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題名 華語口語中反對意見表達之語步分析:母語者與日籍學習者之比較
Move analysis of disagreement in oral Mandarin Chinese : a comparative study between native speakers and Japanese learners` data
作者 栗原祐美
Kurihara, Yumi
貢獻者 尤雪瑛
Yu, Hsueh Ying
Kurihara, Yumi
關鍵詞 反對意見表達
Language Form
Japanese Learner
日期 2017
上傳時間 8-二月-2017 16:40:19 (UTC+8)
摘要 本文透過口語語料的分析探討華語反對意見(disagreement)的表達方式。這二十年來有關反對意見表達的相關研究越來越多,然而探討華語語步結構(move)和語言形式(language form)的文獻不多,但其實對學習者來說從語步結構、語言形式等具體的因素著手學習比較有幫助,因此本研究從這兩方面進行研究。本文提出兩個研究問題:第一個問題為語步方面,華語母語者和學習華語的日籍學習者提出反對意見時用什麼樣的語步結構?兩組之間是否有異同?第二個問題為語言形式,華語母語者和日籍學習者表達反對意見時,常用哪些預告標記、情態語、語氣詞等語言形式,兩組之間是否有異同?
      本文透過誘發會話法(elicited conversation)收集參與者的語料,分別為華語母語者和日籍學習者,每組各有十六篇語料,共三十二篇。參與者討論核能發電以及體罰的兩個議題,由一位參與者簡短發表其意見,誘發另一位參與者提出反對意見。
      語步的分析結果發現,母語者的語步結構為「開始語步:直接反駁或間接反訴→ 中間語步:假同意、陳述理由與舉例說明、提案→ 結束語步:總結或話輪轉讓」的結構;日籍學習者則為「開始語步:直接反駁或間接反訴→ 中間語步:假同意、陳述理由與舉例說明、提案」的結構。兩組的結束語步不同,母語者有明顯的結束語步,然而學習者沒有很明顯的結束語步。為了回答第二個問題,本文分析語步中的語言形式,結果發現兩組之間有相同處,兩組都是預告標記的使用次數最多,其次情態語、語氣詞。此外,兩組都常用的預告標記為「就是」「因為」;情態語為「應該」「(我)覺得」「可能」「那」等;語氣詞為「嗯」「呃」「啊」。但也有相異之處,華語母語者和日籍學習者的用法不同,母語者的「然後」「我們」「嗯」的用法比學習者多,但「那」「啊」的用法母語者比學習者少。語言形式的用法分析中發現,語言形式和功能並非一對一的關係,一個語言形式有數個功能,一個功能可以數個語言形式來達成。除此之外,母語者的預告標記在各副語步中有特定偏向,「雖然」「可是」「因為」「然後」「所以」分別集中在假同意、間接反訴、陳述理由與舉例說明、提案、總結的副語步,他們善用這些預告標記導入副語步,但日籍學習者的特定偏向比較少,只有「雖然」「所以」集中在假同意和總結的兩項副語步。
This study investigates how the Mandarin native speakers and Japanese learners express disagreement in oral data. Many scholars have devoted their studies into disagreement for decades, however, few studies are used in the expressions of disagreement about the move structure and language forms. The researcher believes that the analysis of move structure and language forms would be helpful in explaining the components of a disagreement discourse and in offering pedagogical implications. This study has two main research questions. First, what are the move structures of disagreement in Mandarin? Do the move structures differ between the data of native speakers and Japanese learners? Second, what kinds of language forms do the speakers of the two groups use the most? Are there differences between the two groups?
      The data were collected using the elicited conversation. It includes 32 oral data, with 16 units from each group. Two participants in one group discuss one of the issues: the establishing of nuclear power plant and the application physical punishment. One subject initiates the conversation briefly to elicit and the opposing opinions for the other subject.
      The findings of this study were following. First, the move structures of the native speakers, data shows the pattern as follows: “Starting move: Direct disagreement or indirect agreement→ Middle move: showing token agreements, account and announcing examples, offering suggestions → Concluding move: summary or returning turns” : the pattern of the Japanese learners on the other hand is “Starting move: direct disagreement or indirect agreement → Middle move: showing token agreements, account and announcing examples, offering suggestions”. The difference between the two groups is that the native speakers used concluding moves in the end of discussion while the Japanese learners didn’t. Second, the result of linguistic forms showed that there were similarities between the two groups. Pre-announcement markers were used in the most, followed by modals and final particles. Beside, “Jiushi” and “Yinwei” were used in the most in pre-announcement markers both in native speakers and the learners; “Na” “Yinggai” “(Wo)juede” “Keneng” in modals; and “En” “E” “A” were the most in final particles respectively. On the other hand, there were also some differences between them in usages, for example, native speakers had more kinds of usages of “Ranhou” “Women” “En” than Japanese learners; although Japanese learner used more usages in “Na” “A” than Native speakers. Moreover, native speakers had particular correration between language forms and submoves, they had “Suiran” in showing token agreement, “Keshi” in indirect agreement, “Yinwei” in giving account or examples, “Ranhou” in offering suggestions and “Suoyi” in summary. Japanese learners although had few correlation, just “Suiran” in showing token agreement and “Suoyi” in summary.
      This study also proposes some pedagogical implication based on the results above. The three teaching steps was proposed as follows: the teacher presents the key points, practice and further practice. In the final step, the teacher can make learners aware of the order of moves when they disagree with others: they can show their main claim first in the starting move. In the middle move, account and giving examples, suggestion can be used to elaborate in the claim. They can summarize their main idea briefly in the concluding move to make the hearer understood their opinion clearer. They can also combine language forms like pre-announcement markers, modals and final particles to introduce, mitigate or strengthen the opinion or to make verbal fillers.
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描述 博士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0098160504
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 尤雪瑛zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Yu, Hsueh Yingen_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 栗原祐美zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Kurihara, Yumien_US
dc.creator (作者) 栗原祐美zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Kurihara, Yumien_US
dc.date (日期) 2017en_US
dc.date.accessioned 8-二月-2017 16:40:19 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 8-二月-2017 16:40:19 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 8-二月-2017 16:40:19 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0098160504en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/106429-
dc.description (描述) 博士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 華語文教學博士學位學程zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 98160504zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本文透過口語語料的分析探討華語反對意見(disagreement)的表達方式。這二十年來有關反對意見表達的相關研究越來越多,然而探討華語語步結構(move)和語言形式(language form)的文獻不多,但其實對學習者來說從語步結構、語言形式等具體的因素著手學習比較有幫助,因此本研究從這兩方面進行研究。本文提出兩個研究問題:第一個問題為語步方面,華語母語者和學習華語的日籍學習者提出反對意見時用什麼樣的語步結構?兩組之間是否有異同?第二個問題為語言形式,華語母語者和日籍學習者表達反對意見時,常用哪些預告標記、情態語、語氣詞等語言形式,兩組之間是否有異同?
      本文透過誘發會話法(elicited conversation)收集參與者的語料,分別為華語母語者和日籍學習者,每組各有十六篇語料,共三十二篇。參與者討論核能發電以及體罰的兩個議題,由一位參與者簡短發表其意見,誘發另一位參與者提出反對意見。
      語步的分析結果發現,母語者的語步結構為「開始語步:直接反駁或間接反訴→ 中間語步:假同意、陳述理由與舉例說明、提案→ 結束語步:總結或話輪轉讓」的結構;日籍學習者則為「開始語步:直接反駁或間接反訴→ 中間語步:假同意、陳述理由與舉例說明、提案」的結構。兩組的結束語步不同,母語者有明顯的結束語步,然而學習者沒有很明顯的結束語步。為了回答第二個問題,本文分析語步中的語言形式,結果發現兩組之間有相同處,兩組都是預告標記的使用次數最多,其次情態語、語氣詞。此外,兩組都常用的預告標記為「就是」「因為」;情態語為「應該」「(我)覺得」「可能」「那」等;語氣詞為「嗯」「呃」「啊」。但也有相異之處,華語母語者和日籍學習者的用法不同,母語者的「然後」「我們」「嗯」的用法比學習者多,但「那」「啊」的用法母語者比學習者少。語言形式的用法分析中發現,語言形式和功能並非一對一的關係,一個語言形式有數個功能,一個功能可以數個語言形式來達成。除此之外,母語者的預告標記在各副語步中有特定偏向,「雖然」「可是」「因為」「然後」「所以」分別集中在假同意、間接反訴、陳述理由與舉例說明、提案、總結的副語步,他們善用這些預告標記導入副語步,但日籍學習者的特定偏向比較少,只有「雖然」「所以」集中在假同意和總結的兩項副語步。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This study investigates how the Mandarin native speakers and Japanese learners express disagreement in oral data. Many scholars have devoted their studies into disagreement for decades, however, few studies are used in the expressions of disagreement about the move structure and language forms. The researcher believes that the analysis of move structure and language forms would be helpful in explaining the components of a disagreement discourse and in offering pedagogical implications. This study has two main research questions. First, what are the move structures of disagreement in Mandarin? Do the move structures differ between the data of native speakers and Japanese learners? Second, what kinds of language forms do the speakers of the two groups use the most? Are there differences between the two groups?
      The data were collected using the elicited conversation. It includes 32 oral data, with 16 units from each group. Two participants in one group discuss one of the issues: the establishing of nuclear power plant and the application physical punishment. One subject initiates the conversation briefly to elicit and the opposing opinions for the other subject.
      The findings of this study were following. First, the move structures of the native speakers, data shows the pattern as follows: “Starting move: Direct disagreement or indirect agreement→ Middle move: showing token agreements, account and announcing examples, offering suggestions → Concluding move: summary or returning turns” : the pattern of the Japanese learners on the other hand is “Starting move: direct disagreement or indirect agreement → Middle move: showing token agreements, account and announcing examples, offering suggestions”. The difference between the two groups is that the native speakers used concluding moves in the end of discussion while the Japanese learners didn’t. Second, the result of linguistic forms showed that there were similarities between the two groups. Pre-announcement markers were used in the most, followed by modals and final particles. Beside, “Jiushi” and “Yinwei” were used in the most in pre-announcement markers both in native speakers and the learners; “Na” “Yinggai” “(Wo)juede” “Keneng” in modals; and “En” “E” “A” were the most in final particles respectively. On the other hand, there were also some differences between them in usages, for example, native speakers had more kinds of usages of “Ranhou” “Women” “En” than Japanese learners; although Japanese learner used more usages in “Na” “A” than Native speakers. Moreover, native speakers had particular correration between language forms and submoves, they had “Suiran” in showing token agreement, “Keshi” in indirect agreement, “Yinwei” in giving account or examples, “Ranhou” in offering suggestions and “Suoyi” in summary. Japanese learners although had few correlation, just “Suiran” in showing token agreement and “Suoyi” in summary.
      This study also proposes some pedagogical implication based on the results above. The three teaching steps was proposed as follows: the teacher presents the key points, practice and further practice. In the final step, the teacher can make learners aware of the order of moves when they disagree with others: they can show their main claim first in the starting move. In the middle move, account and giving examples, suggestion can be used to elaborate in the claim. They can summarize their main idea briefly in the concluding move to make the hearer understood their opinion clearer. They can also combine language forms like pre-announcement markers, modals and final particles to introduce, mitigate or strengthen the opinion or to make verbal fillers.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
     第一節 研究動機 1
     第二節 研究目的 2
     第三節 研究問題 2
     第四節 名詞釋義 3
     一、 語步 3
     二、 語言形式 4
     第二章 文獻探討 5
     第一節 言語行為理論 5
     第二節 文化對言語行為的影響 7
     第三節 語言溝通模式 11
     第四節 反對意見表達研究 12
     一、 定義 13
     二、 語步 15
     三、 語言形式 18
     第五節 語用與語言教學 24
     第六節 小結 28
     第三章 研究方法 31
     第一節 研究流程 31
     第二節 研究方法 32
     第三節 分析架構的建立 34
     一、 語步分析架構 34
     二、 語言形式分析架構 36
     第四節 前導研究 36
     一、 語步結構分析之前導研究 37
     (一) 主語步1 37
     (二) 主語步2 40
     (三) 主語步3 41
     二、 語言形式分析之前導研究 42
     (一) 預告標記 43
     (二) 情態語 43
     (三) 語氣詞 45
     三、 前導研究結果 46
     第五節 正式研究之規劃 48
     一、 參與者背景 48
     二、 譯寫原則 51
     三、 語步分類及語言形式分析方式 52
     第四章 語步分析 57
     第一節 主語步的頻率 58
     第二節 副語步的頻率 59
     一、 華語母語者 60
     二、 日籍學習者 62
     三、 華語母語者和日籍學習者的比較 65
     第三節 語步的組合和發展情形 68
     一、 華語母語者 68
     (一) 開始語步 70
     (二) 中間語步 72
     (三) 結束語步 79
     二、 日籍學習者 82
     (一) 開始語步 83
     (二) 中間語步 84
     (三) 結束語步 89
     三、 華語母語者和日籍學習者的比較 91
     (一) 開始語步 92
     (二) 中間語步 93
     (三) 結束語步 95
     第四節 語步分析的結論 96
     第五章 語言形式分析 103
     第一節 整體的語言形式 104
     第二節 預告標記 105
     第三節 情態語 118
     第四節 語氣詞 127
     第五節 語言形式分析的結論 135
     第六章 結論 139
     第一節 研究發現 139
     第二節 教學應用 142
     第三節 研究限制 146
     第四節 未來研究方向 147
     參考文獻 148
     附錄 161
     附錄一 錄音說明 161
     附錄二 同意書 162
     附錄三 日籍學習者的語步發展(兩個以上單元)之語料 163
dc.format.extent 3021007 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0098160504en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 反對意見表達zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 語步zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 語言形式zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 華語教學zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 日籍學習者zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Disagreementen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Moveen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Language Formen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) TCSLen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Japanese Learneren_US
dc.title (題名) 華語口語中反對意見表達之語步分析:母語者與日籍學習者之比較zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Move analysis of disagreement in oral Mandarin Chinese : a comparative study between native speakers and Japanese learners` dataen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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