dc.contributor | 國際關係研究中心 | zh_Tw |
dc.creator (作者) | 楊昊 | zh_TW |
dc.date (日期) | 2014 | en_US |
dc.date.accessioned | 25-十二月-2017 15:02:42 (UTC+8) | - |
dc.date.available | 25-十二月-2017 15:02:42 (UTC+8) | - |
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) | 25-十二月-2017 15:02:42 (UTC+8) | - |
dc.identifier.uri (URI) | http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/115373 | - |
dc.description.abstract (摘要) | 本計畫為「轉型亞洲的路向探索:動力、路徑與模態」整合型計畫之子計畫,著眼於亞洲內部的轉型理路,希望進一步檢視東南亞外援政治的供需平衡結構,並探索潛藏於其中的三重變革與轉型模態(區域結構、次區域結構與在地回應)。 本計畫將分三個層次深入討論亞洲經驗與內部運作理路,首先將著眼亞洲主要援助國(中國與日本)在投注東南亞外援項目與計畫的變革,並藉此形塑出強國外援政治之間的競爭(或合作)關係對於東南亞受援國的影響。其次,本計畫認為除了亞洲強權的外援戰略面臨調整,亞洲內部的外援政治體系與內部運作迴路亦正在變遷。在經驗個案上,本計畫將探索新援助國(如新加坡、泰國等)對周邊國家投入援助能量逐漸豐沛的原因、動力與運作軌跡,並試圖尋找東南亞的外援政治是否將形成獨特的層級分工模態。同時,亦將討論東南亞受援國的「尋求援助聯盟」是否形成。最後,隨著東南亞政治改革與民主化進程的持續推動,公民社會受到賦權(empowerment)思想的啟蒙,開始自覺性地重新檢視各種外援項目(特別是在基礎建設計畫方面)對在地社會的影響。整體而言,本計畫希望透過比較研究與類型化分析的操作,結合移地研究所獲得的第一手資料,具體呈現東南亞(亞洲)外援政治轉型的實際風貌與整體模態。 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract (摘要) | This two-year project emphasizes on the scrutiny of Asian transformation. The research focus is contextualized with the politics of foreign aid in the post-cold war Southeast Asia. The main purpose, for this project, is first to portray the shifting supply-demand configuration of foreign aid in the region, and then, to incorporate the “locality” account to the state-centrism framework. It begins with a careful exploration of triple transformation of foreign aid in Southeast Asia, that is, the structural change, the su-bregional/institutional adjustment, and the emergence of local resistance to the aid-sponsored infrastructures. Then, the study proceeds in accordance with three levels of analysis: (1) exploring power competition between donors (Japan and China) in local infrastructure projects; (2) justifying the existing and potential collaboration and coordination among new donors such as Singapore and Thailand, and the formation of seeking-aid-alliance within ASEAN institution; and, most importantly, (3) tracing the influence of locality and patterns of local resistance to infrastructure by multi-sited fieldworks in Southeast Asia. Overall, this project is anticipated to engaging in re-conceptualizing and re-theorizing efforts in the issue of foreign aid in Asian generally and Southeast Asia in specific, for better understanding the underlying driving force, dynamics, and patterns of contemporary Asian and Southeast Asian transformation. | en_US |
dc.relation (關聯) | 執行起迄:2014/08/01~2016/07/31 | zh_TW |
dc.relation (關聯) | 103-2628-H-004-003-MY2 | zh_TW |
dc.subject (關鍵詞) | 外援政治;三重轉型;東南亞;東亞;中國;在地抵抗 | zh_TW |
dc.subject (關鍵詞) | the politics of foreign aid; triple transformation; Southeast Asia; East Asia; China; local resistance | en_US |
dc.title (題名) | 轉型中的東南亞外援政治:動力、模態與在地回應的類型化分析 | _TW |
dc.type (資料類型) | report | - |