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題名 日本過勞職災之行政認定基準的形成、轉換與法理論爭 ──兼論我國法制建構之現況與學說發展
Japanese Standards in Recognition of Formation, Transformation and Legal Debates of Occupational Hazards Related to Overwork: Taiwanese Scholarly Development and Current Legal Structure
作者 林良榮
Lin, Liang-Jung
貢獻者 法學院
關鍵詞  Occupational Hazards ; Occupational Disease ; Overwork Death ; Overwork Suicide ; Compensation for Occupational Hazards ; Insurance Payment for Occupational Hazards ; Considerable Causal Relationship ; In the Course of Employment ; Arise out of Employment ; Occupational Medicine
職業災害 ; 職業病 ; 過勞死 ; 過勞自殺 ; 職災補償 ; 職災保險給付 ; 相當因果關係 ; 業務遂行性 ; 業務起因性 ; 職業醫學
日期 2018-09
上傳時間 6-十二月-2018 17:40:12 (UTC+8)
摘要 This article is about the recognition of occupational hazards related to overwork. From the perspective of policy making, the primary contents address how to recognize the Japanese and Taiwanese standards of overworked occupational hazards as well as the transformational process. By the way of referencing how Japanese insurance system recognizes the standards of occupational hazards and theoretically identifies the legal review based on the considerable causal relationship, Taiwanese government could obtain pluralistic theory on the explanations of recognizing the overworked occupational hazards. It could open up horizons as the government trying to establish separate legal policies for the insurance system of occupational hazards. Based on the current controversies about labor insurance administrative payment for overworked occupational hazards, the characteristics of the native labor society should be recognized as a priority. It is ideal to establish relief policies for occupational hazards based on values of human rights. Hopefully, the future controversy could be resolved legally by gradually constructing a legal technique for recognizing overworked occupational hazards.
關聯 臺北大學法學論叢, 107期 (2018 / 09 / 01) , P225 - 334
資料類型 article
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.6774/TULR
dc.contributor 法學院zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 林良榮zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lin, Liang-Jungen_US
dc.date (日期) 2018-09
dc.date.accessioned 6-十二月-2018 17:40:12 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 6-十二月-2018 17:40:12 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 6-十二月-2018 17:40:12 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/121252-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This article is about the recognition of occupational hazards related to overwork. From the perspective of policy making, the primary contents address how to recognize the Japanese and Taiwanese standards of overworked occupational hazards as well as the transformational process. By the way of referencing how Japanese insurance system recognizes the standards of occupational hazards and theoretically identifies the legal review based on the considerable causal relationship, Taiwanese government could obtain pluralistic theory on the explanations of recognizing the overworked occupational hazards. It could open up horizons as the government trying to establish separate legal policies for the insurance system of occupational hazards. Based on the current controversies about labor insurance administrative payment for overworked occupational hazards, the characteristics of the native labor society should be recognized as a priority. It is ideal to establish relief policies for occupational hazards based on values of human rights. Hopefully, the future controversy could be resolved legally by gradually constructing a legal technique for recognizing overworked occupational hazards.en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本文為關於「過勞性」職災認定之研究,主要內容是從職災政策形成的角度說明日本與我國行政機關對於過勞性職災原因如何認定的基準及其政策轉換的形成過程。希望能借鏡日本因過勞職災的認定爭議而建構的制度與相關法理,從法政策史的觀察角度,說明該國政府於職災保險行政上有關職災認定基準的法律技術建構,以及在學說上對於該認定基準(以相當因果關係為中心)的法理檢討,提供我國對於過勞職災認定之解釋有更多元的理論途徑,並附以期待我國職災保險將進入單獨立(專)法的階段得有開拓國際比較的政策視野。就現階段我國勞保行政給付上對於過勞職災認定所生之爭議,應基於對我國本土勞動社會所具有特性之認識為前提,參照外國相關行政制度設計與學理主張,以職災人權作為職災救濟之政策形成的目的與核心價值,逐步建構一套我國於職災保險行政上如何認定(過勞)職災的法律技術,以期未來該職災認定的爭議解決得以朝向更為法律化的發展。zh_TW
dc.format.extent 1854927 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 臺北大學法學論叢, 107期 (2018 / 09 / 01) , P225 - 334
dc.subject (關鍵詞)  Occupational Hazards ; Occupational Disease ; Overwork Death ; Overwork Suicide ; Compensation for Occupational Hazards ; Insurance Payment for Occupational Hazards ; Considerable Causal Relationship ; In the Course of Employment ; Arise out of Employment ; Occupational Medicineen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 職業災害 ; 職業病 ; 過勞死 ; 過勞自殺 ; 職災補償 ; 職災保險給付 ; 相當因果關係 ; 業務遂行性 ; 業務起因性 ; 職業醫學zh_TW
dc.title (題名) 日本過勞職災之行政認定基準的形成、轉換與法理論爭 ──兼論我國法制建構之現況與學說發展zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Japanese Standards in Recognition of Formation, Transformation and Legal Debates of Occupational Hazards Related to Overwork: Taiwanese Scholarly Development and Current Legal Structureen_US
dc.type (資料類型) article
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6774/TULR
dc.doi.uri (DOI) http://dx.doi.org/10.6774/TULR