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題名 受阻礙的電子休閒時光:中年家庭主婦平板使用
Constrained electronic leisure: the analysis of middle-aged housewives as tablet users作者 許家齊
Hsu, Chia Chi貢獻者 方念萱
Hsu, Chia Chi關鍵詞 平板
Middle-aged housewives
Leisure constraints日期 2017 上傳時間 1-Mar-2017 17:02:16 (UTC+8) 摘要 2010年蘋果推出iPad後,台灣也跟著掀起平板熱潮,並快速普及到中高年齡層使用者。平板現在已經是中年家庭主婦重要的家戶休閒之一。本研究結合休閒領域和性別傳播科技領域探討中年家庭主婦的休閒,分析形成婦女「休閒阻礙」(Leisure constraint)的原因,並觀察平板融入主婦的生活後主婦休閒體驗的變化、平板使用複製過去女性用資通科技進行休閒的特性與限制。本研究結合使用者日誌與深度訪談探索中年家庭主婦的平板休閒經驗。結果顯示本地中年家庭主婦認為的休閒包含心理閒暇感受,外出活動,社交等,這也反映在她們對於平板休閒的感知。與過往休閒研究歸納的女性休閒特性相似,本地中年主婦的休閒特性包含休閒時間碎片化,習慣多工等,反映她們的休閒受到阻礙。而與其他生命週期的女性不同,步入空巢期的中年主婦因為照顧子女的責任減輕,使她們開始積極追求休閒,休閒意識提高。中年主婦也因為擁有多年家務經驗,使她們發展出抵抗休閒阻礙的策略,獲得更多的休閒機會。中年主婦的平板使用時機融入她們的生活韻律,因為平板的體積與未連網之故,主婦一旦外出,反而少攜帶;平板之為行動載具的行動性(mobility)未見發揮,平板成為居家休閒的重要裝置。獨自在家時主婦用平板看劇、玩遊戲,主婦也會在此時一邊看電視,一邊用平板,採取「雙螢」休閒模式,極大化休閒體驗。家人同在的晚間家庭時光,主婦平板不離身,陪伴家人、履行情感勞動,透過平板上的社交媒體同步與自己友人聊天,或看喜歡的劇集,沉浸在自己的虛擬空間。平板為主婦過去透過其他科技物中介的休閒帶來新的意義。然而雖然平板使主婦擺脫不擅電子遊戲的刻板印象、也因平板而掌有觀影權,鬆動過去丈夫主導的家庭觀影秩序,本研究發現母職腳本形成主婦的平板休閒阻礙分別顯現在平板擁有權、使用平板瀏覽資訊、平板的社群通訊軟體使用上。中年家庭主婦休閒受到「妻職」影響,即便主婦用平板休閒受到丈夫中斷,她們也將其視為理所當然,因為經過與丈夫多年的相處磨合,中年婦女大多都能接受與容忍配偶的行為。
After Apple introduced the iPad in 2010, the tablet quickly earned many middle–aged users` attention in Taiwan. Nowadays, the tablet has become one of the most important household leisure devices for middle-aged housewives. This study adopts diary study and in-depth interviews to explore how the tablet has been integrated into middle–aged housewives` lives. Additionally, it examines what kinds of leisure constraints housewives confront when they use a tablet.This study explores the leisure of Taiwanese middle-aged housewives. The result shows that Taiwanese middle-aged housewives have varied definitions of leisure which include relaxed mental state, outdoor activities and social activities. Those definitions reflect on housewives` feeling about tablet use. What’s more, a number of leisure researchers have indicated fragmented leisure time and multitasking characterize women`s leisure. Taiwanese middle-aged housewives` leisure shows similar characteristics. However, Taiwanese middle-aged housewives feel a sense of entitlement with regards to leisure since they no longer have the responsibility of care-taking as their younger peers still carry. Besides, middle-aged housewives have developed strategies to resist and transform leisure constraints imposed on them along the way.The timing of tablet use of middle-aged housewives is closely related to their lifestyle. The finding suggests that the mobility of a tablet is limited. Tablets are heavy and lack network access, which is why housewives reserve their use for domestic leisure. Housewives who are alone at home usually use a tablet to play games or watch dramas. They also watch TV and use the tablet at the same time. Using this “double screen” model, housewives can broaden their leisure experience. During family hours in the evening, housewives bring their tablets to the living room so that they not only show their emotional support to be there with their family but also enjoy their personal tablet at the same time.The nature of leisure and the related images which housewives obtained in the past by using other technology have undergone great transformations. For example, instead of non-gamers or incapable gamers, housewives have proven themselves to be the ones who also enjoy game play. Moreover, the tablet has become housewives` “second screen” with which they can watch any program they like instead of being forced to watch the programs chosen by their husbands. However, the findings suggest the scripted motherhood affects housewives` tablet use, and it reflects on their tablet’s ownership, their use of social media and the web-browsing. The scripted wife- hood also affects housewives` leisure. 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102451011資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 方念萱 zh_TW (Authors) 許家齊 zh_TW (Authors) Hsu, Chia Chi en_US dc.creator (作者) 許家齊 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Hsu, Chia Chi en_US (日期) 2017 en_US 1-Mar-2017 17:02:16 (UTC+8) - 1-Mar-2017 17:02:16 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 1-Mar-2017 17:02:16 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0102451011 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 新聞學系 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 102451011 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 2010年蘋果推出iPad後,台灣也跟著掀起平板熱潮,並快速普及到中高年齡層使用者。平板現在已經是中年家庭主婦重要的家戶休閒之一。本研究結合休閒領域和性別傳播科技領域探討中年家庭主婦的休閒,分析形成婦女「休閒阻礙」(Leisure constraint)的原因,並觀察平板融入主婦的生活後主婦休閒體驗的變化、平板使用複製過去女性用資通科技進行休閒的特性與限制。本研究結合使用者日誌與深度訪談探索中年家庭主婦的平板休閒經驗。結果顯示本地中年家庭主婦認為的休閒包含心理閒暇感受,外出活動,社交等,這也反映在她們對於平板休閒的感知。與過往休閒研究歸納的女性休閒特性相似,本地中年主婦的休閒特性包含休閒時間碎片化,習慣多工等,反映她們的休閒受到阻礙。而與其他生命週期的女性不同,步入空巢期的中年主婦因為照顧子女的責任減輕,使她們開始積極追求休閒,休閒意識提高。中年主婦也因為擁有多年家務經驗,使她們發展出抵抗休閒阻礙的策略,獲得更多的休閒機會。中年主婦的平板使用時機融入她們的生活韻律,因為平板的體積與未連網之故,主婦一旦外出,反而少攜帶;平板之為行動載具的行動性(mobility)未見發揮,平板成為居家休閒的重要裝置。獨自在家時主婦用平板看劇、玩遊戲,主婦也會在此時一邊看電視,一邊用平板,採取「雙螢」休閒模式,極大化休閒體驗。家人同在的晚間家庭時光,主婦平板不離身,陪伴家人、履行情感勞動,透過平板上的社交媒體同步與自己友人聊天,或看喜歡的劇集,沉浸在自己的虛擬空間。平板為主婦過去透過其他科技物中介的休閒帶來新的意義。然而雖然平板使主婦擺脫不擅電子遊戲的刻板印象、也因平板而掌有觀影權,鬆動過去丈夫主導的家庭觀影秩序,本研究發現母職腳本形成主婦的平板休閒阻礙分別顯現在平板擁有權、使用平板瀏覽資訊、平板的社群通訊軟體使用上。中年家庭主婦休閒受到「妻職」影響,即便主婦用平板休閒受到丈夫中斷,她們也將其視為理所當然,因為經過與丈夫多年的相處磨合,中年婦女大多都能接受與容忍配偶的行為。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) After Apple introduced the iPad in 2010, the tablet quickly earned many middle–aged users` attention in Taiwan. Nowadays, the tablet has become one of the most important household leisure devices for middle-aged housewives. This study adopts diary study and in-depth interviews to explore how the tablet has been integrated into middle–aged housewives` lives. Additionally, it examines what kinds of leisure constraints housewives confront when they use a tablet.This study explores the leisure of Taiwanese middle-aged housewives. The result shows that Taiwanese middle-aged housewives have varied definitions of leisure which include relaxed mental state, outdoor activities and social activities. Those definitions reflect on housewives` feeling about tablet use. What’s more, a number of leisure researchers have indicated fragmented leisure time and multitasking characterize women`s leisure. Taiwanese middle-aged housewives` leisure shows similar characteristics. However, Taiwanese middle-aged housewives feel a sense of entitlement with regards to leisure since they no longer have the responsibility of care-taking as their younger peers still carry. Besides, middle-aged housewives have developed strategies to resist and transform leisure constraints imposed on them along the way.The timing of tablet use of middle-aged housewives is closely related to their lifestyle. The finding suggests that the mobility of a tablet is limited. Tablets are heavy and lack network access, which is why housewives reserve their use for domestic leisure. Housewives who are alone at home usually use a tablet to play games or watch dramas. They also watch TV and use the tablet at the same time. Using this “double screen” model, housewives can broaden their leisure experience. During family hours in the evening, housewives bring their tablets to the living room so that they not only show their emotional support to be there with their family but also enjoy their personal tablet at the same time.The nature of leisure and the related images which housewives obtained in the past by using other technology have undergone great transformations. For example, instead of non-gamers or incapable gamers, housewives have proven themselves to be the ones who also enjoy game play. Moreover, the tablet has become housewives` “second screen” with which they can watch any program they like instead of being forced to watch the programs chosen by their husbands. However, the findings suggest the scripted motherhood affects housewives` tablet use, and it reflects on their tablet’s ownership, their use of social media and the web-browsing. The scripted wife- hood also affects housewives` leisure. For instance, their husbands often interrupt their tablet use, but housewives see interruptions as the way things have always been. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1第一節 研究動機與背景 1第二節 家庭主婦的忙與閒 4一、被忽略的休閒時間 4二、主婦在家中的電子休閒 6第三節 研究問題 8第二章 文獻回顧 10第一節 主婦日常生活中的資通科技使用 10一、管理家務工作:ICT的微協調功能 10二、慣性的休閒:嵌入日常生活的ICT使用 12三、進入家戶的平板電腦 14第二節 主婦的休閒與資通科技使用 17一、女性「休閒」未定論 17二、媽媽的電子休閒時光 21第三節 受限制的休閒 24一、休閒阻礙的相關概念 25二、科技中介、不離母職的休閒 30三、女性的休閒時間特性 32第三章 研究方法 34第一節 研究方法設計 34一、日誌法 34二、深度訪談 37第二節 研究流程與先導個案 41一、 研究流程 41二、 先導個案案例 42第三節 研究對象與個案簡介 43一、 研究對象 43二、 訪談個案背景簡介 45第四章 研究分析與討論 48第一節 平板進入家庭主婦的生活 49一、媽,你玩多久了? ─個案使用平板概況 49二、 與平板交織的日常生活 51第二節 主婦的休閒與平板使用 58一、 中年主婦的休閒 58二、 中年主婦的平板休閒體驗 63第三節 受阻礙的平板休閒時光 78一、阻礙平板休閒的因素 79二、用平板實踐母職 91第五章、研究結論與建議 97第一節 研究總結討論 97一、多面向的中年家庭主婦休閒 98二、鑲嵌在主婦生活韻律中的平板使用 101三、平板中介的新休閒體驗 103四、母職腳本形成平板使用阻礙 106五、平板使用的自我協商 108第二節 研究限制與未來研究建議 109一、 研究限制與反思 109二、未來研究建議 111參考文獻 112附錄一、平板使用日誌 124附錄二、訪談同意書 125附錄三、基本資料問卷 126 圖目錄圖一、平板電腦廣告2 圖二、平板電腦廣告2 圖三、平板使用者日誌範例36圖四、平均每日使用平板小時數49 zh_TW dc.format.extent 3088074 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 平板 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 中年家庭主婦 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 母職 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 休閒 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 休閒阻礙 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Tablet en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Middle-aged housewives en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Motherhood en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Leisure en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Leisure constraints en_US dc.title (題名) 受阻礙的電子休閒時光:中年家庭主婦平板使用 zh_TW dc.title (題名) Constrained electronic leisure: the analysis of middle-aged housewives as tablet users en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文文獻王仕圖、吳惠敏(2002)。〈深度訪談與案例演練〉,齊力、林本炫(編),《質性研究方法與資料分析》,95-114。高雄:復文。王筱智(2014)。《手機觀看—以行動間觀看為研究焦點》。政治大學傳播學院碩士在職專班碩士論文。王筱文(2014)。《家庭主婦生活經驗主觀認知之研究》。佛光大學生命研究所碩士論文。 王淑美(2014)。〈傳播科技與生活韻律―關於研究方法的探討〉,《傳播研究與實踐》,4(1):23-43。任玉(1973)。〈家庭主婦收看電視連續劇動機之研究〉,《新聞學研究》,11:81-226。吳蕙惠(2008)。《學齡前幼兒父母親職參與及親職壓力相關之研究》。國立政治大學幼兒教育所碩士論文,未出版,台北。吳鄭重(2010)。《廚房之舞:身體和空間的日常生活》。台北:聯經。李素馨(1997)。〈都市女性休閒類型和休閒阻礙〉。《戶外遊憩研究》,10(1):43-68。李青芬、唐先梅(2008)。〈家務工作研究近 30 年之回顧〉。《生活科學學報》,12:77-109。李芸珮(2013)。《媽在看我臉書?初探Facebook上的親子互動》。政治大學傳播學院碩士在職專班。李安妮、李世鳴(2008)。《當滑鼠遇上炒菜鍋》。台北:方志。周麗端(2003)。〈家庭主婦的生活處境〉。《國立空中大學生活科學系生活科學學報》,(8):71-88。周群英譯(2009)。《分析日常生活與文化理論》,新北市:韋伯。(原書Ben Highmore﹝2001﹞Everyday Life and Cultural Theory: an introduction. 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