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題名 論董仲舒的時空知覺及其歷史觀-「氣感」的觀點
Discussions on Dong Zhong-shu`s sense of space-time and the historical viewpoint: the sense of Qi
作者 林世賢
Lin, Shih-Hsien
關鍵詞 自由意志; 決定論;身體論 ; 儒家歷史觀; 歷史哲學
Free will;Determinism; Body theory;the historical viewpoint of Confucianism; philosophy of history
日期 2015-12
上傳時間 1-十一月-2017 11:45:21 (UTC+8)
摘要 董仲舒歷史觀中潛藏一個悖論:依據同樣的理據,卻能夠同時推演出意志自由和歷史決定兩種相反的論點。此悖論目前似乎較少學者直接觸及,而本文的核心問題即是欲處理該悖論,並憑藉董仲舒的「氣感」思想嘗試回應這一歷史哲學中的大哉問。另一方面,討論意志自由與歷史決定此一普遍之歷史哲學課題,從「氣感」的視域進行分析有其解釋上的方便,故值得由此深入探究。筆者首先確定在董仲舒的時空知覺中,天地時空(歲)和人間歷史(世)存在同類互感的關係。接著轉至存有者原具之時空知覺,存有者原具之時空知覺,是存有者能夠思考「歲與世」此一課題的基底、前提,同時也是存有者的先在結構。進一步論證天地氣場和人氣群情彼此間的涵攝作用後,最後推導出歷史決定與自由意志的相待共成。
There is one paradox hidden in Dong Zhong-shu`s historical viewpoint: by the same evidence one could simultaneously infer two totally opposite theses called Free will and Determinism. It seems that no scholar has clearly pointed out this paradox up to now. The essay tries to deal with this paradox and responds to the meaningful question in philosophy of history according to the thought of Dong Zhong-shu`s "the sense of Qi". Besides, people who discuss the general philosophy-of-history topics of Free will and Determinism probably haven`t analyzed in the sight of "the sense of Qi". Therefore, it has to be explored in this essay. First, the essay establishes that the universe (time) and history of man (era) have mutual perception in Dong Zhong-shu`s sense of space-time. The next discussion will focus on the original sense of space-time of beings, which not only makes them think about "time and era" but also becomes their inner strctures. The essay will further argue the subsumption between the aura of the universe and public emotions and then finally get the conclusion that Free will and Determinism are correlated with each other.
關聯 政大中文學報, 24,167-195
資料類型 article
dc.creator (作者) 林世賢zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lin, Shih-Hsienen_US
dc.date (日期) 2015-12-
dc.date.accessioned 1-十一月-2017 11:45:21 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 1-十一月-2017 11:45:21 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 1-十一月-2017 11:45:21 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/114275-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 董仲舒歷史觀中潛藏一個悖論:依據同樣的理據,卻能夠同時推演出意志自由和歷史決定兩種相反的論點。此悖論目前似乎較少學者直接觸及,而本文的核心問題即是欲處理該悖論,並憑藉董仲舒的「氣感」思想嘗試回應這一歷史哲學中的大哉問。另一方面,討論意志自由與歷史決定此一普遍之歷史哲學課題,從「氣感」的視域進行分析有其解釋上的方便,故值得由此深入探究。筆者首先確定在董仲舒的時空知覺中,天地時空(歲)和人間歷史(世)存在同類互感的關係。接著轉至存有者原具之時空知覺,存有者原具之時空知覺,是存有者能夠思考「歲與世」此一課題的基底、前提,同時也是存有者的先在結構。進一步論證天地氣場和人氣群情彼此間的涵攝作用後,最後推導出歷史決定與自由意志的相待共成。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) There is one paradox hidden in Dong Zhong-shu`s historical viewpoint: by the same evidence one could simultaneously infer two totally opposite theses called Free will and Determinism. It seems that no scholar has clearly pointed out this paradox up to now. The essay tries to deal with this paradox and responds to the meaningful question in philosophy of history according to the thought of Dong Zhong-shu`s "the sense of Qi". Besides, people who discuss the general philosophy-of-history topics of Free will and Determinism probably haven`t analyzed in the sight of "the sense of Qi". Therefore, it has to be explored in this essay. First, the essay establishes that the universe (time) and history of man (era) have mutual perception in Dong Zhong-shu`s sense of space-time. The next discussion will focus on the original sense of space-time of beings, which not only makes them think about "time and era" but also becomes their inner strctures. The essay will further argue the subsumption between the aura of the universe and public emotions and then finally get the conclusion that Free will and Determinism are correlated with each other.en_US
dc.format.extent 3448564 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 政大中文學報, 24,167-195zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 自由意志; 決定論;身體論 ; 儒家歷史觀; 歷史哲學zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Free will;Determinism; Body theory;the historical viewpoint of Confucianism; philosophy of historyen_US
dc.title (題名) 論董仲舒的時空知覺及其歷史觀-「氣感」的觀點zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Discussions on Dong Zhong-shu`s sense of space-time and the historical viewpoint: the sense of Qien_US
dc.type (資料類型) article-