題名 國際投資法架構下智慧財產權爭端解決 ─ 以投資人─地主國爭端仲裁為核心
The Settlement of Intellectual Property Under the Framework of International Investment Law ─ISDS as a Focus作者 蔡詠潔
Tsai, Yung-Chieh貢獻者 沈宗倫
Shen, Chung-Lun
Tsai, Yung-Chieh關鍵詞 智慧財產權
Intellectual Property rights (IPRs)
International investment law
ISDS mechanism
TRIPS agreement
Philip Morris v. Australia
Philip Morris v. Uruguay
Eli Lilly v. Canada
WTO dispute settlement system日期 2018 上傳時間 3-七月-2018 17:31:59 (UTC+8) 摘要 智慧財產權之規範體制由原先各國依內國法決定轉向於國際貿易協定中建立統一之保障,如TRIPS協定即建立國際智慧財產權之最低保護標準。然隨著已開發國家對於國際智慧財產權之保護需求不斷提高,國際間逐漸開始將智慧財產權納入國際投資協定之架構中,國際貿易協定結合國際投資章節也開始成為新風潮如「跨太平洋夥伴全面進展協定」(Comprehensive Progressive Agreement for Trans─Pacific Partnership; CPTPP)之前身「跨太平洋夥伴協定」(The Trans-Pacific Partnership; TPP)及目前尚未簽署之「跨大西洋貿易及投資夥伴協定」(US─EU Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership; TTIP)都同時對智慧財產權以及投資人─地主國爭端仲裁解決機制(Investor-state dispute settlement; ISDS)設有規範,國際投資法架構下國際智慧財產權應如何適用成為爭議。且由於國際投資法對於國際智慧財產權是相對較新的領域,許多規範體制發展並未如國際智慧財產權於國際貿易法領域中有完整規範,智慧財產權無體財產之性質也增添適用上之難度,如智慧財產權是否為投資,以及徵收條款、國民待遇條款、最惠國待遇條款及公平與公正待遇條款又該如何適用到智財投資。本文除對於智慧財產權如何適用國際投資法作出探討,更希望透過投資人─地主國爭端仲裁解決機制了解目前智慧財產權之規範體制向國際投資法發展會遇到之爭議,如對於「與貿易有關之智慧財產權協定」(Agreement on Trade─Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights,TRIPS協定)之彈性為國家主權留下之監管空間可能會受到挑戰,如Philip Morris公司案(Philip Morris v. Australia; Philip Morris v. Uruguay) 對澳洲及烏拉圭之菸品素面包裝法案提起投資人─地主國爭端仲裁,而Eli Lilly公司案(Eli Lilly v. Canada)亦對於加拿大之專利實用性承諾主義與其被撤銷之藥品專利提起投資人─地主國爭端仲裁,兩者皆為引起國際關注之智慧財產權投資人─地主國爭端仲裁案件。由於國際投資法之發展背景使其較傾向保護外國投資人及爭端仲裁案件之機密性質,使得對於投資人─地主國爭端仲裁解決機制之批評不斷加上智財投資爭端案件日益增加,CPTPP之前身TPP與TTIP開始重新反思投資人─地主國爭端仲裁解決機制之規範,如將仲裁文書資料公開透明化、對於仲裁人之選擇更加嚴謹、並新增第三方參加仲裁程序之制度及法庭之友制度等,更提出國際投資法院之構想欲創立多邊投資法院。投資人─地主國爭端仲裁機制援引世界貿易組織(World Trade Orgazation; WTO) 爭端解決之法理,使得WTO下各項協定可能成為特定領域投資爭端之準據法。雖然對於智慧財產權是否應適用投資人─地主國爭端仲裁解決機制仍有許多爭議,但可預見的是WTO爭端解決機制已非智財爭端解決之唯一場域。從Eli Lilly公司案以及Philip Morris公司案的仲裁結果中,仲裁庭並未大幅提高智財的保護標準,而是維持TRIPS協定最低保護標準之規範未增設TRIPS協定所無之權利。投資人─地主國爭端仲裁程序雖不同於以往智慧財產權人尋求爭端解決之途徑,惟本質上智慧財產權於TRIPS協定中之核心原則並未被改變。
Shifting from the domestic law to the international trade law, the intellectual property (IP) regime established the minimum standards for the protection of IP in the The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement)TRIPS agreement. While With the demands for higher IP protection by from the developed countries increase, the regime shifts towards the international investment law and IP has also been gradually encompassed intellectual property as “investment” in the International Investment Agreements (IIAs). The application of international intellectual property rights (IPRs) under the framework of international investment law becomes an issue following by the incorporation of investment chapters in the international trade agreements. For instance, the Comprehensive Progressive Agreement for Trans─Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), the revised Trans-Pacific Partership (TPP) Agreement as well as the negotiating US─EU Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) both Agreement include IP chapters and investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanisms. International investment law is a relatively new and underestimated growing field for IP norms comparinge with the trade regime. The intangibility of IP further complicates the convergence of IP norms and the investment regime. The issues involve lie in whether IPRs are covered investments and how IPRs are appliedto apply IPRs under the standards of investment protection, such as expropriation, national treatment (NT), most- favored- nation (MFN) and fair and equitable treatment (FET).In addition to issues involving the application of IPRs under international investment law, this paper also focuses on the controversies stemming from the intersection of ISDS and IPRs. The shift of the IP regime to ISDS challenges the TRIPS flexibilities and the regulatory space of the host statenational sovereignty. The classic typical examples are the Philip Morris cases and the Eli Lilly case. The former case concerneding Australia’s and Uruguay’s Tobacco Plain Packaging Acts, while the latter case concerneding Canada’s patent utility promise doctrine and invalidated pharmaceutical patents. These Both of the IP-related ISDS cases attract worldwide attentions. Since traditionally the origins of the international investment law, it tends to protect investors and mantain the confidentiality and party-autonomy of ISDS mechanisms, the IP-related investment disputes ISDS cases increase and accompany with a flood of criticism on about the ISDS mechanisms follows. It therefore can be seen that modern IIAs, including Consequently, CPTPP, (TPP) and TTIP sought begin to improve the ISDS mechanisms by making the arbitral documents publicly accessible to ensure the transparency of arbitral proceedings ; establishing moral and conduct standards for selecting ISDS arbitrators ofto ensure their integrity; coverallowing third-party and non-disputing party (amicus curiae) participation and accepting amicus curiae briefs. Also, the concept of Multiple Investment Court promoted by European Union is one of the promosing improvements. The Multiple Investment Court would be a permanent body with an appeal tribunal and have tenured, highly qualified judges instead of parties-selected arbitrators.This paper argues that In fact, it is not the higher levels of IP protection that investors seek, but predictable answers to key legal questions. Although unsolved controversies regarding to the IP regime and the ISDS mechanisms still exist, what can be confirmed is there’s one thing to be sure that the WTO dispute settlement system is will no longer be the sole forum for the settlement of IP disputes. As demonstrated Iin the Philip Morris cases and the Eli Lilly case, arbitral tribunals did not significantly raise the level of IP protection level nor create new IPRs. The international minimum standard established in from the TRIPS agreement was well-repected. 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104651011資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104651011 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 沈宗倫 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Shen, Chung-Lun en_US dc.contributor.author (作者) 蔡詠潔 zh_TW dc.contributor.author (作者) Tsai, Yung-Chieh en_US dc.creator (作者) 蔡詠潔 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Tsai, Yung-Chieh en_US dc.date (日期) 2018 en_US dc.date.accessioned 3-七月-2018 17:31:59 (UTC+8) - dc.date.available 3-七月-2018 17:31:59 (UTC+8) - dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 3-七月-2018 17:31:59 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0104651011 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/118275 - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 法律學系 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 104651011 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 智慧財產權之規範體制由原先各國依內國法決定轉向於國際貿易協定中建立統一之保障,如TRIPS協定即建立國際智慧財產權之最低保護標準。然隨著已開發國家對於國際智慧財產權之保護需求不斷提高,國際間逐漸開始將智慧財產權納入國際投資協定之架構中,國際貿易協定結合國際投資章節也開始成為新風潮如「跨太平洋夥伴全面進展協定」(Comprehensive Progressive Agreement for Trans─Pacific Partnership; CPTPP)之前身「跨太平洋夥伴協定」(The Trans-Pacific Partnership; TPP)及目前尚未簽署之「跨大西洋貿易及投資夥伴協定」(US─EU Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership; TTIP)都同時對智慧財產權以及投資人─地主國爭端仲裁解決機制(Investor-state dispute settlement; ISDS)設有規範,國際投資法架構下國際智慧財產權應如何適用成為爭議。且由於國際投資法對於國際智慧財產權是相對較新的領域,許多規範體制發展並未如國際智慧財產權於國際貿易法領域中有完整規範,智慧財產權無體財產之性質也增添適用上之難度,如智慧財產權是否為投資,以及徵收條款、國民待遇條款、最惠國待遇條款及公平與公正待遇條款又該如何適用到智財投資。本文除對於智慧財產權如何適用國際投資法作出探討,更希望透過投資人─地主國爭端仲裁解決機制了解目前智慧財產權之規範體制向國際投資法發展會遇到之爭議,如對於「與貿易有關之智慧財產權協定」(Agreement on Trade─Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights,TRIPS協定)之彈性為國家主權留下之監管空間可能會受到挑戰,如Philip Morris公司案(Philip Morris v. Australia; Philip Morris v. Uruguay) 對澳洲及烏拉圭之菸品素面包裝法案提起投資人─地主國爭端仲裁,而Eli Lilly公司案(Eli Lilly v. Canada)亦對於加拿大之專利實用性承諾主義與其被撤銷之藥品專利提起投資人─地主國爭端仲裁,兩者皆為引起國際關注之智慧財產權投資人─地主國爭端仲裁案件。由於國際投資法之發展背景使其較傾向保護外國投資人及爭端仲裁案件之機密性質,使得對於投資人─地主國爭端仲裁解決機制之批評不斷加上智財投資爭端案件日益增加,CPTPP之前身TPP與TTIP開始重新反思投資人─地主國爭端仲裁解決機制之規範,如將仲裁文書資料公開透明化、對於仲裁人之選擇更加嚴謹、並新增第三方參加仲裁程序之制度及法庭之友制度等,更提出國際投資法院之構想欲創立多邊投資法院。投資人─地主國爭端仲裁機制援引世界貿易組織(World Trade Orgazation; WTO) 爭端解決之法理,使得WTO下各項協定可能成為特定領域投資爭端之準據法。雖然對於智慧財產權是否應適用投資人─地主國爭端仲裁解決機制仍有許多爭議,但可預見的是WTO爭端解決機制已非智財爭端解決之唯一場域。從Eli Lilly公司案以及Philip Morris公司案的仲裁結果中,仲裁庭並未大幅提高智財的保護標準,而是維持TRIPS協定最低保護標準之規範未增設TRIPS協定所無之權利。投資人─地主國爭端仲裁程序雖不同於以往智慧財產權人尋求爭端解決之途徑,惟本質上智慧財產權於TRIPS協定中之核心原則並未被改變。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) Shifting from the domestic law to the international trade law, the intellectual property (IP) regime established the minimum standards for the protection of IP in the The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement)TRIPS agreement. While With the demands for higher IP protection by from the developed countries increase, the regime shifts towards the international investment law and IP has also been gradually encompassed intellectual property as “investment” in the International Investment Agreements (IIAs). The application of international intellectual property rights (IPRs) under the framework of international investment law becomes an issue following by the incorporation of investment chapters in the international trade agreements. For instance, the Comprehensive Progressive Agreement for Trans─Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), the revised Trans-Pacific Partership (TPP) Agreement as well as the negotiating US─EU Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) both Agreement include IP chapters and investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanisms. International investment law is a relatively new and underestimated growing field for IP norms comparinge with the trade regime. The intangibility of IP further complicates the convergence of IP norms and the investment regime. The issues involve lie in whether IPRs are covered investments and how IPRs are appliedto apply IPRs under the standards of investment protection, such as expropriation, national treatment (NT), most- favored- nation (MFN) and fair and equitable treatment (FET).In addition to issues involving the application of IPRs under international investment law, this paper also focuses on the controversies stemming from the intersection of ISDS and IPRs. The shift of the IP regime to ISDS challenges the TRIPS flexibilities and the regulatory space of the host statenational sovereignty. The classic typical examples are the Philip Morris cases and the Eli Lilly case. The former case concerneding Australia’s and Uruguay’s Tobacco Plain Packaging Acts, while the latter case concerneding Canada’s patent utility promise doctrine and invalidated pharmaceutical patents. These Both of the IP-related ISDS cases attract worldwide attentions. Since traditionally the origins of the international investment law, it tends to protect investors and mantain the confidentiality and party-autonomy of ISDS mechanisms, the IP-related investment disputes ISDS cases increase and accompany with a flood of criticism on about the ISDS mechanisms follows. It therefore can be seen that modern IIAs, including Consequently, CPTPP, (TPP) and TTIP sought begin to improve the ISDS mechanisms by making the arbitral documents publicly accessible to ensure the transparency of arbitral proceedings ; establishing moral and conduct standards for selecting ISDS arbitrators ofto ensure their integrity; coverallowing third-party and non-disputing party (amicus curiae) participation and accepting amicus curiae briefs. Also, the concept of Multiple Investment Court promoted by European Union is one of the promosing improvements. The Multiple Investment Court would be a permanent body with an appeal tribunal and have tenured, highly qualified judges instead of parties-selected arbitrators.This paper argues that In fact, it is not the higher levels of IP protection that investors seek, but predictable answers to key legal questions. Although unsolved controversies regarding to the IP regime and the ISDS mechanisms still exist, what can be confirmed is there’s one thing to be sure that the WTO dispute settlement system is will no longer be the sole forum for the settlement of IP disputes. As demonstrated Iin the Philip Morris cases and the Eli Lilly case, arbitral tribunals did not significantly raise the level of IP protection level nor create new IPRs. The international minimum standard established in from the TRIPS agreement was well-repected. Aand ISDS still preserves the core value of IP. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 9第一節 研究動機與目的 9第二節 研究方法與限制 10第三節 論文結構 11第二章 國際投資法與投資人─地主國爭端仲裁之概述 12第一節 國際投資法之概述 12第一項 國際投資法之沿革 12第二項 國際投資法之法源 17第三項 國際投資法與國際貿易法之關聯 19第二節 投資人與地主國之國際投資爭端解決方式 22第一項 國際投資爭端解決方式 22第二項 國際投資爭端解決中心(ICSID)仲裁規則 25第三項 投資人─地主國爭端仲裁之爭議 30第三節 小結 32第三章 智慧財產權規範體制由國際貿易法向國際投資法移轉 33第一節 體制移轉與智慧財產權 33第二節 智慧財產權規範體制由內國法向國際貿易法移轉 35第一項 從內國法向國際貿易法發展 35第二項 TRIPS協定建立國際智慧財產權規範 37第三節 智慧財產權規範體制向國際投資法移轉 39第四節 智慧財產權應屬外國直接投資(FDI) 41第一項 國際投資協定下之智財投資 42第二項 ICSID第25條下之智財投資 45第三項 智財投資之爭議 48第五節 小結 50第四章 智財權在投資人─地主國爭端仲裁與國際貿易法之交錯 52第一節 投資人─地主國爭端仲裁挑戰TRIPS協定之彈性 52第一項 TRIPS協定之彈性 52第二項 TRIPS協定之彈性受投資人─地主國爭端仲裁挑戰之處 53第二節 智財權之投資人─地主國爭端仲裁案件 55第一項 與智財相關之國際投資條款 56第二項 Philip Morris公司案:商標權之國際爭端 58第三節 國際貿易協定同時具備智財章節與投資章節 62第一項 Eli Lilly公司案:專利權之國際爭端 62第二項 CPTPP對智財權及投資人─地主國爭端仲裁之影響 66第三項 TTIP納入投資人─地主國爭端仲裁 85第四節 小結 96第五章 智慧財產權與投資人─地主國爭端仲裁之未來發展 98第一節 投資人─地主國爭端仲裁未來發展之一體兩面 98第一項 投資人─地主國爭端仲裁機制將造成之衝擊 98第二項 投資人─地主國爭端仲裁機制將產生之益處 99第二節 投資人─地主國爭端仲裁之改革方向 100第一項 回歸地主國之內國法與內國法院 101第二項 設立地主國法治發展評分機制 103第三項 改進現有投資人─地主國爭端仲裁規範架構 105第三節 投資人─地主國爭端仲裁機制援引WTO爭端解決機制 109第一項 對於仲裁本質之折衷 109第二項 投資人─地主國爭端仲裁機制援引WTO爭端解決機制之影響 111第四節 智財權適用投資人─地主國爭端仲裁之情形 113第一項 限制國際投資法對國際智財規範體制之侵入 113第二項 鼓勵國際智財規範體制向國際投資法移轉 114第三項 投資人─地主國爭端仲裁對於智財權之影響 114第五節 小結 116第六章 結論 118官方文獻 120參考文獻 126 zh_TW dc.format.extent 5551845 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104651011 en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 智慧財產權 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 國際投資法 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 投資人─地主國爭端仲裁解決機制 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) TRIPS協定 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) WTO爭端解決 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Intellectual Property rights (IPRs) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) International investment law en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) ISDS mechanism en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) TRIPS agreement en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Philip Morris v. Australia en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Philip Morris v. Uruguay en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Eli Lilly v. 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