題名 社會焦慮在難民庇護政策中的角色:以德國、法國與奧地利為例
The role of societal anxiety in asylum policy: the cases of Germany, France and Austria作者 楊博智
Yang, Bo Chih貢獻者 盧倩儀
Lu, Chien Yi
Yang, Bo Chih關鍵詞 歐洲難民危機
European refugee crisis
Asylum policy
Societal anxiety日期 2017 上傳時間 10-八月-2017 10:05:49 (UTC+8) 摘要 面對此次難民危機的挑戰,歐盟無法團結一致推行共同的難民庇護政策,反而造成各國內鬨爭端;整體而言,歐洲各國的難民庇護政策大致呈現緊縮的態勢,於此,本文試圖進一步探索:什麼因素促使反難民情緒逐漸高漲,進而影響難民庇護政策轉趨緊縮?其中,又有哪些面向對政策轉變具有顯著的效果?本文以德國、法國與奧地利為研究個案,聚焦國內經濟、文化與安全三大面向,試圖理解衝擊人民心理與情緒的社會焦慮,並提供一項更細緻的觀察與解釋。 本文發現,此次難民危機前,焦慮因子早已深埋各國社會之中,人民的經濟不安全感在歐債危機與撙節政策的衝擊下日漸加深,同時各國社會也為日益加劇的種族緊張關係所苦,而此兩項經濟與文化的焦慮因子是生成反難民社會焦慮的關鍵因素。難民危機期間,大批難民湧入衝擊人民的心理與情緒,不僅誘發並催化經濟與文化的焦慮因子,同時也帶來安全上的擔憂與威脅,催化各國的反難民社會焦慮,進而使各國的難民庇護政策轉趨緊縮。
Faced with the refugee crisis, the EU had not only failed to come up with a common asylum strategy, but been plagued by increasing disputes among its Member States. The asylum policy of individual states had, in general, become more and more restrictive as the refugee crisis intensified. In order to understand the domestic factors contributing to the surge of anti-refugee sentiments, I take Germany, France and Austria as the cases and examine the dynamic developments of anti-refugee sentiments as well as the restriction-oriented asylum policy reforms that followed. The existence of the agents of societal anxiety in European countries predated the refugee crisis. Prior to the European debt crisis, the sense of economic insecurity was already palpable. The implementation of austerity policies greatly enhanced this sense of insecurity. Meanwhile, ethnic tensions or even conflicts were chronic in western European countries. These two agents of societal anxiety turned out to be significant factors in explaining the surge of anti-refugee sentiments. Furthermore, during the crisis, the sudden mass influx of refugees also had an impact on people’s perceptions and sentiments. Not only did it trigger the economic and cultural agents of societal anxiety, but also brought about the perceived security threat as well. Eventually, the anti-refugee sentiments, catalyzed and reinforced by these dynamics, contributed to restrictive asylum policy reforms.參考文獻 一、中文文獻李秋錦,2007,〈1990年代後德國經濟表現與改革〉,《經濟研究》,7:199-234。辛炳隆,2002,《對台灣當前失業問題之因應對策》,台北:行政院研考會主編。張台麟,1989,〈論法國極右派「國家陣線」之興衰〉,《問題與研究》,28(6):63-72。張福昌,2012,〈歐債危機對歐洲統合的影響〉,《全球政治評論》,37:13-18。陳麗娟,2013,《里斯本條約後歐洲聯盟新面貌》,台北:五南。黃全慶,2009,〈奧地利社會安全制度發展的理論分析〉,《歐洲國際評論》,5:39-73。葉陽明,2007,〈戰後德國極右主義、極右政黨對憲政民主之挑戰〉,《社會科學論叢》,1(1):33-94。廖舜右,2012,〈歐債危機衝擊對亞太地區之影響〉,《全球政治評論》,37:25-30。樊琤,2006,〈德國經濟改革及其前景〉,《國際經濟情勢雙週報》,1614:5-17。盧倩儀,2014,〈歐債危機之新自由主義根源〉,《政治學報》,58:37-71。鍾志明,2015,〈德國處理難民問題之政策分析〉,《全球政治評論》,52:11-16。羅至美,2013,〈歐洲主權債務危機之解析〉,《問題與研究》,52(1):57-100。二、英文文獻Adamson, Fiona B. 2006. “Cross Borders: International Migration and National Security.” International Security 31 (1): 165-199.Aiyar, Shekar, Bergljot Barkbu, Nicoletta Batini, Helge Berger, Enrica Detragiache, Allan Dizioli, Christian Ebeke, Huidan Lin, Linda Kaltani, Sebastian Sosa, Antonio Spilimbergo, and Petia Topalova. 2016. 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103252006資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103252006 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 盧倩儀 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Lu, Chien Yi en_US dc.contributor.author (作者) 楊博智 zh_TW dc.contributor.author (作者) Yang, Bo Chih en_US dc.creator (作者) 楊博智 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Yang, Bo Chih en_US dc.date (日期) 2017 en_US dc.date.accessioned 10-八月-2017 10:05:49 (UTC+8) - dc.date.available 10-八月-2017 10:05:49 (UTC+8) - dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 10-八月-2017 10:05:49 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0103252006 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/111815 - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 政治學系 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 103252006 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 面對此次難民危機的挑戰,歐盟無法團結一致推行共同的難民庇護政策,反而造成各國內鬨爭端;整體而言,歐洲各國的難民庇護政策大致呈現緊縮的態勢,於此,本文試圖進一步探索:什麼因素促使反難民情緒逐漸高漲,進而影響難民庇護政策轉趨緊縮?其中,又有哪些面向對政策轉變具有顯著的效果?本文以德國、法國與奧地利為研究個案,聚焦國內經濟、文化與安全三大面向,試圖理解衝擊人民心理與情緒的社會焦慮,並提供一項更細緻的觀察與解釋。 本文發現,此次難民危機前,焦慮因子早已深埋各國社會之中,人民的經濟不安全感在歐債危機與撙節政策的衝擊下日漸加深,同時各國社會也為日益加劇的種族緊張關係所苦,而此兩項經濟與文化的焦慮因子是生成反難民社會焦慮的關鍵因素。難民危機期間,大批難民湧入衝擊人民的心理與情緒,不僅誘發並催化經濟與文化的焦慮因子,同時也帶來安全上的擔憂與威脅,催化各國的反難民社會焦慮,進而使各國的難民庇護政策轉趨緊縮。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) Faced with the refugee crisis, the EU had not only failed to come up with a common asylum strategy, but been plagued by increasing disputes among its Member States. The asylum policy of individual states had, in general, become more and more restrictive as the refugee crisis intensified. In order to understand the domestic factors contributing to the surge of anti-refugee sentiments, I take Germany, France and Austria as the cases and examine the dynamic developments of anti-refugee sentiments as well as the restriction-oriented asylum policy reforms that followed. The existence of the agents of societal anxiety in European countries predated the refugee crisis. Prior to the European debt crisis, the sense of economic insecurity was already palpable. The implementation of austerity policies greatly enhanced this sense of insecurity. Meanwhile, ethnic tensions or even conflicts were chronic in western European countries. These two agents of societal anxiety turned out to be significant factors in explaining the surge of anti-refugee sentiments. Furthermore, during the crisis, the sudden mass influx of refugees also had an impact on people’s perceptions and sentiments. Not only did it trigger the economic and cultural agents of societal anxiety, but also brought about the perceived security threat as well. Eventually, the anti-refugee sentiments, catalyzed and reinforced by these dynamics, contributed to restrictive asylum policy reforms. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1第一節 前言 1第二節 問題意識 3第三節 文獻檢閱 5第四節 理論架構 12第五節 研究方法 17第六節 章節安排 19第二章 難民危機前的經濟與社會情勢 21第一節 德國 23第二節 法國 28第三節 奧地利 33第三章 德國的難民危機、社會焦慮與政策緊縮 39第一節 難民危機與德國之因應 39第二節 社會焦慮之發酵 45第三節 社會焦慮與難民庇護政策之轉變 49第四章 法國的難民危機、社會焦慮與政策緊縮 55第一節 難民危機與法國之因應 55第二節 社會焦慮之發酵 60第三節 社會焦慮與難民庇護政策之轉變 65第五章 奧地利的難民危機、社會焦慮與政策緊縮 69第一節 難民危機與奧地利之因應 69第二節 社會焦慮之發酵 74第三節 社會焦慮與難民庇護政策之轉變 78第六章 結論 83參考文獻 89 zh_TW dc.format.extent 1149821 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103252006 en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 歐洲難民危機 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 難民庇護政策 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 社會焦慮 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) European refugee crisis en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Asylum policy en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Societal anxiety en_US dc.title (題名) 社會焦慮在難民庇護政策中的角色:以德國、法國與奧地利為例 zh_TW dc.title (題名) The role of societal anxiety in asylum policy: the cases of Germany, France and Austria en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、中文文獻李秋錦,2007,〈1990年代後德國經濟表現與改革〉,《經濟研究》,7:199-234。辛炳隆,2002,《對台灣當前失業問題之因應對策》,台北:行政院研考會主編。張台麟,1989,〈論法國極右派「國家陣線」之興衰〉,《問題與研究》,28(6):63-72。張福昌,2012,〈歐債危機對歐洲統合的影響〉,《全球政治評論》,37:13-18。陳麗娟,2013,《里斯本條約後歐洲聯盟新面貌》,台北:五南。黃全慶,2009,〈奧地利社會安全制度發展的理論分析〉,《歐洲國際評論》,5:39-73。葉陽明,2007,〈戰後德國極右主義、極右政黨對憲政民主之挑戰〉,《社會科學論叢》,1(1):33-94。廖舜右,2012,〈歐債危機衝擊對亞太地區之影響〉,《全球政治評論》,37:25-30。樊琤,2006,〈德國經濟改革及其前景〉,《國際經濟情勢雙週報》,1614:5-17。盧倩儀,2014,〈歐債危機之新自由主義根源〉,《政治學報》,58:37-71。鍾志明,2015,〈德國處理難民問題之政策分析〉,《全球政治評論》,52:11-16。羅至美,2013,〈歐洲主權債務危機之解析〉,《問題與研究》,52(1):57-100。二、英文文獻Adamson, Fiona B. 2006. “Cross Borders: International Migration and National Security.” International Security 31 (1): 165-199.Aiyar, Shekar, Bergljot Barkbu, Nicoletta Batini, Helge Berger, Enrica Detragiache, Allan Dizioli, Christian Ebeke, Huidan Lin, Linda Kaltani, Sebastian Sosa, Antonio Spilimbergo, and Petia Topalova. 2016. 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