題名 自比較法觀點論海運承攬運送人之貨物運送責任
A Comparative Legal Study on Cargo Liability of Freight Forwarders作者 陳尹昕
Chen, Yin-Hsin貢獻者 沈宗倫
Shen, Chung-Lun
Chen, Yin-Hsin關鍵詞 貨物運送責任
Cargo liability
Ocean freight forwarders
Forwarding agents
Commissionaire de transport
Logistics providers
Intermediaries日期 2018 上傳時間 1-十月-2018 12:13:17 (UTC+8) 摘要 海運承攬運送業是臺灣航貿發展的重要角色,尤其該行業之服務範圍已不僅止於提供併櫃服務,成為中小企業之好夥伴,隨著資訊科技的發展,其更提供客戶供應鏈解決方案等加值服務,擴展為當代所稱之「物流業者」,成為國際精品與科技大廠的合作對象。又,國際商會於信用狀統一慣例UCP600之中,已經承認以海運承攬運送業者名義所簽發之提單可做為信用狀交易之押匯文件,由此可知,該行業在航貿實務上的地位幾乎與船舶運送業者一致。而且,漢堡規則與鹿特丹規則都不再將「自有或經營船舶」作為定義運送人的要件,似乎亦表示國際間對於海運承攬運送業此種不經營船舶的業者,允許它們不無該當於國際公約中之運送人的解釋空間。然而,在決定該業者的貨物運送責任時,按臺灣民法規定,必須先判斷其為「承攬運送人」,或是「自行運送而負運送人的承攬運送人」。是故民法第664條介入擬制的要件是否公允就相當重要。觀諸英、美與中國對於其國內與臺灣海運承攬運送業相類行業的法律地位之辨識亦有類似的討論,英、美與中國對此皆採綜合判斷的方式,相較於臺灣採取符合單一要件即受介入擬制的規定顯有不同,而這即為本文的研究重點。此外,自行運送的海運承攬運送人為實務上的大宗,惟其運送責任目前皆須透過法院解釋何謂民法第663條之「其權利義務與運送人同」。因此,本文試透過對近年判決之整理,指出在此相對模糊的貨物運送責任之下的實務現況,再分析臺灣海商法修正草案對海運承攬運送業者之貨物運送責任所可能產生的影響。最後,本文參考前述外國對海運承攬運送業者相類行業的法律地位之判斷標準與海運實務,建議立法者可為涉及以海上運送人為使用人之海運承攬運送業者等新興之物流業者增定法規,以明確其貨物運送責任,並試對實務現況提出其他法律建議。
Ocean freight forwarders play important roles in the development of shipping and international trading industries of Taiwan. With the advancing of the information technology, ocean freight forwarders have been becoming maritime logistics service providers. They are not only as good partners with small and medium enterprises which relying on consolidation services but also with international technology companies which contracting supply chain solutions. Besides, according to UCP600, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has allowed that a set of Bill of Ladings which issued by a freight forwarder would be acceptable for Letter of Credit. It means that the status of freight forwarders in international trading is almost equal to shipping companies’. Furthermore, the definition of “carrier” in the Hamburg Rules and the Rotterdam Rules has no more required being a ship owner or charterer, so it is not impossible for freight forwarders to qualify as a “carrier” according to above Rules.However, concerning the cargo liability of ocean freight forwarders in the Civil Law of Taiwan, the court must judge its legal status as a freight forwarder or, as a freight forwarder who undertakes a carrier’s rights and duties assumed by the Civil Law §664 first. And it would be a decisive decision for the liability of a freight forwarder. There are similar situations of freight forwarders’ dual legal roles in English law, Anglo-American law, and China law, but their judging criteria are more flexible than the Civil Law §664. Thus, the criteria for deciding the legal roles of freight forwarders is the core of this study.In addition, it is common that ocean freight forwarders who undertake the carriers’ liabilities nowadays. But the cargo liabilities of such ocean freight forwarders are not stated in the Civil Law or the Maritime Law, it almost totally relies on the court’s explanation of the Civil Law §663. Therefore, this study would try to draw the practice situation and make it more clear through analyzing legal cases. Also, the study would review the influence of Maritime Law Amendment on the liability of ocean freight forwarders.Last but not least, this study takes the judging criteria among different legal systems mentioned above and maritime practices into consideration, and suggests legislating for such emerging maritime logistics providers (including the ocean freight forwarders) which subcontract with ocean carriers to clarify their cargo liabilities.ocean freight forwarders) which subcontract with ocean carriers to clarify their cargo liabilities.參考文獻 一、 中文資料(一) 專書1. 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104652021資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1046520211 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 沈宗倫 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Shen, Chung-Lun en_US dc.contributor.author (作者) 陳尹昕 zh_TW dc.contributor.author (作者) Chen, Yin-Hsin en_US dc.creator (作者) 陳尹昕 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Chen, Yin-Hsin en_US dc.date (日期) 2018 en_US dc.date.accessioned 1-十月-2018 12:13:17 (UTC+8) - dc.date.available 1-十月-2018 12:13:17 (UTC+8) - dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 1-十月-2018 12:13:17 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G1046520211 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/120273 - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 法律科際整合研究所 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 104652021 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 海運承攬運送業是臺灣航貿發展的重要角色,尤其該行業之服務範圍已不僅止於提供併櫃服務,成為中小企業之好夥伴,隨著資訊科技的發展,其更提供客戶供應鏈解決方案等加值服務,擴展為當代所稱之「物流業者」,成為國際精品與科技大廠的合作對象。又,國際商會於信用狀統一慣例UCP600之中,已經承認以海運承攬運送業者名義所簽發之提單可做為信用狀交易之押匯文件,由此可知,該行業在航貿實務上的地位幾乎與船舶運送業者一致。而且,漢堡規則與鹿特丹規則都不再將「自有或經營船舶」作為定義運送人的要件,似乎亦表示國際間對於海運承攬運送業此種不經營船舶的業者,允許它們不無該當於國際公約中之運送人的解釋空間。然而,在決定該業者的貨物運送責任時,按臺灣民法規定,必須先判斷其為「承攬運送人」,或是「自行運送而負運送人的承攬運送人」。是故民法第664條介入擬制的要件是否公允就相當重要。觀諸英、美與中國對於其國內與臺灣海運承攬運送業相類行業的法律地位之辨識亦有類似的討論,英、美與中國對此皆採綜合判斷的方式,相較於臺灣採取符合單一要件即受介入擬制的規定顯有不同,而這即為本文的研究重點。此外,自行運送的海運承攬運送人為實務上的大宗,惟其運送責任目前皆須透過法院解釋何謂民法第663條之「其權利義務與運送人同」。因此,本文試透過對近年判決之整理,指出在此相對模糊的貨物運送責任之下的實務現況,再分析臺灣海商法修正草案對海運承攬運送業者之貨物運送責任所可能產生的影響。最後,本文參考前述外國對海運承攬運送業者相類行業的法律地位之判斷標準與海運實務,建議立法者可為涉及以海上運送人為使用人之海運承攬運送業者等新興之物流業者增定法規,以明確其貨物運送責任,並試對實務現況提出其他法律建議。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) Ocean freight forwarders play important roles in the development of shipping and international trading industries of Taiwan. With the advancing of the information technology, ocean freight forwarders have been becoming maritime logistics service providers. They are not only as good partners with small and medium enterprises which relying on consolidation services but also with international technology companies which contracting supply chain solutions. Besides, according to UCP600, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has allowed that a set of Bill of Ladings which issued by a freight forwarder would be acceptable for Letter of Credit. It means that the status of freight forwarders in international trading is almost equal to shipping companies’. Furthermore, the definition of “carrier” in the Hamburg Rules and the Rotterdam Rules has no more required being a ship owner or charterer, so it is not impossible for freight forwarders to qualify as a “carrier” according to above Rules.However, concerning the cargo liability of ocean freight forwarders in the Civil Law of Taiwan, the court must judge its legal status as a freight forwarder or, as a freight forwarder who undertakes a carrier’s rights and duties assumed by the Civil Law §664 first. And it would be a decisive decision for the liability of a freight forwarder. There are similar situations of freight forwarders’ dual legal roles in English law, Anglo-American law, and China law, but their judging criteria are more flexible than the Civil Law §664. Thus, the criteria for deciding the legal roles of freight forwarders is the core of this study.In addition, it is common that ocean freight forwarders who undertake the carriers’ liabilities nowadays. But the cargo liabilities of such ocean freight forwarders are not stated in the Civil Law or the Maritime Law, it almost totally relies on the court’s explanation of the Civil Law §663. Therefore, this study would try to draw the practice situation and make it more clear through analyzing legal cases. Also, the study would review the influence of Maritime Law Amendment on the liability of ocean freight forwarders.Last but not least, this study takes the judging criteria among different legal systems mentioned above and maritime practices into consideration, and suggests legislating for such emerging maritime logistics providers (including the ocean freight forwarders) which subcontract with ocean carriers to clarify their cargo liabilities.ocean freight forwarders) which subcontract with ocean carriers to clarify their cargo liabilities. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 碩博士論文全文上網授權書 I口試委員審定書 II誌謝 III摘要 IVAbstract V第一章 緒論 1第一節 研究動機與目的 1第一項 海運承攬運送業為臺灣航貿發展的要角 1第二項 海運承攬運送業模糊的貨物運送責任 2第二節 研究範圍與方法 4第三節 預期結果 4第四節 研究架構 5第二章 海運承攬運送業之概述 8第一節 海運承攬運送業之源起與名稱 8第一項 海運承攬運送業之源起 8第二項 海運承攬運送業之名稱 9第二節 海運承攬運送業之服務與功能 11第一項 海運承攬運送業之服務 11第二項 海運承攬運送業之功能 12第三節 海運承攬運送業與其他海運業者之比較 15第一項 海運承攬運送業與船舶運送業之比較 15第二項 海運承攬運送業與船務代理業之比較 17第四節 臺灣海運承攬運送業之特性與現況 18第三章 海運承攬運送業者之雙重法律地位 21第一節 國際間對海運承攬運送業者之規範 21第一項 國際公約 21第二項 國際多式運送協會聯盟(FIATA) 23第三項 英國 28第四項 美國 33第五項 中國 37第六項 臺灣 43第二節 英國、美國、中國與臺灣之實務判決 53第一項 海運承攬運送業者作為代理人(Agent) 54第二項 海運承攬運送業者作為本人(Principal) 60第三項 海運承攬運送業者作為承攬運送人 75第三節 海運承攬運送業者法律地位之判斷標準 87第一項 國際規範 88第二項 英國 89第三項 美國 91第四項 中國 97第五項 臺灣 99第四節 小結 100第四章 海運承攬運送業者簽發運輸單據之效力 105第一節 海運承攬運送業者簽發運輸單據之種類 105第二節 海運承攬運送業者提單之意義 107第一項 提單於國際貿易與運送交易流程的定位 107第二項 載貨證券的性質與功能 109第三項 海運承攬運送業者提單的種類、功能與性質 114第三節 海運承攬運送業者提單效力之實務判決 117第四節 小結 121第五章 海運承攬運送業者自行運送之運送責任 122第一節 責任期間 122第二節 海上運送人商業上注意義務 124第一項 船舶適航性、適載性義務 124第二項 貨物之注意義務 131第三節 海上運送人之責任 134第一項 責任基礎 134第二項 免責事由 135第三項 責任限制 136第四項 對履行輔助人之責任 137第四節 起訴期間 150第一項 相關規定 150第二項 實務判決 151第三項 自行運送之承攬運送人的相關問題 156第五節 小結 157第六章 臺灣相關制度之因應與展望 159第一節 臺灣海商法修正草案 159第一項 海商法修正草案 159第二項 海商法修正建議 169第三項 綜合分析 174第二節 海運承攬運送業貨物運送責任規範之訂定 183第一項 規範之法源 183第二項 海運承攬運送業運送責任相關規範之修正建議 186第三節 小結 192第七章 結論 194參考文獻 201附件 211FIATA MODEL RULES FOR FREIGHT FORWARDING SERVICES 211BRITISH INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT ASSOCIATION (BIFA) STANDARD TRADING CONDITIONS 2017 EDITION, © BIFA 2017 221 zh_TW dc.format.extent 2515950 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1046520211 en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 貨物運送責任 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 介入擬制 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 自行運送 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 海運承攬運送業 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 海運承攬運送人 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 貨運代理 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 無船承運人 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 無船公共運送人 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 物流業 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Cargo liability en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Ocean freight forwarders en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Forwarding agents en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) NVOCCs en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Spediteur en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Transitaire en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Commissionaire de transport en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Logistics providers en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Intermediaries en_US dc.title (題名) 自比較法觀點論海運承攬運送人之貨物運送責任 zh_TW dc.title (題名) A Comparative Legal Study on Cargo Liability of Freight Forwarders en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、 中文資料(一) 專書1. 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