題名 企業實施品管圈之研究 作者 陳坤福 貢獻者 劉水深
陳坤福日期 1982 上傳時間 27-九月-2018 13:39:50 (UTC+8) 摘要 序言日本的成功,興起世人對日本式管理的重視,其中品管圈更為各國所採用,本研究試圖運用因素分析、變異數分析、迴歸分析等多變量分析方法,研究我國企業實施品管圈活動帶給企業什麼樣的成效,以及獲致這些成效的因素,研究的目的,不外乎將結果提供給企業界作參考,俾有利於企業提高生產力。 本研究承吾師劉水深所長之指導,自研究題目之確定、研究架構之建立、研究方法與問卷之設計,以至論文之撰寫,其間不時地給予督導和鼓勵,並在炎夏百忙中細閱初稿,揮汗逐字斧正,指出許多缺失及誤謬,使本文得以順利完成。師恩浩瀚,無以名之,謹此致最高之謝意。口試時,又蒙林英峰老師及林聰明教授提出許多寶貴意見,使本文更臻理想,特此致以無限的感激。研究期間,承蒙先鋒企管中心劉雪碧小姐熱心地提供資料及實務經驗,新光紡織股份有限公司林益揚先生對本研究問卷惠予寶貴意見,台灣松下電器股份有限公司蔡振瓊先生、曾茂材先生、統一企業有限公司蔡昭好先生、華新麗華電綫電纜股份有限公司莊福茂先生、台灣日光燈股份有限公司陳清昭先生、台元紡織廠孔慶立先生、東和樂器木業股份有限公司吳東昌先生、台灣杜邦股份有限公司顧炬丹先生、台灣日立股份有限公司廖欽賢先生對於本研究問卷予以支持,使得本研究獲得寶貴資料,在此表示誠摯的謝意。最後,要感謝父母、家人在求學期間提供安心求學的環境和關懷,倫理之情盈溢無遺,實難以筆墨形容。而麗珍不時的關懷和鼓勵,令我永難忘懷。 陳坤福謹識 中華民國七十一年六月 參考文獻 參考文獻一;中文部份;1.石川馨、今泉益正、杉本辰夫著:“品管圈活動運營的基本”(中壢:先鋒企業管理發展中心譯,民國70年1月版)。2.石原勝吉著:“品管圈百問百答基礎篇”(陳哲仁譯,先鋒企業管理發展中心,民國69年5月版)。3.石原勝吉著:“品管圈百問百答運營篇”(陳哲仁譯,先鋒企業管理發展中心,民國69年5月版)。4.林秀雄著:“論我國品管圈之創新方法與推廣策略”(品質管制月刊,第十七卷第六期)。5.鍾清章著:“我國品管圈活動的未來推行方向”(品質管制月刊,第十七卷第二期)。6.簡茂椿著:“十年來推行QCC的感想”(先鋒企管,Vol 5, No 5, 1981)7.黃俊英、陳定國合編:“企業研究應用技術大全”(台北:大世紀出版公司,民國68年版)。二、英文部份:1. Angle H. L. and Perry J. L., “An Empirical Assessment of Organizational Commitment and Organizational Effectiveness” Administrative Science Ouarterly, March 1977. vol 22, 46-55.2. Asch S. E., “Groups, Leadership and Men” Pittsburgh: Carnegle Press, 1967.3. Berg I. A. and Bass B. M., “Conformity and Deviation” New York: Harper, 1961.4. Cooper C. L., “Theories of Group Process” New York : John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1977.5. Cole R. E., “Will QC Circle Work In the U.S.?” Quality Progress, July 1980, 30-33.6. Dubin R., Champoux J. E. and Porter L. W. “Central life interests and Organizational Commitment of blue-collar and clerical works” Administrative Science Quarterly, 1975, vol 20, 411-421.7. Frank F. and Anderson L. R. “Effects of Task and Group Size upon Group Productivity and Member Satisfaction” Sociometry, 1971, vol 34, 135-149.8. Harvey O. J., Hunt D. E. and Schroder H. M. “Conceptual System and Personality Organization” New York: Wiley, 1961.9. Hackman J. R.,“Effects of Task Characteristic on Group Products” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 1968, vol 4, 162-18710. Hanley J., “Our Experience With Quality Circles” Quality Progress, February 1980, 22-2511. Harman H. H. , “Moden Factor Analysis” Chicago: University of Chicaga Press, 1976.12. Hrebiniak L. G. and Alutto J. A., “Personal and Role-Related Factors in the Development ofOrganizational Commitment’’ Administrative Science Quarterly, 1972, Vol 17, 555-572.13. Hutchins D., “How Quality goes round in circles’’ Management Today, January 1981 , 27-32.14. Juran J. M., “Japanese and Western Quality: A Contrast Quality Progress” Dec 1978, 10-18.15. Juran J. M. , “International Significance of the QC Circle Movement” Quality Progress, November 1980, 18-22.16. Juran J. M., “Is Japanese Corncering the market on Product quality?” International Management, January 1981 , 22-25.17. Konz S., “Quality Circles: Japanese Success Story” IE, October 1979. 24-27.18. Litwin G. H. and Stringer P. A., “Motivation and Organizational Climate” Boston: Harvard University, 1968.19. Lott A. J. and Lott B. G., “Group Cohesiveness and Individual Learning” Journal of Educational Psychology, 1966, vol 57, 61-73.20. Mackenzie K. R. “Group Norms : Importance and Measurement” International Journal of Group Psychotherapy” October 1979, vol 29, 471-480.21. Marsh R. M. and Mannari H., “Organizational Commitment and Turnover: A Prediction Study” Administrative Science Quarterly, March, 1977. vol 22, 57-75.22. McGuire J. M., “Aggression and Sociometric Status with Preschool Children” Sociometry, 1973, vol 36, 542-549.23. Morris J. H., “Generalizability of an Organizational Commitment Model” Academy of Management Journal, 1981 vol 24, No. 3, 512-526.24. Nie N. H., Hull C. H., Jenkins J. G., Steinbrenner K and Bent Dale H. , “Statistical Package of Social Science” New York: McGraw-Hill 1975.25. O’Dell J. W., “Group Size and Emotional Interation” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1968, vol 8, 75-78.26. Porter L. W. and LawlerⅣ E. E., “Managerial Attitudes and Performance”. Homewood: Irwin, 1968.27. Porter L. W., Steers R. M., Mowday R. T. and Boulian P. V., “Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction and Turnover among Paychiatric technicians” Journal of Applied Psychology, 1974, vol 59, 603-60928. Porter L. W., LawlerⅢ E. E. and Hackman J. R., “ Behavior in Organizations” New York: McGraw-Hill, 1970.29. Rooney J., “Quality Control Circles : The West adopts a Japanese Concept” International Management, December 1980, 31-39.30. Rubinstein S. P., “QWL and the Technical, Societies” Quality Progress, April 1980, 28-31.31. Scott W. G. and Mitchell T. R., “Organization Theory : A structural and Behavioral Analysis” Homewood: Irwin, 197632. Shaw M. F. and Costanzo P. R., “Theory of Social Psychology” New York: Mcgraw-Hill, 1970.33. Shaw M. E., “Group Dynamics: The Psychology of Small Group Behavior” Montreal: Mcgraw-Hill, 197634. Soliman H. M. and Hartman R. I., “A Systematic analysis of Productivity” IE, September 1971, 28-3335. Steers R. M., “Organizational Effectiveness: A Behavioral View”(台北:華泰書局,民國68年版)36. Steers R. M., “Antecedents and Outcomes of Organizational Commitment” Administrative Science Quarterly, March 1977, vol 22, 46-5537. Steers R. M. and Porter L. W., “ Motivation and Work Behavior” New York: McGraw-Hill, 197538. Steiner I. D., “Group Process and Productivity” New York: Academic Press, 197239. Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers QC Circle Headguerters, “International QC Circle Convention 1981-TOKYO” Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers, October 1981.40. Waller L., “Yanks Borrow Japanese Keys to Quality” Electronics, December 1980, 95-100.41. Wyer R. S. and Malinowski C., “Effect of Sex and Achievement Level upon Individualism and Competitiveness in Social Interation” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 1972, vol 8, 303-314. 描述 碩士
70資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002007593 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 劉水深 dc.contributor.author (作者) 陳坤福 dc.creator (作者) 陳坤福 dc.date (日期) 1982 dc.date.accessioned 27-九月-2018 13:39:50 (UTC+8) - dc.date.available 27-九月-2018 13:39:50 (UTC+8) - dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 27-九月-2018 13:39:50 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/120152 - dc.description (描述) 碩士 dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 dc.description (描述) 企業管理研究所 dc.description (描述) 70 dc.description.abstract (摘要) 序言日本的成功,興起世人對日本式管理的重視,其中品管圈更為各國所採用,本研究試圖運用因素分析、變異數分析、迴歸分析等多變量分析方法,研究我國企業實施品管圈活動帶給企業什麼樣的成效,以及獲致這些成效的因素,研究的目的,不外乎將結果提供給企業界作參考,俾有利於企業提高生產力。 本研究承吾師劉水深所長之指導,自研究題目之確定、研究架構之建立、研究方法與問卷之設計,以至論文之撰寫,其間不時地給予督導和鼓勵,並在炎夏百忙中細閱初稿,揮汗逐字斧正,指出許多缺失及誤謬,使本文得以順利完成。師恩浩瀚,無以名之,謹此致最高之謝意。口試時,又蒙林英峰老師及林聰明教授提出許多寶貴意見,使本文更臻理想,特此致以無限的感激。研究期間,承蒙先鋒企管中心劉雪碧小姐熱心地提供資料及實務經驗,新光紡織股份有限公司林益揚先生對本研究問卷惠予寶貴意見,台灣松下電器股份有限公司蔡振瓊先生、曾茂材先生、統一企業有限公司蔡昭好先生、華新麗華電綫電纜股份有限公司莊福茂先生、台灣日光燈股份有限公司陳清昭先生、台元紡織廠孔慶立先生、東和樂器木業股份有限公司吳東昌先生、台灣杜邦股份有限公司顧炬丹先生、台灣日立股份有限公司廖欽賢先生對於本研究問卷予以支持,使得本研究獲得寶貴資料,在此表示誠摯的謝意。最後,要感謝父母、家人在求學期間提供安心求學的環境和關懷,倫理之情盈溢無遺,實難以筆墨形容。而麗珍不時的關懷和鼓勵,令我永難忘懷。 陳坤福謹識 中華民國七十一年六月 dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄序言圖表目錄第一章 緒論1第一節 研究動機與目的1第二節 品管圈誕生的時代背景及動機2第三節 品管圈的發展趨勢4第四節 企業實施品管圈的經驗8第五節 研究方法與本文架構10第二章 影響品管圈成效之文獻查考15第一節 品管圈的基本精神與原則15第二節 群體動力學之發現17第三章 品管圈之研究模式及變數衡量35第一節 品管圈績效模式之說明35第二節 變數界定與衡量36第四章 品管圈群體輪廓與群體氣候之關係43第一節 實證結果43第二節 結果分析60第五章 個人因素、群體氣候與組織忠誠性之關係79第一節 實證結果79第二節 結果分析91第六章 結論與建議95參考文獻99附錄圖表目錄圖2-1群體動力學的參考架構20圖3-1品管圈之研究模式35表2-1人格特質與群體行為關係23表4-1群體氣候因素負荷量表45表4-2群體氣候因素分數係數表53表4-3認同面的群體氣候與群體輪廓的變異數分析61表4-4輕鬆面的群體氣候與群體輪廓的變異數分析63表4-5人情面的群體氣候與群體輪廓的變異數分析65表4-6支持面的群體氣候與群體輪廓的變異數分析67表4-7冒險面的群體氣候與群體輪廓的變異數分析69表4-8獎酬面的群體氣候與群體輪廓的變異數分析71表5-1組織忠誠性因素負荷量表81表5-2組織忠誠性因素分數係數表82表5-3組織忠誠性的迴歸分析表89 dc.format.extent 115 bytes - dc.format.mimetype text/html - dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002007593 dc.title (題名) 企業實施品管圈之研究 dc.type (資料類型) thesis dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 參考文獻一;中文部份;1.石川馨、今泉益正、杉本辰夫著:“品管圈活動運營的基本”(中壢:先鋒企業管理發展中心譯,民國70年1月版)。2.石原勝吉著:“品管圈百問百答基礎篇”(陳哲仁譯,先鋒企業管理發展中心,民國69年5月版)。3.石原勝吉著:“品管圈百問百答運營篇”(陳哲仁譯,先鋒企業管理發展中心,民國69年5月版)。4.林秀雄著:“論我國品管圈之創新方法與推廣策略”(品質管制月刊,第十七卷第六期)。5.鍾清章著:“我國品管圈活動的未來推行方向”(品質管制月刊,第十七卷第二期)。6.簡茂椿著:“十年來推行QCC的感想”(先鋒企管,Vol 5, No 5, 1981)7.黃俊英、陳定國合編:“企業研究應用技術大全”(台北:大世紀出版公司,民國68年版)。二、英文部份:1. Angle H. L. and Perry J. L., “An Empirical Assessment of Organizational Commitment and Organizational Effectiveness” Administrative Science Ouarterly, March 1977. vol 22, 46-55.2. Asch S. E., “Groups, Leadership and Men” Pittsburgh: Carnegle Press, 1967.3. Berg I. A. and Bass B. M., “Conformity and Deviation” New York: Harper, 1961.4. Cooper C. L., “Theories of Group Process” New York : John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1977.5. Cole R. E., “Will QC Circle Work In the U.S.?” Quality Progress, July 1980, 30-33.6. Dubin R., Champoux J. E. and Porter L. W. “Central life interests and Organizational Commitment of blue-collar and clerical works” Administrative Science Quarterly, 1975, vol 20, 411-421.7. Frank F. and Anderson L. R. “Effects of Task and Group Size upon Group Productivity and Member Satisfaction” Sociometry, 1971, vol 34, 135-149.8. Harvey O. J., Hunt D. E. and Schroder H. M. “Conceptual System and Personality Organization” New York: Wiley, 1961.9. Hackman J. R.,“Effects of Task Characteristic on Group Products” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 1968, vol 4, 162-18710. Hanley J., “Our Experience With Quality Circles” Quality Progress, February 1980, 22-2511. Harman H. H. , “Moden Factor Analysis” Chicago: University of Chicaga Press, 1976.12. Hrebiniak L. G. and Alutto J. A., “Personal and Role-Related Factors in the Development ofOrganizational Commitment’’ Administrative Science Quarterly, 1972, Vol 17, 555-572.13. Hutchins D., “How Quality goes round in circles’’ Management Today, January 1981 , 27-32.14. Juran J. M., “Japanese and Western Quality: A Contrast Quality Progress” Dec 1978, 10-18.15. Juran J. M. , “International Significance of the QC Circle Movement” Quality Progress, November 1980, 18-22.16. Juran J. M., “Is Japanese Corncering the market on Product quality?” International Management, January 1981 , 22-25.17. Konz S., “Quality Circles: Japanese Success Story” IE, October 1979. 24-27.18. Litwin G. H. and Stringer P. A., “Motivation and Organizational Climate” Boston: Harvard University, 1968.19. Lott A. J. and Lott B. G., “Group Cohesiveness and Individual Learning” Journal of Educational Psychology, 1966, vol 57, 61-73.20. Mackenzie K. R. “Group Norms : Importance and Measurement” International Journal of Group Psychotherapy” October 1979, vol 29, 471-480.21. Marsh R. M. and Mannari H., “Organizational Commitment and Turnover: A Prediction Study” Administrative Science Quarterly, March, 1977. vol 22, 57-75.22. McGuire J. M., “Aggression and Sociometric Status with Preschool Children” Sociometry, 1973, vol 36, 542-549.23. Morris J. H., “Generalizability of an Organizational Commitment Model” Academy of Management Journal, 1981 vol 24, No. 3, 512-526.24. Nie N. H., Hull C. H., Jenkins J. G., Steinbrenner K and Bent Dale H. , “Statistical Package of Social Science” New York: McGraw-Hill 1975.25. O’Dell J. W., “Group Size and Emotional Interation” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1968, vol 8, 75-78.26. Porter L. W. and LawlerⅣ E. E., “Managerial Attitudes and Performance”. Homewood: Irwin, 1968.27. Porter L. W., Steers R. M., Mowday R. T. and Boulian P. V., “Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction and Turnover among Paychiatric technicians” Journal of Applied Psychology, 1974, vol 59, 603-60928. Porter L. W., LawlerⅢ E. E. and Hackman J. R., “ Behavior in Organizations” New York: McGraw-Hill, 1970.29. Rooney J., “Quality Control Circles : The West adopts a Japanese Concept” International Management, December 1980, 31-39.30. Rubinstein S. P., “QWL and the Technical, Societies” Quality Progress, April 1980, 28-31.31. Scott W. G. and Mitchell T. R., “Organization Theory : A structural and Behavioral Analysis” Homewood: Irwin, 197632. Shaw M. F. and Costanzo P. R., “Theory of Social Psychology” New York: Mcgraw-Hill, 1970.33. Shaw M. E., “Group Dynamics: The Psychology of Small Group Behavior” Montreal: Mcgraw-Hill, 197634. Soliman H. M. and Hartman R. I., “A Systematic analysis of Productivity” IE, September 1971, 28-3335. Steers R. M., “Organizational Effectiveness: A Behavioral View”(台北:華泰書局,民國68年版)36. Steers R. M., “Antecedents and Outcomes of Organizational Commitment” Administrative Science Quarterly, March 1977, vol 22, 46-5537. Steers R. M. and Porter L. W., “ Motivation and Work Behavior” New York: McGraw-Hill, 197538. Steiner I. D., “Group Process and Productivity” New York: Academic Press, 197239. Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers QC Circle Headguerters, “International QC Circle Convention 1981-TOKYO” Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers, October 1981.40. Waller L., “Yanks Borrow Japanese Keys to Quality” Electronics, December 1980, 95-100.41. Wyer R. S. and Malinowski C., “Effect of Sex and Achievement Level upon Individualism and Competitiveness in Social Interation” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 1972, vol 8, 303-314.