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題名 中國風電發展的地方政府行為分析:以內蒙古自治區為例
The Analysis of Local Government Behavior in China’s Wind Power Development: A Case Study of Inner Mongolia
作者 王婉臻
Wang, Wan-Jen
貢獻者 王振寰
Wang, Jenn-Hwan
Wang, Wan-Jen
關鍵詞 中國風電
Wind power in China
Local government
Environmentally bundled economic interest
Wind curtailment
日期 2018
上傳時間 27-Jul-2018 12:23:59 (UTC+8)
摘要 全球氣候變化正深刻地影響著人類生存和發展,為了改善國內環境的惡化和回應國際減碳的壓力,中國政府積極將環境保護的議題納入新的執政綱領之中,並大力發展風力發電為主的清潔能源以降低長期依賴燃煤發電的能源結構。儘管中國風電的裝機容量已傲居全球,但在快速發展的同時也面臨了各種問題和困境。有別於以往的研究多關注於中央政府的作為卻忽略了地方政府執行政策的角色與職能,本文主要以「地方政府」作為研究主體,透過內蒙古的研究個案發現:地方政府會將中央環境政策的要求納入地方發展的脈絡中,利用「環境政策」和「土地資源」去綁住發電集團到當地建設風電場,再透過建立起來的「風電規模」和「產業政策」對風電設備商進行招商引資,進而在當地發展出一條完整的風電產業鏈。此舉既滿足中央以風電作為環境改善的目標,又能為地方帶來經濟增長和財政收入,與「環境綑綁的經濟利益」觀點相符。然而,地方政府盲目擴張風電場的結果,不僅造成電源建設與電網輸送之間的脫節,不斷加劇的棄風問題也導致風電無法獲得有效利用。
Global climate change has been profoundly affecting the survival and development of humankind. In order to improve the deterioration of the domestic environment and respond to the pressure of international carbon reduction, the Chinese government has actively incorporated environment issues into the new policy agenda. Furthermore, the government has also vigorously developed wind power generation to reduce long-term dependence on coal-fired power generation structure. Although China has led the world in wind power installation, it has faced a myriad of problems and difficulties while it is rapidly developing. Different from most previous studies focusing on the central government’s actions and ignoring the role and functions of the local government’s implementation of policies, this paper aims at “local government” as the research subject. Through the case study of Inner Mongolia, this paper finds that the local government has subsumed the requirements of environmental policies into the context of local development. The local government utilizes “environmental policies” and “land resources” to tie the generation companies to the local construction of wind farms, and then through the established “wind power scale” and “industrial policies” to attract the investment of wind power equipment suppliers. The introduction of investment has further formed a complete industrial chain in the local area. This act not only satisfies the central government’s goal of utilizing wind power as environment betterment, but also brings economic growth and tax revenue to the local economy, which is in line with the “environmentally bundled economic interest.” However, the result of random expansion of wind farms by the local government of Inner Mongolia has not only caused a mismatch between power supply construction and grid transmission, but also led to the increasing problem of wind curtailment.
參考文獻 中文書目
     周飛舟(2010),〈大興土木:土地財政與地方政府行為〉。經濟社會體制比較(3), 77-89。
     Bai, C.-E., Du, Y., Tao, Z., & Tong, S. Y. (2004). Local protectionism and regional specialization: evidence from China`s industries. Journal of international economics, 63(2), 397-417.
     Blecher, M. (2008). Into space: The local developmental state, capitalist transition and the political economy of urban planning in Xinji. City, 12(2), 171-182.
     Blecher, M., & Shue, V. (2001). Into leather: State-led development and the private sector in Xinji. The China Quarterly, 166, 368-393.
     Brandt, L., Li, H., & Roberts, J. (2005). Banks and enterprise privatization in China. Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 21(2), 524-546.
     Burns, J. P. (1994). Strengthening central CCP control of leadership selection: the 1990 nomenklatura. The China Quarterly, 138, 458-491.
     Cai, H., & Treisman, D. (2006). Did government decentralization cause China`s economic miracle? World Politics, 58(4), 505-535.
     Chen, G. C., & Lees, C. (2016). Growing China`s renewables sector: a developmental state approach. New Political Economy, 21(6), 574-586.
     Chien, S.-S., & Zhao, L.-T. (2015). State-Mediated Knowledge Transfer and Resource Mobility: A Case Study of China Local Government Entrepreneurship. Issues and Studies, 51(2), 39.
     Easterly, W. (2001). The elusive quest for growth: economists` adventures and misadventures in the tropics. MIT press.
     Edin, M. (2003). State Capacity and Local Agent Control in China: CCP Cadre Management from a Township Perspective. China Quarterly(173), 35.
     Fairbank, J. K., & Reischauer, E. O. (1989). China: tradition & transformation. Houghton Mifflin College Division.
     Gore, L. (1998). Market communism: The institutional foundation of China`s post-Mao hyper-growth. Oxford University Press, USA.
     Heberer, T., & Senz, A. (2011). Streamlining local behaviour through communication, incentives and control: a case study of local environmental policies in China. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 40(3), 77-112.
     Hochstetler, K., & Kostka, G. (2015). Wind and Solar Power in Brazil and China: Interests, State--Business Relations, and Policy Outcomes. Global Environmental Politics, 15(3), 74-94.
     Jin, H., Qian, Y., & Weingast, B. R. (2005). Regional decentralization and fiscal incentives: Federalism, Chinese style. Journal of public economics, 89(9), 1719-1742.
     Jin, X., Rong, Y., & Zhong, X. (2014). Wind turbine manufacturing industry in China: Current situation and problems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 33, 729-735.
     Kostka, G., & Hobbs, W. (2012). Local Energy Efficiency Policy Implementation in China: Bridging the Gap between National Priorities and Local Interests. China Quarterly, 211, 765-785.
     Landry, P. F. (2008). Decentralized authoritarianism in China. New York: Cambridge University Press, 6, 31.
     Lewis, J. I. (2013). Green innovation in China: China`s wind power industry and the global transition to a low-carbon economy. Columbia University Press.
     Lin, J. Y., & Liu, Z. (2000). Fiscal decentralization and economic growth in China. Economic development and cultural change, 49(1), 1-21.
     Naughton, B. (2003). How much can regional integration do to unify China’s markets? How far across the river, 204-232.
     North, D. C., & Thomas, R. P. (1973). The rise of the western world: A new economic history. Cambridge University Press.
     Oates, W. E. (1972). Fiscal federalism. Edward Elgar Publishing.
     Oi, J. C. (1992). Fiscal reform and the economic foundations of local state corporatism in China. World Politics, 45(1), 99.
     Oi, J. C. (1995). The role of the local state in China`s transitional economy. China Quarterly(144), 1132.
     Schubert, G., & Heberer, T. (2015). Continuity and Change in China`s" Local State Developmentalism". Issues and Studies, 51(2), 1.
     Tilt, B. (2009). The struggle for sustainability in rural China: Environmental values and civil society. Columbia University Press.
     Tsui, K.-y., & Wang, Y. (2004). Between separate stoves and a single menu: fiscal decentralization in China. The China Quarterly, 177, 71-90.
     Walder, A. G. (1995). Local Governments as Industrial Firms: An Organizational Analysis of China`s Transitional Economy. American Journal of Sociology, 101(2), 263.
     Wang, J.-H., Tseng, S.-W., & Zheng, H. (2015). The Paradox of Small Hydropower: Local Government and Environmental Governance in China. The Journal of Development Studies, 51(11), 1475-1487.
     Wu, G. (1995). Documentary politics’: hypotheses, process, and case studies. Decision-making in Deng`s China: Perspectives from Insiders, 24-38.
     Xu, C. (2011). The fundamental institutions of China`s reforms and development. Journal of Economic Literature, 49(4), 1076-1151.
     Yang, D. L. (2004). Remaking the Chinese leviathan: Market transition and the politics of governance in China. Stanford University Press.
     Young, A. (2000). The razor`s edge: Distortions and incremental reform in the People`s Republic of China. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 115(4), 1091-1135.
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 王振寰zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Wang, Jenn-Hwanen_US (Authors) 王婉臻zh_TW (Authors) Wang, Wan-Jenen_US
dc.creator (作者) 王婉臻zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Wang, Wan-Jenen_US (日期) 2018en_US 27-Jul-2018 12:23:59 (UTC+8)- 27-Jul-2018 12:23:59 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 27-Jul-2018 12:23:59 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0104261021en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國家發展研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 104261021zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 全球氣候變化正深刻地影響著人類生存和發展,為了改善國內環境的惡化和回應國際減碳的壓力,中國政府積極將環境保護的議題納入新的執政綱領之中,並大力發展風力發電為主的清潔能源以降低長期依賴燃煤發電的能源結構。儘管中國風電的裝機容量已傲居全球,但在快速發展的同時也面臨了各種問題和困境。有別於以往的研究多關注於中央政府的作為卻忽略了地方政府執行政策的角色與職能,本文主要以「地方政府」作為研究主體,透過內蒙古的研究個案發現:地方政府會將中央環境政策的要求納入地方發展的脈絡中,利用「環境政策」和「土地資源」去綁住發電集團到當地建設風電場,再透過建立起來的「風電規模」和「產業政策」對風電設備商進行招商引資,進而在當地發展出一條完整的風電產業鏈。此舉既滿足中央以風電作為環境改善的目標,又能為地方帶來經濟增長和財政收入,與「環境綑綁的經濟利益」觀點相符。然而,地方政府盲目擴張風電場的結果,不僅造成電源建設與電網輸送之間的脫節,不斷加劇的棄風問題也導致風電無法獲得有效利用。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Global climate change has been profoundly affecting the survival and development of humankind. In order to improve the deterioration of the domestic environment and respond to the pressure of international carbon reduction, the Chinese government has actively incorporated environment issues into the new policy agenda. Furthermore, the government has also vigorously developed wind power generation to reduce long-term dependence on coal-fired power generation structure. Although China has led the world in wind power installation, it has faced a myriad of problems and difficulties while it is rapidly developing. Different from most previous studies focusing on the central government’s actions and ignoring the role and functions of the local government’s implementation of policies, this paper aims at “local government” as the research subject. Through the case study of Inner Mongolia, this paper finds that the local government has subsumed the requirements of environmental policies into the context of local development. The local government utilizes “environmental policies” and “land resources” to tie the generation companies to the local construction of wind farms, and then through the established “wind power scale” and “industrial policies” to attract the investment of wind power equipment suppliers. The introduction of investment has further formed a complete industrial chain in the local area. This act not only satisfies the central government’s goal of utilizing wind power as environment betterment, but also brings economic growth and tax revenue to the local economy, which is in line with the “environmentally bundled economic interest.” However, the result of random expansion of wind farms by the local government of Inner Mongolia has not only caused a mismatch between power supply construction and grid transmission, but also led to the increasing problem of wind curtailment.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
     第一節 研究背景 1
     第二節 研究缺口與問題意識 5
     第三節 研究個案 9
     第四節 研究方法 10
     第二章 文獻回顧 12
     第一節 影響地方政府行為的因素 12
     第二節 地方政府行為的理論 19
     第三章 中國風電發展歷程 25
     第一節 實驗探索階段(1986~2002年) 26
     第二節 高速發展階段(2003~2010年) 27
     第三節 棄風限電階段(2011~2017年) 32
     第四章 中國風電的行動者 37
     第一節 中央政府 37
     第二節 地方政府 40
     第三節 發電集團 42
     第四節 風電設備商 45
     第五節 電網公司 47
     第五章 內蒙古的風電發展 49
     第一節 內蒙古風電概況 49
     第二節 地方政府與中央政府 53
     第三節 地方政府與發電集團 57
     第四節 地方政府與風電設備商 61
     第五節 地方政府與電網公司 63
     第六章 結論 67
     參考文獻 70
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 中國風電zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 地方政府zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 環境綑綁的經濟利益zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 棄風zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Wind power in Chinaen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Local governmenten_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Environmentally bundled economic interesten_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Wind curtailmenten_US
dc.title (題名) 中國風電發展的地方政府行為分析:以內蒙古自治區為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The Analysis of Local Government Behavior in China’s Wind Power Development: A Case Study of Inner Mongoliaen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文書目
     周飛舟(2010),〈大興土木:土地財政與地方政府行為〉。經濟社會體制比較(3), 77-89。
     Bai, C.-E., Du, Y., Tao, Z., & Tong, S. Y. (2004). Local protectionism and regional specialization: evidence from China`s industries. Journal of international economics, 63(2), 397-417.
     Blecher, M. (2008). Into space: The local developmental state, capitalist transition and the political economy of urban planning in Xinji. City, 12(2), 171-182.
     Blecher, M., & Shue, V. (2001). Into leather: State-led development and the private sector in Xinji. The China Quarterly, 166, 368-393.
     Brandt, L., Li, H., & Roberts, J. (2005). Banks and enterprise privatization in China. Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 21(2), 524-546.
     Burns, J. P. (1994). Strengthening central CCP control of leadership selection: the 1990 nomenklatura. The China Quarterly, 138, 458-491.
     Cai, H., & Treisman, D. (2006). Did government decentralization cause China`s economic miracle? World Politics, 58(4), 505-535.
     Chen, G. C., & Lees, C. (2016). Growing China`s renewables sector: a developmental state approach. New Political Economy, 21(6), 574-586.
     Chien, S.-S., & Zhao, L.-T. (2015). State-Mediated Knowledge Transfer and Resource Mobility: A Case Study of China Local Government Entrepreneurship. Issues and Studies, 51(2), 39.
     Easterly, W. (2001). The elusive quest for growth: economists` adventures and misadventures in the tropics. MIT press.
     Edin, M. (2003). State Capacity and Local Agent Control in China: CCP Cadre Management from a Township Perspective. China Quarterly(173), 35.
     Fairbank, J. K., & Reischauer, E. O. (1989). China: tradition & transformation. Houghton Mifflin College Division.
     Gore, L. (1998). Market communism: The institutional foundation of China`s post-Mao hyper-growth. Oxford University Press, USA.
     Heberer, T., & Senz, A. (2011). Streamlining local behaviour through communication, incentives and control: a case study of local environmental policies in China. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 40(3), 77-112.
     Hochstetler, K., & Kostka, G. (2015). Wind and Solar Power in Brazil and China: Interests, State--Business Relations, and Policy Outcomes. Global Environmental Politics, 15(3), 74-94.
     Jin, H., Qian, Y., & Weingast, B. R. (2005). Regional decentralization and fiscal incentives: Federalism, Chinese style. Journal of public economics, 89(9), 1719-1742.
     Jin, X., Rong, Y., & Zhong, X. (2014). Wind turbine manufacturing industry in China: Current situation and problems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 33, 729-735.
     Kostka, G., & Hobbs, W. (2012). Local Energy Efficiency Policy Implementation in China: Bridging the Gap between National Priorities and Local Interests. China Quarterly, 211, 765-785.
     Landry, P. F. (2008). Decentralized authoritarianism in China. New York: Cambridge University Press, 6, 31.
     Lewis, J. I. (2013). Green innovation in China: China`s wind power industry and the global transition to a low-carbon economy. Columbia University Press.
     Lin, J. Y., & Liu, Z. (2000). Fiscal decentralization and economic growth in China. Economic development and cultural change, 49(1), 1-21.
     Naughton, B. (2003). How much can regional integration do to unify China’s markets? How far across the river, 204-232.
     North, D. C., & Thomas, R. P. (1973). The rise of the western world: A new economic history. Cambridge University Press.
     Oates, W. E. (1972). Fiscal federalism. Edward Elgar Publishing.
     Oi, J. C. (1992). Fiscal reform and the economic foundations of local state corporatism in China. World Politics, 45(1), 99.
     Oi, J. C. (1995). The role of the local state in China`s transitional economy. China Quarterly(144), 1132.
     Schubert, G., & Heberer, T. (2015). Continuity and Change in China`s" Local State Developmentalism". Issues and Studies, 51(2), 1.
     Tilt, B. (2009). The struggle for sustainability in rural China: Environmental values and civil society. Columbia University Press.
     Tsui, K.-y., & Wang, Y. (2004). Between separate stoves and a single menu: fiscal decentralization in China. The China Quarterly, 177, 71-90.
     Walder, A. G. (1995). Local Governments as Industrial Firms: An Organizational Analysis of China`s Transitional Economy. American Journal of Sociology, 101(2), 263.
     Wang, J.-H., Tseng, S.-W., & Zheng, H. (2015). The Paradox of Small Hydropower: Local Government and Environmental Governance in China. The Journal of Development Studies, 51(11), 1475-1487.
     Wu, G. (1995). Documentary politics’: hypotheses, process, and case studies. Decision-making in Deng`s China: Perspectives from Insiders, 24-38.
     Xu, C. (2011). The fundamental institutions of China`s reforms and development. Journal of Economic Literature, 49(4), 1076-1151.
     Yang, D. L. (2004). Remaking the Chinese leviathan: Market transition and the politics of governance in China. Stanford University Press.
     Young, A. (2000). The razor`s edge: Distortions and incremental reform in the People`s Republic of China. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 115(4), 1091-1135.
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6814/THE.NCCU.GIDS.006.2018.F09-