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題名 現階段原住民保留地管理問題與對策之研析
其他題名 Current Issues and Strategies on Reserved Land for Aborigines
作者 顏愛靜
Yen, Ai-Ching
貢獻者 地政系
關鍵詞 原住民保留地;財產權;土地使用管制
日期 1999-12
上傳時間 22-Dec-2016 15:30:39 (UTC+8)
摘要 台灣地區已劃編供原住民使用之保留地面積約計25萬公頃,大多位於台灣的高山心臟地帶,珍貴的天然資源多集中於此,乃吸引平地的資本經濟入侵原住民社會,於是產生原住民保留地資源不當利用及地權私下轉讓售予非原住民的問題。地權長期私下轉讓給非原住民的結果,造成保留地大量流失,復因近年來原住民對持有土地權利意識漸趨強烈,要求政府歸還其曾居住或使用之土地所有權,政府爰擬數以增劃設原住民保留地的方式解決。從財產權理論觀點言之,原住民確曾居住或使用之土地權利,在不違反公益之前提下,應受法律制度之保障,惟保留地的多數仍屬公有土地資源之一部分,亦為異於現行土地使用管制之特殊制度,如為協助原住民而增設保留地,勢必拉長此種特殊制度之存在期間,對於公地資源利用有無負面影響,值得探究。其次,現行輔導原住民取得保留地所有權的管理方式,卻因原住民普遍缺乏技術與資金,且農外就業機會增加,致使保留地的流失仍無法遏止,可見協助取得所有權並不能保證原住民的有效利用土地。此外,原住民保留地約有三分之二面積屬水庫集水區、水源水量保護區或保安林範圍,嚴格限制開發利用,影響原住民的發展與生計,其使用限制有無必要調整?應如何調整?均值得商榷,以期建立尊重原住民傳統文化與經濟發展的管理制度。
In Taiwan area, the land reserved for aborigines covers of 250,000 ha. Most of the reserved land spread over the Taiwan high mountain area in which there are several precious natural resources. Many nonaborigines are attracted to those areas from the ground because of those raw materials. Unfortunately, it is followed by the inappropriate land use and illegal sales of reserved land to those nonaborigines. At this moment, many land in the reserved area is not owned by the aborigines. Furthermore, the aborigines have requested property right of the reserved land which they have occupied for quite a long time. It becomes a serious political problem, and the government attempts to release additional reserved land for aborigines to solve this stalemate.From the viewpoint of public welfare, the property right concerning with those reserved land used or occupied by the aborigines should be protected by the law. However, the effect of the expansion of aborigines` reserved land on the public land should be carefully examined since this kind of policy maybe create a totally different result from the regular one. In addition,additional release of the reserved land ownership to the aborigines still can not stop losing of the reserved land because of the insufficiency of aborigines` skill and funds, and the increase of the non-agricultural employment opportunities. Furthermore, more than 2/3 of the aborigines reserved land are located both at the water resource protection areas and at the protection forest areas. The use of land in those areas is strictly defined and controlled by the laws. Therefore, how to adjust the conflict between the laws and the styles of land use in the reserved land becomes an urgent issue.Those land reserved for aborigines should be used and managed on the basis of efficient use of natural resources. The issue of aborigines` reserved land should also be studied in combining with the aborigines` tradition and with the philosophy of property right. Furthermore, this issue should be accorded with the nationwide comprehensive land use plan and the regional plan. To solve this issue, it is very possible that related regulations to establish an optimal management of the aborigines` reserved land and to unite aborigines` historical tradition with the economic development in those areas.
關聯 國立政治大學學報,80,57-104
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 地政系
dc.creator (作者) 顏愛靜zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Yen, Ai-Ching (日期) 1999-12 22-Dec-2016 15:30:39 (UTC+8)- 22-Dec-2016 15:30:39 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 22-Dec-2016 15:30:39 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 台灣地區已劃編供原住民使用之保留地面積約計25萬公頃,大多位於台灣的高山心臟地帶,珍貴的天然資源多集中於此,乃吸引平地的資本經濟入侵原住民社會,於是產生原住民保留地資源不當利用及地權私下轉讓售予非原住民的問題。地權長期私下轉讓給非原住民的結果,造成保留地大量流失,復因近年來原住民對持有土地權利意識漸趨強烈,要求政府歸還其曾居住或使用之土地所有權,政府爰擬數以增劃設原住民保留地的方式解決。從財產權理論觀點言之,原住民確曾居住或使用之土地權利,在不違反公益之前提下,應受法律制度之保障,惟保留地的多數仍屬公有土地資源之一部分,亦為異於現行土地使用管制之特殊制度,如為協助原住民而增設保留地,勢必拉長此種特殊制度之存在期間,對於公地資源利用有無負面影響,值得探究。其次,現行輔導原住民取得保留地所有權的管理方式,卻因原住民普遍缺乏技術與資金,且農外就業機會增加,致使保留地的流失仍無法遏止,可見協助取得所有權並不能保證原住民的有效利用土地。此外,原住民保留地約有三分之二面積屬水庫集水區、水源水量保護區或保安林範圍,嚴格限制開發利用,影響原住民的發展與生計,其使用限制有無必要調整?應如何調整?均值得商榷,以期建立尊重原住民傳統文化與經濟發展的管理制度。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) In Taiwan area, the land reserved for aborigines covers of 250,000 ha. Most of the reserved land spread over the Taiwan high mountain area in which there are several precious natural resources. Many nonaborigines are attracted to those areas from the ground because of those raw materials. Unfortunately, it is followed by the inappropriate land use and illegal sales of reserved land to those nonaborigines. At this moment, many land in the reserved area is not owned by the aborigines. Furthermore, the aborigines have requested property right of the reserved land which they have occupied for quite a long time. It becomes a serious political problem, and the government attempts to release additional reserved land for aborigines to solve this stalemate.From the viewpoint of public welfare, the property right concerning with those reserved land used or occupied by the aborigines should be protected by the law. However, the effect of the expansion of aborigines` reserved land on the public land should be carefully examined since this kind of policy maybe create a totally different result from the regular one. In addition,additional release of the reserved land ownership to the aborigines still can not stop losing of the reserved land because of the insufficiency of aborigines` skill and funds, and the increase of the non-agricultural employment opportunities. Furthermore, more than 2/3 of the aborigines reserved land are located both at the water resource protection areas and at the protection forest areas. The use of land in those areas is strictly defined and controlled by the laws. Therefore, how to adjust the conflict between the laws and the styles of land use in the reserved land becomes an urgent issue.Those land reserved for aborigines should be used and managed on the basis of efficient use of natural resources. The issue of aborigines` reserved land should also be studied in combining with the aborigines` tradition and with the philosophy of property right. Furthermore, this issue should be accorded with the nationwide comprehensive land use plan and the regional plan. To solve this issue, it is very possible that related regulations to establish an optimal management of the aborigines` reserved land and to unite aborigines` historical tradition with the economic development in those areas.
dc.format.extent 3655272 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 國立政治大學學報,80,57-104
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 原住民保留地;財產權;土地使用管制
dc.subject (關鍵詞) LandReservedForAborigines;LandOwnershipandPropertyRight;LandUseControl
dc.title (題名) 現階段原住民保留地管理問題與對策之研析zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) Current Issues and Strategies on Reserved Land for Aborigines
dc.type (資料類型) article