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題名 論我國與日本漁船船員之僱用政策與法制建構---兼論外國籍漁船船員之勞動保護
作者 林良榮
貢獻者 法學院
關鍵詞 Special circumstance related to marine labor;foreign fishing crew;labor conditions for the Crew of Fishing Vessels;employment of the Crew of Fishing Vessels;Health and safety of the Crew of Fishing Vessels;The Seafarer Act;Labor laws;Marine Laws of Japan;Work in Fishing Convention (2007C188)
日期 2016-12
上傳時間 29-五月-2018 11:49:42 (UTC+8)
摘要 Issues and policies related to labor protection of the Crew of Fishing Vessels are more complicated than those employment laws that regulate the average labors. Technically, the labor protection of the fishing crew is particularly important, as it is uniquely related to other legal aspects and policies. From a practical standpoint, the International Laws also provide more applicable rules and regulations than other polices. Currently, the Seafarer Act is not relevant to the protection of the Crew of Fishing Vessels. In addition, the regulations of the Labor Standards Laws are not compatible with the fishing crew issues. Since the employers have heavily hired foreign fishing crew, the protection of labor conditions and safety and health regulations of the fishing crew are severely undermined. These issues must be resolved immediately, otherwise would damage the reputation of our nation. The author of this study attempted to examine the difference of work nature between the fishing crew and other land-based workers from the sociological perspective. The findings will be used to promote the labor policies for protecting the fishing crew. In addition, the contents of the Work in Fishing Convention of 2007 would be introduced, and the current global trend in labor protection of the fishing crew would be addressed. For the purpose of improving the legal mechanism of the fishing crew’s labor rights, the author examined their rights based on the Seafarer Act and the Labor Standards Laws and Marine Laws of Japan, as well as compared the rights of the fishing crew with land-based workers.
有關漁船船員之勞動保護法制(或「漁船船員勞動保護政策」)所涉及問題研究的脈絡較其他一般受雇身分的勞工更為複雜,具體而言,基於漁船船員之勞動保護,與其他相關法領域的臨接性格具有相當重要的地位,而且就實務問題的解決上,國際(法)的規範也較其他領域提供更具可操作性的規範。就我國現實而言,漁船船員不適用我國船員法,而勞基法的規範又與海上勞動格格不入,再加上大量僱用外籍漁工,導致對於漁船船員的勞動條件、職業安全衛生等事項的保障極為不足,甚至有剝削的情形,嚴重損害我國的聲譽,必須立即設法解決。因此,就本文內容之構成,作者首先試圖從法社會學觀點的途徑,探求海上勞動者與其他工作者有何勞動本質的差異,並以之作為漁船船員勞動保護之法政策意義。其次,介紹 2007 年漁業工作公約之主要規範內容,說明國際社會對船員勞動保護之新動向與趨勢。再者, 檢視我國漁船船員勞動權利之狀態,除以我國船員法作為之主要基準外,並參照現行我國勞基法,或以比較法之觀點,借鏡日本法之相關規定,比較陸上與海上勞動者之權利保護,設法改善我國的漁船船員勞動權益保護法制。
關聯 臺灣海洋法學報, No.24, pp.1-64
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 法學院zh_Tw
dc.creator (作者) 林良榮zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 2016-12
dc.date.accessioned 29-五月-2018 11:49:42 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 29-五月-2018 11:49:42 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 29-五月-2018 11:49:42 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/117383-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Issues and policies related to labor protection of the Crew of Fishing Vessels are more complicated than those employment laws that regulate the average labors. Technically, the labor protection of the fishing crew is particularly important, as it is uniquely related to other legal aspects and policies. From a practical standpoint, the International Laws also provide more applicable rules and regulations than other polices. Currently, the Seafarer Act is not relevant to the protection of the Crew of Fishing Vessels. In addition, the regulations of the Labor Standards Laws are not compatible with the fishing crew issues. Since the employers have heavily hired foreign fishing crew, the protection of labor conditions and safety and health regulations of the fishing crew are severely undermined. These issues must be resolved immediately, otherwise would damage the reputation of our nation. The author of this study attempted to examine the difference of work nature between the fishing crew and other land-based workers from the sociological perspective. The findings will be used to promote the labor policies for protecting the fishing crew. In addition, the contents of the Work in Fishing Convention of 2007 would be introduced, and the current global trend in labor protection of the fishing crew would be addressed. For the purpose of improving the legal mechanism of the fishing crew’s labor rights, the author examined their rights based on the Seafarer Act and the Labor Standards Laws and Marine Laws of Japan, as well as compared the rights of the fishing crew with land-based workers.en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 有關漁船船員之勞動保護法制(或「漁船船員勞動保護政策」)所涉及問題研究的脈絡較其他一般受雇身分的勞工更為複雜,具體而言,基於漁船船員之勞動保護,與其他相關法領域的臨接性格具有相當重要的地位,而且就實務問題的解決上,國際(法)的規範也較其他領域提供更具可操作性的規範。就我國現實而言,漁船船員不適用我國船員法,而勞基法的規範又與海上勞動格格不入,再加上大量僱用外籍漁工,導致對於漁船船員的勞動條件、職業安全衛生等事項的保障極為不足,甚至有剝削的情形,嚴重損害我國的聲譽,必須立即設法解決。因此,就本文內容之構成,作者首先試圖從法社會學觀點的途徑,探求海上勞動者與其他工作者有何勞動本質的差異,並以之作為漁船船員勞動保護之法政策意義。其次,介紹 2007 年漁業工作公約之主要規範內容,說明國際社會對船員勞動保護之新動向與趨勢。再者, 檢視我國漁船船員勞動權利之狀態,除以我國船員法作為之主要基準外,並參照現行我國勞基法,或以比較法之觀點,借鏡日本法之相關規定,比較陸上與海上勞動者之權利保護,設法改善我國的漁船船員勞動權益保護法制。zh_TW
dc.format.extent 129 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype text/html-
dc.relation (關聯) 臺灣海洋法學報, No.24, pp.1-64
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Special circumstance related to marine labor;foreign fishing crew;labor conditions for the Crew of Fishing Vessels;employment of the Crew of Fishing Vessels;Health and safety of the Crew of Fishing Vessels;The Seafarer Act;Labor laws;Marine Laws of Japan;Work in Fishing Convention (2007C188)en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 海上勞動特殊性;外籍漁工;漁船船員勞動條件;漁船船員僱用;漁船船員安全衛生;船員法;勞動法;日本海事法;漁業工作公約(2007C188)zh_TW
dc.title (題名) 論我國與日本漁船船員之僱用政策與法制建構---兼論外國籍漁船船員之勞動保護zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) article