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題名 查莫寧的虛構與現實的不可譯-《夢書之城》及《夢書迷宮》的「再」翻譯
Translation of "the Translation" : The Chinese Translations of Walter Moers` Zamonien Novels "Die Stadt der Träumenden Bücher" and "Das Labyrinth der Träumenden Büche"
作者 徐安妮
Hsu, An-Nie
關鍵詞 奇幻文學 ; 查莫寧小說 ; 文學翻譯 ; 功能翻譯 ; 德/漢翻譯
barbarization ; translation ; participation ; sublimation ; dissemination
日期 2016-09
上傳時間 31-十月-2017 13:43:36 (UTC+8)
摘要 文學一向是人類發揮想像力與呈現新希望的領域,其中奇幻文學更常以神話與傳說為基礎,建構一個異於現實、超越自然,又引人入勝的異想世界。德國作家瓦爾特.莫爾斯的「查莫寧小說」不但幽默有趣,充滿著繽紛的奇幻想像,更有著不同的敘事手法,因為相對於其他作家的直接創作,莫爾斯稱他的這一系列小說為「翻譯」-翻譯自「查莫寧文學」。截至目前,「查莫寧小說」除已在德國擁有廣大讀者,更已被翻譯為多國語言,德國《法蘭克福匯報》因此推崇莫爾斯為近十年來最成功的作家。本研究主要係針對「查莫寧小說」中的《夢書之城》及《夢書迷宮》兩部作品的中文翻譯進行分析。目的之一在於探究莫爾斯藉自稱譯者,在其創作中展現的「翻譯作為」及其翻譯觀。其次則在探索「查莫寧小說」中之不可譯現象,同時檢視現有中文譯本「再次」翻譯的策略得失,以提供德、漢翻譯實務工作及教學之參考。
Literature has long been a realm where people express their imaginations and hope. Fantasy literature, in particular, is based on fairy tales and legends, creating fantasy worlds that are unreal, supernatural, and entrancing. The German author Walter Moers nonetheless recognized as a master of fantasy literature. His Zamonien series of novels enjoy widespread readership in Germany, and have been translated into many language. The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung has accordingly deemed him the most successful author of the last decade. This study analyzes two novels in the Zamonien series and focuses on their Chinese translations. The research purpose is to explore how Moers` translation should be re-translated, as well as how the Chinese translator addresses untranslatable passes during the translation process. In addition, this study lists the translation strategies employed, and determines whether there is any correspondence with the translation strategies used by Moers himself. It is hoped that this will prove helpful for German-Chinese translation applications and teaching.
關聯 廣譯:語言、文學、與文化翻譯, 13, 99-125
資料類型 article
dc.creator (作者) 徐安妮zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Hsu, An-Nieen_US
dc.date (日期) 2016-09-
dc.date.accessioned 31-十月-2017 13:43:36 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 31-十月-2017 13:43:36 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 31-十月-2017 13:43:36 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/114223-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 文學一向是人類發揮想像力與呈現新希望的領域,其中奇幻文學更常以神話與傳說為基礎,建構一個異於現實、超越自然,又引人入勝的異想世界。德國作家瓦爾特.莫爾斯的「查莫寧小說」不但幽默有趣,充滿著繽紛的奇幻想像,更有著不同的敘事手法,因為相對於其他作家的直接創作,莫爾斯稱他的這一系列小說為「翻譯」-翻譯自「查莫寧文學」。截至目前,「查莫寧小說」除已在德國擁有廣大讀者,更已被翻譯為多國語言,德國《法蘭克福匯報》因此推崇莫爾斯為近十年來最成功的作家。本研究主要係針對「查莫寧小說」中的《夢書之城》及《夢書迷宮》兩部作品的中文翻譯進行分析。目的之一在於探究莫爾斯藉自稱譯者,在其創作中展現的「翻譯作為」及其翻譯觀。其次則在探索「查莫寧小說」中之不可譯現象,同時檢視現有中文譯本「再次」翻譯的策略得失,以提供德、漢翻譯實務工作及教學之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Literature has long been a realm where people express their imaginations and hope. Fantasy literature, in particular, is based on fairy tales and legends, creating fantasy worlds that are unreal, supernatural, and entrancing. The German author Walter Moers nonetheless recognized as a master of fantasy literature. His Zamonien series of novels enjoy widespread readership in Germany, and have been translated into many language. The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung has accordingly deemed him the most successful author of the last decade. This study analyzes two novels in the Zamonien series and focuses on their Chinese translations. The research purpose is to explore how Moers` translation should be re-translated, as well as how the Chinese translator addresses untranslatable passes during the translation process. In addition, this study lists the translation strategies employed, and determines whether there is any correspondence with the translation strategies used by Moers himself. It is hoped that this will prove helpful for German-Chinese translation applications and teaching.en_US
dc.format.extent 3617813 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 廣譯:語言、文學、與文化翻譯, 13, 99-125en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 奇幻文學 ; 查莫寧小說 ; 文學翻譯 ; 功能翻譯 ; 德/漢翻譯zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) barbarization ; translation ; participation ; sublimation ; disseminationen_US
dc.title (題名) 查莫寧的虛構與現實的不可譯-《夢書之城》及《夢書迷宮》的「再」翻譯zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Translation of "the Translation" : The Chinese Translations of Walter Moers` Zamonien Novels "Die Stadt der Träumenden Bücher" and "Das Labyrinth der Träumenden Büche"en_US
dc.type (資料類型) article-