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題名 朝封、道封與民封──從三個例子談敕封對神祇信仰的形塑與影響
作者 高振宏
Kao, Chen-hung
貢獻者 中文系
關鍵詞 敕封、道教、溫元帥、二徐真人、田都元帥
conferred titles, Daoism, Marshal Wenqiong 溫瓊元帥, Er-Xu Lords 二徐真君, Marshal Tiandu 田都元帥
日期 2017-01
上傳時間 21-三月-2018 17:30:48 (UTC+8)
摘要 中國神祇在信仰發展過程中常被冠上各式封號,這些封號有些來自朝廷的敕封(朝封)、有些來自宗教神啟或宗教傳統的加封(道封)、有些則是民間自行加上的封號(民封),彼此間有複雜而糾葛的互動關係,常會影響神祇信仰發展的方向,關涉著中國人的宗教思維方式。本文以溫瓊太保、二徐真君、田都元帥三個例子,討論朝封、道封與民封在神祇信仰發展過程的可能影響,及其間的互動與張力,希望藉此觀察民間社會是如何理解與接受不同敕封系統的意義,同時進行屬於他們的詮釋或改寫,在彼此互動中形塑出現今理解的神祇形象與近世宗教文化。
Chinese Deities, as beliefs about them develop, are often crowned with various conferred titles. Some of these conferred titles come from the imperial court (chaofeng 朝封), some are bestowed through religious revelation or religious traditions (Daofeng 道封), while others are titles added by the populace on their own accord (minfeng 民封). Among these various titles, there are interactions both complex and disputed, which often influence the development of beliefs about the deities, a notion that concerns Chinese religious modes of thinking. This article, through the examples of Marshal Wenqiong (溫瓊元帥), the Er-Xu Lords (二徐真君), and Marshal Tiandu (田都元帥), discusses the impact that conferred titles from the imperial court, Daoists, and populace had upon the development of beliefs about these deities, as well as the interaction and tension between these titles. It is hoped that through this we can observe how popular society understood and accepted meanings from different systems of conferred titles, while at the same time offering its own interpretations and revisions. In this mutual interaction,understandings of the images of deities and modern religious culture formed and arose.
關聯 華人宗教研究, No.第9期, pp.頁39-72
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 中文系zh_Tw
dc.creator (作者) 高振宏zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Kao, Chen-hungen_US
dc.date (日期) 2017-01en_US
dc.date.accessioned 21-三月-2018 17:30:48 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 21-三月-2018 17:30:48 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 21-三月-2018 17:30:48 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/116389-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 中國神祇在信仰發展過程中常被冠上各式封號,這些封號有些來自朝廷的敕封(朝封)、有些來自宗教神啟或宗教傳統的加封(道封)、有些則是民間自行加上的封號(民封),彼此間有複雜而糾葛的互動關係,常會影響神祇信仰發展的方向,關涉著中國人的宗教思維方式。本文以溫瓊太保、二徐真君、田都元帥三個例子,討論朝封、道封與民封在神祇信仰發展過程的可能影響,及其間的互動與張力,希望藉此觀察民間社會是如何理解與接受不同敕封系統的意義,同時進行屬於他們的詮釋或改寫,在彼此互動中形塑出現今理解的神祇形象與近世宗教文化。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Chinese Deities, as beliefs about them develop, are often crowned with various conferred titles. Some of these conferred titles come from the imperial court (chaofeng 朝封), some are bestowed through religious revelation or religious traditions (Daofeng 道封), while others are titles added by the populace on their own accord (minfeng 民封). Among these various titles, there are interactions both complex and disputed, which often influence the development of beliefs about the deities, a notion that concerns Chinese religious modes of thinking. This article, through the examples of Marshal Wenqiong (溫瓊元帥), the Er-Xu Lords (二徐真君), and Marshal Tiandu (田都元帥), discusses the impact that conferred titles from the imperial court, Daoists, and populace had upon the development of beliefs about these deities, as well as the interaction and tension between these titles. It is hoped that through this we can observe how popular society understood and accepted meanings from different systems of conferred titles, while at the same time offering its own interpretations and revisions. In this mutual interaction,understandings of the images of deities and modern religious culture formed and arose.en_US
dc.format.extent 115 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype text/html-
dc.relation (關聯) 華人宗教研究, No.第9期, pp.頁39-72
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 敕封、道教、溫元帥、二徐真人、田都元帥zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) conferred titles, Daoism, Marshal Wenqiong 溫瓊元帥, Er-Xu Lords 二徐真君, Marshal Tiandu 田都元帥en_US
dc.title (題名) 朝封、道封與民封──從三個例子談敕封對神祇信仰的形塑與影響zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) article