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題名 聽老人說「畫」: 高齡者家庭繪畫中的生命故事與自我認同
Listening to elders painting “pictures”: The life story and self-identity inside family paintings made by elders作者 黃曉琪
Huang, Hsiao Chi貢獻者 蔡琰
Huang, Hsiao Chi關鍵詞 生命故事
Life story
The elders
Painting日期 2017 上傳時間 5-Feb-2018 17:25:08 (UTC+8) 摘要 老化為人生必然,老人的生命故事濃縮六旬以上的人生經驗,蘊含「如何活得更好」的「尋常智慧」(ordinary wisdom),是十分珍貴的資產。本研究採納人生八階段理論與家庭生命週期發展理論的「生命歷程觀點」,並以敘事理論為基礎設計出「家庭生命圖」繪製活動以及深度訪談研究歷程。蒐集兩位65歲以上高齡者的家庭生命故事文本後,以敘事理論探究其中的主題與意涵,以及家庭生命故事文本反映的自我認同及認同之轉變。研究發現,兩位個案雖來自不同背景,然其家庭生命圖皆出現「錢」、「屋舍」、「家人」及「與工作有關的符號」等元素,象徵經營家庭的條件。兩人的故事則呈現不同生命階段的主題:艱辛的童年以母親為重要他人,必須在依戀與自我獨立間取得平衡;成年時期必須面對「婚姻與工作」以及「自由與責任」間的選擇。然而,無論生命是喜是悲,兩位高齡者皆在晚年階段呈現出維繫人生完整感的生命智慧。研究也發現,兩位高齡者在家庭生命故事文本中的自我認同隨時間轉變,且呼應Giddens(1991)提出在「高度現代性」下,人們開始自我覺察、親密關係的型態轉形的特徵。
Aging is inevitable in life; nonetheless, older persons’ memory accumulated through more than 60 year experiences is a treasure, abundantly containing “ordinary wisdom” regarding “how to live better.” On the other hand, families, as primary social groups, are inseparable from individual life.This Thesis, by using the theory of eight stages of life and the “viewpoint of life history” of the family life course development theory, examined both the elders’ “family” memoirs occurred during their extended life expectancy as well as their self-identity reflected based on such stories. Two elders were accordingly invited by this Researcher to portray “family life pictures” and interviewed in order to acquire texts of their life story with family as the theme. Further, based on narrative theory, this Researchers plowed through the essence of the texts, topics, narrative elements and structures, as well as the reflected self-identity and the identity transition. The result indicated that, in spite of their distinctive backgrounds, the family life pictures herein both exhibited some indispensable requirements of building family such as “money”, “houses”, “family members”, and “other work-related signs.” Each story illustrated a distinguished theme representing its respective life stages: during the elders’ arduous childhood with their mothers being the significant others, they had to strike a balance between reliance and independence; while in their adulthood, they inevitably encountered dilemmas between “marriage and job” or between “liberty and duty.” Irrespective of ups and downs, the elders both presented life wisdom upholding their completeness of life. Further, the elders’ self-identity revealed through the texts of their family memoirs often changed as time passed by, which corresponded to Giddens’ proposed concepts of “high modernity” where people’s self-awareness began to grow and the pattern of their close relationship gradually transformed.參考文獻 中文部分王慶傑、陳嘉映譯(1990)。《存在與時間》。台北:久大出版、桂冠出版。(原書Heidegger, M. [1927]. Sein und Zeit. )王妙旬(2016)。《探討失能老人狀況及家庭照顧者對利用機構喘息服務之因素》。中國醫藥大學醫務管理學系碩士論文。王方譯(2016)。《關於變老這件事》。台北:時報。(原書Karph, A. [2014]. How to age. London, UK: Macmillan.)王阿進(2013)。《一位中年女性生命重要事件之表達性藝術取向生命回顧探究》。南華大學生死學系碩士學位論文。王秀絨、郭玟伶、鄭月妹、鄭同僚(2015)。《彩繪人生:阿公阿婆畫圖說故事》。台北:洪葉文化。內政統計月報(2017)。內政部統計處。上網日期:2017年2月8日,取自。〈什麼是藝術治療?〉(無日期)。台灣藝術治療學會網站。上網日期:2016年08月31日,取自。甘芝萁、黃邦平、吳亮儀(2015.11.01)。〈老化警鐘!3年後進入高齡社會〉。上網日期:2016年8月1日,取自。民法親屬篇(2015)。全國法規資料庫。上網日期:2016年10月09日,取自。田禾譯(2000)。《現代性的後果》。南京:譯林。(原書Giddens, A. [1990]. The consequences of modernity.)江學瀅譯(2004)。《兒童藝術治療》初版五刷。台北:心理。(原書Kramer, E. [1993]. ART as therapy with children. 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104464004資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 蔡琰 zh_TW (Authors) 黃曉琪 zh_TW (Authors) Huang, Hsiao Chi en_US dc.creator (作者) 黃曉琪 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Huang, Hsiao Chi en_US (日期) 2017 en_US 5-Feb-2018 17:25:08 (UTC+8) - 5-Feb-2018 17:25:08 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 5-Feb-2018 17:25:08 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0104464004 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 104464004 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 老化為人生必然,老人的生命故事濃縮六旬以上的人生經驗,蘊含「如何活得更好」的「尋常智慧」(ordinary wisdom),是十分珍貴的資產。本研究採納人生八階段理論與家庭生命週期發展理論的「生命歷程觀點」,並以敘事理論為基礎設計出「家庭生命圖」繪製活動以及深度訪談研究歷程。蒐集兩位65歲以上高齡者的家庭生命故事文本後,以敘事理論探究其中的主題與意涵,以及家庭生命故事文本反映的自我認同及認同之轉變。研究發現,兩位個案雖來自不同背景,然其家庭生命圖皆出現「錢」、「屋舍」、「家人」及「與工作有關的符號」等元素,象徵經營家庭的條件。兩人的故事則呈現不同生命階段的主題:艱辛的童年以母親為重要他人,必須在依戀與自我獨立間取得平衡;成年時期必須面對「婚姻與工作」以及「自由與責任」間的選擇。然而,無論生命是喜是悲,兩位高齡者皆在晚年階段呈現出維繫人生完整感的生命智慧。研究也發現,兩位高齡者在家庭生命故事文本中的自我認同隨時間轉變,且呼應Giddens(1991)提出在「高度現代性」下,人們開始自我覺察、親密關係的型態轉形的特徵。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) Aging is inevitable in life; nonetheless, older persons’ memory accumulated through more than 60 year experiences is a treasure, abundantly containing “ordinary wisdom” regarding “how to live better.” On the other hand, families, as primary social groups, are inseparable from individual life.This Thesis, by using the theory of eight stages of life and the “viewpoint of life history” of the family life course development theory, examined both the elders’ “family” memoirs occurred during their extended life expectancy as well as their self-identity reflected based on such stories. Two elders were accordingly invited by this Researcher to portray “family life pictures” and interviewed in order to acquire texts of their life story with family as the theme. Further, based on narrative theory, this Researchers plowed through the essence of the texts, topics, narrative elements and structures, as well as the reflected self-identity and the identity transition. The result indicated that, in spite of their distinctive backgrounds, the family life pictures herein both exhibited some indispensable requirements of building family such as “money”, “houses”, “family members”, and “other work-related signs.” Each story illustrated a distinguished theme representing its respective life stages: during the elders’ arduous childhood with their mothers being the significant others, they had to strike a balance between reliance and independence; while in their adulthood, they inevitably encountered dilemmas between “marriage and job” or between “liberty and duty.” Irrespective of ups and downs, the elders both presented life wisdom upholding their completeness of life. Further, the elders’ self-identity revealed through the texts of their family memoirs often changed as time passed by, which corresponded to Giddens’ proposed concepts of “high modernity” where people’s self-awareness began to grow and the pattern of their close relationship gradually transformed. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1第一節 研究緣起 1第二節 研究背景 2第三節 問題意識與研究目的 10第四節 章節介紹 13第二章 文獻回顧 14第一節 老與家庭:生命歷程的觀點 15第二節 敘事結構與生命故事模型 25第三節 在敘事中建構自我認同 31第四節 繪畫作為敘事文本與研究工具 38小結 46第三章 研究方法:高齡者家庭生命故事之敘事探究 48第一節 研究問題與研究設計 48第二節 資料蒐集步驟 53第三節 高齡者家庭生命故事之敘事分析 59小結 63第四章 資料分析:高齡者「畫/話」家及自我認同 64第一節 受訪者背景與資料分析歷程 65第二節 高齡者之家庭生命故事 75第三節 高齡者家庭生命故事中的自我認同 96小結 104第五章 結論與研究建議 107第一節 研究結果綜述 108第二節 研究意涵 113第三節 研究限制與後續研究建議 124參考文獻 130附錄一:研究目的與說明 141附錄二:訪談同意書 142附錄三:第三次訪談大綱(梅生) 143附錄四:第三次訪談大綱(明子) 144附錄五:敘事元素編碼表範例 145附錄六:研究對象拒訪歷程與反思 147 zh_TW dc.format.extent 3443165 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 生命故事 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 老人 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 家庭 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 自我認同 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 繪畫 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Life story en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) The elders en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Family en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Self-identity en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Painting en_US dc.title (題名) 聽老人說「畫」: 高齡者家庭繪畫中的生命故事與自我認同 zh_TW dc.title (題名) Listening to elders painting “pictures”: The life story and self-identity inside family paintings made by elders en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文部分王慶傑、陳嘉映譯(1990)。《存在與時間》。台北:久大出版、桂冠出版。(原書Heidegger, M. 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