sales information in Taipei City from Sep. 2012 to Dec. 2015 along with 212 locations of bike stations is adapted in this study. Through the use of hedonic price theory and regression model, the analyzed result clearly approves that public bike station provided helps improve the surrounding traffic, the environment and the quality of living as well as the accessibility of the MRT station and other transport facilities and the value of real estate around the stations.
參考文獻 中文參考文獻:
Alonso, W., 1964, Location and Land Use, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press.
Anas. A., 1982, Residential location markets and urban transportation: economic theory, econometrics, and policy analysis with discrete choice models. New York: Academic Press.
Anselin, L., 1988, Spatial Econometrics: Methods and Models. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic publishers.
Anselin, 1995, Local Indicators of Spatial Association - LISA, Geographical Analysis, 27(2): 93-115.
Anselin, 2005, Exploring Spatial Data with DeoDa, A Workbook: University of Illinois.
Armstrong, R. J. and D. A. Rodriguez, 2006, “An Evaluation of the Accessibility Benefits of Commuter Rail in Eastern Massachusetts Using Spatial Hedonic Price Functions”, Transportation, 33(1): 21-43.
Bajic, V., 1983, “The Effect of a New Subway Line on Housing Prices in Metropolitan Toronto”, Urban Studies, 20: 147-158.
Bao, S., 2004, Literature Review of Spatial Statistics and Models. China Data Center: University of Michigan.
Basu, A. and T.G. Thibodeau, 1998, “Analysis of Spatial Autocorrelation in House Prices”, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 17(1): 61-85.
Benjamin, J. D. and G. S. Sirmans, 1996, “Mass Transportation, Apartment Rent and Property Values”, Journal of Real Estate Research, 12(1): 1-8.
Bourassa, S. C., E. Cantoni, and M. Hoesli, 2010, “Predicting house prices with spatial dependence: A comparison of alternative methods”, Journal of Real Estate Research, 32, 139-159.
Bowes, D. R. and K. R. Ihlanfeldt, 2001, “Identifying the Impacts of Rail Transit Stations on Residential Property Values”, Journal of Urban Economics, 50: 1-25.
Casiello, B., M. Coenen and M. Martin, 2013, Increasing Mobility in Dubuque: Developing Alternative Mode-sharing Opportunities, School of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Iowa, Iowa.
Cavil, N. and A. Davis, 2007, Cycling and Health, London: Cycling England.
Cervero, R. and M. Duncan, 2001, “Rail transit’s value added: Effect of proximity to light and commuter rail transit on commercial land values in Santa Clara County California”, Paper prepared for National Association of Realtors Urban Land Institute.
Chen, M.Y. and J.E. Chen, 2001, Investigations on Quantile Regression: Theories and Applications for Time Series, manuscript, National Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan.
Chernobai, E., M. Reibel, and M. Carney, 2011, “Nonlinear spatial and temporal effects of highway construction on house prices”, The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 42: 348-370.
Cliff, A. and J. K. Ord, 1973, Spatial Autocorrelation. London: Pion.
Cliff, A. D. and J. K. Ord, 1981, Spatial Processes: Models and Applications. London: Pion Limited.
Coffman, C. and M. E. Gregson, 1998, “Railroad Development and Land Value”, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 16(2): 191-204.
Craig, L. A., R. B. Palmquist, and T. Weiss, 1998, “Transportation Improvements and Land Values in the Antebellum United States: A Hedonic Approach”, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 16(2): 173-189.
Damm, D., S. R. Lerman, E. Lerner-Lam, and J. Young, 1980, “Response of Urban Real Estate Values in Anticipation of the Washington Metro”, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 14: 315-336.
Debrezion, G., E. Pels, and P. Rietveld, 2007, The Impact of Railway Stations on Residential and Commercial Property Value: A Meta-analysis, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 35: 161-180.
Dekoster, J. and U. Schollaert, 2004, Cycling: The Way Ahead for Towns and Cities, European Commission.
Dubin, R. A., 1998, “Predicting House Price Using Multiple Listing Data”, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 17(1): 35-59.
Duncan, M., 2011, “The Impact of Transit-Oriented Development on Housing Prices in San Diego, CA”, Urban Studies, 48: 101-127.
Durrleman, S. and R. Simon, 1989, “ Flexible regression models with cubic splines”, Statistics in Medicine, 8:551-561.
DeMaio, P. and J. Gifford, 2004, “Will Smart Bikes Succeed as Public Transportation in the United States?”, Journal of Public Transportation, 7(2): 1-15.
DeMaio. P., 2009, “Bike sharing: Its History, Models of Provision, and Future”, Journal of Public Transportation, 12(4): 41-56.
Efron, B., 1979, “Bootstrap Methods:Another Look at the Jackknife”, Annals of Statistics, 7: 1-26.
Fotheringham, A.S., C. Brunsdon and M. Charlton, 2002, Geographically Weighted Regression: The Analysis of Spatially Varying Relationships. Chichester: Wiley.
Freilich, R. H., 1998, “The Land-Use Implication of Transit-Oriented Development: Controlling the Demand Side of Transportation Congestion and Urban Sprawl”, The Urban Lawyer, 30(3): 547-572.
Fujita, M., 1989, Urban Economic Theory: Land Use and City Size, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
García-Palomares, J.C., J. Gutierrez, and M. Latorre, 2012, “Optimizing the Location of Stations in Bike-Sharing Programs: A GIS approach”, Applied Geography, 35(1-2): 235-246.
Goodman, A.C., and T.G. Thibodeau, 2007, “The Spatial Proximity of Metropolitan Area Housing Submarkets”, Real Estate Economics, 35(2): 209-32.
Hopkinson, P. and M. Wardman, 1996, “Evaluating the Demand for Cycle Facilities”, Transport Policy, 3(4): 241-249.
ITDP, 2013, The Bike-share Planning Guide, New York: Institute for Transportation and Development Policy, ITDP.
Jacobsen, P. L., 2003, “Safety in Numbers: More Walkers and Bicyclists, Safer Walking and Bicycling”, Injury Prevention, 9: 205-209.
Koenker, R. and G. W. Bassett, 1978, “Regression Quantiles”, Econometrica, 46(1): 211-244.
Koenker, R. and G. W. Bassett, 1982, “Robust Tests for Heteroscedasticity Based on Regression Quantiles”, Journal of Derivatives, 50(1): 43-62.
Kuan, C. M., 2003, An Introduction to Quantile Regression, Lecture Notes, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, http://www.sinica.edu.tw/~ckuan (Date visited: Oct.11, 2015).
Lee, A., 2008, What Is The Economic Contribution of Cyclists Compared to Car Drivers in Inner Suburban Melbourne’s Shopping Strips?, Faculty of Architecture Building and Planning, University of Melourne, Melbourne.
Liu, Z., X. Jia, and W. Cheng, 2012, “Solving the Last Mile Problem: Ensure the Success of Public Bicycle System in Beijing”, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 43: 73-78.
Mathur, S. and C. Ferrell, 2013, “Measuring the impact of sub-urban transit-oriented developments on single-family home values”, Transportation Research Part A, 47: 42-55.
McMillen, D. P. and J. McDonald, 2004, “Reaction of House Prices to a New Rapid Transit Line: Chicago’s Midway Line”, 1983-1999, Real Estate Economics, 32(3): 463-486.
Midgley, P., 2009, “The Role of Smart Bike-Sharing Systems in Urban Mobility”, Journeys: Sharing Urban Transport Solutions, 2: 23-31.
Midgley, P., 2011, Bicycle-sharing Schemes: Enhancing Sustainable Mobility in Urban Areas. Commission on Sustainable Development. UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, New York.
Mills, D. E., 1981, “Growth, Speculation and Sprawl in a Monocentric City”, Journal of Urban Economics, 10: 210-216.
Muth, R., 1969, Cities and Housing, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Osland, L., 2010, “An Application of Spatial Econometrics in Relation to Hedonic House Price Modeling”, Journal of Real Estate Research, 32: 289-320.
Racca, D. P. and A. Dhanju, 2006, Property Value/Desirability Effects of Bike Paths Adjacent to Residential Areas, Project Report: Delaware Center For Transportation and The State of Delaware Department of Transportation, University of Delaware, Delaware.
Renne, J.L., Wells, J. S., and Bloustein, E. J., 2005, Transit-Oriented Development: Developing a Strategy to Measure Success. National Cooperative Highway Research Project 20-65 (5), Washington D. C.: Transportation Research Board.
Rodríguez, D.A. and C.H. Mojica, 2009, “Capitalization of BRT Network Expansions Effects into Prices of Non-Expansion Areas”, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 43(5): 560-571.
Rosen, S., 1974, “Hedonic Prices and Implicit Markets: Product Differentiation in Pure Competition”, The Journal of Political Economy, 82: 34-55.
Shaheen, S. A., S. Guzman, and H. Zhang, 2010, “Bikesharing in Europe, the Americas, and Asia: Past, Present, and Future”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2143(1): 159-167.
Shaheen, S. A. and S. Guzman, 2011, “Worldwide Bikesharing”, ACCESS, 39:22-27.
Sirmans, G. S., D. A. Macpherson, and E. N. Zietz, 2005,“ The Composition of Hedonic Pricing Models”, Journal of Real Estate Literature, 13(1): 3-43.
Smersh, G. T. and M. T. Smith, 2000, “Accessibility changes and urban house price appreciation: A constrained optimization approach to determining distance effects”, Journal of Housing Economics, 9: 187-196.
Suits, D. B., A. Mason, and L. Chan, 1978, “Spline functions fitted by standard regression methods”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 60: 132-139.
Tobler, W. R., 1970, “A Computer Movie Simulating Urban Growth in the Detroit Region”, Economic Geography, 46: 234-240.
Transport Canada, 2009, Bike-Sharing Guide: Canada.
Voith, R., 1991, “Transportation, Sorting and House Values”, Real Estate Economics, 19(2): 117-137.
White, S. M., and J. McDaniel, 1999, The Zoning and Real Estate Implications of Transit-Oriented Development, Washington, D.C.:TRB, National Research Council.
Wilhelmsson, M., 2002, “Spatial Model in Real Estate Economics”, Housing Theory and Society, 19: 92-101.
描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1032570093
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 張金鶚<br>江穎慧zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) 莊喻婷zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 莊喻婷zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 2016en_US
dc.date.accessioned 2-九月-2016 01:02:10 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 2-九月-2016 01:02:10 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 2-九月-2016 01:02:10 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G1032570093en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/101177-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 地政學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 103257009zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 基於全球暖化、能源短缺等問題日益明顯,臺灣的公共自行車文化也在這幾年逐漸成形,目前臺北市已建置超過200個站點、累積4000萬以上的使用人次,而公共自行車系統除具有對環境友善的綠色交通特性外,亦提供了通勤、轉乘功能,不僅提升大眾運輸服務範圍的及戶性與生活便利度,尚具有休閒、觀光等功能,促進站點周圍景點及熱門商圈的發展。過去國內外文獻大多支持便利的交通設施將透過資本化效果對周圍不動產帶來正向影響,本文試圖釐清公共自行車系統對於周圍地區不動產價格之影響效果。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Due to global warming, energy shortage as well as other environmental issues, the culture of bike sharing in Taiwan has taken shape gradually in recent years. There are over 200 stations of bike sharing system in Taipei with over 40 million citizens that have used it. Such green transportation facility is environmentally friendly and provides the ease of short-distance transit. Not only does it expand the service area of mass rapid transit system, but also promotes the development of locations or shopping areas near bike stations. Many reports reveal that the ease of transport communication would bring positive effects to the real estate around. Therefore, this paper focuses on the influence of bike sharing system on property values.
The real estate sales information in Taipei City from Sep. 2012 to Dec. 2015 along with 212 locations of bike stations is adapted in this study. Through the use of hedonic price theory and regression model, the analyzed result clearly approves that public bike station provided helps improve the surrounding traffic, the environment and the quality of living as well as the accessibility of the MRT station and other transport facilities and the value of real estate around the stations.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究內容與方法 5
第三節 研究架構與流程 8
第二章 相關理論與文獻回顧 11
第一節 公共自行車系統 11
第二節 交通設施與不動產價格 25
第三節 空間計量方法 31
第四節 小結 34
第三章 研究設計與資料說明 37
第一節 研究設計 37
第二節 資料說明與處理 39
第三節 實證模型 48
第四章 實證結果與分析 57
第一節 公共自行車場站影響範圍 57
第二節 空間迴歸分析 61
第三節 分量迴歸模型 66
第五章 結論與建議 71
第一節 結論 71
第二節 結論與建議 73
參考文獻 75
dc.format.extent 1720126 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1032570093en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 公共自行車系統zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 住宅價格zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 空間計量zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 分量迴歸zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) public bike systemen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) housing priceen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) spatial econometricsen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) quantile regressionen_US
dc.title (題名) 臺北市公共自行車場站對鄰近住宅價格之影響zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The Impact of Public Bike Station on Residential Housing Values Nearby in Taipei Cityen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文參考文獻:
Alonso, W., 1964, Location and Land Use, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press.
Anas. A., 1982, Residential location markets and urban transportation: economic theory, econometrics, and policy analysis with discrete choice models. New York: Academic Press.
Anselin, L., 1988, Spatial Econometrics: Methods and Models. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic publishers.
Anselin, 1995, Local Indicators of Spatial Association - LISA, Geographical Analysis, 27(2): 93-115.
Anselin, 2005, Exploring Spatial Data with DeoDa, A Workbook: University of Illinois.
Armstrong, R. J. and D. A. Rodriguez, 2006, “An Evaluation of the Accessibility Benefits of Commuter Rail in Eastern Massachusetts Using Spatial Hedonic Price Functions”, Transportation, 33(1): 21-43.
Bajic, V., 1983, “The Effect of a New Subway Line on Housing Prices in Metropolitan Toronto”, Urban Studies, 20: 147-158.
Bao, S., 2004, Literature Review of Spatial Statistics and Models. China Data Center: University of Michigan.
Basu, A. and T.G. Thibodeau, 1998, “Analysis of Spatial Autocorrelation in House Prices”, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 17(1): 61-85.
Benjamin, J. D. and G. S. Sirmans, 1996, “Mass Transportation, Apartment Rent and Property Values”, Journal of Real Estate Research, 12(1): 1-8.
Bourassa, S. C., E. Cantoni, and M. Hoesli, 2010, “Predicting house prices with spatial dependence: A comparison of alternative methods”, Journal of Real Estate Research, 32, 139-159.
Bowes, D. R. and K. R. Ihlanfeldt, 2001, “Identifying the Impacts of Rail Transit Stations on Residential Property Values”, Journal of Urban Economics, 50: 1-25.
Casiello, B., M. Coenen and M. Martin, 2013, Increasing Mobility in Dubuque: Developing Alternative Mode-sharing Opportunities, School of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Iowa, Iowa.
Cavil, N. and A. Davis, 2007, Cycling and Health, London: Cycling England.
Cervero, R. and M. Duncan, 2001, “Rail transit’s value added: Effect of proximity to light and commuter rail transit on commercial land values in Santa Clara County California”, Paper prepared for National Association of Realtors Urban Land Institute.
Chen, M.Y. and J.E. Chen, 2001, Investigations on Quantile Regression: Theories and Applications for Time Series, manuscript, National Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan.
Chernobai, E., M. Reibel, and M. Carney, 2011, “Nonlinear spatial and temporal effects of highway construction on house prices”, The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 42: 348-370.
Cliff, A. and J. K. Ord, 1973, Spatial Autocorrelation. London: Pion.
Cliff, A. D. and J. K. Ord, 1981, Spatial Processes: Models and Applications. London: Pion Limited.
Coffman, C. and M. E. Gregson, 1998, “Railroad Development and Land Value”, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 16(2): 191-204.
Craig, L. A., R. B. Palmquist, and T. Weiss, 1998, “Transportation Improvements and Land Values in the Antebellum United States: A Hedonic Approach”, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 16(2): 173-189.
Damm, D., S. R. Lerman, E. Lerner-Lam, and J. Young, 1980, “Response of Urban Real Estate Values in Anticipation of the Washington Metro”, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 14: 315-336.
Debrezion, G., E. Pels, and P. Rietveld, 2007, The Impact of Railway Stations on Residential and Commercial Property Value: A Meta-analysis, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 35: 161-180.
Dekoster, J. and U. Schollaert, 2004, Cycling: The Way Ahead for Towns and Cities, European Commission.
Dubin, R. A., 1998, “Predicting House Price Using Multiple Listing Data”, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 17(1): 35-59.
Duncan, M., 2011, “The Impact of Transit-Oriented Development on Housing Prices in San Diego, CA”, Urban Studies, 48: 101-127.
Durrleman, S. and R. Simon, 1989, “ Flexible regression models with cubic splines”, Statistics in Medicine, 8:551-561.
DeMaio, P. and J. Gifford, 2004, “Will Smart Bikes Succeed as Public Transportation in the United States?”, Journal of Public Transportation, 7(2): 1-15.
DeMaio. P., 2009, “Bike sharing: Its History, Models of Provision, and Future”, Journal of Public Transportation, 12(4): 41-56.
Efron, B., 1979, “Bootstrap Methods:Another Look at the Jackknife”, Annals of Statistics, 7: 1-26.
Fotheringham, A.S., C. Brunsdon and M. Charlton, 2002, Geographically Weighted Regression: The Analysis of Spatially Varying Relationships. Chichester: Wiley.
Freilich, R. H., 1998, “The Land-Use Implication of Transit-Oriented Development: Controlling the Demand Side of Transportation Congestion and Urban Sprawl”, The Urban Lawyer, 30(3): 547-572.
Fujita, M., 1989, Urban Economic Theory: Land Use and City Size, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
García-Palomares, J.C., J. Gutierrez, and M. Latorre, 2012, “Optimizing the Location of Stations in Bike-Sharing Programs: A GIS approach”, Applied Geography, 35(1-2): 235-246.
Goodman, A.C., and T.G. Thibodeau, 2007, “The Spatial Proximity of Metropolitan Area Housing Submarkets”, Real Estate Economics, 35(2): 209-32.
Hopkinson, P. and M. Wardman, 1996, “Evaluating the Demand for Cycle Facilities”, Transport Policy, 3(4): 241-249.
ITDP, 2013, The Bike-share Planning Guide, New York: Institute for Transportation and Development Policy, ITDP.
Jacobsen, P. L., 2003, “Safety in Numbers: More Walkers and Bicyclists, Safer Walking and Bicycling”, Injury Prevention, 9: 205-209.
Koenker, R. and G. W. Bassett, 1978, “Regression Quantiles”, Econometrica, 46(1): 211-244.
Koenker, R. and G. W. Bassett, 1982, “Robust Tests for Heteroscedasticity Based on Regression Quantiles”, Journal of Derivatives, 50(1): 43-62.
Kuan, C. M., 2003, An Introduction to Quantile Regression, Lecture Notes, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, http://www.sinica.edu.tw/~ckuan (Date visited: Oct.11, 2015).
Lee, A., 2008, What Is The Economic Contribution of Cyclists Compared to Car Drivers in Inner Suburban Melbourne’s Shopping Strips?, Faculty of Architecture Building and Planning, University of Melourne, Melbourne.
Liu, Z., X. Jia, and W. Cheng, 2012, “Solving the Last Mile Problem: Ensure the Success of Public Bicycle System in Beijing”, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 43: 73-78.
Mathur, S. and C. Ferrell, 2013, “Measuring the impact of sub-urban transit-oriented developments on single-family home values”, Transportation Research Part A, 47: 42-55.
McMillen, D. P. and J. McDonald, 2004, “Reaction of House Prices to a New Rapid Transit Line: Chicago’s Midway Line”, 1983-1999, Real Estate Economics, 32(3): 463-486.
Midgley, P., 2009, “The Role of Smart Bike-Sharing Systems in Urban Mobility”, Journeys: Sharing Urban Transport Solutions, 2: 23-31.
Midgley, P., 2011, Bicycle-sharing Schemes: Enhancing Sustainable Mobility in Urban Areas. Commission on Sustainable Development. UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, New York.
Mills, D. E., 1981, “Growth, Speculation and Sprawl in a Monocentric City”, Journal of Urban Economics, 10: 210-216.
Muth, R., 1969, Cities and Housing, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Osland, L., 2010, “An Application of Spatial Econometrics in Relation to Hedonic House Price Modeling”, Journal of Real Estate Research, 32: 289-320.
Racca, D. P. and A. Dhanju, 2006, Property Value/Desirability Effects of Bike Paths Adjacent to Residential Areas, Project Report: Delaware Center For Transportation and The State of Delaware Department of Transportation, University of Delaware, Delaware.
Renne, J.L., Wells, J. S., and Bloustein, E. J., 2005, Transit-Oriented Development: Developing a Strategy to Measure Success. National Cooperative Highway Research Project 20-65 (5), Washington D. C.: Transportation Research Board.
Rodríguez, D.A. and C.H. Mojica, 2009, “Capitalization of BRT Network Expansions Effects into Prices of Non-Expansion Areas”, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 43(5): 560-571.
Rosen, S., 1974, “Hedonic Prices and Implicit Markets: Product Differentiation in Pure Competition”, The Journal of Political Economy, 82: 34-55.
Shaheen, S. A., S. Guzman, and H. Zhang, 2010, “Bikesharing in Europe, the Americas, and Asia: Past, Present, and Future”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2143(1): 159-167.
Shaheen, S. A. and S. Guzman, 2011, “Worldwide Bikesharing”, ACCESS, 39:22-27.
Sirmans, G. S., D. A. Macpherson, and E. N. Zietz, 2005,“ The Composition of Hedonic Pricing Models”, Journal of Real Estate Literature, 13(1): 3-43.
Smersh, G. T. and M. T. Smith, 2000, “Accessibility changes and urban house price appreciation: A constrained optimization approach to determining distance effects”, Journal of Housing Economics, 9: 187-196.
Suits, D. B., A. Mason, and L. Chan, 1978, “Spline functions fitted by standard regression methods”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 60: 132-139.
Tobler, W. R., 1970, “A Computer Movie Simulating Urban Growth in the Detroit Region”, Economic Geography, 46: 234-240.
Transport Canada, 2009, Bike-Sharing Guide: Canada.
Voith, R., 1991, “Transportation, Sorting and House Values”, Real Estate Economics, 19(2): 117-137.
White, S. M., and J. McDaniel, 1999, The Zoning and Real Estate Implications of Transit-Oriented Development, Washington, D.C.:TRB, National Research Council.
Wilhelmsson, M., 2002, “Spatial Model in Real Estate Economics”, Housing Theory and Society, 19: 92-101.