題名 | 探源台灣醫院之總要素生產力變化 —1992到2002 Decomposition of the Total Factor Productivity in Taiwan’s Hospitals, 1992-2002 |
作者 | 簡聖諺 Chien, Sheng-Yen |
貢獻者 | 連賢明 Lien, Hsien-Ming 簡聖諺 Chien, Sheng-Yen |
關鍵詞 | 生產力分解 總要素生產力 醫院市場 全民健保 醫療品質 Productivity decomposition Total factor productivity Hospital market National Health Insurance Hospital quality |
日期 | 2017 |
上傳時間 | 28-八月-2017 11:53:32 (UTC+8) |
摘要 | 1986 年11月《醫療法》之實施公布,於該法規中引入醫院評鑑及教學醫院之評鑑準則,使醫院評鑑工作具有法律的依據。由於評鑑之通過標準主要側重在結構面,表示醫院規模愈大,所獲得的醫療費用給付則愈優渥,使大型醫院擁有更多充裕的資金,擴充其人力與設備,又加上民眾大多傾向到具先進醫療設備與優良醫師的大型醫院就醫,遂壓縮到小型醫院的生存空間,並加深醫療資源分佈的不均。為此,本文以生產力做為醫院經營表現的指標,運用1992年至2002年台灣地區1557家醫院的追蹤資料,分析台灣地區不同規模醫院間生產力的動態變化,俾利研究影響醫院生產力背後增減之因素。 本文以病床數為基準,劃分出兩種不同規模醫院的生產力:大型醫院(300床以上)以及小型醫院(300床以下),透過Olley and Pakes (1996)的半參數估計法獲得生產力,隨後延伸Melitz and Polanec (2015)之生產力動態分解方法,並同時參考Lewrick et al.(2014)的分類模式,將其分解出五項生產力貢獻:市場份額、技術效率、配置效率、以及進入與退出市場。 結果顯示大型醫院的生產力逐年增長,並高於其他規模的醫院。影響生產力變化背後最大的因素是市場份額貢獻,因健保開辦後,部分負擔制度設計不良及轉診制度未落實等因素使病患趨於前往大型醫院就醫,其市場份額的增長從而降低小型醫院的生產力;技術效率貢獻由平均生產力變動率建構而成,小型醫院的技術效率貢獻逐年下跌,因為小型醫院在面臨醫療設備的成本壓力下,以及健保政策與環境等因素,使小型醫院的門急診人次與住院人日逐年減少,最後使其總和生產力降低。 大型醫院配置效率貢獻逐年下跌,代表具有高市場份額的醫院未必會擁有較高的生產力,因此使大型醫院產業內部的要素與資源未必流向至高生力的醫院,同時會降低大型醫院的生產力,這某種程度上說明了大型醫院可能產生過度投資,導致資本投資效率較低的情況。此外小型醫院配置效率貢獻呈現穩定上漲,但其改善幅度影響甚微,使小型醫院的總和生產力成長率於樣本期間仍為負成長。 雖然小型醫院的進入效果於研究期間變化不大,但醫院退出效果卻十分顯著,在健保實施前醫院退出使小型醫院的總和生產力產生正向貢獻,但之後卻產生負面影響,代表退出醫院生產力增加的幅度相對存續醫院較高,由於面臨大型醫院競爭及不利於小型醫院的健保制度下,既使是生產力較高的小型醫院,亦有可能被迫退出市場,從而降低小型醫院的總和生產力,反映出健保實施後小型醫院的營運壓力不斷增加之困境。 有鑒於健保實施後,醫療服務之間的價格競爭大幅降低,遂可能使醫院轉向以品質競爭的方式獲得更高的生產力,本文參考Grieco & McDevitt (2017)的研究,將淨死亡率及平均住院天數作為衡量醫療品質的代理變數,分析引入品質變數後,對不同規模醫院生產力的影響。結果顯示,大型醫院的生產力與品質之抵換關係程度顯著低於小型醫院,其配置效率因品質目標引入後有增加的趨勢,表示大型醫院起初提高醫療品質可能會遭致較高的投資成本,但隨著醫療技術逐漸進步,使品質的投資成本中有部分可透過效率的改善來抵銷。此外,小型醫院存在相當大程度之抵換關係,故引入品質變數後更助長大型醫院的市場優勢,以及惡化小型醫院的營運表現。 This study is carried out which takes advantage of data from 1,557 Taiwanese hospitals (1992-2002) to decompose their overall productivity. We include the number of hospital beds in this study to classify the two different scales of hospital: large-scale hospitals (over 300 beds) and small-scale hospitals (below 300 beds). In addition, we use the productivity decomposition model from Melitz and Polanec (2015), which we extend and take the classification method from Lewrick et al.(2014) into account to decompose the productivity. Therefore, we obtain five different productivity effects: market share, technical efficiency, allocative efficiency, hospital-exit, and hospital-entry. The resulting figures show that the productivity of large-scale hospitals is greater than that of the small-scale hospitals. The market share effect of large-scale hospitals increases over time due to many patients preferring to attend large hospitals after the implementation of NHI (National Health Insurance). The technical effect of small-scale hospitals decreases because small-scale hospitals have fewer outpatient visits and days of stay, which is due to the high costs of medical manpower and equipment, and results in a lower productivity rate. The extent of excessive investment in large-scale hospitals is high and subsequently leads to low capital investment efficiency. The exit effect of small-scale hospitals decreases over time, which is due to the fact that the productivity of small-scale exiting hospitals is gradually increasing. With the substantial reduction in price competition for health care services after NHI was implemented, this made it possible for hospitals to focus on competing through the quality of their healthcare services. We use the model from Grieco & McDevitt (2017) to establish the tradeoff between productivity and healthcare quality, and use net mortality rates and average length of stay as proxy variables of healthcare quality. For this reason, hospitals had to spend a great deal of money to improve their resources and to increase the quality of healthcare provided, leading to a reduction in their productivity. We find that the productivity of large-scale hospitals does not change significantly following the introduction of the quality variables. However, there is a significant difference between the productivity and quality variables of small-scale hospitals after the introduction of the quality variable. Therefore, in the context of quality competition, raising or, at the very least, maintaining the quality of medical facilities and services is most likely to be one of the major factors in the reduction of productivity in small-scale hospitals during the period covered. |
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描述 | 碩士 國立政治大學 財政學系 103255027 |
資料來源 | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103255027 |
資料類型 | thesis |
dc.contributor.advisor | 連賢明 | zh_TW |
dc.contributor.advisor | Lien, Hsien-Ming | en_US |
dc.contributor.author (作者) | 簡聖諺 | zh_TW |
dc.contributor.author (作者) | Chien, Sheng-Yen | en_US |
dc.creator (作者) | 簡聖諺 | zh_TW |
dc.creator (作者) | Chien, Sheng-Yen | en_US |
dc.date (日期) | 2017 | en_US |
dc.date.accessioned | 28-八月-2017 11:53:32 (UTC+8) | - |
dc.date.available | 28-八月-2017 11:53:32 (UTC+8) | - |
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) | 28-八月-2017 11:53:32 (UTC+8) | - |
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) | G0103255027 | en_US |
dc.identifier.uri (URI) | http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/112232 | - |
dc.description (描述) | 碩士 | zh_TW |
dc.description (描述) | 國立政治大學 | zh_TW |
dc.description (描述) | 財政學系 | zh_TW |
dc.description (描述) | 103255027 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract (摘要) | 1986 年11月《醫療法》之實施公布,於該法規中引入醫院評鑑及教學醫院之評鑑準則,使醫院評鑑工作具有法律的依據。由於評鑑之通過標準主要側重在結構面,表示醫院規模愈大,所獲得的醫療費用給付則愈優渥,使大型醫院擁有更多充裕的資金,擴充其人力與設備,又加上民眾大多傾向到具先進醫療設備與優良醫師的大型醫院就醫,遂壓縮到小型醫院的生存空間,並加深醫療資源分佈的不均。為此,本文以生產力做為醫院經營表現的指標,運用1992年至2002年台灣地區1557家醫院的追蹤資料,分析台灣地區不同規模醫院間生產力的動態變化,俾利研究影響醫院生產力背後增減之因素。 本文以病床數為基準,劃分出兩種不同規模醫院的生產力:大型醫院(300床以上)以及小型醫院(300床以下),透過Olley and Pakes (1996)的半參數估計法獲得生產力,隨後延伸Melitz and Polanec (2015)之生產力動態分解方法,並同時參考Lewrick et al.(2014)的分類模式,將其分解出五項生產力貢獻:市場份額、技術效率、配置效率、以及進入與退出市場。 結果顯示大型醫院的生產力逐年增長,並高於其他規模的醫院。影響生產力變化背後最大的因素是市場份額貢獻,因健保開辦後,部分負擔制度設計不良及轉診制度未落實等因素使病患趨於前往大型醫院就醫,其市場份額的增長從而降低小型醫院的生產力;技術效率貢獻由平均生產力變動率建構而成,小型醫院的技術效率貢獻逐年下跌,因為小型醫院在面臨醫療設備的成本壓力下,以及健保政策與環境等因素,使小型醫院的門急診人次與住院人日逐年減少,最後使其總和生產力降低。 大型醫院配置效率貢獻逐年下跌,代表具有高市場份額的醫院未必會擁有較高的生產力,因此使大型醫院產業內部的要素與資源未必流向至高生力的醫院,同時會降低大型醫院的生產力,這某種程度上說明了大型醫院可能產生過度投資,導致資本投資效率較低的情況。此外小型醫院配置效率貢獻呈現穩定上漲,但其改善幅度影響甚微,使小型醫院的總和生產力成長率於樣本期間仍為負成長。 雖然小型醫院的進入效果於研究期間變化不大,但醫院退出效果卻十分顯著,在健保實施前醫院退出使小型醫院的總和生產力產生正向貢獻,但之後卻產生負面影響,代表退出醫院生產力增加的幅度相對存續醫院較高,由於面臨大型醫院競爭及不利於小型醫院的健保制度下,既使是生產力較高的小型醫院,亦有可能被迫退出市場,從而降低小型醫院的總和生產力,反映出健保實施後小型醫院的營運壓力不斷增加之困境。 有鑒於健保實施後,醫療服務之間的價格競爭大幅降低,遂可能使醫院轉向以品質競爭的方式獲得更高的生產力,本文參考Grieco & McDevitt (2017)的研究,將淨死亡率及平均住院天數作為衡量醫療品質的代理變數,分析引入品質變數後,對不同規模醫院生產力的影響。結果顯示,大型醫院的生產力與品質之抵換關係程度顯著低於小型醫院,其配置效率因品質目標引入後有增加的趨勢,表示大型醫院起初提高醫療品質可能會遭致較高的投資成本,但隨著醫療技術逐漸進步,使品質的投資成本中有部分可透過效率的改善來抵銷。此外,小型醫院存在相當大程度之抵換關係,故引入品質變數後更助長大型醫院的市場優勢,以及惡化小型醫院的營運表現。 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract (摘要) | This study is carried out which takes advantage of data from 1,557 Taiwanese hospitals (1992-2002) to decompose their overall productivity. We include the number of hospital beds in this study to classify the two different scales of hospital: large-scale hospitals (over 300 beds) and small-scale hospitals (below 300 beds). In addition, we use the productivity decomposition model from Melitz and Polanec (2015), which we extend and take the classification method from Lewrick et al.(2014) into account to decompose the productivity. Therefore, we obtain five different productivity effects: market share, technical efficiency, allocative efficiency, hospital-exit, and hospital-entry. The resulting figures show that the productivity of large-scale hospitals is greater than that of the small-scale hospitals. The market share effect of large-scale hospitals increases over time due to many patients preferring to attend large hospitals after the implementation of NHI (National Health Insurance). The technical effect of small-scale hospitals decreases because small-scale hospitals have fewer outpatient visits and days of stay, which is due to the high costs of medical manpower and equipment, and results in a lower productivity rate. The extent of excessive investment in large-scale hospitals is high and subsequently leads to low capital investment efficiency. The exit effect of small-scale hospitals decreases over time, which is due to the fact that the productivity of small-scale exiting hospitals is gradually increasing. With the substantial reduction in price competition for health care services after NHI was implemented, this made it possible for hospitals to focus on competing through the quality of their healthcare services. We use the model from Grieco & McDevitt (2017) to establish the tradeoff between productivity and healthcare quality, and use net mortality rates and average length of stay as proxy variables of healthcare quality. For this reason, hospitals had to spend a great deal of money to improve their resources and to increase the quality of healthcare provided, leading to a reduction in their productivity. We find that the productivity of large-scale hospitals does not change significantly following the introduction of the quality variables. However, there is a significant difference between the productivity and quality variables of small-scale hospitals after the introduction of the quality variable. Therefore, in the context of quality competition, raising or, at the very least, maintaining the quality of medical facilities and services is most likely to be one of the major factors in the reduction of productivity in small-scale hospitals during the period covered. | en_US |
dc.description.tableofcontents | 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究方法與架構 2 第二章 文獻探討 6 第一節 台灣醫院產業背景回顧 6 第二節 醫院生產效率相關研究 12 第三節 生產力定義 15 第四節 醫院生產力評估方式之探討 18 第五節 小結 21 第三章 研究方法 23 第一節 多項產出加總問題 23 第二節 生產力估計 26 第三節 引入品質目標之生產力估計 30 第四節 總要素生產力分解 31 第五節 小結 38 第四章 資料來源及敘述性統計 39 第一節 資料來源 39 第二節 變數定義 39 第三節 敘述性統計 41 第四節 小結 51 第五章 實證結果分析 52 第一節 生產函數估計結果 52 第二節 總和生產力變動率分解 58 第三節 引入品質目標前後生產力分解之比較 65 第六章 結論 72 參考文獻 75 | zh_TW |
dc.format.extent | 2155645 bytes | - |
dc.format.mimetype | application/pdf | - |
dc.source.uri (資料來源) | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103255027 | en_US |
dc.subject (關鍵詞) | 生產力分解 | zh_TW |
dc.subject (關鍵詞) | 總要素生產力 | zh_TW |
dc.subject (關鍵詞) | 醫院市場 | zh_TW |
dc.subject (關鍵詞) | 全民健保 | zh_TW |
dc.subject (關鍵詞) | 醫療品質 | zh_TW |
dc.subject (關鍵詞) | Productivity decomposition | en_US |
dc.subject (關鍵詞) | Total factor productivity | en_US |
dc.subject (關鍵詞) | Hospital market | en_US |
dc.subject (關鍵詞) | National Health Insurance | en_US |
dc.subject (關鍵詞) | Hospital quality | en_US |
dc.title (題名) | 探源台灣醫院之總要素生產力變化 —1992到2002 | zh_TW |
dc.title (題名) | Decomposition of the Total Factor Productivity in Taiwan’s Hospitals, 1992-2002 | en_US |
dc.type (資料類型) | thesis | en_US |
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