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題名 Metadiscourse in Academic Writing: An Investigation of Graduate Students` MA Theses in Taiwan
作者 林啟一
Lin, Chi-yee
日期 2005-11
上傳時間 9-May-2018 15:43:35 (UTC+8)
摘要 This research is intended to examine the metadiscourse features of eight MA theses published by the graduate students of National Taiwan University (TU), National Taiwan Normal University (NU), National Chengchi University (CCU), and National Tsing-Hua University (TSU), each providing two theses on literature and linguistics respectively. It reports that Taiwanese graduate student writers (TGSW) use much more textual features (68.63%) than interpersonal features (31.37%) and English academic writers (EAW) in Hyland’s research also use more textual features (55.10) than interpersonal features (44.90). However, the discrepancy between TGSW and EAW in the use of textual features and interpersonal features seems to boil down to a conclusion that TGSW use more textual features than EAW by 13.53% and less interpersonal features by 23.73%. It further indicates that the first three ranked subcategories are logical connectives, hedges, and code glosses for TGSW and hedges, logical connectives, and code glosses for EAW. All of these have actually provided some pedagogical implications for the instruction of academic writing..
關聯 Taiwan Journal of TESOL, Vol.2 No.1, 1-66
資料類型 article
dc.creator (作者) 林啟一zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lin, Chi-yeeen_US (日期) 2005-11- 9-May-2018 15:43:35 (UTC+8)- 9-May-2018 15:43:35 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 9-May-2018 15:43:35 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This research is intended to examine the metadiscourse features of eight MA theses published by the graduate students of National Taiwan University (TU), National Taiwan Normal University (NU), National Chengchi University (CCU), and National Tsing-Hua University (TSU), each providing two theses on literature and linguistics respectively. It reports that Taiwanese graduate student writers (TGSW) use much more textual features (68.63%) than interpersonal features (31.37%) and English academic writers (EAW) in Hyland’s research also use more textual features (55.10) than interpersonal features (44.90). However, the discrepancy between TGSW and EAW in the use of textual features and interpersonal features seems to boil down to a conclusion that TGSW use more textual features than EAW by 13.53% and less interpersonal features by 23.73%. It further indicates that the first three ranked subcategories are logical connectives, hedges, and code glosses for TGSW and hedges, logical connectives, and code glosses for EAW. All of these have actually provided some pedagogical implications for the instruction of academic writing..en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究目的意在檢視後設論述特徵在八篇由台灣大學、台灣師範大學、政治大學、清華大學提供的碩士生論文中的使用情形。上述每個學校各提供兩篇論文,一篇屬於文學領域,另一篇屬於語言學領域。研究結果顯示,台灣的研究生使用較多的文本特色(68.63%),且遠超出使用建立人與人互動關係的特徵(31.37%),類似的發現亦出現在Hyland調查英文學術寫作者寫作情形的研究中,但其研究中文本特色(55.10%)的使用率僅僅超出互動特徵(44.90%)些許。此項差異似乎使我們得出了一個結論就是,台灣研究生比起英文學術寫作者使用更多的文本特徵(13.53%)及較少的互動特徵(23.73%)。本研究進一步指出,台灣學生最常用的前三個後設論述特徵分別是邏輯連接詞,模糊限制語和註解,而英語學術寫作者最常使用的特徵依序排列則是模糊限制語、邏輯連接詞和註解。這些結果提供了學術寫作教學一些啟示與貢獻。zh_TW
dc.format.extent 661916 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) Taiwan Journal of TESOL, Vol.2 No.1, 1-66-
dc.relation (關聯) 臺灣英語教學期刊-
dc.title (題名) Metadiscourse in Academic Writing: An Investigation of Graduate Students` MA Theses in Taiwanen_US
dc.title (題名) 後設論述在學術寫作的角色:台灣碩士論文調查zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) article-