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題名 多洛希亞之旅:廣告人VS.創造力
其他題名 A Trip to Dorothea: A Qualitative Inquiry for the Understanding of Advertising Creativity
作者 陳文玲
貢獻者 廣告系
關鍵詞 廣告創意 ; 廣告學 ; 廣告教育 ; advertisingcreativity ; advertisingbusiness ; advertisingeducation
日期 2000-07
上傳時間 20-十月-2016 15:22:01 (UTC+8)
摘要 在常學術研究的領裡,廣告創意這個議題所受到的注目遠低於其實際應佔的量,有鑑於此,本研究以十位廣告創意人員為深度訪談的對象,企圖瞭解、分析、歸納各種可能影響廣告從業人員創意表現的元素。根據文獻回顧與訪談結果,研究者歸納出四個影響廣告創意的重要因素:環境、知識、能力與人格特質。比較本研究與國外相關研究的結論,發現兩點不同之處:第一,受訪者認為國內的廣告教育與實務工作嚴重脫節,這個現象便值得學界與業界人士一起檢討。第二,台灣廣告業的組織樣態比歐美國家來得更多元、複雜,建議以後的研究應該把資金來源、技術來源、管理者國籍以及台灣廣告業獨特的歷史背景與發展過程等相關的因素納入研究範疇之內。
Creativity is a critical component in the advertising process, but it has yet to attract comparable attention in the literature. To amplify the research venue, this study reviews the findings of creativity research in advertising and explores crucial factors that may influence advertising creativity by in-depth interviews. Based on findings from the interviews, factors were found to be directly related to advertising creativity. These factors are working environment, professional and nonprofessional knowledge, creative thinking ability and personal characteristics. Suggestions for further research and recommendations for advertising business are also offered.
關聯 廣告學研究, 15, 139-160
The Journal of Advertising & Public Relations
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 廣告系-
dc.creator (作者) 陳文玲-
dc.date (日期) 2000-07-
dc.date.accessioned 20-十月-2016 15:22:01 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 20-十月-2016 15:22:01 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 20-十月-2016 15:22:01 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/103095-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 在常學術研究的領裡,廣告創意這個議題所受到的注目遠低於其實際應佔的量,有鑑於此,本研究以十位廣告創意人員為深度訪談的對象,企圖瞭解、分析、歸納各種可能影響廣告從業人員創意表現的元素。根據文獻回顧與訪談結果,研究者歸納出四個影響廣告創意的重要因素:環境、知識、能力與人格特質。比較本研究與國外相關研究的結論,發現兩點不同之處:第一,受訪者認為國內的廣告教育與實務工作嚴重脫節,這個現象便值得學界與業界人士一起檢討。第二,台灣廣告業的組織樣態比歐美國家來得更多元、複雜,建議以後的研究應該把資金來源、技術來源、管理者國籍以及台灣廣告業獨特的歷史背景與發展過程等相關的因素納入研究範疇之內。-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Creativity is a critical component in the advertising process, but it has yet to attract comparable attention in the literature. To amplify the research venue, this study reviews the findings of creativity research in advertising and explores crucial factors that may influence advertising creativity by in-depth interviews. Based on findings from the interviews, factors were found to be directly related to advertising creativity. These factors are working environment, professional and nonprofessional knowledge, creative thinking ability and personal characteristics. Suggestions for further research and recommendations for advertising business are also offered.-
dc.format.extent 109 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype text/html-
dc.relation (關聯) 廣告學研究, 15, 139-160-
dc.relation (關聯) The Journal of Advertising & Public Relations-
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 廣告創意 ; 廣告學 ; 廣告教育 ; advertisingcreativity ; advertisingbusiness ; advertisingeducation-
dc.title (題名) 多洛希亞之旅:廣告人VS.創造力-
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) A Trip to Dorothea: A Qualitative Inquiry for the Understanding of Advertising Creativity-
dc.type (資料類型) article-