題名 分散式環境中基於聲譽的信任度評估機制及其在智能合約之應用
Reputation-based Trust Evaluation Mechanism for Decentralized Environments and It’s Application Based on Smart Contracts作者 詹琨泰
Chan, Kun-Tai貢獻者 左瑞麟
Tso, Raylin
Chan, Kun-Tai關鍵詞 區塊鏈
Smart contract
The Small World Problem
Trust degree日期 2017 上傳時間 2-十月-2017 10:16:16 (UTC+8) 摘要 近年來區塊鏈技術及其相關應用成為熱門焦點,區塊鏈最大的特色包含去中心化以及匿名性等特性,然而在這樣的分散式網路中我們很難判斷對方是否值得信賴,在數位憑證中我們透過可信賴第三方擔任憑證中心為用戶簽發金鑰憑證以此建立用戶之間的信賴關係,但在區塊鏈此種分散式網路中找到一個可信賴第三方實屬不易,並且可能會與區塊鏈去中心化之特性背道而馳,因此本研究參考PGP信任網與小世界理論的概念,建立一套可適用於分散式環境中基於聲譽的信任度評估機制,並將此機制結合智能合約實現一個信任度評估機制購物平台,目的希望用戶與陌生人交易前,可透過此機制計算出信任度,提供用戶做為參考,幫助用戶更容易判斷陌生人是否可信,以降低受騙風險。
In recent years, the blockchain technology and its relevant applications become hot spots. The greatest feature of the blockchain is the decentralization. Nonetheless, it is difficult for us to judge whether the other person get involved in the decentralized network is credible. Furthermore, it is difficult to find a reliable third party in such a point-to-point network. Consequently, this paper refers to the PGP web of trust and the small world problem to establish a set of reputation-based trust evaluation mechanism for decentralized environments, we combine this mechanism with a smart contract to achieve a trust evaluation mechanism shopping platform, It is expected that achievements of the paper can facilitate people’s judgment regarding the reliability of strangers and reduce the risks of being deceived.參考文獻 [1] Garfinkel, S. (1995). PGP: pretty good privacy. " O`Reilly Media, Inc."[2] Zyskind, G., & Nathan, O. (2015, May). Decentralizing privacy: Using blockchain to protect personal data. In Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW), 2015 IEEE (pp. 180-184). IEEE.[3] Zhang, F., Cecchetti, E., Croman, K., Juels, A., & Shi, E. (2016, October). Town crier: An authenticated data feed for smart contracts. In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security(pp. 270-282). ACM.[4] Travers, J., & Milgram, S. (1967). The small world problem. Phychology Today, 1, 61-67.[5] Nakamoto, S. (2008). Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer electronic cash system.[6] Andrychowicz, M., Dziembowski, S., Malinowski, D., &Mazurek, L. (2014, May). Secure multiparty computations on bitcoin. In Security and Privacy (SP), 2014 IEEE Symposium on (pp. 443-458). IEEE.[7] Li,Y. M., Chen, J. C.,&Li, T. Y.(2007, May). A Blog System with Trust Mechanism.18th International Conference on Information Management.[8] Meng, X. F., Zhang, L., & Wang, X. (2009). Research on trust model of P2P electronic commerce [J]. Application Research of Computers, 8, 077.[9] Qiao, X. Q., Yang, C., Li, X. F., & Chen, J. L. (2011). A trust calculating algorithm based on social networking service users` context. JisuanjiXuebao(Chinese Journal of Computers), 34(12), 2403-2413.[10] Gao,Y.,&Yuan, Y. (2014). The Research on Global Trust Algorithm Based on Social Network.from: http://www.paper.edu.cn.[11] 許鑫, &翟曉娟. (2008). 信任度計算與信任傳遞協議設計的研究. 現代圖書情報技術, 24(3),(pp. 32-39).[12] Recommendation-for-Key-Management-Part1: General ,from:http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.800-57pt1r4.pdf[13] 智能合約-MBA智庫百科,from:http://wiki.mbalib.com/zh-tw/%E6%99%BA%E8%83%BD%E5%90%88%E7%BA%A6[14] Facebook research,from: https://research.fb.com/three-and-a-half-degrees-of-separation/?hc_location=ufi[15]Heineman, G. T., Pollice, G., &Selkow, S. Algorithms in a Nutshell, OreillyMedia. ISBN 978-0-596-51624-6.[16] Stallings, W., &Tahiliani, M. P. (2014). Cryptography and network security: principles and practice (Vol. 6). London: Pearson.[17]結城浩.(2011). 密碼學與網路安全應用.旗標出版股份有限公司.[18]林展民.(2016). 以智能合約實現快速醫療保險理賠.國立政治大學資訊科學系碩士論文. 描述 碩士
104753006資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104753006 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 左瑞麟 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Tso, Raylin en_US dc.contributor.author (作者) 詹琨泰 zh_TW dc.contributor.author (作者) Chan, Kun-Tai en_US dc.creator (作者) 詹琨泰 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Chan, Kun-Tai en_US dc.date (日期) 2017 en_US dc.date.accessioned 2-十月-2017 10:16:16 (UTC+8) - dc.date.available 2-十月-2017 10:16:16 (UTC+8) - dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 2-十月-2017 10:16:16 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0104753006 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/113293 - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 資訊科學學系 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 104753006 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 近年來區塊鏈技術及其相關應用成為熱門焦點,區塊鏈最大的特色包含去中心化以及匿名性等特性,然而在這樣的分散式網路中我們很難判斷對方是否值得信賴,在數位憑證中我們透過可信賴第三方擔任憑證中心為用戶簽發金鑰憑證以此建立用戶之間的信賴關係,但在區塊鏈此種分散式網路中找到一個可信賴第三方實屬不易,並且可能會與區塊鏈去中心化之特性背道而馳,因此本研究參考PGP信任網與小世界理論的概念,建立一套可適用於分散式環境中基於聲譽的信任度評估機制,並將此機制結合智能合約實現一個信任度評估機制購物平台,目的希望用戶與陌生人交易前,可透過此機制計算出信任度,提供用戶做為參考,幫助用戶更容易判斷陌生人是否可信,以降低受騙風險。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) In recent years, the blockchain technology and its relevant applications become hot spots. The greatest feature of the blockchain is the decentralization. Nonetheless, it is difficult for us to judge whether the other person get involved in the decentralized network is credible. Furthermore, it is difficult to find a reliable third party in such a point-to-point network. Consequently, this paper refers to the PGP web of trust and the small world problem to establish a set of reputation-based trust evaluation mechanism for decentralized environments, we combine this mechanism with a smart contract to achieve a trust evaluation mechanism shopping platform, It is expected that achievements of the paper can facilitate people’s judgment regarding the reliability of strangers and reduce the risks of being deceived. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents Chapter 1 Introduction 11.1 Research Motivation 11.2 Research Purpose 21.3 Research Contribution 21.4 Organization 3Chapter 2 Background and Related Works 52.1 Digital Signatures 52.1.1 The Generation and Verification of Digital Signatures 52.2 Digital Certificate 72.2.1 Certificate Authority 72.2.2 Scenario of Issuing a Digital Certificate 82.3 Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) 102.3.1 Key Ring Public Key Ring Private Key Ring 132.3.2 PGP Web of Trust Confirm the Public Key through User`s Own Digital Signature Confirm the Public Key through the Person that User Fully Trust Confirm the Public Key through the Person that User Marginally Trust 152.4 Elliptic Curve Cryptography 162.5 Blockchain 172.6 Smart Contract 182.7 The Small World Problem 202.8 Dijkstra Algorithm 212.9 Literatures Regarding the Calculation of Trust Degree 24Chapter 3 Reputation-based Trust Evaluation Mechanism 283.1 Records of Trust Degree 283.2 Scenarios of Trust Evaluation 303.2.1 Scenario 1: Direct Relationship 313.2.2 Scenario 2: Indirect Relationship 343.2.3 Scenario 3: No Indirect Relationship 403.2.4 Scenario 4: New Seller 40Chapter 4 System Implementation 414.1 Implementation and Simulation Testing of Trust Evaluation Mechanism 414.1.1 Implementation Environment 414.1.2 Simulation Testing 414.2 The Shopping Platform Composed of Smart Contract and Trust Evaluation Mechanism 464.2.1 Implementation Environment 464.2.2 System Architecture and Smart Contract 464.2.3 Operation Interface and Process Flow 514.3 Result and Discussion of Experiment 57Chapter 5 Comparison of Trust Evaluation Mechanisms 595.1 The Characteristics of Our Mechanism 595.2 Comparison Results 60Chapter 6 Conclusion 62References 63 zh_TW dc.format.extent 2508012 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104753006 en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 區塊鏈 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 去中心化 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) PGP zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 智能合約 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 小世界理論 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 信任度 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Blockchain en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Decentralized en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) PGP en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Smart contract en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) The Small World Problem en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Trust degree en_US dc.title (題名) 分散式環境中基於聲譽的信任度評估機制及其在智能合約之應用 zh_TW dc.title (題名) Reputation-based Trust Evaluation Mechanism for Decentralized Environments and It’s Application Based on Smart Contracts en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) [1] Garfinkel, S. (1995). PGP: pretty good privacy. " O`Reilly Media, Inc."[2] Zyskind, G., & Nathan, O. (2015, May). Decentralizing privacy: Using blockchain to protect personal data. In Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW), 2015 IEEE (pp. 180-184). IEEE.[3] Zhang, F., Cecchetti, E., Croman, K., Juels, A., & Shi, E. (2016, October). Town crier: An authenticated data feed for smart contracts. In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security(pp. 270-282). ACM.[4] Travers, J., & Milgram, S. (1967). The small world problem. Phychology Today, 1, 61-67.[5] Nakamoto, S. (2008). Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer electronic cash system.[6] Andrychowicz, M., Dziembowski, S., Malinowski, D., &Mazurek, L. (2014, May). Secure multiparty computations on bitcoin. In Security and Privacy (SP), 2014 IEEE Symposium on (pp. 443-458). IEEE.[7] Li,Y. M., Chen, J. C.,&Li, T. Y.(2007, May). A Blog System with Trust Mechanism.18th International Conference on Information Management.[8] Meng, X. F., Zhang, L., & Wang, X. (2009). Research on trust model of P2P electronic commerce [J]. Application Research of Computers, 8, 077.[9] Qiao, X. Q., Yang, C., Li, X. F., & Chen, J. L. (2011). A trust calculating algorithm based on social networking service users` context. JisuanjiXuebao(Chinese Journal of Computers), 34(12), 2403-2413.[10] Gao,Y.,&Yuan, Y. (2014). The Research on Global Trust Algorithm Based on Social Network.from: http://www.paper.edu.cn.[11] 許鑫, &翟曉娟. (2008). 信任度計算與信任傳遞協議設計的研究. 現代圖書情報技術, 24(3),(pp. 32-39).[12] Recommendation-for-Key-Management-Part1: General ,from:http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.800-57pt1r4.pdf[13] 智能合約-MBA智庫百科,from:http://wiki.mbalib.com/zh-tw/%E6%99%BA%E8%83%BD%E5%90%88%E7%BA%A6[14] Facebook research,from: https://research.fb.com/three-and-a-half-degrees-of-separation/?hc_location=ufi[15]Heineman, G. T., Pollice, G., &Selkow, S. Algorithms in a Nutshell, OreillyMedia. ISBN 978-0-596-51624-6.[16] Stallings, W., &Tahiliani, M. P. (2014). Cryptography and network security: principles and practice (Vol. 6). London: Pearson.[17]結城浩.(2011). 密碼學與網路安全應用.旗標出版股份有限公司.[18]林展民.(2016). 以智能合約實現快速醫療保險理賠.國立政治大學資訊科學系碩士論文. zh_TW