題名 社會住宅去標籤化與創意階層混居之研究
Research on Social Housing De-labeling and Creative Class Mixing作者 林純綺 貢獻者 邊泰明
林純綺關鍵詞 社會住宅
Social housing
Creative class
Social inclusion日期 2018 上傳時間 2-三月-2018 11:52:59 (UTC+8) 摘要 歐美住宅政策由政府主導提供大量社會住宅的社會福利主義,到1970年代以市場為主的新自由主義,為財務可行及解決貧窮聚集的社會住宅問題,採行混合權屬、不同收入、功能等各種混居策略,解決社會住宅標籤化,並期待透過混居進一步促進社會融合。混居的概念如同一把傘,涵蓋各種執行方式,實際多以混合收入為主,惟已有評論僅能分散貧窮並未讓低收入戶向上流動,更遑論社會融合。近年為促進社會融合除了混合收入外,採開放參與的態度進行鄰里社區尺度的混合,並留意配置、接近度、權屬、持續時間等四個層面的混合程度,且已有共居或藉由藝術家等創意階層導引社區成員展現入住者的能動性及社區自主管理的潛能,自行設計保留在地文化的創意社會住宅,有效引導弱勢向上及解決社會住宅標籤化,並進一步促進社會融合。 本研究關注重點在於我國住宅政策歷來為市場導向,社會住宅比例過低,目前急於擴增數量的同時,為避免國人直接與早期整建住宅、平價住宅、出租國宅窳陋管理不善的負面印象連結,援引歐美的混居策略以避免標籤化。惟公布社宅基地,周邊居民仍群起抗議,探究反對興建社會住宅的原因,係社會主流價值因文化、貧窮等與犯罪連結刻板印象形成的標籤,所帶來的負面效應。採取混合收入的混居方式單純分散貧窮,恐僅表面解決標籤化問題,根本解決尚應藉由導入創意階層,強化入住者自身的認同,組織社區培力,建立社群溝通管道,與周邊居民對話,形成共同文化,進一步形成創意氛圍,促進社會融合,發揮社會住宅多元功能,採取階段性的規劃,初期藉由創意階層的混合,讓社會主流認同社會住宅正面的效應。 而臺北市納入興建的公有基地,有平宅改建及閒置公地新建兩類,其中平宅改建4處基地屬於窳陋貧窮聚集地區,透過混合收入及青年的引進,因分散貧窮、有優越設計的新穎建物和管理提升環境品質,而在初期獲得肯定,惟仍須建立配套方得以達成導引弱勢向上的可能,且長期應注意社區內新舊居民間的融合。至於其他基地則多為低度使用或閒置之公有土地,並非既有窳陋待解決特定區域,周邊居民抗拒更為激烈,且因社會住宅興建反而聚集部分弱勢,更應著重與周邊居民良善互動的關係,以促進融合,故建議混居應拓展為「鄰里社區」尺度的規劃,發揮基地「公共設施」的角色與周邊居民共享,除了混合收入外,導入功能性的混合,注重公共性與空間性的機能,並援引創意城市著重開放授權的軟硬體規劃,並採階段性的手段,透過配套設計得以促進溝通,藉由創意人才及創意空間,貼近入住者與周邊居民的生活,展開社區對話,建立地方鏈結,帶動氛圍改變主流印象,以實踐社會融合,俾成就創意城市。
European and American housing policies transform from Welfarism, which is dominated by the government to provide a large number of social housing, to the market-oriented Neo-liberalism of the 1970s. For financial viability and solutions to poverty-gathering, the government adopts various mixed strategies, such as mixed tenure, mixed-income, functions, etc., to address the social housing labeling and looks forward to further promoting social inclusion. The concept of mixed, like an umbrella, covers various modes of implementation. The major mode in reality is mixed-income. However, there have been comments that mixed-income only scatters poverty but do not allow low-income households to move up, let alone social inclusion. In recent years, in order to promote social inclusion, in addition to mixed-income, the government adopts an open-minded attitude and participating in the neighborhood community scale is mixed, and pays attention to the four levels of mix, which are allocation, proximity, tenure and duration. Moreover, there are some people co-residence with others or through the creative classes such as artists to guide community members to demonstrate the mobility of residents and the potential of community self-management, design their own creative social housing, which is preserved in the local culture. This mode effectively guides the disadvantaged, addresses the social housing labeling, and further promotes social inclusion. The focus of this study is that the housing policy in our country has always been market-oriented, and therefore the social housing ratio is too low. Currently, the number of social housing is eager to expand. In order to prevent people from directly connecting the social housing with the negative impression of poorly managed homes, cheap houses and rental housing in the early stages, the government adopts a mixed strategy of European and American housing policies to avoid labeling. However, the announcement of the social housing sites still causes surrounding residents to protest. The reasons for the opposition to the construction of social housing is that the social mainstream value represents that social housing brings the negative effects, which result from the stereotype of the social housing linked to crime due to culture and poverty. Mixed-income mode simply disperses the poverty, but it just solves the problem of labeling superficially. The fundamental solution should be that through the creative class to strengthen the resident` own identity, to organize community training, to establish community communication channels, to have a dialogue with neighboring residents. By forming a common culture to further create a creative atmosphere to promote social inclusion, and give full play to the multiple functions of social housing and adopt a phased plan. Initially, the social mainstream will recognize the positive effects of social housing through a mixture of creative class. The public sites of social housing in Taipei includes two types, public housing reconstruction and new construction on idle public land. There are 4 sites of public housing reconstruction belong to shabby poverty-gathering areas. Through the implementation of mixed-income and the move-in of the youth, the project was initially approved due to superior design of new buildings and management to enhance environmental quality. However, in the long term we still need to establish ancillary facilities to achieve the possibility of leading the disadvantaged, and to observe the inclusion of old and new households. The other sites are mostly low-use or idle public land. They are not belong to specific shabby areas, which are waiting to be solved, so that surrounding residents resist more intensely. Additionally, social housing construction tends to gather some disadvantaged groups, and therefore the government should place emphasis on the good-natured interaction with the surrounding residents so as to promote inclusion. It is suggested that the mixed should be expanded into the planning of "neighborhood community" scale and share with the surrounding residents in the role of "public facilities" of the site. In addition to the adoption of mixed-income, we can also adopt functional mix, focus on publicity and spatial function, and introduce open and authorized software and hardware programs, which creative cities focus on. And adopt phased means to promote communication through supporting design. With creative space and creative talents, close to the lives of residents and surrounding residents, community dialogue and local links should be established to led the atmosphere to change the mainstream impression in order to practice social inclusion and achieve a creative city.參考文獻 一、中文文獻1.專書林萬億,2003,『福利國家:歷史比較的分析』,台北:巨流圖書公司。林淑馨,2010,『質性研究:理論與實務』,台北:巨流圖書公司。胡龍騰、黃瑋瑩、潘中道譯、Kumar, R. 著,2000,『研究方法-步驟化學習指南』,台北:學富文化。陳信宏譯、Saunders, D. 著,2011,『落腳城市:最終的人口大遷徙與世界的未來』(Arrival City: The Final Migration and Our Next World),臺北:麥田。陳向明,2002,『社會科學質的研究』,台北:五南圖書出版公司。傅振焜譯、Florida, R. 著,2005,『創意新貴II:城市與創意階層』,臺北:日月文化。楊幼蘭譯、Landry, C. 著,2000,『創意城市:打造城市創意生活圈的思考技術』(The Creative City: A Toolkit for Urban Innovators),臺北:馬可孛羅文化。趙毅衡,2012,『符號學』,台北:新銳文創。羅惠珍,2015,『巴黎不出售:人人有房住、生活低負擔的法國好宅新思維』,臺北:城邦文化 尖端出版。2.專書論文花敬群、彭揚凱、江尚書,2011,「社會住宅執行構想與財務評估」頁31-62。財團法人臺灣智庫就業安全組小型委託研究案。臺灣智庫十周年研討會-改革與前瞻,臺北,財團法人臺灣智庫。3.期刊論文王增勇,2011,「以住宅『社會化』對抗貧窮『汙名化』」,『臺灣社會研究季刊』,第81期:491-499王俊,湯茂林,2006,「創意產業的興起及其對我國城市發展的啟示」,『現代城市經濟研究』,2006(9):51-58。江尚書,2011,「以社會住宅的實踐凝聚城市的進步性」,『中華民國建築學會會刊雜誌』第63期:31-34米復國,1998,「台灣的公共住宅政策」,『台灣社會研究季刊』,第1卷第2/3期:97-148李甜、宋彥、黃一如,2015,「美國混合住區發展建設模式研究及其啟示」,『UPI國際城市規劃』,第30卷第5期:83-90李志剛、薛德昇、魏立華,2007,「歐美城市居住混居的理論、實踐與啟示」,『城市規劃』,2007年2期林萬億,2003,「論我國的社會住宅政策與社會照顧的結合」,『國家政策季刊』,第2卷第4期:53-82。林萬億,2011,「再論社會住宅」,『愛心世界季刊』,冬季號15期林欽榮,2010,「創新區域與創意城市:產業創新與文化創意做為城市再生的動能」,『研考雙月刊』,34(6):64-74。邱淑宜、林文一,2014,「建構創意城市-臺北市在政政論述上的迷思與限制」,『地理學報』,第72期:57-84花敬群,2013,「社會住宅推動過程中的迷思」,『建築師』,第462期:84-87徐進鈺,2003,「邁向學習性經濟中的創意型城市:兼論台北的機會與限制」,『研考雙月刊』,27(4),66-75。徐進鈺,2011,「社會住宅導言」『臺灣社會研究季刊』,第81期:463-467孫斌棟、劉學良,2009,「美國混合居住政策及其效應的研究述評」,『城市規劃學刊』,2009年第1期 總第179期:90-97張金鶚,2011,「當前社會住宅的期待」,『中華民國建築學會會刊』,(63):10-13張雅惠,2009,「國民住宅轉型社會住宅之課題分析」,『土地問題研究季刊』,8(2):79-88陳怡伶、黎德星,2010,「新自由主義化、國家與住宅市場臺灣國宅政策的演變」,『地理學報』59期:105-131陳慧君,2011,「政府住宅供給與價格補貼之政策分析-兼論社會住宅政策」,『土地問題研究季刊』10卷2期:105-123陳麗春,2008,「住宅政策之回顧與前瞻」,『社區發展季刊』121期:4-13曾華源,2007,「少年觀護工作的社會福利屬性與困境」,『犯罪與刑事司法研究』第8期:133-156惠曉曦,2012,「尋求社會公正與融合的可持續途徑:荷蘭社會住宅的發展與現狀」,『國際城市規劃 』(京)2012年4期:13-22趙弘靜、許慈美、孫碧霞,2015,「由維也納百年社會住宅論臺北市之應行方向」,『國會月刊』第43卷‧第 5 期:23-49葉晉嘉,2010,「各國創意城市指標的比較性研究」,『城市發展』半年刊 第九期:111-144黎德星譯、Forrest, R. 著,2011,「社會住宅:過去、現在和未來」,『住宅學報』,第21卷第2期:91-99蕭閎偉、林建元、白仁德,2013「日本部落地區之人權社區營造:淺香町的案例」,『都市與計劃』第40卷第4期:355-384 4.會議論文。陳倩如、陳其澎,2016,「我國未來老人住居安養之可行性探討:以住居形式為例」,論文發表於〈傳承與創新–文化混血的設計創意國際學術研討會〉」,中原大學室內設計學系:桃園市中壢區,民國105年12月9日劉維公,2005,「創意城市與創意人才:台北市文化經濟的發展基底」,論文發表於〈臺北市文化局國際論壇「創意城市」研討會〉。5..碩士論文江明慧,2010,「教師負面評價、同儕關係對青少年偏差行為之影響」,國立成功大學教育研究所碩士論文:台南市。吳彥含,2017,「創新氛圍與都市寧適性對創意階層住宅選擇影響之研究」, 國立政治大學地政系碩士論文:臺北市。林長杰,2000,「窮人的烙印:以臺北市安康平宅為例」,國立政治大學地政系碩士論文:臺北市。曾意辰,2015,「居住正義-臺灣社會住宅論述與政策之分析」,國立政治大學國家發展研究所碩士論文:臺北市。黃鈺琦,2015,「社會排除與文化再生-艋舺包容性規劃地浮現」,國立臺灣大學工學院建築與城鄉研究所碩士論文:臺北市。劉浩學,2014,「社會住宅提供方式之探討」,國立政治大學地政系碩士論文:臺北市。6.其他殷寶寧,2016,「〈社會住宅〉「家」或「住宅」?從都市生活到住宅的文化想像與社會共識」,台北村落之聲http://www.urstaipei.net/article/19994張恆豪、王雅鈴、葉怡君、郭峰誠、黃政閎,2010,「障礙的社會建構:教科書、殘障手冊與倡議團體地文化分析」,行政院國家科學委員會補助專題研究計畫陳哲生,2016,「社會住宅的新可能性_以再利用為例」,龍應台文教基金會_第三屆思想地圖計劃康旻杰,2017,「社會住宅與公共藝術(上)──大家的房子,大家一起蓋」、「社會住宅與公共藝術(下)──走下廟堂的藝術,原來這麼令人驚艷!」,『天下雜誌』獨立評論@天下2017.8.6黃光廷,2012「從創意城市看台北」,台北村落之聲 http://www.urstaipei.net/article/2040盧姮倩2016.8.3「廣慈公宅說明會 里長轟柯P「騙子」撒冥紙抗議」,自由時報http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/breakingnews/1784089鍾泓良2016.3.26「公宅說明會 居民喊『拒愛滋病患』、『柯P下台』」,自由時報http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/breakingnews/1645343鍾泓良2016.5.18「撒冥紙、拉布條 居民抗議蓋青年營區公宅」,自由時報http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/life/breakingnews/1700966龔書章,2013,「我思_20130501公共住宅的社會創意」,La Vie 05月號/2013 第109期 p213教育部統計處,2016年,「99-101學年大專校院畢業生就業薪資巨量分析」文化部,2017,「2016臺灣文化創意產業發展年報」二、英文文獻Blanc, M., 2010, " The Impact of Social Mix Policies in France" , Housing Studies, Vol. 25(2): 257–272Bricocoli, M. and Cucca, R., 2016, " Social mix and housing policy: Local effects of a misleading rhetoric. 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102923002資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102923002 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 邊泰明 zh_TW dc.contributor.author (作者) 林純綺 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) 林純綺 zh_TW dc.date (日期) 2018 en_US dc.date.accessioned 2-三月-2018 11:52:59 (UTC+8) - dc.date.available 2-三月-2018 11:52:59 (UTC+8) - dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 2-三月-2018 11:52:59 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0102923002 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/116100 - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 地政學系碩士在職專班 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 102923002 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 歐美住宅政策由政府主導提供大量社會住宅的社會福利主義,到1970年代以市場為主的新自由主義,為財務可行及解決貧窮聚集的社會住宅問題,採行混合權屬、不同收入、功能等各種混居策略,解決社會住宅標籤化,並期待透過混居進一步促進社會融合。混居的概念如同一把傘,涵蓋各種執行方式,實際多以混合收入為主,惟已有評論僅能分散貧窮並未讓低收入戶向上流動,更遑論社會融合。近年為促進社會融合除了混合收入外,採開放參與的態度進行鄰里社區尺度的混合,並留意配置、接近度、權屬、持續時間等四個層面的混合程度,且已有共居或藉由藝術家等創意階層導引社區成員展現入住者的能動性及社區自主管理的潛能,自行設計保留在地文化的創意社會住宅,有效引導弱勢向上及解決社會住宅標籤化,並進一步促進社會融合。 本研究關注重點在於我國住宅政策歷來為市場導向,社會住宅比例過低,目前急於擴增數量的同時,為避免國人直接與早期整建住宅、平價住宅、出租國宅窳陋管理不善的負面印象連結,援引歐美的混居策略以避免標籤化。惟公布社宅基地,周邊居民仍群起抗議,探究反對興建社會住宅的原因,係社會主流價值因文化、貧窮等與犯罪連結刻板印象形成的標籤,所帶來的負面效應。採取混合收入的混居方式單純分散貧窮,恐僅表面解決標籤化問題,根本解決尚應藉由導入創意階層,強化入住者自身的認同,組織社區培力,建立社群溝通管道,與周邊居民對話,形成共同文化,進一步形成創意氛圍,促進社會融合,發揮社會住宅多元功能,採取階段性的規劃,初期藉由創意階層的混合,讓社會主流認同社會住宅正面的效應。 而臺北市納入興建的公有基地,有平宅改建及閒置公地新建兩類,其中平宅改建4處基地屬於窳陋貧窮聚集地區,透過混合收入及青年的引進,因分散貧窮、有優越設計的新穎建物和管理提升環境品質,而在初期獲得肯定,惟仍須建立配套方得以達成導引弱勢向上的可能,且長期應注意社區內新舊居民間的融合。至於其他基地則多為低度使用或閒置之公有土地,並非既有窳陋待解決特定區域,周邊居民抗拒更為激烈,且因社會住宅興建反而聚集部分弱勢,更應著重與周邊居民良善互動的關係,以促進融合,故建議混居應拓展為「鄰里社區」尺度的規劃,發揮基地「公共設施」的角色與周邊居民共享,除了混合收入外,導入功能性的混合,注重公共性與空間性的機能,並援引創意城市著重開放授權的軟硬體規劃,並採階段性的手段,透過配套設計得以促進溝通,藉由創意人才及創意空間,貼近入住者與周邊居民的生活,展開社區對話,建立地方鏈結,帶動氛圍改變主流印象,以實踐社會融合,俾成就創意城市。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) European and American housing policies transform from Welfarism, which is dominated by the government to provide a large number of social housing, to the market-oriented Neo-liberalism of the 1970s. For financial viability and solutions to poverty-gathering, the government adopts various mixed strategies, such as mixed tenure, mixed-income, functions, etc., to address the social housing labeling and looks forward to further promoting social inclusion. The concept of mixed, like an umbrella, covers various modes of implementation. The major mode in reality is mixed-income. However, there have been comments that mixed-income only scatters poverty but do not allow low-income households to move up, let alone social inclusion. In recent years, in order to promote social inclusion, in addition to mixed-income, the government adopts an open-minded attitude and participating in the neighborhood community scale is mixed, and pays attention to the four levels of mix, which are allocation, proximity, tenure and duration. Moreover, there are some people co-residence with others or through the creative classes such as artists to guide community members to demonstrate the mobility of residents and the potential of community self-management, design their own creative social housing, which is preserved in the local culture. This mode effectively guides the disadvantaged, addresses the social housing labeling, and further promotes social inclusion. The focus of this study is that the housing policy in our country has always been market-oriented, and therefore the social housing ratio is too low. Currently, the number of social housing is eager to expand. In order to prevent people from directly connecting the social housing with the negative impression of poorly managed homes, cheap houses and rental housing in the early stages, the government adopts a mixed strategy of European and American housing policies to avoid labeling. However, the announcement of the social housing sites still causes surrounding residents to protest. The reasons for the opposition to the construction of social housing is that the social mainstream value represents that social housing brings the negative effects, which result from the stereotype of the social housing linked to crime due to culture and poverty. Mixed-income mode simply disperses the poverty, but it just solves the problem of labeling superficially. The fundamental solution should be that through the creative class to strengthen the resident` own identity, to organize community training, to establish community communication channels, to have a dialogue with neighboring residents. By forming a common culture to further create a creative atmosphere to promote social inclusion, and give full play to the multiple functions of social housing and adopt a phased plan. Initially, the social mainstream will recognize the positive effects of social housing through a mixture of creative class. The public sites of social housing in Taipei includes two types, public housing reconstruction and new construction on idle public land. There are 4 sites of public housing reconstruction belong to shabby poverty-gathering areas. Through the implementation of mixed-income and the move-in of the youth, the project was initially approved due to superior design of new buildings and management to enhance environmental quality. However, in the long term we still need to establish ancillary facilities to achieve the possibility of leading the disadvantaged, and to observe the inclusion of old and new households. The other sites are mostly low-use or idle public land. They are not belong to specific shabby areas, which are waiting to be solved, so that surrounding residents resist more intensely. Additionally, social housing construction tends to gather some disadvantaged groups, and therefore the government should place emphasis on the good-natured interaction with the surrounding residents so as to promote inclusion. It is suggested that the mixed should be expanded into the planning of "neighborhood community" scale and share with the surrounding residents in the role of "public facilities" of the site. In addition to the adoption of mixed-income, we can also adopt functional mix, focus on publicity and spatial function, and introduce open and authorized software and hardware programs, which creative cities focus on. And adopt phased means to promote communication through supporting design. With creative space and creative talents, close to the lives of residents and surrounding residents, community dialogue and local links should be established to led the atmosphere to change the mainstream impression in order to practice social inclusion and achieve a creative city. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1第一節 研究動機與目的 1一、研究動機 1二、研究目的 4第二節 研究範圍與內容 5一、研究範圍 5二、研究內容 7第三節 研究方法與流程 8一、研究方法 8二、研究限制 9三、研究流程 9第二章 文獻回顧與相關理論 11第一節 國內外社會住宅政策演變及混居策略 11一、國外社會住宅 11二、國內社會住宅 27第二節 標籤理論 32一、標籤理論演進 32二、標籤的影響及解決方法 33三、混居策略與標籤理論的關係 34第三節 創意城市、創意階層 35一、創意城市理論 35二、創意階層 38第四節 小結 41第三章 國內外社會住宅混居概況 45第一節 國外社會住宅混居案例 45一、美國七個混居的社會住宅案例 45二、荷蘭兩個混居的社會住宅案例 50第二節 創意混居案例 54一、美國 54二、歐洲共居住宅 55第三節 臺北市社會住宅混居概況 57一、臺北市公共住宅政策推動情形 57二、臺北市公共住宅「混居」策略執行情形 58第四節 小結 60第四章 研究設計與分析 63第一節 研究設計 63一、建立假說 63二、訪談對象 64三、訪談綱要設計 66第二節 深度訪談分析 68一、社會住宅成功要件 68二、社會住宅標籤化問題 69三、混居策略去標籤化分析 72四、創意配套分析 78第三節 綜合分析 81一、興建社會住宅的目的 81二、社會住宅標籤化緣由 81三、混居策略分析 82四、目前混居策略執行情形 85五、創意階層混居分析 87第五章 結論與建議 91第一節 結論 91第二節 建議 96一、臺北市公共住宅執行建議 96二、後續研究建議 96 zh_TW dc.format.extent 2070097 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102923002 en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 社會住宅 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 混合收入 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 標籤化 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 創意階層 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 社會融合 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Social housing en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Mixed-income en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Labeling en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Creative class en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Social inclusion en_US dc.title (題名) 社會住宅去標籤化與創意階層混居之研究 zh_TW dc.title (題名) Research on Social Housing De-labeling and Creative Class Mixing en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、中文文獻1.專書林萬億,2003,『福利國家:歷史比較的分析』,台北:巨流圖書公司。林淑馨,2010,『質性研究:理論與實務』,台北:巨流圖書公司。胡龍騰、黃瑋瑩、潘中道譯、Kumar, R. 著,2000,『研究方法-步驟化學習指南』,台北:學富文化。陳信宏譯、Saunders, D. 著,2011,『落腳城市:最終的人口大遷徙與世界的未來』(Arrival City: The Final Migration and Our Next World),臺北:麥田。陳向明,2002,『社會科學質的研究』,台北:五南圖書出版公司。傅振焜譯、Florida, R. 著,2005,『創意新貴II:城市與創意階層』,臺北:日月文化。楊幼蘭譯、Landry, C. 著,2000,『創意城市:打造城市創意生活圈的思考技術』(The Creative City: A Toolkit for Urban Innovators),臺北:馬可孛羅文化。趙毅衡,2012,『符號學』,台北:新銳文創。羅惠珍,2015,『巴黎不出售:人人有房住、生活低負擔的法國好宅新思維』,臺北:城邦文化 尖端出版。2.專書論文花敬群、彭揚凱、江尚書,2011,「社會住宅執行構想與財務評估」頁31-62。財團法人臺灣智庫就業安全組小型委託研究案。臺灣智庫十周年研討會-改革與前瞻,臺北,財團法人臺灣智庫。3.期刊論文王增勇,2011,「以住宅『社會化』對抗貧窮『汙名化』」,『臺灣社會研究季刊』,第81期:491-499王俊,湯茂林,2006,「創意產業的興起及其對我國城市發展的啟示」,『現代城市經濟研究』,2006(9):51-58。江尚書,2011,「以社會住宅的實踐凝聚城市的進步性」,『中華民國建築學會會刊雜誌』第63期:31-34米復國,1998,「台灣的公共住宅政策」,『台灣社會研究季刊』,第1卷第2/3期:97-148李甜、宋彥、黃一如,2015,「美國混合住區發展建設模式研究及其啟示」,『UPI國際城市規劃』,第30卷第5期:83-90李志剛、薛德昇、魏立華,2007,「歐美城市居住混居的理論、實踐與啟示」,『城市規劃』,2007年2期林萬億,2003,「論我國的社會住宅政策與社會照顧的結合」,『國家政策季刊』,第2卷第4期:53-82。林萬億,2011,「再論社會住宅」,『愛心世界季刊』,冬季號15期林欽榮,2010,「創新區域與創意城市:產業創新與文化創意做為城市再生的動能」,『研考雙月刊』,34(6):64-74。邱淑宜、林文一,2014,「建構創意城市-臺北市在政政論述上的迷思與限制」,『地理學報』,第72期:57-84花敬群,2013,「社會住宅推動過程中的迷思」,『建築師』,第462期:84-87徐進鈺,2003,「邁向學習性經濟中的創意型城市:兼論台北的機會與限制」,『研考雙月刊』,27(4),66-75。徐進鈺,2011,「社會住宅導言」『臺灣社會研究季刊』,第81期:463-467孫斌棟、劉學良,2009,「美國混合居住政策及其效應的研究述評」,『城市規劃學刊』,2009年第1期 總第179期:90-97張金鶚,2011,「當前社會住宅的期待」,『中華民國建築學會會刊』,(63):10-13張雅惠,2009,「國民住宅轉型社會住宅之課題分析」,『土地問題研究季刊』,8(2):79-88陳怡伶、黎德星,2010,「新自由主義化、國家與住宅市場臺灣國宅政策的演變」,『地理學報』59期:105-131陳慧君,2011,「政府住宅供給與價格補貼之政策分析-兼論社會住宅政策」,『土地問題研究季刊』10卷2期:105-123陳麗春,2008,「住宅政策之回顧與前瞻」,『社區發展季刊』121期:4-13曾華源,2007,「少年觀護工作的社會福利屬性與困境」,『犯罪與刑事司法研究』第8期:133-156惠曉曦,2012,「尋求社會公正與融合的可持續途徑:荷蘭社會住宅的發展與現狀」,『國際城市規劃 』(京)2012年4期:13-22趙弘靜、許慈美、孫碧霞,2015,「由維也納百年社會住宅論臺北市之應行方向」,『國會月刊』第43卷‧第 5 期:23-49葉晉嘉,2010,「各國創意城市指標的比較性研究」,『城市發展』半年刊 第九期:111-144黎德星譯、Forrest, R. 著,2011,「社會住宅:過去、現在和未來」,『住宅學報』,第21卷第2期:91-99蕭閎偉、林建元、白仁德,2013「日本部落地區之人權社區營造:淺香町的案例」,『都市與計劃』第40卷第4期:355-384 4.會議論文。陳倩如、陳其澎,2016,「我國未來老人住居安養之可行性探討:以住居形式為例」,論文發表於〈傳承與創新–文化混血的設計創意國際學術研討會〉」,中原大學室內設計學系:桃園市中壢區,民國105年12月9日劉維公,2005,「創意城市與創意人才:台北市文化經濟的發展基底」,論文發表於〈臺北市文化局國際論壇「創意城市」研討會〉。5..碩士論文江明慧,2010,「教師負面評價、同儕關係對青少年偏差行為之影響」,國立成功大學教育研究所碩士論文:台南市。吳彥含,2017,「創新氛圍與都市寧適性對創意階層住宅選擇影響之研究」, 國立政治大學地政系碩士論文:臺北市。林長杰,2000,「窮人的烙印:以臺北市安康平宅為例」,國立政治大學地政系碩士論文:臺北市。曾意辰,2015,「居住正義-臺灣社會住宅論述與政策之分析」,國立政治大學國家發展研究所碩士論文:臺北市。黃鈺琦,2015,「社會排除與文化再生-艋舺包容性規劃地浮現」,國立臺灣大學工學院建築與城鄉研究所碩士論文:臺北市。劉浩學,2014,「社會住宅提供方式之探討」,國立政治大學地政系碩士論文:臺北市。6.其他殷寶寧,2016,「〈社會住宅〉「家」或「住宅」?從都市生活到住宅的文化想像與社會共識」,台北村落之聲http://www.urstaipei.net/article/19994張恆豪、王雅鈴、葉怡君、郭峰誠、黃政閎,2010,「障礙的社會建構:教科書、殘障手冊與倡議團體地文化分析」,行政院國家科學委員會補助專題研究計畫陳哲生,2016,「社會住宅的新可能性_以再利用為例」,龍應台文教基金會_第三屆思想地圖計劃康旻杰,2017,「社會住宅與公共藝術(上)──大家的房子,大家一起蓋」、「社會住宅與公共藝術(下)──走下廟堂的藝術,原來這麼令人驚艷!」,『天下雜誌』獨立評論@天下2017.8.6黃光廷,2012「從創意城市看台北」,台北村落之聲 http://www.urstaipei.net/article/2040盧姮倩2016.8.3「廣慈公宅說明會 里長轟柯P「騙子」撒冥紙抗議」,自由時報http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/breakingnews/1784089鍾泓良2016.3.26「公宅說明會 居民喊『拒愛滋病患』、『柯P下台』」,自由時報http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/breakingnews/1645343鍾泓良2016.5.18「撒冥紙、拉布條 居民抗議蓋青年營區公宅」,自由時報http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/life/breakingnews/1700966龔書章,2013,「我思_20130501公共住宅的社會創意」,La Vie 05月號/2013 第109期 p213教育部統計處,2016年,「99-101學年大專校院畢業生就業薪資巨量分析」文化部,2017,「2016臺灣文化創意產業發展年報」二、英文文獻Blanc, M., 2010, " The Impact of Social Mix Policies in France" , Housing Studies, Vol. 25(2): 257–272Bricocoli, M. and Cucca, R., 2016, " Social mix and housing policy: Local effects of a misleading rhetoric. 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