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題名 台湾における日本研究の現状と展望:社会科学領域に関する一考察
其他題名 台灣日本研究的現況與展望:對社會科學領域的考察(Review and Prospect of Japan Studies in Taiwan: An Examination of Social Sciences )
作者 李世暉
關鍵詞 日本研究;台灣;社會科學;知識體系;Japan studies;Taiwan;social sciences;body of knowledge
日期 2016-03
上傳時間 15-十二月-2016 18:35:37 (UTC+8)
摘要 戰後台灣的日本研究,在政府政策的影響下,進入1990 年代後才逐漸從限制到走向開放。2000 年之後,隨著新世代日本研究學者的投入,台灣的日本研究逐漸朝向專業化發展。整體而言,當代台灣的日本研究在人才的培育與學術的發展上,面臨到下述七項重大課題:第一,日本逐漸喪失國際影響力;第二,台灣日本研究偏重應用層面;第三,台灣缺乏區域研究傳統;第四,日本對台灣日本研究的關心不足;第五,台灣缺乏日本研究的專門期刊;第六,台灣日本研究人才出現斷層;第七,台灣尚未建構日本學門。上述課題亦反映出當代台灣日本研究面臨的三大挑戰:學術核心價值的建構,專業人才的培育與就業、學術交流對台日關係發展的貢獻。在上述的課題與挑戰下,當代台灣的日本研究必須朝向學術與經驗連結,制度與趨勢連結,全球與在地連結的方向發展。
Under certain government policies, Japan studies in postwar Taiwan was initially restricted and it was not until 1990s that the discipline turned liberal. After 2000, with the devotion of new-generation researchers, Japan studies in Taiwan gradually developed towards specialization. Nevertheless, Japan studies in contemporary Taiwan is faced with seven significant difficulties overall. First, the gradual decrease of Japan’s international influence; second, the academic inclination of practical applicability; third, the lack of regional studies tradition in Taiwan; fourth, Japan’s relatively little attention to Taiwan’s scholarly contribution in the field; fifth, the short of professional periodicals on Japan studies in the country; sixth, the shortage of academic talent in the discipline; seventh, the immaturity of disciplinary system. The aforementioned difficulties further point to three major challenges that confront scholars of Japan studies in Taiwan. That is, how to construct the core value of the field, how to ensure the training and employment of faculty and what contribution could be made to Taiwan-Japan relations via academic exchange. Given the current difficulties and challenges, contemporary Japan studies in Taiwan should embark on the integration of theory and practice, institution and trend as well as globalization and localization.
關聯 問題と研究,45(1),39-66
資料類型 article
dc.creator (作者) 李世暉zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 2016-03
dc.date.accessioned 15-十二月-2016 18:35:37 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 15-十二月-2016 18:35:37 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 15-十二月-2016 18:35:37 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/104984-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 戰後台灣的日本研究,在政府政策的影響下,進入1990 年代後才逐漸從限制到走向開放。2000 年之後,隨著新世代日本研究學者的投入,台灣的日本研究逐漸朝向專業化發展。整體而言,當代台灣的日本研究在人才的培育與學術的發展上,面臨到下述七項重大課題:第一,日本逐漸喪失國際影響力;第二,台灣日本研究偏重應用層面;第三,台灣缺乏區域研究傳統;第四,日本對台灣日本研究的關心不足;第五,台灣缺乏日本研究的專門期刊;第六,台灣日本研究人才出現斷層;第七,台灣尚未建構日本學門。上述課題亦反映出當代台灣日本研究面臨的三大挑戰:學術核心價值的建構,專業人才的培育與就業、學術交流對台日關係發展的貢獻。在上述的課題與挑戰下,當代台灣的日本研究必須朝向學術與經驗連結,制度與趨勢連結,全球與在地連結的方向發展。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Under certain government policies, Japan studies in postwar Taiwan was initially restricted and it was not until 1990s that the discipline turned liberal. After 2000, with the devotion of new-generation researchers, Japan studies in Taiwan gradually developed towards specialization. Nevertheless, Japan studies in contemporary Taiwan is faced with seven significant difficulties overall. First, the gradual decrease of Japan’s international influence; second, the academic inclination of practical applicability; third, the lack of regional studies tradition in Taiwan; fourth, Japan’s relatively little attention to Taiwan’s scholarly contribution in the field; fifth, the short of professional periodicals on Japan studies in the country; sixth, the shortage of academic talent in the discipline; seventh, the immaturity of disciplinary system. The aforementioned difficulties further point to three major challenges that confront scholars of Japan studies in Taiwan. That is, how to construct the core value of the field, how to ensure the training and employment of faculty and what contribution could be made to Taiwan-Japan relations via academic exchange. Given the current difficulties and challenges, contemporary Japan studies in Taiwan should embark on the integration of theory and practice, institution and trend as well as globalization and localization.
dc.format.extent 110 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype text/html-
dc.relation (關聯) 問題と研究,45(1),39-66
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 日本研究;台灣;社會科學;知識體系;Japan studies;Taiwan;social sciences;body of knowledge
dc.title (題名) 台湾における日本研究の現状と展望:社会科学領域に関する一考察zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) 台灣日本研究的現況與展望:對社會科學領域的考察(Review and Prospect of Japan Studies in Taiwan: An Examination of Social Sciences )
dc.type (資料類型) article