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題名 Between Translation and Transformation: Examining the German Translation of E-PLAN Scripts from the Perspective of Functional Translation
譯與易之間 – 從功能翻譯的視角檢視E-PLAN腳本的德譯
作者 徐安妮
Hsu, An-Nie
貢獻者 歐洲語文學系
關鍵詞 E-plan計畫 ; 德/漢翻譯 ; 功能翻譯
E-Plan Project ; German/Chinese Translation ; Functional Translation
日期 2013-07
上傳時間 19-Jun-2018 17:17:09 (UTC+8)
摘要 輔仁大學外語學院傾力執行E-PLAN計畫所建立的「語言與跨文化學習動漫平台」旨在為各國語言的學習者建構一個既能提高聽、說、讀、寫四大語言技能,又能培養跨文化溝通能力的學習管道。據此,作為主教材的情境動畫,其人物對話腳本的翻譯也必須是以使譯文也同樣具備這兩大功能為目標。德語組的翻譯工作是由兩位德籍老師及一位台籍老師共同負責。兩階段合計27個單元皆以「討論→翻譯→討論→校正→討論→修飾」的工作模式完成。鑒於翻譯本身即是一種溝通行為,本文擬就跨文化溝通的視角,以「異!」、「譯?」與「易。」三個不同的面向呈現德文翻譯過程中,在德、漢兩國譯者間,在原文與譯文間以及在劇中角色間的跨文化交流與對話,並藉由Christiane Nord「功能加忠誠」的翻譯理論,除檢視德文組為因應語言及文化差異所採行的不同翻譯策略,同時也印證「翻譯」其實就是一種跨語言及跨文化的溝通的具體實踐。
The College of Foreign Languages at Fu Jen Catholic University is developing the ”Language and Cross-Cultural Animated Learning Platform” for the E-Plan Project on Cross-Cultural Communication in aim to establish a learning channel that not only helps to enhance the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, but also cultivates cross-cultural communication skills for learners of foreign languages. Therefore, the translation of animation scripts must also achieve the aforementioned two functions, as the animation clips are the main learning materials.The team in charge of translation into German consists of two German lecturers and one Taiwanese instructor. Two levels --a total of 27 units--are translated through the process of ”Discussion → Translation → Proofreading → Discussion→Modification”. Since translation in itself is a form of communication, this paper will examine the process of translation into German through the perspective of cross-cultural communication, presenting the three aspects--”Differentiation!”, ”Translation?”, and ”Transformation” -- of the cross-cultural exchanges and dialogues between German and Chinese translators, as well as between the original texts, translated texts, and the characters in the animation clips. Also, through Christiane Nord’s translation theory of ”Function Plus Loyalty”, the paper examines the different strategies adopted by the translation team in response to language and cultural differences, and at the same time verifies that ”translation” is a physical practice of cross-cultural and cross-language communication.
關聯 輔仁外語學報, No.第10期, pp.89-106
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 歐洲語文學系zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 徐安妮zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Hsu, An-Nieen_US (日期) 2013-07 19-Jun-2018 17:17:09 (UTC+8)- 19-Jun-2018 17:17:09 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 19-Jun-2018 17:17:09 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 輔仁大學外語學院傾力執行E-PLAN計畫所建立的「語言與跨文化學習動漫平台」旨在為各國語言的學習者建構一個既能提高聽、說、讀、寫四大語言技能,又能培養跨文化溝通能力的學習管道。據此,作為主教材的情境動畫,其人物對話腳本的翻譯也必須是以使譯文也同樣具備這兩大功能為目標。德語組的翻譯工作是由兩位德籍老師及一位台籍老師共同負責。兩階段合計27個單元皆以「討論→翻譯→討論→校正→討論→修飾」的工作模式完成。鑒於翻譯本身即是一種溝通行為,本文擬就跨文化溝通的視角,以「異!」、「譯?」與「易。」三個不同的面向呈現德文翻譯過程中,在德、漢兩國譯者間,在原文與譯文間以及在劇中角色間的跨文化交流與對話,並藉由Christiane Nord「功能加忠誠」的翻譯理論,除檢視德文組為因應語言及文化差異所採行的不同翻譯策略,同時也印證「翻譯」其實就是一種跨語言及跨文化的溝通的具體實踐。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The College of Foreign Languages at Fu Jen Catholic University is developing the ”Language and Cross-Cultural Animated Learning Platform” for the E-Plan Project on Cross-Cultural Communication in aim to establish a learning channel that not only helps to enhance the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, but also cultivates cross-cultural communication skills for learners of foreign languages. Therefore, the translation of animation scripts must also achieve the aforementioned two functions, as the animation clips are the main learning materials.The team in charge of translation into German consists of two German lecturers and one Taiwanese instructor. Two levels --a total of 27 units--are translated through the process of ”Discussion → Translation → Proofreading → Discussion→Modification”. Since translation in itself is a form of communication, this paper will examine the process of translation into German through the perspective of cross-cultural communication, presenting the three aspects--”Differentiation!”, ”Translation?”, and ”Transformation” -- of the cross-cultural exchanges and dialogues between German and Chinese translators, as well as between the original texts, translated texts, and the characters in the animation clips. Also, through Christiane Nord’s translation theory of ”Function Plus Loyalty”, the paper examines the different strategies adopted by the translation team in response to language and cultural differences, and at the same time verifies that ”translation” is a physical practice of cross-cultural and cross-language communication.en_US
dc.format.extent 1976324 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 輔仁外語學報, No.第10期, pp.89-106zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) E-plan計畫 ; 德/漢翻譯 ; 功能翻譯zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) E-Plan Project ; German/Chinese Translation ; Functional Translationen_US
dc.title (題名) Between Translation and Transformation: Examining the German Translation of E-PLAN Scripts from the Perspective of Functional Translationen_US
dc.title (題名) 譯與易之間 – 從功能翻譯的視角檢視E-PLAN腳本的德譯zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) article