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題名 校園開放空間步行環境熱舒適性之研究 - 以臺北市政治大學為例
The Thermal Comfort of Walking Environment in Campus Open Space - A Case Study of National ChengChi University
作者 溫靖儒
Wen, Ching-Ju
貢獻者 孫振義
Sun, Chen-Yi
Wen, Ching-Ju
關鍵詞 校園
Open space
Walking environment
Thermal comfort
日期 2018
上傳時間 19-七月-2018 17:29:28 (UTC+8)
摘要 在都市規劃中,大型開放空間具有調節都市氣溫的功能,然而,熱舒適性不佳的開放空間將會降低使用者的使用意願,造成規劃不當的結果產生。過往之研究鮮有探討開放空間步行環境與熱舒適性關係之議題,我國對於步行環境品質規範的法規與政策也鮮少將熱舒適性納入考量,據此,本研究遂以臺北市文山區內的國立政治大學為研究地點,透過實地量測、熱環境因子調查、問卷調查與CFD軟體模擬法,逐步討論開放空間步行環境高溫化的現象、成因以及改善策略,以提供未來規劃原則之參考依據。
Massive open spaces play a role of adjusting city temperature in terms of urban planning. However, open spaces with poor thermal comfort may frustrate the intention of users, and thus be labeled as improper planning. Researcher found that empirical research put little emphasis on investigating the relationship between walking environments in open spaces and thermal comfort, along with regulations and policies in the country that rarely took thermal comfort into consideration. Hence, by setting National Chengchi University in Wenshan District, Taipei City as the target site, the present study aimed to generate systematic discussions for the temperature elevation of walking environments in open spaces as well as its causes and countermeasures with the aid of field measurements, investigations on thermal environment factor, questionnaires, and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation software. It was hoped to provide references and principles for urban planning in the future as well.
The result suggest that at the noontime in hot seasons, places with high sky view facator turned out to be high temperature sites in the walking environment in open spaces. With the elevation of temperature, users may have distinct physical senses, and thus decrease their satisfaction with the environment. In addition, the present study utilized CFD simulation software to carry out countermeasures for thermal comfort of walking environments in open spaces, including improvements in pavement materials, planting layouts, and expansion of the water body. The findings of this study can be served as a reference and principle for planning walking environments in open spaces in the future.
參考文獻 中文參考文獻
1. 專書
Bell, A.,Greece, C.,Fisher, D. and Batum, A.著,1999,聶筱秋、胡中凡譯,2003,『環境心理學』,臺北:桂冠出版社。
2. 期刊論文
王小磷、司徒世瀚,1998,「都市開放空間及其活動型態之探討 – 以台中市都市開放空間為例」,『設計學報』,3(1):55。
劉小蘭、賴玟琦,2011,「都市化與氣候暖化關係之研究 – 以台北都會區為例」,『台灣土地研究期刊』,14(2):39-66。
3. 博、碩士論文
4. 其他
江哲銘、陳清焰、周伯丞、賴啟銘,2000,「空氣流場預測在輔助建築設計之應 用–採用CFD數值模擬技術」,中華民國建築學會第十二屆建築研究成果發表會論文集。
1. 專書
ASHRAE., 2010, ASHRAE Standard: Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy, Atlanta: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers.
Brunswik, E., 1956, The conceptual framework of psychology, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Cranz, G., 1982, The Politics of Park Design: A History of Urban Parks in America, Cambridge: MIT Press.
Fanger, P.O., 1970, Thermal Comfort: Analysis and Applications in Environmental Engineering, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company.
Gerrig, R.J., 2012, Psychology and life – 20th ed., London: Pearson Education.
Gibson, J.J., 1979, The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception, Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Gold, S., 1980, Recreation planning and design. New York., McGraw Hill.
Heckscher, A., and Robinson, P., 1977, Open Spaces: The Life of American Cities, New York., Harper & Row.
Hoy, W.K., and Miskel, C.G., 2001, Educational Administration: Theory, Research and Practice, New York: McGraw-Hill.
Russell, J.A., and Snodgrass, J.D., 1987, Handbook of environmental psychology, Altman: D Stokols and I.
ISO., 1998, Ergonomics of the thermal environment -- Instruments for measuring physical quantities, Geneva.: International Organization for Standardization.
ISO., 2005, Ergonomics of the thermal environment — Analytical determination and interpretation of thermal comfort using calculation of the PMV and PPD indices and local thermal comfort criteria, Geneva.: International Organization for Standardization.
Fruin, J.J., 1971, Pedestrian planning and design, Metropolitan Association of Urban Designers and Environmental Planners.
Jacobs, J., 1961, The Death and Life of Great American Cities, New York: Random House.
Landsberg, H.E., 1981,The Urban Climate, New York:Academic Press.
Lynch, K., 1960, The Image of The City, Cambridge: MIT Press
Newman, O.,1972, Defensible Space: Crime Prevention Through Urban Design
, London: Collier Books.
Spreireger, P.D., 1968, On the Art Of Design Cities: Selected Esays of Elbert, Cambridge: Mass.: M.I.I.Press.
Trancik, R., 1986, Finding Lost Space: Theories of Urban Design, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
Woolley, H., 2003, Urban Open Spaces, UK: Taylor & Francis.
2. 期刊論文
Akbari, H., and Konopacki, S., 2004, “Energy effects of heat-island reduction strategies in Toronto”, Energy, 29(2):191-210.
Aynsley, R., and Sprill, M., 1990, “Thermal comfort models for outdoor thermal comfort in warm humid climates and probabilities of low wind speeds”, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 36(1): 481-488.
Barnett, A.G., 2007, “Temperature and cardiovascular deaths in the US elderly: changes over time”, Epidemiology, 18(3): 369-372.
Bates, G.M., and Miller, V., 2002, “Empirical validation of a new heat stress index”, The Journal of Occupational Health and Safety-Australia, 18(2):145-153.
Blazejczyk, K., Epstein, Y., Jendritzky, G., Staiger, H., and Tinz, B., 2012, “Comparison of UTCI to selected thermal indices”, Appraisal Journal, 56(3): 515-535.
Bond, M.H., 2013, “Refining Lewin`s formula: A general model for explaining situational influence on individual social behavior”, Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 16(1): 1-15.
Brager, G.S., and Dear, R.J., 1998, “Thermal adaptation in the built environment: a literature review”, Energy and Buildings, 27(1):83-96.
Brake, D.J., and Bates, G.P., 1998, “Limiting Metabolic Rate (Thermal Work Limit) as an Index of Thermal Stress”, Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 17(3):176-186.
Chan, S.Y., Chau, C.K., and Leung, T.M. 2017, “On the study of thermal comfort and perceptions of environmental features in urban parks: A structural equation modeling approach”, Building and Environment, 122: 171-183.
Cheng, V., and Ng, E., 2006, “Thermal Comfort in Urban Open Spaces for Hong Kong”, Architectural Science Review, 49(3): 236-242.
Goshayeshi, D., Shahidan, M.D., Khafi, F., and Ehtesham, E., 2013, “A review of researches about human thermal comfort in semi-outdoor spaces”, Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 2(4): 516-523.
Proshansky, H.M., 1973, “The Environmental Crisis In Human Dignity”, Journal of Social Issues, 29(4): 1-20.
Huang, C., Barnett, A.G., Wang, X., Vaneckova, P., FitzGeraid G., and Tong, S., 2011, “Projecting future heat-related mortality under climate change scenarios: a systematic review”, Environmental Health Perspect, 119(12): 1681-1690.
Ichinose, T., Shimodozono, K., and Hanaki, K., 1990, “Impact of anthropogenic heat on urban climate in Tokyo”, Atmospheric Environment, 33(24-25): 3897-3909.
Ji, W., Cao, B., Luo, M., and Zhu, Y., 2017, “Influence of short-term thermal experience on thermal comfort evaluations: A climate chamber experiment”, Building and Environment, 114: 246-256.
Johansson, E., Thorsson, S., Emmanuel, R., and Krüger, E., 2014, “Instruments and methods in outdoor thermal comfort studies – The need for standardization”, Urban Climate, 10(2): 346-366.
Jonsson, P., 2004, “Vegetation as an urban climate control in the subtropical city of Gaborone”, International Journal of Climatology, 24(10): 1307-1322.
Knez, I., Thorsson, S., Eliasson I., and Lindberg F., 2009, “Psychological mechanisms in outdoor place and weather assessment: towards a conceptual model”, International Journal of Biometeorol, 53: 101-111.
Krüger, E.L., Minella, F.O. and Rasia, F., 2011, “Impact of urban geometry on outdoor thermal comfort and air quality from field measurements in Curitiba, Brazil, Building and Environment”, Building and Environment, 46(3): 621-634.
Lin, T.P., Ho, Y.F., and Huang, Y.S., 2006, “Seasonal effect of pavement on outdoor thermal environments in subtropical Taiwan”, Building and Environment, 42(12): 4124-4131.
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3. 其他
Nikolopoulou, M., Baker, N., and Steemers, K., 1999, “Thermal comfort in outdoor urban spaces: different forms of adaptation”, International Conference: The Cities of Tomorrow.
Standards & Guidelines,取用日期:2017年10月5日
Scarlet TWL-1S,取用日期:2017年8月15日
描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1052570091
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 孫振義zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Sun, Chen-Yien_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 溫靖儒zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Wen, Ching-Juen_US
dc.creator (作者) 溫靖儒zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Wen, Ching-Juen_US
dc.date (日期) 2018en_US
dc.date.accessioned 19-七月-2018 17:29:28 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 19-七月-2018 17:29:28 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 19-七月-2018 17:29:28 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G1052570091en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/118763-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 地政學系 zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 1052570091zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 在都市規劃中,大型開放空間具有調節都市氣溫的功能,然而,熱舒適性不佳的開放空間將會降低使用者的使用意願,造成規劃不當的結果產生。過往之研究鮮有探討開放空間步行環境與熱舒適性關係之議題,我國對於步行環境品質規範的法規與政策也鮮少將熱舒適性納入考量,據此,本研究遂以臺北市文山區內的國立政治大學為研究地點,透過實地量測、熱環境因子調查、問卷調查與CFD軟體模擬法,逐步討論開放空間步行環境高溫化的現象、成因以及改善策略,以提供未來規劃原則之參考依據。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Massive open spaces play a role of adjusting city temperature in terms of urban planning. However, open spaces with poor thermal comfort may frustrate the intention of users, and thus be labeled as improper planning. Researcher found that empirical research put little emphasis on investigating the relationship between walking environments in open spaces and thermal comfort, along with regulations and policies in the country that rarely took thermal comfort into consideration. Hence, by setting National Chengchi University in Wenshan District, Taipei City as the target site, the present study aimed to generate systematic discussions for the temperature elevation of walking environments in open spaces as well as its causes and countermeasures with the aid of field measurements, investigations on thermal environment factor, questionnaires, and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation software. It was hoped to provide references and principles for urban planning in the future as well.
The result suggest that at the noontime in hot seasons, places with high sky view facator turned out to be high temperature sites in the walking environment in open spaces. With the elevation of temperature, users may have distinct physical senses, and thus decrease their satisfaction with the environment. In addition, the present study utilized CFD simulation software to carry out countermeasures for thermal comfort of walking environments in open spaces, including improvements in pavement materials, planting layouts, and expansion of the water body. The findings of this study can be served as a reference and principle for planning walking environments in open spaces in the future.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究範圍與研究內容 5
第三節 研究方法 8
第四節 研究步驟與研究流程 10
第二章 文獻回顧 13
第一節 開放空間與步行環境 13
第二節 微氣候 17
第三節 熱舒適性相關理論 19
第四節 環境心理學與熱適應 27
第五節 影響熱環境之因子 29
第六節 小結 33
第三章 研究設計 35
第一節 研究方法概述 35
第二節 實測計畫 36
第三節 校園熱環境因子調查 49
第四節 問卷設計 52
第五節 模擬計畫 57
第四章 實證結果與分析 61
第一節 熱舒適性量測結果分析 61
第二節 熱舒適性心理量化問卷分析 71
第三節 熱舒適性與色彩聯想分析 81
第四節 熱環境因子與熱舒適性之關係 86
第五節 小結 89
第五章 熱環境調整方案模擬與綜合分析 91
第一節 個案研究設計 91
第二節 研究區域軟體模擬驗證 96
第三節 校園開放空間步行環境熱環境調整方案擬定 99
第四節 模擬結果綜合分析 110
第五節 小結 112
第六章 結論與建議 115
第一節 結論 115
第二節 後續研究建議 117
參考文獻 119
附錄一 熱舒適性調查問卷 附1-1
dc.format.extent 11532603 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1052570091en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 校園zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 開放空間zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 步行環境zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 熱舒適zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Campusen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Open spaceen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Walking environmenten_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Thermal comforten_US
dc.title (題名) 校園開放空間步行環境熱舒適性之研究 - 以臺北市政治大學為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The Thermal Comfort of Walking Environment in Campus Open Space - A Case Study of National ChengChi Universityen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文參考文獻
1. 專書
Bell, A.,Greece, C.,Fisher, D. and Batum, A.著,1999,聶筱秋、胡中凡譯,2003,『環境心理學』,臺北:桂冠出版社。
2. 期刊論文
王小磷、司徒世瀚,1998,「都市開放空間及其活動型態之探討 – 以台中市都市開放空間為例」,『設計學報』,3(1):55。
劉小蘭、賴玟琦,2011,「都市化與氣候暖化關係之研究 – 以台北都會區為例」,『台灣土地研究期刊』,14(2):39-66。
3. 博、碩士論文
4. 其他
江哲銘、陳清焰、周伯丞、賴啟銘,2000,「空氣流場預測在輔助建築設計之應 用–採用CFD數值模擬技術」,中華民國建築學會第十二屆建築研究成果發表會論文集。
1. 專書
ASHRAE., 2010, ASHRAE Standard: Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy, Atlanta: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers.
Brunswik, E., 1956, The conceptual framework of psychology, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Cranz, G., 1982, The Politics of Park Design: A History of Urban Parks in America, Cambridge: MIT Press.
Fanger, P.O., 1970, Thermal Comfort: Analysis and Applications in Environmental Engineering, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company.
Gerrig, R.J., 2012, Psychology and life – 20th ed., London: Pearson Education.
Gibson, J.J., 1979, The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception, Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Gold, S., 1980, Recreation planning and design. New York., McGraw Hill.
Heckscher, A., and Robinson, P., 1977, Open Spaces: The Life of American Cities, New York., Harper & Row.
Hoy, W.K., and Miskel, C.G., 2001, Educational Administration: Theory, Research and Practice, New York: McGraw-Hill.
Russell, J.A., and Snodgrass, J.D., 1987, Handbook of environmental psychology, Altman: D Stokols and I.
ISO., 1998, Ergonomics of the thermal environment -- Instruments for measuring physical quantities, Geneva.: International Organization for Standardization.
ISO., 2005, Ergonomics of the thermal environment — Analytical determination and interpretation of thermal comfort using calculation of the PMV and PPD indices and local thermal comfort criteria, Geneva.: International Organization for Standardization.
Fruin, J.J., 1971, Pedestrian planning and design, Metropolitan Association of Urban Designers and Environmental Planners.
Jacobs, J., 1961, The Death and Life of Great American Cities, New York: Random House.
Landsberg, H.E., 1981,The Urban Climate, New York:Academic Press.
Lynch, K., 1960, The Image of The City, Cambridge: MIT Press
Newman, O.,1972, Defensible Space: Crime Prevention Through Urban Design
, London: Collier Books.
Spreireger, P.D., 1968, On the Art Of Design Cities: Selected Esays of Elbert, Cambridge: Mass.: M.I.I.Press.
Trancik, R., 1986, Finding Lost Space: Theories of Urban Design, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
Woolley, H., 2003, Urban Open Spaces, UK: Taylor & Francis.
2. 期刊論文
Akbari, H., and Konopacki, S., 2004, “Energy effects of heat-island reduction strategies in Toronto”, Energy, 29(2):191-210.
Aynsley, R., and Sprill, M., 1990, “Thermal comfort models for outdoor thermal comfort in warm humid climates and probabilities of low wind speeds”, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 36(1): 481-488.
Barnett, A.G., 2007, “Temperature and cardiovascular deaths in the US elderly: changes over time”, Epidemiology, 18(3): 369-372.
Bates, G.M., and Miller, V., 2002, “Empirical validation of a new heat stress index”, The Journal of Occupational Health and Safety-Australia, 18(2):145-153.
Blazejczyk, K., Epstein, Y., Jendritzky, G., Staiger, H., and Tinz, B., 2012, “Comparison of UTCI to selected thermal indices”, Appraisal Journal, 56(3): 515-535.
Bond, M.H., 2013, “Refining Lewin`s formula: A general model for explaining situational influence on individual social behavior”, Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 16(1): 1-15.
Brager, G.S., and Dear, R.J., 1998, “Thermal adaptation in the built environment: a literature review”, Energy and Buildings, 27(1):83-96.
Brake, D.J., and Bates, G.P., 1998, “Limiting Metabolic Rate (Thermal Work Limit) as an Index of Thermal Stress”, Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 17(3):176-186.
Chan, S.Y., Chau, C.K., and Leung, T.M. 2017, “On the study of thermal comfort and perceptions of environmental features in urban parks: A structural equation modeling approach”, Building and Environment, 122: 171-183.
Cheng, V., and Ng, E., 2006, “Thermal Comfort in Urban Open Spaces for Hong Kong”, Architectural Science Review, 49(3): 236-242.
Goshayeshi, D., Shahidan, M.D., Khafi, F., and Ehtesham, E., 2013, “A review of researches about human thermal comfort in semi-outdoor spaces”, Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 2(4): 516-523.
Proshansky, H.M., 1973, “The Environmental Crisis In Human Dignity”, Journal of Social Issues, 29(4): 1-20.
Huang, C., Barnett, A.G., Wang, X., Vaneckova, P., FitzGeraid G., and Tong, S., 2011, “Projecting future heat-related mortality under climate change scenarios: a systematic review”, Environmental Health Perspect, 119(12): 1681-1690.
Ichinose, T., Shimodozono, K., and Hanaki, K., 1990, “Impact of anthropogenic heat on urban climate in Tokyo”, Atmospheric Environment, 33(24-25): 3897-3909.
Ji, W., Cao, B., Luo, M., and Zhu, Y., 2017, “Influence of short-term thermal experience on thermal comfort evaluations: A climate chamber experiment”, Building and Environment, 114: 246-256.
Johansson, E., Thorsson, S., Emmanuel, R., and Krüger, E., 2014, “Instruments and methods in outdoor thermal comfort studies – The need for standardization”, Urban Climate, 10(2): 346-366.
Jonsson, P., 2004, “Vegetation as an urban climate control in the subtropical city of Gaborone”, International Journal of Climatology, 24(10): 1307-1322.
Knez, I., Thorsson, S., Eliasson I., and Lindberg F., 2009, “Psychological mechanisms in outdoor place and weather assessment: towards a conceptual model”, International Journal of Biometeorol, 53: 101-111.
Krüger, E.L., Minella, F.O. and Rasia, F., 2011, “Impact of urban geometry on outdoor thermal comfort and air quality from field measurements in Curitiba, Brazil, Building and Environment”, Building and Environment, 46(3): 621-634.
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3. 其他
Nikolopoulou, M., Baker, N., and Steemers, K., 1999, “Thermal comfort in outdoor urban spaces: different forms of adaptation”, International Conference: The Cities of Tomorrow.
Standards & Guidelines,取用日期:2017年10月5日
Scarlet TWL-1S,取用日期:2017年8月15日
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6814/THE.NCCU.LE.004.2018.A05-