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題名 教育的存有向度: 梅洛龐蒂存在現象學的人文意涵及教育蘊義
Ontological Dimension of Education: The Implication of the Humanity and Education of Maurice Merleau-Ponty`s Existential Phenomenology
作者 曾雅麟
Tseng, Ya-Lin
貢獻者 蔡錚雲
Tsai, Cheng-Yun
Tseng, Ya-Lin
關鍵詞 教育
Ontological dimension
Existential phenomenology
The implication of the humanity
The flesh of education
A philosophy of the chaism
日期 2018
上傳時間 3-九月-2018 15:59:18 (UTC+8)
摘要 雖然專業知識的現代分工已是當今社會的研究指標,但根據論題, 本文將反其道的以跨領域的方式來處理。無疑的,教育的問題離不開人的問題,而人的問題在本文的論述中,它關乎的是存在的問題。於是在一章時,我們從「存在問題」的脈絡以及為何是現象學去提出有關存在問題的看法,這自然是因為現象學可以帶領我們觸及到人存在問題的核心。進而從現象學到現象學心理學的過渡中,在第二章時我們提到了海德格和胡塞爾的世紀交手,並在梅洛龐蒂的「存在現象學」中以本質放回存在來回應一個現象學但卻是現象學的各自表述 。可是當談及存在問題時,它其實是深刻地指向他人與自我的共同世界,故在第三章時,我們必須回到生活世界才能弄清楚人所形構出來的人文世界。有別於傳統意涵下的人文主義,當存在主義在二次大戰後取代前者時,作為西方馬克思主義的第一人,梅洛龐蒂不但和沙特所主張的意識型態交鋒,遂在現實世界中發展出和後者不同的具體 「人文意涵」。可是人文世界的具體意涵並不在任何文本定義中,從存在現象學來看,由於人是情境中的主體,因此,人勢必會遇到現實情境中的倫理問題,且具體世界的人文意涵須經由情境中的實踐行動,即「情境倫理」才能被有效說明, 故在第四章以情境倫理作為架橋,我們也間接地拋出了教育中的棘手問題,即現行教育中被邊緣化的少年處境及教育進場協助時必須考慮的現實條件,是以,探討人存在的根本問題,它並不是心理學或是精神分析意義下的人的主體,也不是啟蒙以降或是精神科學中的人文意涵,當然,它與人文科學中所談的主體意涵也不同,故在第五章時,本文的壓軸是在走完前篇各章後才能蘊生出的「教育意涵」,那是從可見現象所反顯出來不可見的「存有向度」,換言之,當我們一昧往前發展現代教育時,什麼才是教育的原初經驗處?什麼才是我們發展現代教育義無反顧的起點?從這點來看,教育的可能性是圍繞現實條件中自然緣起而不是從理想的人類圖像所著手,可是,這又是如何可能的?本文認為,除了讓教育自身自行向我們揮手,我們回應教育的方式則是審慎地等待被邀請而非直驅前行。故和一般知識論的做法不同,我們不是從已證成的知識出發,而是要回到主體問題的根源對人存在問題進行重新發問,這麼一來我們才能以不失真的方式,除了反顯人的存在性,也能將教育的存在意涵蘊生出來。
Although the modern division of professional knowledge is already a research indicator for contemporary society, according to the topic, this paper will deal with it through interdisciplinary multidisciplinary, or cross-disciplinary strategy. Undoubtedly, the problem of education is inseparable from the problem of human beings, and in the discussion of this article, it is related to the issue of existence. So in the first chapter, we will propose the perspective about the problem of existence through its context and phenomenology because phenomenology can lead us to the core of the problem of human being’s existence naturally. In the transition from phenomenology to phenomenological psychology, we will mention the century debate between Heidegger and Husserl in the second chapter. In Merleau-Ponty`s existential phenomenology, we would have respond to one phenomenology, but indeed are responding to individual phenomenological representations by placing essence back into existence (replace les essences dans l’existence). But when it comes to the problem of existence, it is actually a deep common world of others and the self. So in the third chapter, we must go back to the life-world (Lebenswelt) to figure out the human world constituted by human. Different from the humanism in the traditional meaning, when existentialism replaced the former after the Second World War, Merleau-Ponty, as the first person of Western Marxism, not only confronted the ideology advocated by Sartre, but also developed a specific implication of the humanity that was different from the latter in the real world. However, the specific meaning of the human world is not in any text definition. From the perspective of existential phenomenology, since human beings are subjects in the situation, people are doomed to encounter ethic problems in material situations. The implication of the humanity in the specific world can only be effectively explained by the practical action in the situation, i.e. situation ethics. Therefore, in the fourth chapter, we will use situation ethics as a bridge. We indirectly raise the challenges in education. That is, the situation of marginalized juveniles in the current education system and the practical conditions must be considered when we are going to provide assistance for them. Therefore, to explore the fundamental problem of human existence, it is neither the subject of human beings in the sense of psychology or psychoanalysis, nor the enlightenment or the humanistic meaning in the human science (Geisteswissenschaften). Of course, it is different from the subjective meaning discussed in the humane studies. Therefore, in the fifth chapter, the finale of this thesis is the educational meaning that can only be developed after completions of previous chapters. This is the invisible ontological dimension reflected from the visible phenomenon. In other words, when we obsessively continue developing modern education, what is the original experience of education? What is the starting point for us to develop modern education without hesitation? From this point of view, the possibility of education is based on the natural origin the material condition rather than the ideal human image (Menschenbild). But how is it possible? We believe that in addition to letting education itself wave to us, the way we respond to education is to wait cautiously for invitation rather than moving forward. Therefore, unlike the practice of epistemology, we are not starting from the knowledge that has been verified, but returning to the root of the subject problem, to re-examine the problem of human existence, so that, in addition to reflecting human existence, we are able to derive the existential meaning of education without distortion.
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描述 博士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0981525021
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 蔡錚雲zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Tsai, Cheng-Yunen_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 曾雅麟zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Tseng, Ya-Linen_US
dc.creator (作者) 曾雅麟zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Tseng, Ya-Linen_US
dc.date (日期) 2018en_US
dc.date.accessioned 3-九月-2018 15:59:18 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 3-九月-2018 15:59:18 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 3-九月-2018 15:59:18 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0981525021en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/119952-
dc.description (描述) 博士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 教育學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 981525021zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 雖然專業知識的現代分工已是當今社會的研究指標,但根據論題, 本文將反其道的以跨領域的方式來處理。無疑的,教育的問題離不開人的問題,而人的問題在本文的論述中,它關乎的是存在的問題。於是在一章時,我們從「存在問題」的脈絡以及為何是現象學去提出有關存在問題的看法,這自然是因為現象學可以帶領我們觸及到人存在問題的核心。進而從現象學到現象學心理學的過渡中,在第二章時我們提到了海德格和胡塞爾的世紀交手,並在梅洛龐蒂的「存在現象學」中以本質放回存在來回應一個現象學但卻是現象學的各自表述 。可是當談及存在問題時,它其實是深刻地指向他人與自我的共同世界,故在第三章時,我們必須回到生活世界才能弄清楚人所形構出來的人文世界。有別於傳統意涵下的人文主義,當存在主義在二次大戰後取代前者時,作為西方馬克思主義的第一人,梅洛龐蒂不但和沙特所主張的意識型態交鋒,遂在現實世界中發展出和後者不同的具體 「人文意涵」。可是人文世界的具體意涵並不在任何文本定義中,從存在現象學來看,由於人是情境中的主體,因此,人勢必會遇到現實情境中的倫理問題,且具體世界的人文意涵須經由情境中的實踐行動,即「情境倫理」才能被有效說明, 故在第四章以情境倫理作為架橋,我們也間接地拋出了教育中的棘手問題,即現行教育中被邊緣化的少年處境及教育進場協助時必須考慮的現實條件,是以,探討人存在的根本問題,它並不是心理學或是精神分析意義下的人的主體,也不是啟蒙以降或是精神科學中的人文意涵,當然,它與人文科學中所談的主體意涵也不同,故在第五章時,本文的壓軸是在走完前篇各章後才能蘊生出的「教育意涵」,那是從可見現象所反顯出來不可見的「存有向度」,換言之,當我們一昧往前發展現代教育時,什麼才是教育的原初經驗處?什麼才是我們發展現代教育義無反顧的起點?從這點來看,教育的可能性是圍繞現實條件中自然緣起而不是從理想的人類圖像所著手,可是,這又是如何可能的?本文認為,除了讓教育自身自行向我們揮手,我們回應教育的方式則是審慎地等待被邀請而非直驅前行。故和一般知識論的做法不同,我們不是從已證成的知識出發,而是要回到主體問題的根源對人存在問題進行重新發問,這麼一來我們才能以不失真的方式,除了反顯人的存在性,也能將教育的存在意涵蘊生出來。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Although the modern division of professional knowledge is already a research indicator for contemporary society, according to the topic, this paper will deal with it through interdisciplinary multidisciplinary, or cross-disciplinary strategy. Undoubtedly, the problem of education is inseparable from the problem of human beings, and in the discussion of this article, it is related to the issue of existence. So in the first chapter, we will propose the perspective about the problem of existence through its context and phenomenology because phenomenology can lead us to the core of the problem of human being’s existence naturally. In the transition from phenomenology to phenomenological psychology, we will mention the century debate between Heidegger and Husserl in the second chapter. In Merleau-Ponty`s existential phenomenology, we would have respond to one phenomenology, but indeed are responding to individual phenomenological representations by placing essence back into existence (replace les essences dans l’existence). But when it comes to the problem of existence, it is actually a deep common world of others and the self. So in the third chapter, we must go back to the life-world (Lebenswelt) to figure out the human world constituted by human. Different from the humanism in the traditional meaning, when existentialism replaced the former after the Second World War, Merleau-Ponty, as the first person of Western Marxism, not only confronted the ideology advocated by Sartre, but also developed a specific implication of the humanity that was different from the latter in the real world. However, the specific meaning of the human world is not in any text definition. From the perspective of existential phenomenology, since human beings are subjects in the situation, people are doomed to encounter ethic problems in material situations. The implication of the humanity in the specific world can only be effectively explained by the practical action in the situation, i.e. situation ethics. Therefore, in the fourth chapter, we will use situation ethics as a bridge. We indirectly raise the challenges in education. That is, the situation of marginalized juveniles in the current education system and the practical conditions must be considered when we are going to provide assistance for them. Therefore, to explore the fundamental problem of human existence, it is neither the subject of human beings in the sense of psychology or psychoanalysis, nor the enlightenment or the humanistic meaning in the human science (Geisteswissenschaften). Of course, it is different from the subjective meaning discussed in the humane studies. Therefore, in the fifth chapter, the finale of this thesis is the educational meaning that can only be developed after completions of previous chapters. This is the invisible ontological dimension reflected from the visible phenomenon. In other words, when we obsessively continue developing modern education, what is the original experience of education? What is the starting point for us to develop modern education without hesitation? From this point of view, the possibility of education is based on the natural origin the material condition rather than the ideal human image (Menschenbild). But how is it possible? We believe that in addition to letting education itself wave to us, the way we respond to education is to wait cautiously for invitation rather than moving forward. Therefore, unlike the practice of epistemology, we are not starting from the knowledge that has been verified, but returning to the root of the subject problem, to re-examine the problem of human existence, so that, in addition to reflecting human existence, we are able to derive the existential meaning of education without distortion.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 緒論 011
     第一章 人存在問題 019
     第一節 主體存在問題的脈絡 019
     一、新康德主義的影響 026
     二、精神科學的影響 029
     第二節 現象學對於人存在問題的看法 032
     一、從數學家過渡而來的哲學家 034
     二、在哲學與心理學之間的現象學 039
     三、從超越還原到現象學心理學 046
     四、現象學與生活世界 049
     五、作為一門嚴格科學的現象學 056
     第三節 從現象學心理學到存在現象學 060
     一、哲學家的身影 062
     二、現象學的還原之謎 064
     三、身體與世界之謎 065
     第二章 存在現象學的基本意涵 073
     第一節 存在現象學的緣起 074
     第二節 海德格與存在現象學 083
     第三節 梅洛龐蒂的存在現象學 092
     第四節 病理學還原與身體存在分析 099
     一、病理學還原與幻肢現象 100
     二、生活世界與活過的世界 108
     三、此有分析與存在分析 111
     四、失語症與言說存在分析 115
     五、纏繞世界與身體存有 121
     第三章 存在現象學的人文意涵 125
     第一節 沙特與存在現象學 126
     第二節 沙特對他人問題的看法 133
     一、存在處境中的人我困境 135
     二、沙特對身體情欲的存在分析 137
     第三節 存在處境中的不同身體觀 143
     一、梅洛龐蒂對他人問題看法 146
     二、意識主體與愛情存在分析 148
     三、身體主體與愛情存在分析 153
     四、身體互為主體的折返與纏繞 157
     五、身體意識與對身體的意識 162
     第四節 存在行動的人文意涵 164
     第五節 具體哲學的行動邏輯 170
     一、人文世界的模糊邏輯 174
     二、模糊既清晰的身體邏輯 180
     第六節 主動且被動的能動意向性 184
     一、人文世界的身體天賦與默然之智 186
     二、人文世界的共同存在與雙重存有 189
     三、人文世界的模糊哲學與緣起現象學 191
     第四章 存在現象學的情境倫理 197
     第一節 情境倫理的人文起點 198
     第二節 人文情境中的倫理意涵 204
     第三節 情境中的倫理交纏 212
     一、個別情境與規範情境的相交 213
     二、現代律法與規範主體 217
     三、現代情境中的個別主體 222
     四、存在處境分析與司法兩難 224
     (一)、存在分析個案一 224
     (二)、存在分析個案二 228
     五、情境中的表達主體 230
     第四節 視覺情境與主體形變 234
     一、視覺情境與看的整體觸受性 235
     二、情境中的開裂主體 242
     三、情境中的迷惑主體 244
     四、情境中的殺戮主體 246
     五、情境中的鬆綁主體 249
     六、情境中的倫理主體 251
     第五章 存在現象學的教育蘊義 257
     第一節 存在與教育的關係259
     一、教育中的存在追問 262
     二、人的存在弔詭和根源 267
     三、現代人的置身處境 275
     第二節 皮亞傑與梅洛龐蒂的兒童觀點 279
     一、完形結構與認知圖式 282
     二、完形結構與身體圖式 287
     三、存在弔詭與現代悲劇 290
     第三節 拉岡與梅洛龐蒂的兒童觀點 296
     一、存在根源與身體圖式 298
     二、身體圖式與破碎身體 300
     三、身體圖式與完整身體 305
     四、存在主體與兒童身影 310
     第四節 緣起教育與教育緣起 312
     一、教育的誕生緣起 313
     二、師生關係中的倫理纏結 317
     三、無知之愛與教育接生 324
     四、教育的分娩與誕生 326
     第五節 回到事物自身的教育 328
     一、教化與矯正的模糊兩難 329
     二、倫理主體與教育處境 335
     三、混搭侵越相纏的教育存有 338
     四、走向纏繞根莖的教育肉身 340
     結論 345
     參考書目 351
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0981525021en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 教育zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 存有向度zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 梅洛龐蒂zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 存在現象學zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 人文意涵zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 模糊性zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 教育肉身zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 纏繞哲學zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Educationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Ontological dimensionen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Merleau-Pontyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Existential phenomenologyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) The implication of the humanityen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Ambiguityen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) The flesh of educationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) A philosophy of the chaismen_US
dc.title (題名) 教育的存有向度: 梅洛龐蒂存在現象學的人文意涵及教育蘊義zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Ontological Dimension of Education: The Implication of the Humanity and Education of Maurice Merleau-Ponty`s Existential Phenomenologyen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、中文部分
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dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6814/DIS.NCCU.EDU.016.2018.F02en_US