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題名 臺灣高等教育資歷架構指標建構之研究
A study on the construction of indicators for the Taiwan framework for higher education qualifications
作者 黃志豪
Huang, Chih Hao
貢獻者 秦夢群
Chin, Meng Chun
Huang, Chih Hao
關鍵詞 高等教育資歷架構
Framework for higher education qualifications
Education qualifications
Learing outcome
日期 2017
上傳時間 5-四月-2017 15:39:59 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究旨在建構適合臺灣的高等教育資歷架構指標構面,研究先以文獻歸納方式,初擬臺灣高等教育資歷架構構面指標,再以12位專家為對象,利用模糊德菲法建構指標,再以模糊層級分析法求得各構面指標權重。資料分析結論如下:
(二)「知識」構面下指標重要性以「具備該領域知識批判及理解能 力」為最高,而以「理解研究方法之最適選擇」為最低
(五) 學士學位指標串聯權重重要性以「在專業團體中展現合作力」為最高,而以「在有限資訊下能做出合理決定」為最低
The purpose of the study was to construct the indicators for the Taiwan Framework for Higher Education Qualifications. Research methods include literature analysis, fuzzy Delphi technique and fuzzy AHP. In the literature analysis, this study discussed the theory of Framework for Higher Education Qualifications, studied Framework for Higher Education Qualifications. of each country and explored the initial construction of indicators for the Taiwan Framework for Higher Education Qualifications. In the empirical research, fuzzy Delphi questionnaire and fuzzy AHP questionnaires were used to investigate educational administration representatives, scholars and experts.

The conclusions of this study are:

1.Doctor degree:
(1)The highest overall weight distribution of the level in the doctor degree is “competency ”. The lowest overall weight distribution of the level in the doctor degree is “skill ”.
(2)The highest overall weight distribution in the knowledge level in the doctor degree is “have the Critical and comprehensive ability in the professional domain”. The lowest overall weight distribution in the knowledge level in the doctor degree is “understand the most appropriate choice of the research methods ”.
(3)The highest overall weight distribution in the skill level in the doctor degree is “comment deeply on the literature and methods ”. The lowest overall weight distribution in the skill level in the doctor degree is “estimate critically and utilize the number, figure and data ”.
(4)The highest overall weight distribution in the competency level in the doctor degree is “have autonomy and reflective ability in the professional domain ”. The lowest overall weight distribution in the competency level in the doctor degree is “publish the essay with decent level by research to innovate and interpret knowledge ”.
(5)The most importance indicators in the doctor degree is “have autonomy and reflective ability in the professional domain”. The least importance indicators in the doctor degree is “estimate critically and utilize the number, figure and data”.
2.Master degree:
(1)The highest overall weight distribution of the level in the master degree is “competency ”. The lowest overall weight distribution of the level in the master degree is “knowledge ”.
(2)The highest overall weight distribution in the knowledge level in the master degree is “have the high level knowledge in the professional domain”. The lowest overall weight distribution in the knowledge level in the master degree is “understand the most appropriate choice of the research methods ”.
(3)The highest overall weight distribution in the skill level in the master degree is “integrate the research conclusions and apply the research conclusions”. The lowest overall weight distribution in the skill level in the master degree is “have the problem solve skill in the professional domain”.
(4)The highest overall weight distribution in the competency level in the master degree is “have the leadership in the complicate task”. The lowest overall weight distribution in the competency level in the master degree is “research can be recognized ”.
(5)The most importance indicators in the master degree is “have the leadership in the complicate task”. The least importance indicators in the master degree is “have the problem solve skill in the professional domain”.
3.Bachelor degree:
(1)The highest overall weight distribution of the level in the bachelor degree is “competency ”. The lowest overall weight distribution of the level in the bachelor degree is “knowledge ”.
(2)The highest overall weight distribution in the knowledge level in the bachelor degree is “have the basic knowledge of the major subject”. The lowest overall weight distribution in the knowledge level in the bachelor degree is “understand the temporality and limitation of knowledge”.
(3)The highest overall weight distribution in the skill level in the bachelor degree is “have the life learning ability”. The lowest overall weight distribution in the skill level in the bachelor degree is “make reasonable decision in the limited information”.
(4)The highest overall weight distribution in the competency level in the bachelor degree is “cooperate in the profession team”. The lowest overall weight distribution in the competency level in the bachelor degree is “work by the guidance and have the reflective ability”.
(5)The most importance indicators in the bachelor degree is “cooperate in the profession team”. The least importance indicators in the bachelor degree is “make reasonable decision in the limited information”.
3.Doctor degree focus on “knowledge ” level than master degree and bachelor degree.
4.Graduate focus on autonomy and leadership. Undergraduate focus on cooperation.

In addition, this research intends to offer suggestion respectively on the aspect of
practical application and future study.
參考文獻 壹、中文部分

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描述 博士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102152508
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 秦夢群zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Chin, Meng Chunen_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 黃志豪zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Huang, Chih Haoen_US
dc.creator (作者) 黃志豪zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Huang, Chih Haoen_US
dc.date (日期) 2017en_US
dc.date.accessioned 5-四月-2017 15:39:59 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 5-四月-2017 15:39:59 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 5-四月-2017 15:39:59 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0102152508en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/108134-
dc.description (描述) 博士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 教育學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 102152508zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究旨在建構適合臺灣的高等教育資歷架構指標構面,研究先以文獻歸納方式,初擬臺灣高等教育資歷架構構面指標,再以12位專家為對象,利用模糊德菲法建構指標,再以模糊層級分析法求得各構面指標權重。資料分析結論如下:
(二)「知識」構面下指標重要性以「具備該領域知識批判及理解能 力」為最高,而以「理解研究方法之最適選擇」為最低
(五) 學士學位指標串聯權重重要性以「在專業團體中展現合作力」為最高,而以「在有限資訊下能做出合理決定」為最低
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The purpose of the study was to construct the indicators for the Taiwan Framework for Higher Education Qualifications. Research methods include literature analysis, fuzzy Delphi technique and fuzzy AHP. In the literature analysis, this study discussed the theory of Framework for Higher Education Qualifications, studied Framework for Higher Education Qualifications. of each country and explored the initial construction of indicators for the Taiwan Framework for Higher Education Qualifications. In the empirical research, fuzzy Delphi questionnaire and fuzzy AHP questionnaires were used to investigate educational administration representatives, scholars and experts.

The conclusions of this study are:

1.Doctor degree:
(1)The highest overall weight distribution of the level in the doctor degree is “competency ”. The lowest overall weight distribution of the level in the doctor degree is “skill ”.
(2)The highest overall weight distribution in the knowledge level in the doctor degree is “have the Critical and comprehensive ability in the professional domain”. The lowest overall weight distribution in the knowledge level in the doctor degree is “understand the most appropriate choice of the research methods ”.
(3)The highest overall weight distribution in the skill level in the doctor degree is “comment deeply on the literature and methods ”. The lowest overall weight distribution in the skill level in the doctor degree is “estimate critically and utilize the number, figure and data ”.
(4)The highest overall weight distribution in the competency level in the doctor degree is “have autonomy and reflective ability in the professional domain ”. The lowest overall weight distribution in the competency level in the doctor degree is “publish the essay with decent level by research to innovate and interpret knowledge ”.
(5)The most importance indicators in the doctor degree is “have autonomy and reflective ability in the professional domain”. The least importance indicators in the doctor degree is “estimate critically and utilize the number, figure and data”.
2.Master degree:
(1)The highest overall weight distribution of the level in the master degree is “competency ”. The lowest overall weight distribution of the level in the master degree is “knowledge ”.
(2)The highest overall weight distribution in the knowledge level in the master degree is “have the high level knowledge in the professional domain”. The lowest overall weight distribution in the knowledge level in the master degree is “understand the most appropriate choice of the research methods ”.
(3)The highest overall weight distribution in the skill level in the master degree is “integrate the research conclusions and apply the research conclusions”. The lowest overall weight distribution in the skill level in the master degree is “have the problem solve skill in the professional domain”.
(4)The highest overall weight distribution in the competency level in the master degree is “have the leadership in the complicate task”. The lowest overall weight distribution in the competency level in the master degree is “research can be recognized ”.
(5)The most importance indicators in the master degree is “have the leadership in the complicate task”. The least importance indicators in the master degree is “have the problem solve skill in the professional domain”.
3.Bachelor degree:
(1)The highest overall weight distribution of the level in the bachelor degree is “competency ”. The lowest overall weight distribution of the level in the bachelor degree is “knowledge ”.
(2)The highest overall weight distribution in the knowledge level in the bachelor degree is “have the basic knowledge of the major subject”. The lowest overall weight distribution in the knowledge level in the bachelor degree is “understand the temporality and limitation of knowledge”.
(3)The highest overall weight distribution in the skill level in the bachelor degree is “have the life learning ability”. The lowest overall weight distribution in the skill level in the bachelor degree is “make reasonable decision in the limited information”.
(4)The highest overall weight distribution in the competency level in the bachelor degree is “cooperate in the profession team”. The lowest overall weight distribution in the competency level in the bachelor degree is “work by the guidance and have the reflective ability”.
(5)The most importance indicators in the bachelor degree is “cooperate in the profession team”. The least importance indicators in the bachelor degree is “make reasonable decision in the limited information”.
3.Doctor degree focus on “knowledge ” level than master degree and bachelor degree.
4.Graduate focus on autonomy and leadership. Undergraduate focus on cooperation.

In addition, this research intends to offer suggestion respectively on the aspect of
practical application and future study.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與問題 5
第三節 名詞釋義 5
第四節 研究範圍與限制 6
第二章 文獻探討 8
第一節 高等教育資歷架構理論 8
第二節 區域高等教育資歷架構探究 16
第三節 國家高等教育資歷架構探究 33
第四節 臺灣高等教育資歷架構初構 53
第三章 研究設計與實施 115
第一節 研究架構 115
第二節 研究工具 116
第三節 評估專家 117
第四節 實施程序 117
第五節 資料處理與分析 118
第四章 研究結果與討論 121
第一節 臺灣高等教育學術資歷架構指標構面建構之專家內容效度問卷結果分析 121
第二節 臺灣高等教育學術資歷架構指標構面體系問卷結果分析 129
第三節 臺灣高等教育學術資歷架構指標權重體系問卷結果分析 138
第四節 綜合分析與討論 149
第五章 結論與建議 162
第一節 結論 162
第二節 建議 166
參考文獻 169
附錄一 專家內容效度問卷 176
附錄二 模糊德菲法問卷 187
附錄三 模糊層級分析法問卷 195
dc.format.extent 2635347 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102152508en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 高等教育資歷架構zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 資歷架構zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 學習成果zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Framework for higher education qualificationsen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Education qualificationsen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Learing outcomeen_US
dc.title (題名) 臺灣高等教育資歷架構指標建構之研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A study on the construction of indicators for the Taiwan framework for higher education qualificationsen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 壹、中文部分

Accreditation Council of Trinidad and Tobago(2007). Draft document of TertiaryQualifications Framework. Port of Spain, Accreditation Council of Trinidad and Tobago.
ASEAN(2007). ASEAN Framework Arrangement for the Mutual Recognition of SurveyingQualifications. Jakarta, ASEAN.
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Association of American Colleges and Universities(2007). College Learning for the New Global Century. A Report from the National Leadership Council for Liberal Education And America’s Promise. NW, Washington, DC:Association of American Colleges and Universities.
APEC(2009). Mapping qualifications frameworks across APEC economies. Singapore: APEC Secretariat.
APEC(2014). The ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework. Singapore: APEC Secretariat.
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Bhutan Accreditation Council(2012). Bhutan Qualifications Framework. Point of Reference and Tertiary Education Qualifications in Bhutan. Thimphu, Bhutan Accreditation
Bouder, A.(2003). Qualifications in France: towards a national framework? Journal of Education and Work, 16(3), 347–356.
Brockington, D.(2005). The national qualifications framework in England: A summary outline. Oxford: Nuffield Review of 14-19 Education and Training.
Carey, K.(2008). Measuring up: The right report at the right time. Chronicle of Higher Education, 55 (15), 88.
CARICOM(2012). CARICOM Qualifications Framework. St Michael, Barbados, CARICOM.
CEDEFOP(2008). Terminology of European education and training policy. Luxembourg, CEDEFOP
CEDEFOP(2010). Learning outcomes approaches in VET curricula. Luxembourg, CEDEFOP
CEDEFOP(2011).Glossary: Quality in Education and Training. Luxembourg, CEDEFOP.
CEDEFOP(2013). The role of qualifications in governing occupations and professions.Luxembourg, CEDEFOP.
Chen, S. J. & Hwang, C. L. (1992). Fuzzy multiple attribute decision making methods. New York: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
De Villiers, H. C.(1997). Affirmative action and the qualification structure. Unpublished Master’s dissertation, University of Pretoria.
Directorate General of Higher Education(2012) Indonesian Qualifications Framework (Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia) Presidential Decree no. 8/2012: Implication a
nd Implementation Strategies. Jakarta, Ministry of Education and Culture.
DQR(2011). The German Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning. Berlin, German
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Educational Research Institute(2013). Referencing the Polish qualifications framework for Lifelong learning to the European qualifications framework. Warsaw: Educational Research Institute.
European Commission(2005). The European higher education area─Achieving the goals.Brussels, Belgium:European Commission.
European Communities(2008). The European qualifications framework for lifelong learning.Brussels, Belgium:European Commission.
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