題名 中亞地區中俄關係之研究: 一帶一路與歐亞經濟聯盟整合的機遇與局限
A study on Sino-Russian relations in Central Asia: opportunities and limits of the integration of OBOR and EEU作者 岳斐然 貢獻者 王定士
Wang, Dingshu
岳斐然關鍵詞 一帶一路
中俄關係日期 2017 上傳時間 31-七月-2017 11:25:16 (UTC+8) 摘要 現實主義和新現實主義都強調唯物主義、權力平衡和自身利益的重要性。由於現實主義的框架,大多數學者形容中俄兩國之間的關係多傾向於衝突對立。此篇質化研究的目的是從建構主義的角度研究中俄兩國在中亞國家間的關係,並找出兩國在中亞國家間的所扮演的角色認同和利益關係。 身份認同並不是一夜之間能創建的; 因此本研究會從蘇聯解體開始,至中亞近期的發展來分析身份認同的創建過程。本質話研究是基於初級和次級研究來做分析。除了分析學術文章和書籍外,本研究還將分析官方政府的報告,並依據不同主題來做分析。本研究將根據Alexander Wendt 在 “Social Theory of International Politics” (1999)一書中所建立的社會建構主義理論作為研究基礎。 根據Wendt的文章中設定集體認同和集體利益是過程中的因變量。 集體認同的出發點是對待另一方的利社會態度,且這取決於相似的社會的類型和角色認同的相似之處。中俄兩國在上述身份方面有很多相似之處。 在“一帶一路”倡議案例研究中,本文將分析兩國在這一項目中的利益糾葛。 根據Alexander Wendt的社會建構主義模型,本文將分析這兩個國家之間的相互影響,來判斷同質性、相互依存性、共同命運和自我約束這些自變量如何影響集體認同的產生。
Majority of scholars describe Russia-China relations as prone to conflict due to realist framework. Realism and neo-realism both stress the importance of materialism, balance of power and self-interest. The aim of this qualitative study is to research Russia-China relations in Central Asia from a constructivist viewpoint. The purpose of this research is to find out, what kind of role identities and interest play in Russia China relations in Central Asia. Identities are not created overnight; this is why I find it necessary to analyse the identity creation process starting from the collapse of the Soviet Union and ending with the most current developments in Central Asia.This qualitative research is based on primary and secondary materials. Besides scholarly articles and books, I will also analyse official government reports and studies written on the subject matter. I will research the data based on the theory of social constructivism created by Alexander Wendt in the book “Social Theory of International Politics” (1999). According to Wendt collective identities and interests are dependant variables in the process. The starting point for collective identity is prosocial attitude towards the other, which is determined by the similarities in the corporate, type and role identities. In Russia’s and China’s case both countries share a lot of similarities in the aforementioned identities. In the case study of One Belt One Road initiative and Eurasian Economic Union, I will I analyse both countries interests regarding the integration of these projects. 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104926018資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104926018 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 王定士 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Wang, Dingshu en_US dc.contributor.author (作者) 岳斐然 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) 岳斐然 zh_TW dc.date (日期) 2017 en_US dc.date.accessioned 31-七月-2017 11:25:16 (UTC+8) - dc.date.available 31-七月-2017 11:25:16 (UTC+8) - dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 31-七月-2017 11:25:16 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0104926018 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/111556 - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 亞太研究英語碩士學位學程(IMAS) zh_TW dc.description (描述) 104926018 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 現實主義和新現實主義都強調唯物主義、權力平衡和自身利益的重要性。由於現實主義的框架,大多數學者形容中俄兩國之間的關係多傾向於衝突對立。此篇質化研究的目的是從建構主義的角度研究中俄兩國在中亞國家間的關係,並找出兩國在中亞國家間的所扮演的角色認同和利益關係。 身份認同並不是一夜之間能創建的; 因此本研究會從蘇聯解體開始,至中亞近期的發展來分析身份認同的創建過程。本質話研究是基於初級和次級研究來做分析。除了分析學術文章和書籍外,本研究還將分析官方政府的報告,並依據不同主題來做分析。本研究將根據Alexander Wendt 在 “Social Theory of International Politics” (1999)一書中所建立的社會建構主義理論作為研究基礎。 根據Wendt的文章中設定集體認同和集體利益是過程中的因變量。 集體認同的出發點是對待另一方的利社會態度,且這取決於相似的社會的類型和角色認同的相似之處。中俄兩國在上述身份方面有很多相似之處。 在“一帶一路”倡議案例研究中,本文將分析兩國在這一項目中的利益糾葛。 根據Alexander Wendt的社會建構主義模型,本文將分析這兩個國家之間的相互影響,來判斷同質性、相互依存性、共同命運和自我約束這些自變量如何影響集體認同的產生。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) Majority of scholars describe Russia-China relations as prone to conflict due to realist framework. Realism and neo-realism both stress the importance of materialism, balance of power and self-interest. The aim of this qualitative study is to research Russia-China relations in Central Asia from a constructivist viewpoint. The purpose of this research is to find out, what kind of role identities and interest play in Russia China relations in Central Asia. Identities are not created overnight; this is why I find it necessary to analyse the identity creation process starting from the collapse of the Soviet Union and ending with the most current developments in Central Asia.This qualitative research is based on primary and secondary materials. Besides scholarly articles and books, I will also analyse official government reports and studies written on the subject matter. I will research the data based on the theory of social constructivism created by Alexander Wendt in the book “Social Theory of International Politics” (1999). According to Wendt collective identities and interests are dependant variables in the process. The starting point for collective identity is prosocial attitude towards the other, which is determined by the similarities in the corporate, type and role identities. In Russia’s and China’s case both countries share a lot of similarities in the aforementioned identities. In the case study of One Belt One Road initiative and Eurasian Economic Union, I will I analyse both countries interests regarding the integration of these projects. Based on Alexander Wendt’s models of social constructivism, I will analyse how identities and interests influence the interaction between these two countries to determine the factors that promote or hinder the integration between One Belt One Road initiative and Eurasian Economic Union in Central Asia. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents Chapter 1: Introduction 11.1 Motivation 11.2 Purpose 2Chapter 2: Literature Review 3Chapter 3: Methodology 53.1 Theory 53.1.1 Theories Influential to Social-constructivism 53.1.2 Constructivism as Social Theory 63.1.3 Constructivist Theories of International Relations 73.1.4 Constructivism According to Alexander Wendt 83.2 Approach: Collective Identity Formation 123.3 Method 153.4 Hypothesized Propositions 163.5 Framework 17Chapter 4: Historical Overview of Russia-China Relations in Central Asia 184.1 Russian Identity 184.2 Shifting Identities and Interests 194.4 Sino-Russian Relations in Central Asia During Yeltsin’s Era 224.5 Shanghai Cooperation Organisation 234.6 Russia-China Relations in Central Asia after the Global Economic Crisis 264.6 Conclusion 29Chapter 5: Corporate Identity 315.1 Corporate Identity of Russia 315.2 Corporate identity of China 335.3 Conclusion 38Chapter 6: Type Identity 396.1 Type Identity of Russia 396.1.1 Power Vertical 396.1.2 Civil Society 416.1.3 Legal Culture 436.1.4 State Capitalism 456.2 Chinese type identity 466.2.1 Meritocracy 466.2.2 Civil Society 486.3 Conclusion 54Chapter 7: Role identities 557.1 Theoretical Background of Multipolarity in Russia 557.2 Multipolarity in Russian Foreign Policy 577.4 Chinese Concept of Multipolarity 607.5 Debunking Myths About Difficulties in Russia-China Strategic Alignment 627.6 Conclusion 68Chapter 8: One Belt One Road & Eurasian Economic Union 698.1 Security Situation in Central Asia 738.2 Uzbekistan 748.3 Turkmenistan 768.4 Tajikistan 778.5 Kyrgyzstan 798.6 Kazakhstan 818.7 Russia’s Interests in Central Asia 838.8 Chinese Interests in SREB 888.9 Is Chinese Dream Compatible with the Russian World? 90Chapter 9: Conclusion 93References 96 zh_TW dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104926018 en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 一帶一路 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 中亞 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 中俄關係 zh_TW dc.title (題名) 中亞地區中俄關係之研究: 一帶一路與歐亞經濟聯盟整合的機遇與局限 zh_TW dc.title (題名) A study on Sino-Russian relations in Central Asia: opportunities and limits of the integration of OBOR and EEU en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Abdul, David Furceri, and Petia Topalova. 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