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題名 虛靖天師傳說與龍虎山道教權威的形成
其他題名 A Study of Daoist Legend of Heavenly Master XuJing: Comprehensive Survey of Notes, Novels and Daoist Canon
作者 高振宏
Kao, Chen-Hung
貢獻者 中文系
關鍵詞 張天師;虛靖天師;道法會元;雷法;元帥法
Heavenly Master Zhang;Heavenly Master XuJing;Daofahuiyuan;Tunder Magic;Apotropaic Rituals of Marshal Guan
日期 2015-06
上傳時間 20-四月-2017 14:38:44 (UTC+8)
摘要 虛靖天師張繼先為宋元時期深具神異性的宗教人物,被視為龍虎山的中興之祖以及道教權威形成的關鍵。本文在松本浩一、二階堂善弘與王見川等學者的研究基礎上,進一步細讀相關文獻、深化討論,藉此說明其傳說的內涵以及這些傳說所形構出的張天師形象。張繼先最著名的傳說為解州除蛟之事,其中展現了天師役使天地神祇的能力,與許遜斬蛟形成「天師(高道)─除蛟(平水患)」的原型,加上鹽業為宋代重要的經濟命脈,增加了這則傳說在民間的影響力,加深民眾對張天師驅邪能力的認知。而相關傳說中將「虛靖先生」轉換為「虛靖天師」則是複合了朝封的「虛靖」與宗教的「天師」,具有受皇帝禮遇、法力高強的象徵意義,強化天師在世俗與宗教的權威地位。此外,張繼先在南宋與元代也被視為雷法或元帥法祖師,這與白玉蟾和盧埜兩系的道法有關,前者將虛靖天師納入雷法祖師的譜系,後者則尊其為元帥法的創法之祖,讓祂複合了道與法的雙重性質。尤其是《道法會元》所收的溫瓊、關羽元帥法,內容標榜溫、關二帥曾受天師保奏、符篆亦為天師所傳,其中帶有一種建構「新道教傳統」的企圖:道士藉此除去溫、關元帥民間祠神血食的色彩以進入道教神譜之中,同時也透過天師所傳的篆文符統攝或取代雷法傳統的合形符,以此區別火師汪真君以來的道法傳統,建立自身的神聖譜系。而後隨著這些神祇與法術的流播,相當程度又擴大了張天師的影響力,反覆強化其在世俗與宗教世界中的神聖權威,形塑了民眾認為天師精通呪法符籙的印象。
Zhang Jixian, usually known as Heavenly Master XuJing, is a legendary Daoist in the Song and Yuan Dynasties. He can be seen as the key to the formation of authority of Dragon and Tiger Mountain, the sacred mountain of Daoism in Jiangxi Province, as the centre of the heavenly masters. Based on the studies by Koichi Matsumoto, Nikaido Yoshihiro and Wang Jianchuan, this paper aims to examine how the legendary figure of Heavenly Master Zhang is created and the authority of Dragon and Tiger Mountain is established through certain notebooks, stories and Taoist scriptures. The most renowned story of Master XuJing in Song Dynasty is about how he vanquishes a flood dragon with his powers. The archetypal story shows how a Heavenly Master is able to dispatch the gods and exorcise demons, and thus reinforces his religious influence over the masses. During Song and Yuan Dynasties, Heavenly Master Zhang is also celebrated as the chief ritual master of Thunder Magic and of Marshal Guan`s Apotropaic rituals preserved in Daofahuiyuan(道法會元). At the same time, enjoying the honors offered by the imperial court, this legendary figure gradually becomes an embodiment of religious and political authority. As Marshal Guan`s rites grow more and more popular, the influence of Master XuJing on the common people grows deeper and deeper. Thus the hagiography and rites repeatedly reinforced the Master Zhang`s images of proficient in magic, and formed the authority of Dragon and Tiger Mountain.
關聯 政大中文學報, 23, 131-170
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 中文系
dc.creator (作者) 高振宏zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Kao, Chen-Hung
dc.date (日期) 2015-06
dc.date.accessioned 20-四月-2017 14:38:44 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 20-四月-2017 14:38:44 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 20-四月-2017 14:38:44 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/108968-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 虛靖天師張繼先為宋元時期深具神異性的宗教人物,被視為龍虎山的中興之祖以及道教權威形成的關鍵。本文在松本浩一、二階堂善弘與王見川等學者的研究基礎上,進一步細讀相關文獻、深化討論,藉此說明其傳說的內涵以及這些傳說所形構出的張天師形象。張繼先最著名的傳說為解州除蛟之事,其中展現了天師役使天地神祇的能力,與許遜斬蛟形成「天師(高道)─除蛟(平水患)」的原型,加上鹽業為宋代重要的經濟命脈,增加了這則傳說在民間的影響力,加深民眾對張天師驅邪能力的認知。而相關傳說中將「虛靖先生」轉換為「虛靖天師」則是複合了朝封的「虛靖」與宗教的「天師」,具有受皇帝禮遇、法力高強的象徵意義,強化天師在世俗與宗教的權威地位。此外,張繼先在南宋與元代也被視為雷法或元帥法祖師,這與白玉蟾和盧埜兩系的道法有關,前者將虛靖天師納入雷法祖師的譜系,後者則尊其為元帥法的創法之祖,讓祂複合了道與法的雙重性質。尤其是《道法會元》所收的溫瓊、關羽元帥法,內容標榜溫、關二帥曾受天師保奏、符篆亦為天師所傳,其中帶有一種建構「新道教傳統」的企圖:道士藉此除去溫、關元帥民間祠神血食的色彩以進入道教神譜之中,同時也透過天師所傳的篆文符統攝或取代雷法傳統的合形符,以此區別火師汪真君以來的道法傳統,建立自身的神聖譜系。而後隨著這些神祇與法術的流播,相當程度又擴大了張天師的影響力,反覆強化其在世俗與宗教世界中的神聖權威,形塑了民眾認為天師精通呪法符籙的印象。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Zhang Jixian, usually known as Heavenly Master XuJing, is a legendary Daoist in the Song and Yuan Dynasties. He can be seen as the key to the formation of authority of Dragon and Tiger Mountain, the sacred mountain of Daoism in Jiangxi Province, as the centre of the heavenly masters. Based on the studies by Koichi Matsumoto, Nikaido Yoshihiro and Wang Jianchuan, this paper aims to examine how the legendary figure of Heavenly Master Zhang is created and the authority of Dragon and Tiger Mountain is established through certain notebooks, stories and Taoist scriptures. The most renowned story of Master XuJing in Song Dynasty is about how he vanquishes a flood dragon with his powers. The archetypal story shows how a Heavenly Master is able to dispatch the gods and exorcise demons, and thus reinforces his religious influence over the masses. During Song and Yuan Dynasties, Heavenly Master Zhang is also celebrated as the chief ritual master of Thunder Magic and of Marshal Guan`s Apotropaic rituals preserved in Daofahuiyuan(道法會元). At the same time, enjoying the honors offered by the imperial court, this legendary figure gradually becomes an embodiment of religious and political authority. As Marshal Guan`s rites grow more and more popular, the influence of Master XuJing on the common people grows deeper and deeper. Thus the hagiography and rites repeatedly reinforced the Master Zhang`s images of proficient in magic, and formed the authority of Dragon and Tiger Mountain.
dc.format.extent 3525160 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 政大中文學報, 23, 131-170
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 張天師;虛靖天師;道法會元;雷法;元帥法
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Heavenly Master Zhang;Heavenly Master XuJing;Daofahuiyuan;Tunder Magic;Apotropaic Rituals of Marshal Guan
dc.title (題名) 虛靖天師傳說與龍虎山道教權威的形成zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) A Study of Daoist Legend of Heavenly Master XuJing: Comprehensive Survey of Notes, Novels and Daoist Canon
dc.type (資料類型) article