題名 多通路模式下服務品質之探討 : 以T公司為例
Study of service quality under multi-channel: a study of company T作者 蘇莉雯
Su, Li-Wen貢獻者 羅明琇
Lo, Ming-Shiow
Su, Li-Wen關鍵詞 多通路模式
Physical service
Virtual service
Service quality
Furniture industry日期 2018 上傳時間 9-十一月-2018 15:57:02 (UTC+8) 摘要 在網路未流行時期 (1990年代以前),零售商透過實體店面販售產品,消費者至實體店面選購產品。零售商僅需執行單一通路的管理活動,透過實體店面互動維繫顧客關係。隨著網際網路的興起(1990年代),許多零售業者受到網際網路的高度彈性與開放性所吸引,不僅增加商品品項,同時也透過網路拓展新的市場,此外,為了迎合消費者消費習慣的轉變,紛紛進入虛擬通路販售商品,不斷提供創新的服務。現今,許多企業均有自己的官方網站提供消費者透過網路購買商品。傳統零售商經營實體店面(Brick-and-mortar)拓展其實體店面的銷售活動並放置到網路上,形成多通路的商家(Click-and-mortar),進而也產生截然不同的商業模式,消費者習慣的轉變以及網路為零售業者帶來的優勢使得多通路商家(Click-and-mortar)逐漸被重視,從近年來的研究報告也多從討論純電商(Web-based firms)轉變為探討多通路商家(Click-and-mortar)的商業模式。由經營實體通路進入市場的零售商在實體通路的基礎建設與管理活動累積多年經驗,藉此基礎發展線上商店,透過多通路之間實體服務與虛擬服務的整合使得零售商能夠找出通路之間的綜效,而電商市場中能夠帶給消費者良好實體服務的零售商,卻未必能在虛擬服務中帶給消費者同樣良好的消費體驗,因此本研究針對選定的零售商,探討如何衡量實體通路及虛擬通路的服務品質,並針對整合的服務品質做討論。零售商必須考慮到當在經營線上商店時,線上活動將侵蝕線下營運,內部管理資源及銷售量的表現均可能受到侵蝕,網路的確可能和原有通路會相互牴觸,因此,同時經營實體店面及線上商店的零售商,必須正視網路通路特殊的特性,協調網路和線下通路,重視多通路的整合問題。多通路模式下,實體通路和虛擬通路應有良好的搭配,致力於讓消費者選擇自己偏好的購買管道,消費選擇的彈性較大進而提升消費者的購物體驗,優化服務品質進一步達成提升業績並提高消費者的信任。本研究選擇傢俱產業的原因為,網路已經成為零售商的必要通路之一,在化妝品、小型家電及書籍方面,多已藉由網路通路拓展消費範圍及客群;但在傢俱產品,卻仍少看到在網路上面有顯著發展的店家,此現象可以首先由傢俱產品的特性是否適合進入網路通路,決定進入網路通路後,則可以透過分析實體通路與虛擬通路之間不同的特性與功能,影響企業在多通路模式中的運作。最後,進而探討在傢俱產業中,實體通路服務品質與虛擬通路服務品質是不是有良好表現以及是否能有效的整合。本研究採用個案研究法,首先透過文獻探討以整理出研究的架構,配合國內傢俱行作為研究個案,以進行調查。透過實際案例深入討論,整理傢俱行在進入多通路模式時面臨的困難點,並了解出個案企業中採行何種管理活動因應多通路模式,以持續優化消費者在通路中的消費體驗,進而能夠有效率的傳遞價值給顧客。並希望此研究能夠對其他傢俱零售商或其他產品的零售商欲經營多通路模式時作為參考。
When the Internet wasn’t popular, retailers sold products through physical stores. Retailers manage activities to maintain customer relationships through single channel. With the rise of the Internet, many retailers are attracted by high flexibility and openness of the Internet, not only to increase merchandise but also to expand new markets. In addition, because of the change of customers’ behavior, they have entered the virtual channel to sell goods and continue to provide innovative services.Now, many companies have their own official website that provides consumers purchasing goods online. Traditional retailers (Brick-and-mortar) expand their physical store activities and place products on the Internet to form a multi-channel merchant (Click-and-mortar), which creates a completely different business model for consumers. The shift of habits and advantages that the Internet brings to retailers have led to the increasing importance of Click-and-mortars, and more paper have start to discuss about Click-and-mortar business model.Through the integration of physical services and virtual services between multiple channels, retailers find the synergy by running multi-channel stores. The retailers can bring good physical services to consumers doesn’t mean it can bring the same good consumer experience via virtual channel. Therefore, this study is about how to measure the service quality of physical and virtual channels, and discussion of integrated service quality for selected retailers. When operating online stores, online activities will erode offline operations, internal management resources and sales performance. Multi-channel retailers must understand the special characteristics of the Internet and focus on channels integration issues. In the multi-channel model, the physical stores and the virtual shops should have a good match. Retails are committed to let consumers choose their preferred channel to enhance shopping experience. Retails optimize service quality which aims to enhance sales revenue and improve consumer trust.For e-commerce, cosmetics, small household appliances and books are the main items. However, about furniture products, it is rare to see significant development on the Internet. This phenomenon can be firstly determined by whether the characteristics of the furniture product are suitable for entering the Internet. After becoming multi-channel retails, we analyze how the difference of features and functions between physical and virtual channel affect the operation. Finally, it is about whether the quality of physical services the virtual services in the furniture industry are well represented and can be effectively integrated. This study uses a case study method. First, the research structure is based on literature review and domestic furniture industry is used as a case. Through in-depth discussion of actual cases, we will sort out the difficulties faced by furniture companies in entering the multi-channel mode, and understand what kind of management activities are adopted in case to respond to the multi-channel model to continuously optimize the consumer experience in the channel. The research will serve as a reference for other furniture retailers or retailers of other products to operate in multi-channel model.參考文獻 王傳宏. (2016). 阿里為何不再做「電商」?| 馬雲演講全文. 每日頭條.尼爾森市場研究公司. (2017). 尼爾森:消費者購物虛實整合 全通路策略有助拓展商機 [Press release]行政院勞動部統計處. (2016). 中華民國行業目錄指南.何佩珊. (2018). 電商平台都愛它,為什麼生活居家品類成市場新寵. 數位時代.林其泉. (2012). 林其泉. (經營管理碩士學程), 國立台灣政治大學, 台北市.美國人口普查局. (2016). E-commerce Report.財團法人資訊工業策進會產業情報中心. (2015). 年度產業報告. Retrieved from陳正和. (2010). 台灣實木家具產業變遷的研究. 樹德科技大學建築與環境設計研究所碩士論文.陳殿禮, 張若涵, & 林于倩. (2012). 台灣傢俱實體通路演變與發展. 台灣感性研討會國立臺北科技大學.陳鈺婷. 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104363100資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104363100 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 羅明琇 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Lo, Ming-Shiow en_US dc.contributor.author (作者) 蘇莉雯 zh_TW dc.contributor.author (作者) Su, Li-Wen en_US dc.creator (作者) 蘇莉雯 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Su, Li-Wen en_US dc.date (日期) 2018 en_US dc.date.accessioned 9-十一月-2018 15:57:02 (UTC+8) - dc.date.available 9-十一月-2018 15:57:02 (UTC+8) - dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 9-十一月-2018 15:57:02 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0104363100 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/120908 - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) zh_TW dc.description (描述) 104363100 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 在網路未流行時期 (1990年代以前),零售商透過實體店面販售產品,消費者至實體店面選購產品。零售商僅需執行單一通路的管理活動,透過實體店面互動維繫顧客關係。隨著網際網路的興起(1990年代),許多零售業者受到網際網路的高度彈性與開放性所吸引,不僅增加商品品項,同時也透過網路拓展新的市場,此外,為了迎合消費者消費習慣的轉變,紛紛進入虛擬通路販售商品,不斷提供創新的服務。現今,許多企業均有自己的官方網站提供消費者透過網路購買商品。傳統零售商經營實體店面(Brick-and-mortar)拓展其實體店面的銷售活動並放置到網路上,形成多通路的商家(Click-and-mortar),進而也產生截然不同的商業模式,消費者習慣的轉變以及網路為零售業者帶來的優勢使得多通路商家(Click-and-mortar)逐漸被重視,從近年來的研究報告也多從討論純電商(Web-based firms)轉變為探討多通路商家(Click-and-mortar)的商業模式。由經營實體通路進入市場的零售商在實體通路的基礎建設與管理活動累積多年經驗,藉此基礎發展線上商店,透過多通路之間實體服務與虛擬服務的整合使得零售商能夠找出通路之間的綜效,而電商市場中能夠帶給消費者良好實體服務的零售商,卻未必能在虛擬服務中帶給消費者同樣良好的消費體驗,因此本研究針對選定的零售商,探討如何衡量實體通路及虛擬通路的服務品質,並針對整合的服務品質做討論。零售商必須考慮到當在經營線上商店時,線上活動將侵蝕線下營運,內部管理資源及銷售量的表現均可能受到侵蝕,網路的確可能和原有通路會相互牴觸,因此,同時經營實體店面及線上商店的零售商,必須正視網路通路特殊的特性,協調網路和線下通路,重視多通路的整合問題。多通路模式下,實體通路和虛擬通路應有良好的搭配,致力於讓消費者選擇自己偏好的購買管道,消費選擇的彈性較大進而提升消費者的購物體驗,優化服務品質進一步達成提升業績並提高消費者的信任。本研究選擇傢俱產業的原因為,網路已經成為零售商的必要通路之一,在化妝品、小型家電及書籍方面,多已藉由網路通路拓展消費範圍及客群;但在傢俱產品,卻仍少看到在網路上面有顯著發展的店家,此現象可以首先由傢俱產品的特性是否適合進入網路通路,決定進入網路通路後,則可以透過分析實體通路與虛擬通路之間不同的特性與功能,影響企業在多通路模式中的運作。最後,進而探討在傢俱產業中,實體通路服務品質與虛擬通路服務品質是不是有良好表現以及是否能有效的整合。本研究採用個案研究法,首先透過文獻探討以整理出研究的架構,配合國內傢俱行作為研究個案,以進行調查。透過實際案例深入討論,整理傢俱行在進入多通路模式時面臨的困難點,並了解出個案企業中採行何種管理活動因應多通路模式,以持續優化消費者在通路中的消費體驗,進而能夠有效率的傳遞價值給顧客。並希望此研究能夠對其他傢俱零售商或其他產品的零售商欲經營多通路模式時作為參考。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) When the Internet wasn’t popular, retailers sold products through physical stores. Retailers manage activities to maintain customer relationships through single channel. With the rise of the Internet, many retailers are attracted by high flexibility and openness of the Internet, not only to increase merchandise but also to expand new markets. In addition, because of the change of customers’ behavior, they have entered the virtual channel to sell goods and continue to provide innovative services.Now, many companies have their own official website that provides consumers purchasing goods online. Traditional retailers (Brick-and-mortar) expand their physical store activities and place products on the Internet to form a multi-channel merchant (Click-and-mortar), which creates a completely different business model for consumers. The shift of habits and advantages that the Internet brings to retailers have led to the increasing importance of Click-and-mortars, and more paper have start to discuss about Click-and-mortar business model.Through the integration of physical services and virtual services between multiple channels, retailers find the synergy by running multi-channel stores. The retailers can bring good physical services to consumers doesn’t mean it can bring the same good consumer experience via virtual channel. Therefore, this study is about how to measure the service quality of physical and virtual channels, and discussion of integrated service quality for selected retailers. When operating online stores, online activities will erode offline operations, internal management resources and sales performance. Multi-channel retailers must understand the special characteristics of the Internet and focus on channels integration issues. In the multi-channel model, the physical stores and the virtual shops should have a good match. Retails are committed to let consumers choose their preferred channel to enhance shopping experience. Retails optimize service quality which aims to enhance sales revenue and improve consumer trust.For e-commerce, cosmetics, small household appliances and books are the main items. However, about furniture products, it is rare to see significant development on the Internet. This phenomenon can be firstly determined by whether the characteristics of the furniture product are suitable for entering the Internet. After becoming multi-channel retails, we analyze how the difference of features and functions between physical and virtual channel affect the operation. Finally, it is about whether the quality of physical services the virtual services in the furniture industry are well represented and can be effectively integrated. This study uses a case study method. First, the research structure is based on literature review and domestic furniture industry is used as a case. Through in-depth discussion of actual cases, we will sort out the difficulties faced by furniture companies in entering the multi-channel mode, and understand what kind of management activities are adopted in case to respond to the multi-channel model to continuously optimize the consumer experience in the channel. The research will serve as a reference for other furniture retailers or retailers of other products to operate in multi-channel model. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 摘要 1Abstract 3目錄 5圖表目錄 6第一章 緒論 7第一節 研究背景與動機 7第二節 研究目的 10第三節 研究內容 12第二章 文獻探討 14第一節 產品與服務的特性 14第二節、行銷通路定義 19第三節、多通路(Multi-Channel) 29第三章 研究方法與流程 40第一節 研究方法與設計 40第二節 研究對象的選擇 43第三節 個案分析設計 44第四節 傢俱零售市場 47第四章 個案分析 52第一節 個案介紹 52第二節 個案討論 56第五章 結論與建議 86第一節 研究發現 86第二節 管理建議 87第三節 研究貢獻 89第四節 研究限制 89參考文獻 91 zh_TW dc.format.extent 1681024 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104363100 en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 多通路模式 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 虛擬服務 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 實體服務 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 服務品質 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 傢俱零售業 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Multi-channel en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Physical service en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Virtual service en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Service quality en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Furniture industry en_US dc.title (題名) 多通路模式下服務品質之探討 : 以T公司為例 zh_TW dc.title (題名) Study of service quality under multi-channel: a study of company T en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 王傳宏. 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