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題名 北歐櫥窗:虛實整合的兩難
其他題名 Nordic Flagship Design Brands in Taiwan: The Challenges of Online to Offline (O2O) Commerce
作者 管郁君;陳宏欣
Chen, Terry;Huang, Eugenia Y.
貢獻者 資管系
關鍵詞 電商;虛實整合;經營策略;創業;電子商務
Nordic;E-commerce;Click-and-mortar;Operation strategy;Entrepreneurship
日期 2016-04
上傳時間 17-一月-2017 16:50:03 (UTC+8)
摘要 北歐櫥窗2003年由網路銷售開始,引進歐洲高端設計師品牌,成為獨創銷售國外設計師品牌的網站,2005年底在誠品信義店開設第一個實體旗艦店,為擴大營業額及市占率,積極進行實體展店,過程中陸續引進設計精品,2008年更跨進時尚精品手錶品牌代理銷售。實體店面數量快速增加,公司人員擴編,由電商銷售為主,轉變為虛實整合的電商和實體店面共同銷售模式。公司內部從員工教育訓練、資訊系統整合、庫存管理、資本運用等面向,在虛實整合商業模式中遇到挑戰,增添管理難度與複雜度。個案公司10年間面臨市場急速變化,從虛擬通路跨進虛實整合通路經營,如何面臨兩種通路衝擊,在決策轉折點克服挑戰、達成營運績效,是從虛擬通路跨進實體極佳參考個案。
This case describes the strategic transformation of an SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) in Taiwan, in which the once pure online business transitioned into a click-and-mortar operation. As its name implies, Nordic was established as an online company selling designer household items imported from Nordic region. The online operation began in 2003, and experienced an immediate success. To offer customers look-and-feel experience, Nordic opened its first physical store in 2005. The store was set up in the famous emporium, Eslite, in Taipei’s modern shopping area, Xinyi district. Nordic continued to expand the off-line operations to increase revenue and market share. Besides the new openings of physical stores, a fast growth was achieved by also seeking alliance opportunities with other brick-and-mortar businesses, which effectively increased the physical presence of Nordic’s products. Nordic was acquired by JUT Living Development Group in 2012.
關聯 管理評論, 35(2), 1-18
資料類型 article
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.6656/MR.2016.35.2.CHI.1
dc.contributor 資管系
dc.creator (作者) 管郁君;陳宏欣zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chen, Terry;Huang, Eugenia Y.
dc.date (日期) 2016-04
dc.date.accessioned 17-一月-2017 16:50:03 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 17-一月-2017 16:50:03 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 17-一月-2017 16:50:03 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/105860-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 北歐櫥窗2003年由網路銷售開始,引進歐洲高端設計師品牌,成為獨創銷售國外設計師品牌的網站,2005年底在誠品信義店開設第一個實體旗艦店,為擴大營業額及市占率,積極進行實體展店,過程中陸續引進設計精品,2008年更跨進時尚精品手錶品牌代理銷售。實體店面數量快速增加,公司人員擴編,由電商銷售為主,轉變為虛實整合的電商和實體店面共同銷售模式。公司內部從員工教育訓練、資訊系統整合、庫存管理、資本運用等面向,在虛實整合商業模式中遇到挑戰,增添管理難度與複雜度。個案公司10年間面臨市場急速變化,從虛擬通路跨進虛實整合通路經營,如何面臨兩種通路衝擊,在決策轉折點克服挑戰、達成營運績效,是從虛擬通路跨進實體極佳參考個案。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This case describes the strategic transformation of an SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) in Taiwan, in which the once pure online business transitioned into a click-and-mortar operation. As its name implies, Nordic was established as an online company selling designer household items imported from Nordic region. The online operation began in 2003, and experienced an immediate success. To offer customers look-and-feel experience, Nordic opened its first physical store in 2005. The store was set up in the famous emporium, Eslite, in Taipei’s modern shopping area, Xinyi district. Nordic continued to expand the off-line operations to increase revenue and market share. Besides the new openings of physical stores, a fast growth was achieved by also seeking alliance opportunities with other brick-and-mortar businesses, which effectively increased the physical presence of Nordic’s products. Nordic was acquired by JUT Living Development Group in 2012.
dc.format.extent 108 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype text/html-
dc.relation (關聯) 管理評論, 35(2), 1-18
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 電商;虛實整合;經營策略;創業;電子商務
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Nordic;E-commerce;Click-and-mortar;Operation strategy;Entrepreneurship
dc.title (題名) 北歐櫥窗:虛實整合的兩難zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) Nordic Flagship Design Brands in Taiwan: The Challenges of Online to Offline (O2O) Commerce
dc.type (資料類型) article
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6656/MR.2016.35.2.CHI.1
dc.doi.uri (DOI) http://dx.doi.org/10.6656/MR.2016.35.2.CHI.1