題名 關鍵查核事項之內涵價值
The information content of key audit matters作者 林佩瑩
Lin, Pei Yin貢獻者 金成隆
Lin, Pei Yin關鍵詞 新式查核報告
New audit report
Risk weight
Industry specialization
Key audit matters
Big4日期 2018 上傳時間 12-六月-2018 17:01:18 (UTC+8) 摘要 本研究之目的為瞭解投資人對新式查核報告之因應。研究結果顯示關鍵查核事項項目數與股價呈現負相關,說明大部分投資人對關鍵查核事項之回應與關鍵查核事項之揭露呈現負相關。然而,當企業聘請四大會計師事務所或產業專精為期查核財務報告,結果將反轉。確切來說,相較非四大會計師事務所或非產業專精之查核客戶,財務報告經由四大會計師事務所或產業專精查核之企業,其累積異常報酬率較大。此外,本研究亦將產業專精分為三等級:會計師事務所層級、會計師個人層級及同時為事務所層級兼個人層級,以衡量關鍵查核事項與股價之關係。最後於敏感性分析之部分,以關鍵查核事項風險權重作為關鍵查核事項項目數之替代,並且以不同預期模式衡量累積異常報酬,結果都與預期相符。 參考文獻 沈中華與李建然,2000,事件研究法:財務與會計實證研究必備,華泰文化事業公司。邱茗囷,2015,國際審計監理議題重要趨勢,證券暨期貨月刊,第三十三卷第七期,15-27。官月緞與張家豪,2010,力霸事件對審計客戶股價影響之實證研究,會計與公司治理,第七卷第二期,19-46。徐永堅,2016,審計準則公報第五十八號「查核報告中關 鍵查核事項之溝通」之內容、影響與建議,證券暨期貨月刊,第三十四卷第九期,30-41。陳耀宗、劉若蘭、林坤霖,2003,產業專家、客戶滿意度與審計公費關連性之研究,會計評論,第 37 期: 31-52。陳政芳與李啟華,2006。國內會計師產業知識之衡量基礎。中山管理評論,14(3),685-711。劉嘉雯,2004,匯豐事件對審計客戶影響之實證研究,會計評論,第 39 期: 25-53。劉嘉雯,2003,會計師事務所合併對客戶股價影響之研究-代理假說與保險假說,會計評論,第 36 期: 1-22。Asare, S. K., and A. Wright. (2012). The effect of type of internal control report on users’confidence in the accompanying financial statement audit report. ContemporaryAccounting Research 29(1), 152-175.Backof, A., K. Bowlin, and B. Goodson. (2016). The impact of proposed changes to thecontent of the audit report on jurors’ assessments of auditor negligence. Working paper,University of Virginia, The University of Mississippi, University of Cincinnati.Ball, R., and P. Brown. (1968). An empirical evaluation of accounting income numbers.Journal of accounting research 159-178.Beck, P. J., and M. G. H. Wu. (2006). The impact of judgment enhancement strategies onaudit quality and firm risk when clients have correlated business risks. Working paper,University of Illinois.Becker, C. L., DeFond, M. L., J35Boolaky, P. K., and R. Quick. (2016). Bank directors’ perceptions of expanded auditor`sreports. International Journal of Auditing 20(2), 158-174.Boone, J. P., Khurana, I. K., and K. K. Raman. (2010). Do the Big 4 and the second-tierfirms provide audits of similar quality?. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 29(4),330-352.Bradley P. L., V. O`Hara, and A. W. Spencer. (2017). Updates and comparisons regardingchanges to the audit reporting model in the United States, United Kingdom, andEuropean Union. The Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance:9-22.Brasel, K., Doxey, M. M., Grenier, J. H., and A. Reffett. (2016). Risk disclosure precedingnegative outcomes: The effects of reporting critical audit matters on judgments ofauditor liability. The Accounting Review 91(5), 1345-1362.Chaney, P. K., and K. L. Philipich. (2002). Shredded reputation: The cost of audit failure.Journal of accounting research 40(4), 1221-1245.Chen, K. Y., and K. S. Wu. (2002). The effect of industry specialization on audit fees inTaiwan: The role of industry type. Working Paper, National Cheng Kung University.Chen, K.Y., K., Lin and J., Zhou, (2005). “Audit quality and earnings management forTaiwan IPO firms”, Managerial Auditing Journal 20(1),86-104Chi, H. Y., and C. L. Chin. (2011). Firm versus partner measures of auditor industryexpertise and effects on auditor quality. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory30(2), 201-229.Chin, C. L., Yao, W. R., and P. Y. Liu. (2014). Industry audit experts and ownershipstructure in the syndicated loan market: at the firm and partner levels. AccountingHorizons 28(4), 749-768.Chin, C. L., and H. Y. Chi. (2009). Reducing restatements with increased industry expertise.Contemporary Accounting Research 26 (3), 729–765.Chow, C. W. (1982). The demand for external auditing: size, debt and ownership influences.The Accounting Review 57 (4), 272-291.Christensen, B. E., Glover, S. M., and C. J. Wolfe. (2014). Do critical audit matterparagraphs in the audit report change nonprofessional investors` decision to invest?.Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 33(4), 71-93..Church, B., S. Davis, and S. McCracken. (2008). The auditor’s reporting model: A literatureoverview and research synthesis. Accounting Horizons 22 (1), 69–90.Clive Lennox. (2005). Management Ownership and Audit Firm Size. Contemporary 36Accounting Research22(1), 206-227DeAngelo, L. E. (1981). Auditor Size and Audit Quality. Journal of Accounting andEconomics 3(3), 183-199.Dunn, K., and B. Mayhew. (2004). Audit firm industry specialization and client disclosurequality. Review of Accounting Studies 9 (March), 35-58.Francis, J.R. (2004). What do we know about audit quality? The British Accounting Review36(4), 345-368.Gimbar, C., Hansen, B., and M. E. Ozlanski. (2016). The effects of critical audit matterparagraphs and accounting standard precision on auditor liability. The AccountingReview 91(6), 1629-1646Gimbar, C., Hansen, B. ,and M. E. Ozlanski. (2016). The effects of critical audit matterparagraphs and accounting standard precision on auditor liability. The AccountingReview 91(6), 1629-1646.Gutierrez, E., Minutti-Meza, M., Tatum, K. W., and M. Vulcheva. (2016). Consequences ofchanging the auditor’s report: Evidence from the UK. Working Paper, Universidad deChile, University of Miami, and Florida International University. 2016. Website,https://papers. ssrn. com/sol3/papers. cfm.Habib, A., and M. B. U. Bhuiyan. (2011). Audit firm industry specialization and the auditreport lag. Journal of international accounting, auditing and taxation 20(1), 32-44.Hammersley, J. S. (2006). Pattern identification and industry-specialist auditors. TheAccounting Review 81(2), 309-336.Jang, H. –Y. J., and C.-J. Lin. (1993). Audit quality and trading volume reaction: A study ofinitial public offering of stocks. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 12, 263-287.Jensen, M. C., and W. H. Meckling. (1976). Theory of the firm: Managerial behavior,agency costs and ownership structure. Journal of Financial Economics 3(4), 305-360.Kachelmeier, S. J., Schmidt, J. J., and K. Valentine. (2017). The disclaimer effect ofdisclosing critical audit matters in the auditor’s report.Karjalainen, J. (2011). “Audit quality and cost of debt Capital for private firms: evidencefrom Finland”, International Journal of Auditing 15(1), 88-108.Kellogg, R. L. (1984). Accounting activities, security prices, and class action lawsuits.Journal of Accounting and Economics 6 (3), 185-204.Kim, J. B., and B. Y. Song. (2011). Auditor quality and loan syndicate structure. Auditing: 37A Journal of Practice & Theory 30 (4), 71–99.King, R. R., S. M. Davis, and N. Mintchik. (2012). Mandatory disclosure of the engagementpartner’s identity: Potential benefits and unintended consequences. AccountingHorizon 26 (3), 533–561.Kipp, P. C. (2017). The Effect of Expanded Audit Report Disclosures on Users` Confidencein the Audit and the Financial Statements (Doctoral dissertation, University of SouthFlorida).Kwon, S.Y., C.Y. Lim, and P. Tan. (2007). Legal systems and earnings quality: The role ofauditor industry specialization. Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory 26(2),25-55.Lennox, C. S., Schmidt, J. J., and A. Thompson. (2017). Is the expanded model of auditreporting informative to investors? Evidence from the UK.Li, H. A., Hay, D., and D. Lau. (2018). Assessing the Impact of the New Auditor`s ReportLIM, C. Y., and H. T. TAN. (2008). Non‐audit service fees and audit quality: The impact ofauditor specialization. Journal of accounting research 46(1), 199-246.Mayhew, B. W., and M. S. Wilkins. (2003). Audit firm industry specialization as adifferentiation strategy: Evidence from fees charged to firms going public. Auditing: AJournal of Practice & Theory 22, 33–52.Merchant, H., and D. Schendel. (2000). How do international joint venture screateshareholder value? Strategic Management Journal 21 (7), 723–37.Mock, T., J. Bedard, P. Coram, S. Davis, R. Espahbodi, and R. Warne. (2013). The AuditReporting Model: Current Research Synthesis and Implications. Auditing: A Journal ofPractice and Theory 32 (1), 323-351.Pelzer, J. R. E. (2016). Understanding barriers to Critical Audit Matter effectiveness: Aqualitative and experimental approach (Doctoral dissertation, The Florida StateUniversity).Pratt, J., and J. D. Stice. (1994). The effects of client characteristics on auditor litigation riskjudgments, required audit evidence, and recommended audit fees. Accounting Review,639-656.Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB). (2009). Requiring theEngagement Partner to Sign the Audit Report. Concept Release No. 2009-005.Available at:http://pcaobus.org/Rules/Rulemaking/Docket029/2009-07-28_Release_No_2009-005.p38dfPublic Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB). (2011). Improving theTransparency of Audits: Proposed Amendments to PCAOB Auditing Standards andForm 2. Concept Release No. 2011-007. Available at:http://pcaobus.org/Rules/Rulemaking/Docket029/PCAOB_Release_2011-007.pdfReichelt, K. J., and D. Wang. (2010). National and office‐specific measures of auditorindustry expertise and effects on audit quality. 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105353029資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105353029 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 金成隆 zh_TW dc.contributor.author (作者) 林佩瑩 zh_TW dc.contributor.author (作者) Lin, Pei Yin en_US dc.creator (作者) 林佩瑩 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Lin, Pei Yin en_US dc.date (日期) 2018 en_US dc.date.accessioned 12-六月-2018 17:01:18 (UTC+8) - dc.date.available 12-六月-2018 17:01:18 (UTC+8) - dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 12-六月-2018 17:01:18 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0105353029 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/117633 - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 會計學系 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 105353029 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究之目的為瞭解投資人對新式查核報告之因應。研究結果顯示關鍵查核事項項目數與股價呈現負相關,說明大部分投資人對關鍵查核事項之回應與關鍵查核事項之揭露呈現負相關。然而,當企業聘請四大會計師事務所或產業專精為期查核財務報告,結果將反轉。確切來說,相較非四大會計師事務所或非產業專精之查核客戶,財務報告經由四大會計師事務所或產業專精查核之企業,其累積異常報酬率較大。此外,本研究亦將產業專精分為三等級:會計師事務所層級、會計師個人層級及同時為事務所層級兼個人層級,以衡量關鍵查核事項與股價之關係。最後於敏感性分析之部分,以關鍵查核事項風險權重作為關鍵查核事項項目數之替代,並且以不同預期模式衡量累積異常報酬,結果都與預期相符。 zh_TW dc.description.tableofcontents 壹、前言 1第一節、研究動機與目的 1第二節、研究問題 4貳、文獻探討 5第一節、關鍵查核事項 5第二節、會計師事務所 7第三節、產業專精 10參、研究設計 12第一節、研究假說 12第二節、研究方法 16第三節、樣本選取與資料蒐集 18肆、實證結果 21第一節、敘述性統計 21第二節、相關性分析 23第三節、實證結果 24第四節、進一步分析 26第五節、敏感性分析 28伍、結論與建議 32第一節、研究結論 32第二節、研究限制與建議 33陸、參考文獻 34 zh_TW dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105353029 en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 新式查核報告 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 風險權重 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 產業專精 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 關鍵查核事項 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 四大會計師事務所 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) New audit report en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Risk weight en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Industry specialization en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Key audit matters en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Big4 en_US dc.title (題名) 關鍵查核事項之內涵價值 zh_TW dc.title (題名) The information content of key audit matters en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 沈中華與李建然,2000,事件研究法:財務與會計實證研究必備,華泰文化事業公司。邱茗囷,2015,國際審計監理議題重要趨勢,證券暨期貨月刊,第三十三卷第七期,15-27。官月緞與張家豪,2010,力霸事件對審計客戶股價影響之實證研究,會計與公司治理,第七卷第二期,19-46。徐永堅,2016,審計準則公報第五十八號「查核報告中關 鍵查核事項之溝通」之內容、影響與建議,證券暨期貨月刊,第三十四卷第九期,30-41。陳耀宗、劉若蘭、林坤霖,2003,產業專家、客戶滿意度與審計公費關連性之研究,會計評論,第 37 期: 31-52。陳政芳與李啟華,2006。國內會計師產業知識之衡量基礎。中山管理評論,14(3),685-711。劉嘉雯,2004,匯豐事件對審計客戶影響之實證研究,會計評論,第 39 期: 25-53。劉嘉雯,2003,會計師事務所合併對客戶股價影響之研究-代理假說與保險假說,會計評論,第 36 期: 1-22。Asare, S. K., and A. Wright. (2012). The effect of type of internal control report on users’confidence in the accompanying financial statement audit report. ContemporaryAccounting Research 29(1), 152-175.Backof, A., K. Bowlin, and B. Goodson. (2016). The impact of proposed changes to thecontent of the audit report on jurors’ assessments of auditor negligence. Working paper,University of Virginia, The University of Mississippi, University of Cincinnati.Ball, R., and P. Brown. (1968). An empirical evaluation of accounting income numbers.Journal of accounting research 159-178.Beck, P. J., and M. G. H. Wu. (2006). The impact of judgment enhancement strategies onaudit quality and firm risk when clients have correlated business risks. Working paper,University of Illinois.Becker, C. L., DeFond, M. L., J35Boolaky, P. K., and R. Quick. (2016). Bank directors’ perceptions of expanded auditor`sreports. International Journal of Auditing 20(2), 158-174.Boone, J. P., Khurana, I. K., and K. K. Raman. (2010). Do the Big 4 and the second-tierfirms provide audits of similar quality?. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 29(4),330-352.Bradley P. L., V. O`Hara, and A. W. Spencer. (2017). Updates and comparisons regardingchanges to the audit reporting model in the United States, United Kingdom, andEuropean Union. The Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance:9-22.Brasel, K., Doxey, M. M., Grenier, J. H., and A. Reffett. (2016). Risk disclosure precedingnegative outcomes: The effects of reporting critical audit matters on judgments ofauditor liability. The Accounting Review 91(5), 1345-1362.Chaney, P. K., and K. L. Philipich. (2002). Shredded reputation: The cost of audit failure.Journal of accounting research 40(4), 1221-1245.Chen, K. Y., and K. S. Wu. (2002). The effect of industry specialization on audit fees inTaiwan: The role of industry type. Working Paper, National Cheng Kung University.Chen, K.Y., K., Lin and J., Zhou, (2005). “Audit quality and earnings management forTaiwan IPO firms”, Managerial Auditing Journal 20(1),86-104Chi, H. Y., and C. L. Chin. (2011). Firm versus partner measures of auditor industryexpertise and effects on auditor quality. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory30(2), 201-229.Chin, C. L., Yao, W. R., and P. Y. Liu. (2014). Industry audit experts and ownershipstructure in the syndicated loan market: at the firm and partner levels. AccountingHorizons 28(4), 749-768.Chin, C. L., and H. Y. Chi. (2009). Reducing restatements with increased industry expertise.Contemporary Accounting Research 26 (3), 729–765.Chow, C. W. (1982). The demand for external auditing: size, debt and ownership influences.The Accounting Review 57 (4), 272-291.Christensen, B. E., Glover, S. M., and C. J. Wolfe. (2014). Do critical audit matterparagraphs in the audit report change nonprofessional investors` decision to invest?.Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 33(4), 71-93..Church, B., S. Davis, and S. McCracken. (2008). The auditor’s reporting model: A literatureoverview and research synthesis. Accounting Horizons 22 (1), 69–90.Clive Lennox. (2005). Management Ownership and Audit Firm Size. Contemporary 36Accounting Research22(1), 206-227DeAngelo, L. E. (1981). Auditor Size and Audit Quality. Journal of Accounting andEconomics 3(3), 183-199.Dunn, K., and B. Mayhew. (2004). Audit firm industry specialization and client disclosurequality. Review of Accounting Studies 9 (March), 35-58.Francis, J.R. (2004). What do we know about audit quality? The British Accounting Review36(4), 345-368.Gimbar, C., Hansen, B., and M. E. Ozlanski. (2016). The effects of critical audit matterparagraphs and accounting standard precision on auditor liability. The AccountingReview 91(6), 1629-1646Gimbar, C., Hansen, B. ,and M. E. Ozlanski. (2016). The effects of critical audit matterparagraphs and accounting standard precision on auditor liability. The AccountingReview 91(6), 1629-1646.Gutierrez, E., Minutti-Meza, M., Tatum, K. W., and M. Vulcheva. (2016). Consequences ofchanging the auditor’s report: Evidence from the UK. Working Paper, Universidad deChile, University of Miami, and Florida International University. 2016. Website,https://papers. ssrn. com/sol3/papers. cfm.Habib, A., and M. B. U. Bhuiyan. (2011). Audit firm industry specialization and the auditreport lag. Journal of international accounting, auditing and taxation 20(1), 32-44.Hammersley, J. S. (2006). Pattern identification and industry-specialist auditors. TheAccounting Review 81(2), 309-336.Jang, H. –Y. J., and C.-J. Lin. (1993). Audit quality and trading volume reaction: A study ofinitial public offering of stocks. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 12, 263-287.Jensen, M. C., and W. H. Meckling. (1976). Theory of the firm: Managerial behavior,agency costs and ownership structure. Journal of Financial Economics 3(4), 305-360.Kachelmeier, S. J., Schmidt, J. J., and K. Valentine. (2017). The disclaimer effect ofdisclosing critical audit matters in the auditor’s report.Karjalainen, J. (2011). “Audit quality and cost of debt Capital for private firms: evidencefrom Finland”, International Journal of Auditing 15(1), 88-108.Kellogg, R. L. (1984). Accounting activities, security prices, and class action lawsuits.Journal of Accounting and Economics 6 (3), 185-204.Kim, J. B., and B. Y. Song. (2011). Auditor quality and loan syndicate structure. Auditing: 37A Journal of Practice & Theory 30 (4), 71–99.King, R. R., S. M. Davis, and N. Mintchik. (2012). Mandatory disclosure of the engagementpartner’s identity: Potential benefits and unintended consequences. AccountingHorizon 26 (3), 533–561.Kipp, P. C. 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