dc.creator (作者) | 黃美娥 | zh_TW |
dc.creator (作者) | Huang, Mei-E | en_US |
dc.date (日期) | 2012-12 | - |
dc.date.accessioned | 9-四月-2018 10:53:30 (UTC+8) | - |
dc.date.available | 9-四月-2018 10:53:30 (UTC+8) | - |
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) | 9-四月-2018 10:53:30 (UTC+8) | - |
dc.identifier.uri (URI) | http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/116740 | - |
dc.description.abstract (摘要) | 「戰後初期」(1945-1949)實乃臺灣文學史上的關鍵時刻,這是肇因於此一階段既上承日治時代殖民統治,又下啟中國政權重新執政,而隨著政治權力結構的劇烈變化與交接移轉,臺灣文學的內容也必須為之調整、改易,過去的語文存在模式更是遭逢考驗,「臺灣文學」面臨了要轉變成為「中國文學」的樞紐期。針對上述現象,本文在此特別留心戰後初期國語運動與臺灣文學的關係性,尤其是在「去日本化、再中國化」的語文更迭之際,有關「國語」的學習與書寫,更成為臺灣文學與中國文學兩造進行「嫁接」的重要基點。於是,當如火如荼的國語運動風潮展開之後,隨著國語運動的普及性、強制性,語言改革成為公共話題,文學領域遂同受薰陶,對於臺人而言,舉凡「國音」的養成、「國文」的書寫、「文法」的熟悉、言文一致的要求,便會從日常語言漫衍到文學語言,強力促使臺灣文學產生與時俱進的質變,至此,由日治時期到戰後階段,因為國語運動對於臺灣文學所曾引起的「聲音.文體.國體」三方面的交互作用,便出現了從「日文」到「中文」,從「漢文」到「國文」,從「文言」到「白話」,經由國家強力動員而定於一尊的「國語」所陸續引爆出的文字讀音、文體書寫、文學秩序、文學本體的丕變,促使戰後臺灣文學進入一種迥異於日治時期的新狀態。對此,本文在展開實際論述時,文中首先剖析戰後初期的臺灣國語運動相關運作與各式反應情形,以及魏建功、齊鐵恨有關國語學習方法論的特點;其次則就臺灣文學遇上國語運動之後的紛紜現象加以釐析,並指出日治以來島內出身不同語文系統作家與省外來臺作家之間的非均質反應,最終進以闡述戰後初期臺灣文學因為國語運動所造成的文學場域複雜變遷樣態。 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract (摘要) | The early post-war period is the key moment of Taiwan literature. It was a period that the Chinese replaced the Japanese government. With the changing of political structure, Taiwan literature writers had to revise their writing. In that case, ”Taiwan literature” actually faced a key period that becoming into ”China literature.” In response to these phenomena, this article noticed the relation between the national language movement and Taiwan literature. The alteration of ”Uprooting Japan and implanting China” phenomenon, was the point of Taiwan literature became Chinese literature. After the national language movement began, the language reformation became public issue with its popularity and mandatory. For Taiwanese, it contented the ”speaking national accent,” ”writing Chinese,” ”studying grammars,” which passed the limit of daily language, went into the area of literary language. From Japanese colonial period to the early post-war period, ”Japanese” became ”Chinese,” ”Han-wen” became ”Guo-wen” (national language), and there was interworked in ”voice, literary style and nationality.” Along with the national language movement, the changing of pronouncing and writing had led the changes of literature order and literature itself, and had made Taiwan literature went into a new stage which was different from the Japanese colonial period. This article first described the operation and reaction of the national language movement, and the feature of the mandarin-learning methodology of Wei Jian Gong and Qi Tiehen. Then analyzed what was happened when Taiwan literature met the national language movement, and pointed out the different reaction of local and provincial writers. Final, this article interpreted the complicated state of literary field caused by the national language movement in early post-war period. | en_US |
dc.format.extent | 4547293 bytes | - |
dc.format.mimetype | application/pdf | - |
dc.relation (關聯) | 東亞觀念史集刊, 3, P223 - 270 | - |
dc.subject (關鍵詞) | 戰後初期 ; 臺灣文學 ; 中國文學 ; 國語運動 ; 文學場域 ; | zh_TW |
dc.subject (關鍵詞) | early post-war period ; Taiwan literature ; Chinese literature ; the national language movement ; literary field | en_US |
dc.title (題名) | 聲音.文體.國體-戰後初期國語運動與臺灣文學(1945-1949) | - |
dc.title (題名) | Voice, Literary Style, Nationality: The National Language Movement in Early Post-War Period and Taiwan Literature (1945-1949) | - |
dc.type (資料類型) | article | - |