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題名 當前台灣保護消費者運動對企業行銷活動影響之研究
作者 徐聯恩
貢獻者 柴松林
日期 1982
上傳時間 27-九月-2018 13:49:09 (UTC+8)
參考文獻 參考書目
8. _______,「企業總體環境與企業經營――消費者運動與環境保護運動對企業之挑戰」,工商時報,民國七十一年一月八日,第二版。
9. _______,「消費者保護與企業經營」,中國論壇,第十二卷,第四期,民國七十年五月二十五日,頁29〜33。
10. ______,「拿行動去贏取消費者的好感」,民生報,民國七十年五月二十六日,第六版。
1. Aaker, David A. and Day, George S., ed., Consumerism : Search for the Consumer Interest (N.Y.: The Free Press, 1971).
2. Bell, Martin L., Marketing: Concepts and Strategy, 3 rd ed. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1979).
3. Cooley, William W. and Lohnes, Paul R., Multivariate Data Analysis (N.Y.: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1971),
4. Dalrymple, Douglas J. and Parsons, Leonard J., Marketing Management: Text and Cases, 2nd ed. (N.Y.: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1980)
5. Gaedeke, Ralph M. and Etcheson Warren W. , ed., Consumerism : Viewpoints from Business, Government, and the Public Interest (San Francisco: Canfield Press, 1972).
6. Greyser, Stephen A, ed., Understanding and Meeting Consumerism`s Challenges (A Harvard Business Review Reprint Series, 1975).
7. Kotler, Philip. Marketing Management : Analysis, Planning, and Control, 4th ed. (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc.,1980).
8. Pride, William M. and Ferrell, O.C., Marketing: Basic Concepts and Decisions, 2nd ed. (Boston : Houghton Mifflin Company, 1980).
9. Rosenberg, Larry J., Marketing (Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, Inc.,1977).
10. Shaw, Roy T., Semenik, Richard J., and Williams, Robert H., Marketing: An Integrated Analytical Approach (Cincinnati, Ohio: South-Western Publishing Co., 1981).
11. Troelstrup, Arch W. and Hall, E. Carl, The Consumer in American Society: Personal and Family Finance, 6th ed. (N.Y. :McGraw-Hall Book Company, 1978).
1. Anderson, W. Thomas Jr. and Cunningham, William H., “The Socially Conscious Consumer,” Journal of Marketing,Vol.36 (July 1972), pp. 23〜31.
2. Anderson, Alan and Best, Arthur, “Consumer Complain : Does Business Respond?” Harvard Business Review, Vol. 55 (July 1977), pp. 93〜101.
3. Barksdale, Hirm C. and Darden, William R., “Consumer Attitudes Toward Marketing and Consumerism, ” Journal of Marketing, Vol.36 (October 1972), pp. 28〜35.
4. Bearden, William O. and Crockett, Milissa, “Self-Monitoring, Norms, and Attitudes as Influences on Consumer Compaining,” Journal of Business Research, Vol.9 (1981) , pp. 255〜266.
5. Becker, Boris W., ”Using Consumer Issues for Competitive Advantage,” Business Horizons, Vol. 24(May-June 1981). 1971) , pp. 43〜52.
6. Bell, Martin L. and Emory, C. William, ”The Faltering Marketing Concept,” Journal of Marketing, Vol.35 ( October :1971),pp.37〜42.
7. Bennett, Roger C, and Cooper, Robert C., ”The Misuse of Marketing: An American Tragedy,” Business Horizons Vol.24 (November-December 1981), pp.51〜61.
8. Bloom, Paul N. and Greyser, Stephen A., ”The Maturing of Consumerism “Harvard Business Review, Vol .59 (November-December 1981), pp. 130〜139.
9. _________ and Silver, Mark J., ”Consumer Education : Marketers Take Heed,” Harvard Business Review, Vol.54 (January-February 1976), pp. 32〜40.
10. Bourgeois, J. C. and Barmes, J. B., “Viability and Profile of the Consumerist Segment,” Journal of Consumer Research, Vol.6 (March 1979), pp. 217〜228.
11. Brooker, George, “The Self-Actualizing Socially Conscious Consumer,” Journal of Consumer Research, Vol.3 (September 1976) , pp. 107〜112.
12. Busch, Paul, “A Review and Critical Evalution of the Consumer Product Safety Commission: Marketing Management Implications,” Journal of Marketing, Vol.40 (October 1976), pp. 41〜49.
13, ________ and Hair, Joseph F. Jr., “Product Liability and Safety : Perspectives from Business Versus Public Policy Makers,” Journal of Business Research , Vol.8 (1980), pp. 485〜499.
14. Buskirk, Richard K. and Rothe, James T., “Consumerism--An Interpretation,” Journal of Marketing, Vol.34 (October 1970), pp. 61〜65.
15. Cohen, Dorothy, “The Federal Trade Commission and the Regulation of Advertising in the Consumer Interest,” Journal of Marketing, Vol.33 (January 1969), pp. 40〜44.
16. ________, “The FTC`s Advertising Substantiation Program,” Journal of Marketing, Vol.44 (Winter 1980), pp. 26〜35.
17. Cosenza, Robert, M. and Wilson, Jerry W., “How to Handle Your Customers’ Complaints,” Public Relation Journal (December 1980), pp. 20〜21.
18. Cracco, Etienne and Rostenne, Jacques, “The Social-ecological Product,” MSU Business Topics (Summer 1971), pp. 27〜34.
19. Cravens, David W. and Hills, Gerald E., “Consumerism : A Perspective for Business,” Business Horizons, Vol.13 (August 1970), pp. 21〜28.
20. Davis, Keith, “Five Propositions for Social Resposibility,” Business Horizons, Vol.18 (June 1975), pp. 12〜 19.
21. Day, George S. and Aaker, David A., “A Guide to Consumerism,” Journal of Marketing, Vol.34 (October 1970) , pp. 19〜24.
22. Faber, Ronald and Ward, Scott, “Children`s Understanding of Using Products Safety,” Journal of Marketing , Vol.41 ( October 1977) , pp. 39〜46.
23. Gallay, Ralph, “Nutritional Labelling: Some Experimental Finding,” The Mid-Atlantic Journal of Business, Vol, 19 (Winter 1980/81), pp. 1〜14.
24. Gatewood, Elizabeth and Carroll, Archie B., “The Anatomy of Corporate Social Response: The Rely, Firestone 500, and Pinto Cases,” Business Horizons, Vol. 24(September-October 1981) , pp. 9〜16.
25. Gross, Charles W. and Verma, Harish L., “Marketing and Social Responsibility,” Business Horizons, Vol. 20. (October 1977), pp. 75〜82.
26. Hendon, Donald W., “Toward a Theory of Consumerism,” Business Horizons, Vol.18 (August 1975), pp. 16〜24.
27. Henion, Karl E., “The Effect of Ecologically Relevant Information on Detergent Sales,” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol.9(February 1972), pp. 10〜14.
28. Jacoby, Jacob and Jaccaed, James J., “The Sources, Meaning, and Validity of Consumer Complaints : A Psychological Analysis,” Journal of Retailing , Vol. 57 (fall 1981), pp.4〜24.
29. Jolibert, Alain J. P. and Baumgartner, Gary, “Toward a Definition of the Consumerist Segment in France,” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol.18 (June 1981), pp. 114〜117.
30. Kangun, Norman, Cox, Keith K., Higginbotham, James, and Burton, John,” Consumerism and Marketing Management,” Journal of Marketing, Vol.39 (April 1975), pp. 3〜10.
31. Kassarjian, Harold H., “Incorporating Ecology into Marketing Strategy: The Case of Air Pollution,” Journal of Marketing, vol.35 (July 1971), pp. 61〜65.
32. Kiebala, Leo, “The Consumer Products Safety Act,” Supervisory Management (April 1981), pp. 33〜37.
33. Kinnear, Thomas C., Taylor, James R., and Ahmed A. Sadrucin, “Ecologically Concerned Consumers : Who Are They?” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 38 (April 1974), pp. 20〜24.
34. Lambert, Zarrel V., “Profiling Demographic Characteristics of Alienated Consumers,” Journal of Business Research, Vol.9 (1981), pp. 65〜86.
35. Lambin, Jean-Jacques, “What is the Real Impact of Advertising?” Harvard Business Review, Vol.53 (May- June 1975), pp. 139〜147.
36. Markham, James W., “Is Advertising Important in the Soviet Economy?” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 38 (April 1974), pp. 31〜37.
37. Maynes, E. Scott, “The Power of Consumers: A Challenge for Marketers and Economists,” Business Horizons, Vol.15 (June 1972), pp. 77〜86.
38. Mayer. Robert N., “ The Socially Conscious Consumer-- Another Look at the Data,” Journal of Consumer Research , Vol.3 (September 1976), pp. 113〜115.
39. McNeal, Jame U., Consumer Education as a Competitive Strategy,” Business Horizons, Vol.21 (February 1978), pp. 50〜56.
40. McNeal, James U., “You Can Defend Advertising--But Not Every Advertisement,” Business Horizons, Vol.24 (September-October 1981), pp. 33〜37.
41. McNeill Dennis L. and Wilkie, William L., “Public Policy and Consumer Information: Impact of the New Energy Labels,” Journal of Consumer Research, Vol.6 (June 1979), pp. 1〜11.
42. McNeil, Kenneth and Miller, Richard E., “The Profitability of Consumer Protection: Warranty Policy in the Auto Industry,” Administrative Science Quarterly. Vol.25 (1980), pp. 407〜427.
43. Miller, Kenneth E. and Sturdivant, Frederick E., “Consumer Responses to Socially Questionable Corporate Behavior: An Empirical Test,” Journal of Consumer Research, Vol.4 (June 1977) , pp. 1〜7.
44. Russo, J Edward, Metcalf, Barbara L. and Stephens, Debra,” Identifying Misleading Advertising,” Journal of Consumer Research, Vol.8 (September 1981) , pp. 119〜131.
45. Stern, Louis L., “Consumer Protection Via Increased Information,” Journal of Marketing, Vol.31 (April 1967), pp. 48〜52.
46. _________ , “Consumer Protection Via Self-Regulation,” Journal of Marketing, Vol.35 (July 1971), pp. 47〜53.
47. Trombetta, William L. and Wilson. Timothy L., “Foreseeability of Misuse and Abnormal Use of Products by the Consumer,” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 39 (July 1975) , pp 48〜55.
48. Webbink Douglas W., ‘‘Automobile Repair: Does Regulation or Consumer Information Matter?” Journal of Consumer Research, Vol.5(December 1978), pp. 206〜209.
49. Webster Frederick E., “Determining the Characteristics of the Socially Conscious Consumer,” Journal of Consumer Research, Vol.2 (December 1975), pp. 188〜196.
50. Westbrook, Robert A. and Newman, Joseph W., “An Analysis of Shopper Dissatisfaction for Major Household Appliances,” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 13 (August 1976) , pp. 456〜466.
描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002007568
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 柴松林
dc.contributor.author (作者) 徐聯恩
dc.creator (作者) 徐聯恩
dc.date (日期) 1982
dc.date.accessioned 27-九月-2018 13:49:09 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 27-九月-2018 13:49:09 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 27-九月-2018 13:49:09 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/120159-
dc.description (描述) 碩士
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學
dc.description (描述) 企業管理研究所
dc.description (描述) 70
dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄
第一章 導論
第一節 研究問題與研究背景1
第二節 研究目的3
第三節 研究方法與研究設計3
第四節 研究範圍與研究限制7
第五節 觀念架構8
第二章 當前台灣保護消費者運動之概況
第一節 綠起16
第二節 保護消費者組織和其活動21
第三節 保護消費者運動之主張23
第四節 保護消費者運動之成效26
第五節 保護消費者運動之趨勢27
第三章 保護消費者運動對企業行銷活動影響之層面
第一節 產品36
第二節 價格48
第三節 促銷50
第四節 配銷通路56
第五節 行銷觀念與行銷實務57
第四章 對當前台灣保護消費者運動之評估
第一節 綜合性看法70
第二節 對消費者組織功能的意見83
第三節 保護消費者主體之責任96
第四節 企業因應當前台灣保護消費者運動之措施98
第五節 消費者對企業行銷活動之期望108
第五章 結論與對企業之建議
第一節 結論121
第二節 對企業之建議125
附錄一 消費者問卷132
附錄二 廠商問卷136
附錄三 樣本結構141
附錄四 雙尾Z值檢定計算方法145
附錄五 區別變數之編碼方式146
dc.format.extent 115 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype text/html-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002007568
dc.title (題名) 當前台灣保護消費者運動對企業行銷活動影響之研究
dc.type (資料類型) thesis
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 參考書目
8. _______,「企業總體環境與企業經營――消費者運動與環境保護運動對企業之挑戰」,工商時報,民國七十一年一月八日,第二版。
9. _______,「消費者保護與企業經營」,中國論壇,第十二卷,第四期,民國七十年五月二十五日,頁29〜33。
10. ______,「拿行動去贏取消費者的好感」,民生報,民國七十年五月二十六日,第六版。
1. Aaker, David A. and Day, George S., ed., Consumerism : Search for the Consumer Interest (N.Y.: The Free Press, 1971).
2. Bell, Martin L., Marketing: Concepts and Strategy, 3 rd ed. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1979).
3. Cooley, William W. and Lohnes, Paul R., Multivariate Data Analysis (N.Y.: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1971),
4. Dalrymple, Douglas J. and Parsons, Leonard J., Marketing Management: Text and Cases, 2nd ed. (N.Y.: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1980)
5. Gaedeke, Ralph M. and Etcheson Warren W. , ed., Consumerism : Viewpoints from Business, Government, and the Public Interest (San Francisco: Canfield Press, 1972).
6. Greyser, Stephen A, ed., Understanding and Meeting Consumerism`s Challenges (A Harvard Business Review Reprint Series, 1975).
7. Kotler, Philip. Marketing Management : Analysis, Planning, and Control, 4th ed. (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc.,1980).
8. Pride, William M. and Ferrell, O.C., Marketing: Basic Concepts and Decisions, 2nd ed. (Boston : Houghton Mifflin Company, 1980).
9. Rosenberg, Larry J., Marketing (Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, Inc.,1977).
10. Shaw, Roy T., Semenik, Richard J., and Williams, Robert H., Marketing: An Integrated Analytical Approach (Cincinnati, Ohio: South-Western Publishing Co., 1981).
11. Troelstrup, Arch W. and Hall, E. Carl, The Consumer in American Society: Personal and Family Finance, 6th ed. (N.Y. :McGraw-Hall Book Company, 1978).
1. Anderson, W. Thomas Jr. and Cunningham, William H., “The Socially Conscious Consumer,” Journal of Marketing,Vol.36 (July 1972), pp. 23〜31.
2. Anderson, Alan and Best, Arthur, “Consumer Complain : Does Business Respond?” Harvard Business Review, Vol. 55 (July 1977), pp. 93〜101.
3. Barksdale, Hirm C. and Darden, William R., “Consumer Attitudes Toward Marketing and Consumerism, ” Journal of Marketing, Vol.36 (October 1972), pp. 28〜35.
4. Bearden, William O. and Crockett, Milissa, “Self-Monitoring, Norms, and Attitudes as Influences on Consumer Compaining,” Journal of Business Research, Vol.9 (1981) , pp. 255〜266.
5. Becker, Boris W., ”Using Consumer Issues for Competitive Advantage,” Business Horizons, Vol. 24(May-June 1981). 1971) , pp. 43〜52.
6. Bell, Martin L. and Emory, C. William, ”The Faltering Marketing Concept,” Journal of Marketing, Vol.35 ( October :1971),pp.37〜42.
7. Bennett, Roger C, and Cooper, Robert C., ”The Misuse of Marketing: An American Tragedy,” Business Horizons Vol.24 (November-December 1981), pp.51〜61.
8. Bloom, Paul N. and Greyser, Stephen A., ”The Maturing of Consumerism “Harvard Business Review, Vol .59 (November-December 1981), pp. 130〜139.
9. _________ and Silver, Mark J., ”Consumer Education : Marketers Take Heed,” Harvard Business Review, Vol.54 (January-February 1976), pp. 32〜40.
10. Bourgeois, J. C. and Barmes, J. B., “Viability and Profile of the Consumerist Segment,” Journal of Consumer Research, Vol.6 (March 1979), pp. 217〜228.
11. Brooker, George, “The Self-Actualizing Socially Conscious Consumer,” Journal of Consumer Research, Vol.3 (September 1976) , pp. 107〜112.
12. Busch, Paul, “A Review and Critical Evalution of the Consumer Product Safety Commission: Marketing Management Implications,” Journal of Marketing, Vol.40 (October 1976), pp. 41〜49.
13, ________ and Hair, Joseph F. Jr., “Product Liability and Safety : Perspectives from Business Versus Public Policy Makers,” Journal of Business Research , Vol.8 (1980), pp. 485〜499.
14. Buskirk, Richard K. and Rothe, James T., “Consumerism--An Interpretation,” Journal of Marketing, Vol.34 (October 1970), pp. 61〜65.
15. Cohen, Dorothy, “The Federal Trade Commission and the Regulation of Advertising in the Consumer Interest,” Journal of Marketing, Vol.33 (January 1969), pp. 40〜44.
16. ________, “The FTC`s Advertising Substantiation Program,” Journal of Marketing, Vol.44 (Winter 1980), pp. 26〜35.
17. Cosenza, Robert, M. and Wilson, Jerry W., “How to Handle Your Customers’ Complaints,” Public Relation Journal (December 1980), pp. 20〜21.
18. Cracco, Etienne and Rostenne, Jacques, “The Social-ecological Product,” MSU Business Topics (Summer 1971), pp. 27〜34.
19. Cravens, David W. and Hills, Gerald E., “Consumerism : A Perspective for Business,” Business Horizons, Vol.13 (August 1970), pp. 21〜28.
20. Davis, Keith, “Five Propositions for Social Resposibility,” Business Horizons, Vol.18 (June 1975), pp. 12〜 19.
21. Day, George S. and Aaker, David A., “A Guide to Consumerism,” Journal of Marketing, Vol.34 (October 1970) , pp. 19〜24.
22. Faber, Ronald and Ward, Scott, “Children`s Understanding of Using Products Safety,” Journal of Marketing , Vol.41 ( October 1977) , pp. 39〜46.
23. Gallay, Ralph, “Nutritional Labelling: Some Experimental Finding,” The Mid-Atlantic Journal of Business, Vol, 19 (Winter 1980/81), pp. 1〜14.
24. Gatewood, Elizabeth and Carroll, Archie B., “The Anatomy of Corporate Social Response: The Rely, Firestone 500, and Pinto Cases,” Business Horizons, Vol. 24(September-October 1981) , pp. 9〜16.
25. Gross, Charles W. and Verma, Harish L., “Marketing and Social Responsibility,” Business Horizons, Vol. 20. (October 1977), pp. 75〜82.
26. Hendon, Donald W., “Toward a Theory of Consumerism,” Business Horizons, Vol.18 (August 1975), pp. 16〜24.
27. Henion, Karl E., “The Effect of Ecologically Relevant Information on Detergent Sales,” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol.9(February 1972), pp. 10〜14.
28. Jacoby, Jacob and Jaccaed, James J., “The Sources, Meaning, and Validity of Consumer Complaints : A Psychological Analysis,” Journal of Retailing , Vol. 57 (fall 1981), pp.4〜24.
29. Jolibert, Alain J. P. and Baumgartner, Gary, “Toward a Definition of the Consumerist Segment in France,” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol.18 (June 1981), pp. 114〜117.
30. Kangun, Norman, Cox, Keith K., Higginbotham, James, and Burton, John,” Consumerism and Marketing Management,” Journal of Marketing, Vol.39 (April 1975), pp. 3〜10.
31. Kassarjian, Harold H., “Incorporating Ecology into Marketing Strategy: The Case of Air Pollution,” Journal of Marketing, vol.35 (July 1971), pp. 61〜65.
32. Kiebala, Leo, “The Consumer Products Safety Act,” Supervisory Management (April 1981), pp. 33〜37.
33. Kinnear, Thomas C., Taylor, James R., and Ahmed A. Sadrucin, “Ecologically Concerned Consumers : Who Are They?” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 38 (April 1974), pp. 20〜24.
34. Lambert, Zarrel V., “Profiling Demographic Characteristics of Alienated Consumers,” Journal of Business Research, Vol.9 (1981), pp. 65〜86.
35. Lambin, Jean-Jacques, “What is the Real Impact of Advertising?” Harvard Business Review, Vol.53 (May- June 1975), pp. 139〜147.
36. Markham, James W., “Is Advertising Important in the Soviet Economy?” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 38 (April 1974), pp. 31〜37.
37. Maynes, E. Scott, “The Power of Consumers: A Challenge for Marketers and Economists,” Business Horizons, Vol.15 (June 1972), pp. 77〜86.
38. Mayer. Robert N., “ The Socially Conscious Consumer-- Another Look at the Data,” Journal of Consumer Research , Vol.3 (September 1976), pp. 113〜115.
39. McNeal, Jame U., Consumer Education as a Competitive Strategy,” Business Horizons, Vol.21 (February 1978), pp. 50〜56.
40. McNeal, James U., “You Can Defend Advertising--But Not Every Advertisement,” Business Horizons, Vol.24 (September-October 1981), pp. 33〜37.
41. McNeill Dennis L. and Wilkie, William L., “Public Policy and Consumer Information: Impact of the New Energy Labels,” Journal of Consumer Research, Vol.6 (June 1979), pp. 1〜11.
42. McNeil, Kenneth and Miller, Richard E., “The Profitability of Consumer Protection: Warranty Policy in the Auto Industry,” Administrative Science Quarterly. Vol.25 (1980), pp. 407〜427.
43. Miller, Kenneth E. and Sturdivant, Frederick E., “Consumer Responses to Socially Questionable Corporate Behavior: An Empirical Test,” Journal of Consumer Research, Vol.4 (June 1977) , pp. 1〜7.
44. Russo, J Edward, Metcalf, Barbara L. and Stephens, Debra,” Identifying Misleading Advertising,” Journal of Consumer Research, Vol.8 (September 1981) , pp. 119〜131.
45. Stern, Louis L., “Consumer Protection Via Increased Information,” Journal of Marketing, Vol.31 (April 1967), pp. 48〜52.
46. _________ , “Consumer Protection Via Self-Regulation,” Journal of Marketing, Vol.35 (July 1971), pp. 47〜53.
47. Trombetta, William L. and Wilson. Timothy L., “Foreseeability of Misuse and Abnormal Use of Products by the Consumer,” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 39 (July 1975) , pp 48〜55.
48. Webbink Douglas W., ‘‘Automobile Repair: Does Regulation or Consumer Information Matter?” Journal of Consumer Research, Vol.5(December 1978), pp. 206〜209.
49. Webster Frederick E., “Determining the Characteristics of the Socially Conscious Consumer,” Journal of Consumer Research, Vol.2 (December 1975), pp. 188〜196.
50. Westbrook, Robert A. and Newman, Joseph W., “An Analysis of Shopper Dissatisfaction for Major Household Appliances,” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 13 (August 1976) , pp. 456〜466.