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題名 On Lin Li`s Gua-Xiang Theory of Using Xiang Through Bagua in Zhouyi Jingzhuan Jijie
作者 陳睿宏
Chen, Rui-Hong
貢獻者 中文系
關鍵詞 林栗 ; 周易經傳集解 ; 象數 ; 卦象 ; 用象
Lin Li ; Zhouyi Jingzhuan Jijie ; Xiang-Shu ; Gua-Xiang ; Taiji
日期 2017-06
上傳時間 13-六月-2018 12:01:21 (UTC+8)
摘要 林栗(字黃中,1120-1190)粲然可觀的卦象運用,為其易學的最重要特色之一,也是其象數易學思想的重要主張。肯定用象的必要性,強調「易者象也」,《易》作為一套卜筮系統,或是作為知識體系,「象」作為系統或體系建成的根本元素。強調「《易》之取象,不一而足」。林栗的八卦用象,以《說卦傳》作為依據,並進一步比類推衍而運用大量的卦象,辨諸物物之象以正言斷辭,建立出屬於自己的用象法則。因此,本文主要探討林栗卦象運用的實質內涵,包括從太極生次的主體取象方法與六十四卦相因與變化關係下的用象方式進行開展,進一步論述八卦立象為天地自然之理、八卦之主要用象、配應與從類之八卦用象、方位四時與五行之八卦用象,以及多卦併推與卦爻位相合之卦象等幾個論題,進行詳要之梳理,覩其卦象之用,揆度其方,最後作簡要的評析與檢討,透過對其卦象主張的認識,使能對其易學定位,得到更為具體的瞭解。
Lin Li`s diverse application of Gua-Xiang is one of distinguishing features of his Yi theory and his view on Xiang-Shu. Lin acknowledges the necessity of the use of Xiang with the idea "Yi is Xiang." He emphasizes that the ways to obtain Xiang from Yi are too many to be enumerated. Whether Yi is viewed as a divination system or an academic discipline, Xiang is the essential element of the system or discipline. Lin`s application of Xiang through Bagua is based on Shuoguazhuang, and further derives from it a great number of Gua-Xiang and applies them widely. By differentiating Xiang of various things and deciding on their resapective gua-yao-ci, Lin formulates his own theory of the application of Xiang. The present study aims to explore the content of Lin`s application of Gua-Xiang, including the method of deriving Bagua from Taiji, the interaction of 64 Gua and their changing relationship, then to discuss the issues of the natural truth of establishing Xiang through Bagua, the major use of Xiang through Bagua, the match and correlation of Xiang through Bagua, the use of Xiang through Bagua regarding directions, seasons, and Wu Xing (the Five Elements), and the derivation of multiple Gua and the consistence of Gua-yao-wei, and finally to offer a brief analysis and evaluation of Lin`s Gua-Xiang theory, hoping to provide a better understanding of the role Lin`s theory plays in the development of Yixue.
關聯 東華漢學, No.第25期, pp.81-132
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 中文系zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 陳睿宏zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chen, Rui-Hongen_US
dc.date (日期) 2017-06
dc.date.accessioned 13-六月-2018 12:01:21 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 13-六月-2018 12:01:21 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 13-六月-2018 12:01:21 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/117681-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 林栗(字黃中,1120-1190)粲然可觀的卦象運用,為其易學的最重要特色之一,也是其象數易學思想的重要主張。肯定用象的必要性,強調「易者象也」,《易》作為一套卜筮系統,或是作為知識體系,「象」作為系統或體系建成的根本元素。強調「《易》之取象,不一而足」。林栗的八卦用象,以《說卦傳》作為依據,並進一步比類推衍而運用大量的卦象,辨諸物物之象以正言斷辭,建立出屬於自己的用象法則。因此,本文主要探討林栗卦象運用的實質內涵,包括從太極生次的主體取象方法與六十四卦相因與變化關係下的用象方式進行開展,進一步論述八卦立象為天地自然之理、八卦之主要用象、配應與從類之八卦用象、方位四時與五行之八卦用象,以及多卦併推與卦爻位相合之卦象等幾個論題,進行詳要之梳理,覩其卦象之用,揆度其方,最後作簡要的評析與檢討,透過對其卦象主張的認識,使能對其易學定位,得到更為具體的瞭解。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Lin Li`s diverse application of Gua-Xiang is one of distinguishing features of his Yi theory and his view on Xiang-Shu. Lin acknowledges the necessity of the use of Xiang with the idea "Yi is Xiang." He emphasizes that the ways to obtain Xiang from Yi are too many to be enumerated. Whether Yi is viewed as a divination system or an academic discipline, Xiang is the essential element of the system or discipline. Lin`s application of Xiang through Bagua is based on Shuoguazhuang, and further derives from it a great number of Gua-Xiang and applies them widely. By differentiating Xiang of various things and deciding on their resapective gua-yao-ci, Lin formulates his own theory of the application of Xiang. The present study aims to explore the content of Lin`s application of Gua-Xiang, including the method of deriving Bagua from Taiji, the interaction of 64 Gua and their changing relationship, then to discuss the issues of the natural truth of establishing Xiang through Bagua, the major use of Xiang through Bagua, the match and correlation of Xiang through Bagua, the use of Xiang through Bagua regarding directions, seasons, and Wu Xing (the Five Elements), and the derivation of multiple Gua and the consistence of Gua-yao-wei, and finally to offer a brief analysis and evaluation of Lin`s Gua-Xiang theory, hoping to provide a better understanding of the role Lin`s theory plays in the development of Yixue.en_US
dc.format.extent 3091764 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 東華漢學, No.第25期, pp.81-132zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 林栗 ; 周易經傳集解 ; 象數 ; 卦象 ; 用象zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Lin Li ; Zhouyi Jingzhuan Jijie ; Xiang-Shu ; Gua-Xiang ; Taijien_US
dc.title (題名) On Lin Li`s Gua-Xiang Theory of Using Xiang Through Bagua in Zhouyi Jingzhuan Jijieen_US
dc.title (題名) 林栗《周易經傳集解》八卦用象的卦象觀zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) article